Trials of Finding New Job



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Wednesday 26th September 2018
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just had a long chat with one of the agencies that actually seems to be doing some recruiting work......

anyway we discussed a role and she said its likely to pay about £25 - asking me is that OK? No, as its a lot less than what I used to earn but how would you tackle this one? Swallow your pride and just make out 25K is fine and hope it swings you the job? National average salary is now £27,271 so its a fair bit below that for a professional role requiring a professional qualification in the UK and I dont agree with it.

Even if I make it to an interview if the question comes up is it best to just say nowt and suck it up-take the job because its a job and accept it could be a lot lower money on minimum wage or try and talk myself up to get at least the £27k? The next person interviewing might just say 25k is spot on and they get the ob on that basis of being cheapest.........

is there a danger I could lose out if I even try to get more money?

I heard a good one the other day about jobs not being all about the money and that you could for example try to negotiate less hours. Sounds good but I think the reality is they will allow you less hours but with proportionally less pay so its not actually a gain.

My gut tells me to keep quiet get the job then try and either make that job work and demand a raise down the line or use it and keep looking for another job at better money.......

Edited by ToothbrushMan on Wednesday 26th September 13:36


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Wednesday 26th September 2018
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and all this rollercoastering and sweating over a job offering what is really a pissy £25,000

you can see why cyber crime is on the rise. sit back and watch a computer screen for a few hours a day sniffing out your victims not ever having to lift a boss on your back, no deadlines to meet might lift £20,000 net in one hit from somebody buying a house and paying their deposit to their solicitors (or thinking thats where its going)........mind you forever looking over my shoulder is the bit I couldnt stomach smile


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Thursday 27th September 2018
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Flooble said:
Just had an agent approach me (yaaay) about a role.

Except I worked out where it was and know the guy who runs that department so in response to her initial email I asked how my mate was and if they still ran a particular system (I know they do).

Got an automatic ‘here’s the job description, tell me what you think’ reply. Didn’t acknowledge my two questions.

So evidently either a real person not reading their emails or an entirely automated CV collection system.

Sums up the state of today’s job market
staggeringly ste isnt it.......i had to chase up another global company today about an interview way back in sunny July- i doubt i got to the next stage but as a follow up at least make them put a bit of effort in and I wont leave them alone until they do come back. so far just had their acknowledgement they will an not automated either which make s a change.


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Thursday 27th September 2018
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I am really beginning to lose trust in agencies and plan on checking up on whether they are actually putting me forward for roles or whether roles exist once
get the name of the company I will be sending them a tactful email to ensure that the company does actually have a vacancy.....

ill be back on it again only hope at the moment is a possible job selling used cars for a national dealer. reckon id hate it but it could be money for at least 3-6 months if I managed to convince them that I am actually CEO material !!


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Friday 28th September 2018
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ive done it again and fallen into that trap of happily telling an agency my DoB......I am furious with myself but the conversation with the agent flows along so well it kind of just hits you after the call not during. the agent said something like.....".....OK thats all great......oh by the way we just need to update our records.......whats your date of birth?"

needless to say I did this tuesday and that agent said we have a number of openings and that somebody with my experience should'nt be out of work much longer (blowing smoke up my backside - they all seem to do this giving false hope). and he will definitely get back to me in a few days and he we are on Friday - no phone call. I do wonder if as soon as they put the phone down on me on Tuesday did they chuck my CV straight into the shredder because they know I am 49 not 29?

This search is proving painful.


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Friday 28th September 2018
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silent ninja said:
Managers don't know what they want. It's your job to tell them.

Edited by silent ninja on Friday 28th September 12:25
good point. this is part of my pain letters project ive not yet started......


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Saturday 29th September 2018
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lyonspride said:
Xaero said:
If you put your references in your CV you'll get considerably less calls from agencies, but including your address and full DOB is just asking for identity theft. My CV even contains a disclaimer stating that my details cannot be passed to 3rd parties without my express permission on a case by case basis.


Edited by lyonspride on Friday 28th September 18:59
Youre probably already protected by GDPR - thats assuming the agency is at least saying they comply with the laws that govern such matters. I bet theres plenty of fly by night agencies out there that dont even know what GDPR is.

Belt and braces makes good sense though ........and yes NEVER put your date of birth on a CV.


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Sunday 30th September 2018
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firstly thanks for joining this chat. at least you are in a job so have money coming in whilst you look for a new job. its far far harder now to find work whether in or out of work not sure it makes much difference anymore.

on no.6 above when you say the HR girl was looking "leeway" on the money. Ive worked at a few places where money was always apparently many a sticking issue with various items of expense such as pay rises/salaries YET those same companies never seemed to bat an eyelid in paying for hundreds of "delegates" (read=employees) to fly out to far flung parts of europe for so called conferences that ight last 3 or 4 days whist the rest of us grunts stayed exactly where we was to do the actual "work" back at base. drove me nuts. we had one guy offer to fly to glasgow and back in one day at a cost of about £200 all in to visit a wholesale customer with a strong possibility of bringing in an additional £170,000 of business. Can you believe that he was told theres "no money in the pot" ! You couldnt make it up. The last overseas conference with taxi's meals flights transfers insurance lost man hours back at the office while 400 key people were off galavanting in paris or madrid etc hotel rooms venue costs etc must have made this guys £200 trip to bonnie scotland look like a couple of pence relatively speaking. Boils my urea the way big companies mismanage their money like this. We also spent a small fortune on diversity policies and culture etc with colourful leaflets and cards. Just to me one big waste of cash.

the job i applied for in July readvertised it for a 3rd time yesterday on the Indeed website- i really dont understand what that company is playing at or why they do this. are they simply building up a pool of talent to keep on ice if they suddenly need them? who knows but I doubt it......

another company I applied to in Feb 2018 still to this day advertises the exact same position every month and now we are almost into October so nigh on 8 months - the adverts still up!

Personally I think because the job market is broken in the UK those that really want work would greatly benefit from some fresh regulation of the industry in terms of outlawing the readvertising of jobs that have been filled, adverts for fake or non-existent positions, CV "gathering" by deceit, not giving feedback to each and every applicant who at least made it to interview stage all so applicants should have confidence that when they see a vacancy, it is genuine and if they go to the time and trouble of tailoring their cover letter and CV then that applicant deserves a response and where found in breach big fines are slapped on these companies and agencies.

Edited by ToothbrushMan on Sunday 30th September 11:38


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127 months

Monday 1st October 2018
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im getting to the stage that when I go for interview now i am already thinking "is this company wasting my time?"......i know its an unhealthy way to think but after so many top interviews where you think its a walk in the park you get not just a knock back but sometimes nothing or the real insult saying we went with somebody else only to see that vacancy advertised over and over.......

I have an interview Wednesday. Ive already had word from the agent that the interviewer "wants to know how I will get on with the journey (the daily commute) so you can already sense that rather than think to themselves this guy lives too far away we wont waste his or our time getting him over for interview they are thinking get him in anyway and lets waste his time.........I am very cynical now about these companies when hiring.

I'll strut in and tell then how easy the journey was and that it wouldnt be a problem then in a few days time the agency will probably say their client thought the commute was going to be a bit too far for me. But if I can get there then surely thats my decision otherwise I wouldnt have asked to be considered for the position? If that is there only reason for not giving me the job I should be able to reclaim my train fare back from them.

I've worked with people who commuted 2, 3 or 4 days a week to Manchester or London from Birmingham. This job is 17 miles/45 mins away LOL. We will see.


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Monday 1st October 2018
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Flooble said:
That's a long list. And rather tallies with my experience. I feel there are an awful lot of roles out there which don't really exist.

I've been looking off and on since June.

1) Applied via LinkedIn for role. Had an hour's pre-screening telephone interview with the agent. Then an awful Video conference with a guy in Europe somewhere and a guy who was literally ten minutes up the road - why I couldn't have gone onsite so at least two of us were in the same room I'll never know. They actually said on the call they weren't entirely sure what they wanted! Looking back I can see they have been advertising the role since February and are still advertising.

2) A decent headhunter I know setup two telephone interviews. First one was a decent enough interview but they found someone with a better fit - fair enough. Second one they decided they didn't actually need that role filling after all.

3) Mammoth application process for a role consisting of a telephone interview, a five page application form going back to school days, several case studies, an entire day (0900-1730) onsite being interviewed, then a further telephone interview (they rearranged it twice). After all that was rejected as "not flexible enough".

4) Telephone interview for a role where they'd already filled it internally - got feedback to that effect the next day!

5) Straight to face-to-face (refreshing!) and another "found someone with a better fit". Fair enough again. My sort of job it's often as much a cultural fit as technical abilities.

6) Telephone interview for a role that, after two weeks of silence, I heard had gone to a mate of the hiring manager instead

7) Telephone interview that ... yep ... filled internally

I have a feeling that at the moment there is a lot of stagnancy in the job market, and plenty of firms just building pools of candidates in case brexit doesn't happen/doesn't affect the economy the way the doom-mongers predict.

I counted up and I've made around 100 applications in total to get those 7 interviews.

It's quite irritating to spend so long doing tailored CVs, cover letters etc. or worse that full day off work, only to get nowhere.
for the job in no.3 - can I ask what on earth this job was? a full day of interviews? that end result of not being flexible enough is taking the mickey surely.....sounds like youve already demonstrated just how flexible you are-this saddens me after all that effort.


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Monday 1st October 2018
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MYOB said:
Another knock back from the public sector today (local authority).

I initially aimed for jobs at my previous level only to be told I don't have the right experience for the jobs advertised.

So I lowered my expectations and aimed lower down the ladder, and now I'm being told I'm over qualified.

Can't win!
at least you had a reply which is a novelty these days. youre right sounds like you cant win and i feel your frustrations......painful.

ive been looking through job boards today and some of the applications are just soul destroying and they are sucking the life out me - these are for basic jobs generally paying NMW like a driver for a charity or shelf stacker etc. you know 9 time out of 10 that your application will not be looked at by a human.


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Tuesday 2nd October 2018
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funkyrobot said:
HistoricBM said:
applied for a senior level role recently.....

28th September
Thank you for your application for the role of ....
We appreciate the time and effort taken in submitting your application.
After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that we are not progressing with your application on this occasion.

1st October
Congratulations! You have been progressed forward in the recruitment process and next we would like you to complete the assessments detailed in the table below....
what an unholy mess. that just goes to show what we are dealing with..............i doubt its an isolated response. To them we are just a 0 or a 1 in some algorithm.


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Tuesday 2nd October 2018
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to the chap ^ chunder27 who had his offer my head I am thinking as the employer "we've found the right person". just because paperwork was delayed is no reason to just pull the offer. The job is I presume still needing to be filled (unless of course they are glad the agency messed up as this has perhaps allowed them to get out of the whole offering you the job melee they find themselves in for whatever reason).......

If the agency has messed up by sitting on your papers for 3 weeks because a guy there had left then I'm sorry I would say that agency have potentially cost you that job and that they should be answerable. If that doesnt constitute professional negligence then I dont know what would.

First up did you have the offer in writing on the employers letterhead or on the agents letterhead or in email form? Had you verbally accepted and do you know if that was conveyed by the guy that recently left leaving you in limbo?

I know people and I would do the same who on receipt of a firm job offer would maybe book a late holiday or treat themselves to a weekend away of book a meal or something maybe replace the broken washing machine or boiler on the strength that youve got a nice salary coming in ahead of you so the heat is off financially. If youve done similar thinking the agency had it all under control and theyve Flocked it up then I would go gunning for them if they cannot get the employer to reason with them and reinstate the offer. Is the job still there? Is it the employer who has said its pulled or only the agencies word that its been pulled Ie; was there ever really an offer?

I had an offer taken off me in 1996. The reason was it was subject to completion of a proper application form and the letter that came with the form back then clearly stated "you have 14 days to complete and return this form otherwise our offer will automatically terminate" I sat on it for 7 days and got a letter saying offer pulled! I filled my pants as I had resigned from my other job. Anyway the employer was very understanding (back then you could actually telephone the guy who had sent me the form who would be the line manager) so he was very apologetic and said no sweat send it in tomorrow and all sorted.

Edited by ToothbrushMan on Tuesday 2nd October 16:49


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Wednesday 3rd October 2018
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chunder27 said:
In answer to toothbrush.

I have spoken to the agency, they are blaming me for taking too long. Because of the person leaving the new agent was unaware of the dealings I had to deal with why i could not complete the DBS check, this was for some unknown reason, I thought it was council tax, then electoral roll, and the waiting time was for this reason, as reported to the agent who left.

So that took quite a while, then was hurriedly sorting stuff out last week and this only tin find the company took back the offer, I was never informed of any deadline on my part, and was able to explain any delays.

Fair enough I did not do everything as soon as I found out or received the info, so that's a lesson to learn, but even so the job was offered, via an agency, and the company are saying I took too long to complete the paperwork.

I now fund references have not been attained, Iw as not informed of this. Nor of any impending job deal closure.

The agency is Morson

One ot avoid
another thing that I will take from this story and i recommend others follow is that when you are asked to return "paperwork" then in addition to getting it back without delay (so important) send it "signed for recorded or even special delivery" or even better if localish then physically drop the papers to the place of work get the name of the person you hand them over to and follow up by email to the person who asked for the paperwork and say you have done as much. keep that paper trail to cover your arris if there is a hint of an offer being withdrawn for non return. these days with so much riding on it if you get an offer you like youve got to protect your position. I cannot imagine the sheer frustration of having the delight of getting an offer then the feeling if that offer is then taken away.

I will not now rely on just putting papers in an envelope then putting a stamp on it.....too much at stake these days.

on the lighter subject of interesting lunches (PMSL) during our job hunting days I have perfected the dark arts of the perfect poached eggs on toast and eggs "over easy".


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Wednesday 3rd October 2018
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had an interview today which didnt get off to a great start as the taxi driver and myself couldnt find the damn office. almost cancelled but luckily he spotted the companies tiny old and very filthy little hard to read sign amongst a sea of huge signs for all the other firms on the estate.....

anyway apologies done I met a nice lady who was the MD and she had a disdain for these agencies mainly due to costs but we soon discovered that we had both been fed some BS. I had no experience of the role in question and she said experience was essential. I covered over it by suggesting that the agency knew my CV and couldnt understand why they had sent me........

anyway after agreeing that the job clearly wasnt for me talk soon turned to other areas of the business and she said that they are looking at opening that part up in the future which is where she saw my experience being a much greater fit. I said the meeting was far from a waste of time and that it was always great to network and have another contact.

In addition it was good to get out of the house into the fresh air and get another interview under my belt. its all experience and I have another contact now or she may bump into one of her contacts who has a role thats ideal for me.

Sunday night at 10pm I got a message right out of the blue from another MD who interviewed me back in 2013 asking me if I was interested in meeting for coffee to discuss there new plans! I am seeing him next week.

Just gotta keep thing I dont do anymore is to allow my mood to rise and fall with every rejection or every offer of an interview. I am trying to keep things all on a level as I have had my hopes dashed before and its affected my mood so now try not to think about things so much as before - kay sarar sarar.....

Edited by ToothbrushMan on Wednesday 3rd October 21:05

Edited by ToothbrushMan on Wednesday 3rd October 21:08


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Thursday 4th October 2018
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the main problem now is that there are just so many of them (plus the added headache of not always knowing if half of the websites are there just to try and steal your ID) .

20 years ago in Birmingham there was only 3 or 4 reputable agencies that handled my line of work. you could speak to somebody on the Monday have an interview mid week and by Friday youd have a firm offer. Life was so simple

Anyway another gripe of mine on Linkedin (maybe youve already spotted this too) is that when a random company posts up say a staff completing a charity run or a winning some award or whatever.........who are the first people to brown nose this "good news"? Yes the agency bods. They are straight in to say "congratulations" or "well done xyz" when they probably dont even know them ! Really winds me up. I am sick of seeing so many posts on Linkedin from agencies.

My interview yesterday was good in as much as it was more of a relaxed chat - none of that "competency based questions" bull that I just detest too. I'll happily sit a written technical test as thats fair enough. I'm just not a CBQ's kind of guy and feel it unfairly puts me at a disadvantage next to somebody who can bullcrap their way through such tedium. smile

Again today on I have 2 more vacancies of the ilk that I applied for in June and interviewed for in July but was told I was not going to the next stage. They are both identical for the same region same dept same position same job description! So annoying - you would love to be able to break into HR and sit down and go through whats on their files for some of these positions. I am not talking about tin-pot companies either.....big well known global names. Do these vacancies exist - they must do because otherwise the poor sap whose email address is at the bottom of every advert will get bombarded with enquiries so somehow they must be sifting through them. Personally I think the problem is that a lot of companies seem to now want total perfection in age, qualifications, experience, personality, attire etc and they will have round after round of interviews to find that person when the person that could have joined months earlier was more than capable of just getting on with the job. Crackers.


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Thursday 4th October 2018
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as a toe in the water exercise I have just applied for a post found on Indeed slightly out of my desired commute or on the limits of it so not too fussed really but if I get an interview I will definitely go......

anyway, its the usual "apply online" but this time its direct with the employer (no agency - yay!) so ive gone through it all but this time I have literally copied and pasted both the required key strengths and key requirements into my CV and attached it and sent it off.

Now I wonder whether they have some A.I. scanner that will pick up all the key words in their description from my CV and whether that will land me an interview?

Lets wait and see? Wont it be funny if I hear not a dicky bird even though its the perfect match........onto the next


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Thursday 4th October 2018
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funkyrobot said:
ToothbrushMan said:
as a toe in the water exercise I have just applied for a post found on Indeed slightly out of my desired commute or on the limits of it so not too fussed really but if I get an interview I will definitely go......

anyway, its the usual "apply online" but this time its direct with the employer (no agency - yay!) so ive gone through it all but this time I have literally copied and pasted both the required key strengths and key requirements into my CV and attached it and sent it off.

Now I wonder whether they have some A.I. scanner that will pick up all the key words in their description from my CV and whether that will land me an interview?

Lets wait and see? Wont it be funny if I hear not a dicky bird even though its the perfect match........onto the next
The chap who did my JSA meeting on Monday said change your CV to include the key words out of the job spec. Let's hope it works. smile

I've edited my CV and taken out a manager role I previously did. This is for lower end jobs I'm applying for.

Still not heard anything from the company that made me do the hour long online assessment.
tailoring is essential isnt it.......ive thinned down my past job history so as a) to keep the CV to 2 pages of A4 max and b) the earlier jobs might give out clues as to how old I could be (not something I want to be doing). also needed when dumbing down for a lower ranked job......

hearing other peoples experiences on here certainly helps............


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127 months

Thursday 4th October 2018
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lyonspride said:
funkyrobot said:
Prohibiting said:
I setup my LinkedIn profile 4 months ago. I've come to realise that it's all basically just one big brown-nosing exercise. I do however follow a few pages such as Business Insider, Forbes and a few technology pages etc and I find some of their articles interesting to read.
Some of the best posts were things like 'to all of you who said I couldnt do it, look at me now!'

Brownnosing, self appreciation, showing off etc. That's all it is.

Oh yes, also loved the pictures of boxes of chocolates people got because people love to them. hehe
Sounds about f**king right, place I used to work at, bunch of young girls in the office, not a brain cell between them, former burger flippers, but on Linkedin they had skill endorsements coming out of every orifice, "expert in electronic warfare" was one of those that made me laugh.
Basically the more friends you have, friends who are willing to lie, the better your Linkedin profile looks. It's just complete and utter bks.
maybe we will see them all on the new series of the BBC Apprentice tv show then cos that bunch have always done it all and bought the T shirt.


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Thursday 4th October 2018
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thats some good news for the thread mate. pleased for you. let us know how the taster session goes........