Tour of Cambridgeshire

Tour of Cambridgeshire


Banana Boy

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Saturday 20th December 2014
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I saw this ( ) featured in this weeks Cycling Weekly and with the start/finish being within a few miles of my house it got me thinking...

I guess I'm a young 'MAMIL' to coin a common phrase being banded about recently. I'll be 34 next year, used to cycle everywhere while at school etc. but got a driving licence, job, house, wife, kids, blah blah blah and only really got back the saddle in May when our second car became un-roadworthy.

Either way, I'm really enjoying the cycling now and would like to do more, I've been looking at various sportives etc. My commute is only about 8km each way but I've managed the occasional 50km Saturday ride and was averaging about 27-29kph in the summer down to 24-26kph since winter arrived. (According to Strava data)

So far my thinking has been along the line of my preparation and my kit preparation.

In terms of my prep, I have the opportunity to put in extra miles on the way home from work and can do long distance weekend rides as an when my wife isn't working - I could do with losing more weight and inches around the middle so this appears to be great motivation?!

My current bike is a 2014 Dawes Galaxy AL, it's a great commuting bike and has been an absolute dream since I bought it in July. I don't have money to buy a 2nd bike so I will have to use the Dawes - I have a plan though...

In early Feb I will have an opportunity to upgrade the pedals and convert to cleets. The cages have been ok for commuting but on occasions where I have been pushing on my feet have come out and caused problems so I like the idea of clipping in.

Sometime through May I intend to upgrade the wheels and don some summer/road tyres, (the Schwalbe Marathons I have at the moment are great but I know a more specific tyre will help) I've been looking at options and I'm comfortable with the concept and benifits.

For the event I figured that I could use the day before to strip the bike of all the unnecessary kit like mud guards, panniers and rack etc. leaving her lighter, faster and looking the part-ish?

I'm fairly competitive and like to push myself, I like the fact that this is closed roads and on my door step.


Am I being naive? will I get laughed out of the place? What are the mid-packers averaging over these sorts of distances? Any advice and encouragement will be gratefully received. (or discouragement if I'm being stupid)

Must go to bed, I want to see if I can put in a 100k ride tomorrow morning! It's looking a bit breezy though... BBC weather app says 15mph north easterly winds?!

Banana Boy

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115 months

Sunday 21st December 2014
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Sounds like I'm sold on the idea! smile

Time to get some serious planning on the go! I'm not going to fool myself into thinking that I can be competitive but I have to do the best I can!

I was given a time limit of 2 hours by SWMBO for this morning (apparently we had stuff to do/people to see, something about a non-religious gift-giving day approaching?!) so only got in 51 and a bit kms at 26.4kph avg (16.4mph) but the wind was killer today so I'm fairly happy with that and have some areas of improvement to think about.

First things first, I need to get the cash together and get registered! smile

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Wednesday 24th December 2014
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SixPotBelly said:
The Time Trial has sold out. That was quick, but then there were only 700 places.

The Gran Fondo is for 10,000 riders but, going on comments here at least, it seems 10x as popular and I wouldn't be surprised if that sells out too. If that's the case, anyone thinking about entering may want to do so sooner rather than later...
bks! frown

Couldn't get the £80 together in time! Did some juggling to enter the Sunday Gran Fondo before that sells out too but really wanted to do both?! frown

Ho hum, time to focus I guess! Looking forward to June already! smile

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Sunday 28th December 2014
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What better way to kick off my ToC training than with an impromptu, poorly planned and executed ride to Cambridge and back! Thought I'd have a bit of a look at some of the propose route to the west of Peterborough this morning and kind of ended up Forest Gump'ing my way to Cambridge along the guided bus route from St Ives!

Tbh today ended up being more about proving that I was capable of doing the distance rather than setting any records but considering my preparation (or lack of) for the ride, I'm fairly happy... Last nights dinner was a pork roast so not exactly carb'd up, hit a bowl of porridge with a sprinkling of raisins for breakfast and took a banana, an orange, two clubs and a jam doughnut with me along with a bottle of water - basically, what I happened to have in!

Got there pretty easily, 'cadence' was the key word for today. I'd read that 90-95 is 'the range' to be in? Recently I've been pottering around at 80-85 which does feel a little slow. Today I found 90-95 uncomfortably fast and tried to settle around 85-90?

I was also fairly happy on the way back, it was into a slight wind but fairly manageable until around Wood Walton when I felt like I was running out of steam. Cramps started to twang in the thighs and calves as I got onto the old A1 at Sawtry but I gently spun my way through them to find a second pair of legs approaching Yaxley! (God knows where from!) I cruised through Hampton and back home for some beans on toast with a couple of poached eggs and a tin of tuna! (Probably not the best nutrition regime but it's my favourite lunch and after 140k in less than 6hrs, I wanted a treat!) smile

My three self-motivational phrases today were:

Chin up, attack the climb!
Feel the burn, feed the burn!
and, Just keep spinning!

So now I'm happy, I know I can complete the distance and with some training, nutritional investigation/advice I reckon I stand a chance of improving my time/avg speed to somewhere fairly respectable?!

Edited by Banana Boy on Sunday 28th December 22:54

Banana Boy

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115 months

Thursday 15th January 2015
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I think I can safely say that I'm a cadence convert! smile

While the wind's been strong and unpredictable I've been working on my rpm, concentrating on cadence only riding to work and then cadence with suffering on the way home (the only way to get faster and stronger - so I'm led to believe?!). Really feeling the benefit now! I can comfortably do 95-105rpm and recently managed 110-120rpm with no saddle bounce!

Fully committed to June now, got to bin off the gut - it's getting in the way of my legs in the 'full aero' position! wink I'm planning to lose at least 10kg's from myself and 8 or 9 from the bike! We're 102.5kgs together at the mo, 84.5 is me (at only 167cms tall I'm a bit podgy!) with 18 in the bike (as it rides today, fully loaded with guards, rack, panniers etc)

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Monday 9th February 2015
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Celtic Dragon said:
Another 1 booked in here. Better get training now, I think I have 17 weeks to get ready with being on call every other week, this could be interesting!
I think it is about 17 weeks to go! I'm bang on for achieving my weight target at the mo, did another 3 hours in the saddle on Sunday and got a load of bike upgrades in the pipe line - can't wait! smile

Banana Boy

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115 months

Saturday 14th March 2015
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Celtic Dragon - in PH kit / Poss Velocio Sram Jersey with PH bibs.
Evosticks - most likely FLATB yeller jersey
Gruffy - FPHKW
SixPotBelly - PH jersey
Banana Boy - Most likely something yellow (I have a slight obsession with yellow tops...)

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Sunday 15th March 2015
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SixPotBelly said:
Banana Boy -

Heard yesterday the organisers are talking with the local authorities to extend the road closure times on the Saturday, which would allow them to release some more places for the Time Trial. They're hoping to make an announcement soon. Keep an eye on their website or sign up for their twitter feed and you may get in the TT yet smile
I heard that too! Brilliant news, I already had a regular eye on the website but I think now it'll be at least a once daily check-in! biggrin

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Monday 23rd March 2015
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skibum said:
Was a bit bored, so attempted to plot out the ToC GF route on Strava to see what we are in for.

It's as near as I could get it, given the small picture off the website. It does something different around Alconbury - perhaps we'll be riding across the runway?!

Had today off and had a few hours spare to get on the bike. I had toyed with trying to hit the whole course but got out a bit late and after a bit of a wrong turn I called it a day at Bury/Ramsey and headed home...

Anybody who's used the words 'flat' and 'boring' when describing the course needs to come and put their name down! - OK, I know it's no Alpine pass or continental drag lasting miles and miles but... there's some decent enough assents to challenge short, fat wannabe's like me! smile

The ride out was lovely, sun shining, fairly clear skies and a moderate wind which was almost pleasant. For every assent there's a decent! There's some good opportunities to get the pedals spinning, managed to top out at 61.6kph! smile

By the time I'd got to Ramsey and headed home the clouds had closed in, the wind picked up and of course it was strait in, head on, all, the, way, home!... Totally destroyed my avg kph! frown

Can't wait for June now! smile

Saw plenty of fellow roadies out today, don't know if any were PH'ers? I said 'Morning' to all - from the short guy on a pannier adorned tourer - black tights, flouro yellow top, red hat... (colour coordination isn't a strong point!)

2015 03 23 - ToC Prep Ride by Ben Magee Creative Arts, on Flickr

I think I missed Vinegar Hill, I turned the wrong way today... bugger! smile

Edited by Banana Boy on Monday 23 March 17:14

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Friday 8th May 2015
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Some Gump said:
Banana Boy said:
Anybody who's used the words 'flat' and 'boring' when describing the course needs to come and put their name down! -

2015 03 23 - ToC Prep Ride

I think I missed Vinegar Hill, I turned the wrong way today... bugger! smile
Now please don't get me wrong, cyclist 1 upmanship is as crappy as the world can get but....

Really? a 150ft hill is hilly? You need to come to the peak district, sooooo much more fun.
Out of interest, what was distance / total elevation for the route?
I didn't say it was hilly, I just said it wasn't flat! That route was 99.4km @ 300m total but I think Cycling Weekly put the total at 437m? I fully understand that there are 'proper climbs' out there, I have cycled on and off road in the lake district so I know what a 'proper hill' feels like. I fully intend to do more in the future but right now my time, effort and money are invested in the ToC!

FWIW I'd like to post a 42 minute TT and a 4 1/2hr GF, but TBH I'm not really interested in the leader boards as I totally understand that many, many people are lighter, stronger and fitter than I am with much more experience - my focus is on me, my bike and the sands of time! smile

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Saturday 9th May 2015
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Some Gump said:
Banana Boy said:
I didn't say it was hilly, I just said it wasn't flat! That route was 99.4km @ 300m total but I think Cycling Weekly put the total at 437m? I fully understand that there are 'proper climbs' out there, I have cycled on and off road in the lake district so I know what a 'proper hill' feels like. I fully intend to do more in the future but right now my time, effort and money are invested in the ToC!

FWIW I'd like to post a 42 minute TT and a 4 1/2hr GF, but TBH I'm not really interested in the leader boards as I totally understand that many, many people are lighter, stronger and fitter than I am with much more experience - my focus is on me, my bike and the sands of time! smile
OUCH! 99.4 miles? I've done similar before, twice - both times less than a gnats pube from a milestone. Promise it wasn';t a criticism - I went riding in Cambridge lst week and didn't like it (42 miles / 400ft elevation, sob).. Not sure what your other times are (dnt look like 10's or 25's, and I thought GF was girlfriend) - but as per last post -this is cycling, there's always someone out there who maks your achievement look totally lame - like when Cancellara won the Paris Roubaix and OKGO was there at the end - having done it twice with a hangover =)
I didn't take it as criticism, I'm far too chilled out for that these days! smile

God no! 99.4 kilometres! I haven't broke the 100 mile marker, yet! smile Coincidently my furthest ride to date is an 80 odd mile round trip to Cambridge and back! That was a 6hr midwinter jollie though just to prove to myself that I could at least complete the distance! Most of my actual training has been the 10 mile commute I do almost every day along with sporadic weekend rides of varying distances and efforts.

Although I am incredibly competitive by nature, I gave up competing with other people long time ago. I used to be a terrible loser and had to nearly kill myself every time to win or get in the top three of whatever I was doing. I kind of realised that I wasn't good enough to compete nationally or internationally in any given sport so rather than chew myself up over it I chilled out and started to look within myself for improvements in my own performance... (I'm not sure yet how I will cope when I get older and have to accept that I might have to slow down and ease up?! - my Grandpa loved windsurfing and didn't give that up until he turned 70!) smile

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Saturday 9th May 2015
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Celtic Dragon said:
SixPotBelly said:
Come on Some Gump, get entered and come ride this.

It may not be hilly, but the course is the same for everyone and what the Fens lack in climbs they make up for in headwinds. No nice mountains to shelter you in the flatlands. smile
Not forgetting the sudden unexpected cross winds! Round here they're famous!
Amen to that! Mile upon mile spent grinding into a head wind has got to be as challenging as any climb?! wink

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Sunday 24th May 2015
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It's all feeling a bit real now! Had a look at the briefing videos, downloaded and read the race book and printed off my registration emails along with the start list page with my start time and race number on... all with a slightly nervous excitement. smile

The registration does seem a bit 'faffy' but I'm taking comfort in their intended level of organisation! (having done the London Brighton Mini Run a number of times I know this sort of thing absolutely requires military precision!)

I'll also be in the saddle tomorrow but family/wife's work commitments mean that I'll probably hit the road at about 0730. Thinking I might tackle the TT loop around Folksworth and Morborne which will get me up the bullock hill twice. Heading down towards Hamerton I might be wrong but I think the route has changed slightly and enters Alconbury Weston a bit further down the road? Which is a shame because there is a lovely winding decent through a narrow(ish) road with high hedges and no real verge as you come out of Winwick towards Hamerton/Alconbury but it is giving you a longer run up to Vinegar Hill which might be handy? smile

From there I'll see how I'm feeling, I ought to carry on through Wood Walton ad Upwood etc. towards Pondersbridge like you guys but my time on the road has taken a hammering recently and I don't want to hurt myself inside the last two weeks?!

I'm hoping that once I'm out there I'll be having too much fun to want to come home?! smile

Edited by Banana Boy on Monday 25th May 06:14

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Monday 25th May 2015
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Gruffy said:
Banana Boy said:
printed off my registration emails along with the start list page with my start time and race number on... all with a slightly nervous excitement. smile
Where do you find those? Have I missed an email or am I being blonde and not seeing the link on the website?
There are links to PDFs below the count down banner.

I have to say that the website isn't very clear when it comes to sharing information, I only found these because I happened to look at the twitter feed on the side of the website! (I'm not on social media anymore)

Edited by Banana Boy on Monday 25th May 06:13

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Monday 25th May 2015
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Gruffy said:
Ah, OK. No race numbers or anything yet for the Gran Fondo though? Unfortunately I was a bit too slow and missed out on the TT.
No, I also looked for those but they're not up yet. I think the race book says they'll be there at least a week before the event though?

Went out as planned although totally cocked up my fuelling, only realised late last night that we had no oats and only one banana! frown Ended up with Weetabix with raisins and 'the' banana for breakfast with a strong black coffee leaving me to take two spare SIS gels (one of which fell out of my pocket without me realising, pissing me off twice; I hate littering and I wasted a full gel!) a box of raisins, a chewy chocolate crispy bar thing and a couple of fun sized Haribo! rolleyes and I managed to only tablet one bottle of water!

Couple that with staining my white jersey on my chain ring after dropping my bottle on the drive I was beginning to think my ride was doomed! frown

I'm glad I went now though, my aim for today was to cycle for three hours solid, average 30kph and PB the unperceivable gradients on the bullock road and vinegar hill coming out of Alconbury Weston.

Hopefully the wind will be blowing in the same direction in two weekends time, the run from Winwick to Alsonbury Weston was lovely! Cruising along on my own felt quick and at one point I looked down to realise that I was pushing on at over 46kph! I think a decent group of front runners could easily get along there at over 50kph?! smile

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Tuesday 26th May 2015
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WinstonWolf said:
It shouldn't be too windy until you get towards Ramsey/Pondersbridge if I know my fens. Once you see the turbines just get low on the bars and dig in biggrin
SixPotBelly said:
^ Yep, that was the part when I really began to notice the wind. When I first looked at the route map I thought that long, flat, straight drag would be dull but, perversely, the headwind made it actually quite enjoyable. Getting low, as you say, and concentrating on keeping up a good rhythm was quite a bit more fun than it sounds. I'm actually now looking forward to that stretch come Sunday week! smile
I think that's the bit people will underestimate if they've only looked at the map! My mate lives out Pondersbridge way and reckons it's pretty much always windy! I was out in it a few months ago coming from Ramsey way back to P'boro full face head wind all the way home - it was an absolute killer! smile

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Tuesday 26th May 2015
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WinstonWolf said:
I spend most of my time out on the fens, you can have a headwind from four separate directions all at once smile
I've noticed that! It's quite demoralising turning a corner from a head wind into a head wind only to find a head wind around the next corner... I can't wait! smile

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Monday 1st June 2015
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WinstonWolf said:
This should get the local NIMBYs revved up
I think they could have written a better headline tbh, when read it's not all doom and gloom and it actually seems like the road closures have been handled quite sensibly?! Typical local rag stuff though I guess?

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Tuesday 2nd June 2015
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Gruffy said:
Ah, OK. No race numbers or anything yet for the Gran Fondo though? Unfortunately I was a bit too slow and missed out on the TT.
According to the twitter feed on the website / fb page, Gran Fondo race numbers etc are being emailed this week! smilesmilesmile

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Tuesday 2nd June 2015
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PeteB0 said:
Just had the email confirming my rider number. Anyone considering riding an aeroframe, or wearing anything particularly streamlined need not bother

On the positive side, it should make for a good sail with a tail wind!
I received an email confirming my TT race number but nothing about the Gran Fondo? I've just emailed them to see if I'll get a separate GF email or if the TT number will carry through?

I have to admit that number board does look a little odd, although I don't think the close-up is helpful. My guess looking at the width of the stem as a guide is that it is 'only' 100-120mm wide? (I did expect something smaller tucked or hung in the frame or off the back of the seat maybe?)

1. Banana Boy - TT#180 - Stripped back 2014 Dawes Galaxy AL - White/Blue/Black Shorts & Jersey
2. SixPotBelly - PH jersey and black/red alé bibs - number 1392
3. WinstonWolf - Black/Red/Green/White with a fetching multicoloured beard. Number 9119 on a black/red Planet X RT58 with a Brooks saddle.
4. Gruffy - Black Rapha, pink band, fluro bars, glorious mane of blonde hair #588
5. PeteB0 - Black/grey Castelli jersey (prologo) and black bibs/Gabba weather dependant - number 220
6. straight dad
7. j00pY - Decathlon aero 9000 bibs and top
8. pembo - Probably a Kellogs Cornflakes jersey
9. 3013buz - Yellow PH Jersey, DHB Bibs, Black CAAD10
10. JagBox
11. Celtic Dragon - FPHKW! Number 4532
12. skibum
13. ALawson
14. Bedford Rascal
15. Evosticks - most likely FLATB yeller jersey
16. Dontdobends - Team Lusso 72design Jersey and bib shorts
17. Bobley - Black boardman bike, black kit, "3T" jersey, black/flouro lid
18. BigBen - Grey / Red Scott bike, but most easily spotted by being a giant.

Edited by Banana Boy on Tuesday 2nd June 21:51