Trials of Finding New Job



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Thursday 4th October 2018
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we could have a new thread just on the subject of why people were unhappy in their old jobs.......


Original Poster:

1,771 posts

127 months

Friday 5th October 2018
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another possible subject for a thread of its own but here goes anyway....hopefully it will give you a laugh to start Friday off.

we are all talking here about the hoops we have to jump through applying for jobs and why when the match looks perfect you get ghosted etc....

back in 2013 I was working at one place purely covering maternity leave for 6 months. it was desk jockey admin/phone job and supporting guys out on the road doing the sales executive stuff. one day quite soon after starting the boss strided in and announced that a new guy was about to start as an executive and he rabbitted on about how he was going to bring in lots of new business, he was a big bright young thing, whizzkid, lots of experience in the industry blah blah me it was water off a ducks back as I have worked with plenty of so called "high flying execs" who promise the world and deliver very little but plenty of strutting about and powerful bluster smile

this new guy starts and we all like him. he seems a right laugh but outwardly you can imagine him sat down in front of prospects and clients giving them the schpiel and them lapping it up. he was very affable.

however after a few months we began to see the cracks in this guys fascade. it started off with his office desk phone ringing with increasing regularity. It was in the next room to ours (the office was actually set out across 3 floors of what could only be described as a typical town house so there was only like 2 or 3 people in each room with a desk etc) so we heard it quite a lot but tended to leave it. we answered it occasionally and they always asked for this guy but would never leave any details or a return number........they would ask if Mrs XYZ was there? Nope? why would his wife be there at the office?

then there was the days and weeks where we wouldnt see him. he was meant to be out 2 3 maybe 4 days a week only coming in to sort out paperwork etc but the papers or info we needed just wasnt coming in. clients needed to speak to him and he wasnt getting back to them......

on the occasions we did see him he would be telling everybody how he secured some large cases the biggest I think was about £80k and he was going to collect the cheques in person "as a thank you for their business". we all thought that this was odd. youve supposedly secured the business, you cant take a cheque for a service you havent yet started to provide. WTF was gong on? manning the office was just me and another guy and we were both thinking what is going on here. something didnt feel right.

then one day he came to the office and began telling me and ther guy how ill his baby son was and he was having to take him to hospital somewhere in Hereford & Worcester. we believed his son was actually ill and this was then a continuous theme for a lack of attendance at work by this guy. the boss was at first very understandable and said take as much time off as you need. oh did this guy take time off! then we would get occasional updates that his son had to transfer to great ormund street for assessment then he went to Birmingham Childrens hospital.......the story would just keep growing but nobody would bat an eyelid because it was such a sensitve subject so few questions were asked.

anyway things came to a head when accounts were asking where the clients cheques were that he promised etc etc.....he didnt have them and fobbed them off so accounts and the bosses started to make some casual calls to so called prospects who he had allegedly been to visit over those previous months........they'd never heard of our firm or this guy! he was making everything up. total fraud. complete fabrication of his life. like a walter mitty character. he was putting in heaps of expenses claiming for hotels meals and fuel all the time running a company car but not actually going out to see anybody. we was back at the office busting our gonads trying to keep existing clients sweet whilt this guy was sat at home in his Y fronts bowl of cheerios on his lap watching jeremy kyle!

the police got involved as the bosses snapped and whilst I dont know what action they took he was sacked. when the MD and the accounts manager visited his house to hand over his P45 the guy wouldnt open the door to them. he flipped up the letter box flap and talked through that. this was the big brash flashy loud salesman or so we were all told. what a flake. the reason his phone at the office was always ringing was becuase it was bailiffs and debt collectors chasing him. we even had his wife ring in sometimes asking where her husband was and we had to say that we presumed he was out seeing clients.......I reckon he was even hiding stuff from her.

we think his son was very poorly but that he got better and this guy just strung out the story for more sympathy and paid time off work. genius when you think about it!

so i posted this here because it makes you wonder how did he get that very well paid job and we cant get those jobs? he must have been one hell of an actor.


Edited by ToothbrushMan on Friday 5th October 08:36

Edited by ToothbrushMan on Friday 5th October 08:43


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1,771 posts

127 months

Friday 5th October 2018
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yeah i think he ran a few meetings earlier doors with one or two of the management. probably thought the sun shon out of his bum hole. but then oce he was settled the fraud started.......

he also had so many "car problems" too on days when we expected him in the office and he had to get towed or visit the dealers for whatever-utter BS. he drove a new VW golf.

heaven help the firms he went to afterwards if he managed to get in. you could actually do it, do very little work, flake your way along for 6 months then move jobs before the ste hit the fan if you was so inclined.........


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1,771 posts

127 months

Friday 5th October 2018
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talking of a brag file......this guy I am seeing next promises have been made and I dont even know what the role is in terms of seniority could be just an entry level admin or mid level role or maybe an account management on the road role so that I dont know yet.

but how much do I push when I see him towards the end of the meeting ? I know you cant come across as desperate or needy. the guy contacted me not the other way around (after 5 years too) so he obviously thinks I am worth an interview. It will likely be with him and his head of dept that I would guess I would be working in.

Instead of turning up with nothing in hand I was thinking of putting my re-tailored CV together with a sheet or two on top of ideas/suggestions/ info to a) show that I am well informed on industry trends/current affairs b) ideas on adding value for retaining clients and winning new clients and c) ways we can keep clients updated I dont just turn up and expect to be handed a job plus I think if I do this they will both think this guy knows his sh*t and hopefully be putting forward for a decent paying position.

do i get cock sure at the meeting to show confidence or would they think of it as arrogance? would you actually say something like " there is no need to find anybody else for this role as this has my name written all over it" or words to that effect? or is a gentler approach the way to go "youve seen that I am awar of the market, yove seen I am qualified and you know my past experience so I would be delighted to join the team"

ive got plenty of time to prepare but want to get it right and come away with an offer if possible.. right now its my only warm lead.


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127 months

Tuesday 9th October 2018
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hmm. I was about to suggest the manager had a line in patter that she might have spun to loads of people just to get 4 hours free labour of people being the cync that I am however they did spend a couple of hours at the start showing you the basics so really I guess it was a genuine mess up rather than the shop taking advantage.

at least you got a sandwich! - imagine those people ( and I hope I dont become one of them) that are expected to commute to and work 37 hours a week on some government work "experience" scheme for no wage just so that you can keep the miserly £73 a week JSA that youve already paid your taxes towards

Does anybody remember my post a week or 2 back where I just tested the waters with sending off a CV that word for word exactly matched the job description requirements? well that company contacted me today as I missed the call - can you actually believe that! what a load of horse st. I could still probably do the job but the point I wanted to check/make was whether they a) actually look at online applications (tick) and b) do you get a response from a human being but only if your CV is a mirror image of the job description (and I think thats another tick). Bear in mind its my 3rd application to this company with the first 2 applications using my usual CV slightly tailored to the description and I reckon because it wasnt a spitting mirror image they passed me over.

it might show that any dunce could copy the description into their CV and worm them way into the job that they are not really suited to do! Bonkers.

I'll still call them back tomorrow once Ive found that dodgy CV in my files LOL.. Job is miles away so not overly fussed if it goes south from hereon in.


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127 months

Wednesday 10th October 2018
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today I am taking time out of job hunting/getting out of the house and meeting some old work mates for a few beers and a catch up.

F**K jobhunting today. What a grind.


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127 months

Wednesday 10th October 2018
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got a fresh lead from meeting my mates today so i'll reach out and see where that goes.

i asked the one lad what hoops he had to jump through to get the job;-

he was contacted by the employer direct one day out the blue (somebody must have put a good word in)

1 hour telephone interview !!! couldnt believe it - 1 hour on the phone. ive had maybe 20 mins max.

2 hour face to face interview (doesnt surprise me and 2 hours can fly by)

then nothing for 1 month......silence

then he got the offer.


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127 months

Thursday 11th October 2018
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OK just returned from the fortnightly signing on. this is what gets me too........

i turn up mins early then kept waiting for 20 mins in an office full of civil servants all sat at empty desks typing the odd few things on their computers......I just observed a few while I waited and they kept looking up looking around like they were just filling of them could have seen me and id be on my way! lets face it i'm not there to get expert job hunting advice. not in the job centre LOL.

anyway that's not the best bit. I noticed my next door neighbour was also waiting to be seen and when a member of staff approached him I overheard her say to him "youll have to wait because you were late he needs to see people that were on time" my neighbour lets out some low volume grunt. I get up when called and have 20 min grilling about my job search etc. When I leave my neighbour has already gone! I went straight home and his car was back on his driveway......he must have been called pretty quickly after I was called and just signed and left with no grilling. maybe he is on UC but surely you still have to look for work and provide a job search yet he was armed with nothing. I would describe him as a slob.

so how do folk like this get away with being so laisse fayre? I go in and get grilled for 20 mins. Ok for all I know he could have been sanctioned for being late but I doubt it I am assuming he will still get his benefits. if there was a sanction he would probably still be there arguing with them.


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127 months

Thursday 11th October 2018
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i think being asked what your current or last salary was should be outlawed.

they are quick to ask you this yet try to avoid telling you the salary or range of salary for the new job........boils my urine.

i think this cost me a job that I had a great interview for in July but when asked what I used to earn I said I was not prepared to divulge that at this early stage but if I was receive an offer I would be happy to disclose that information. they said thats fine then asked me what salary was I looking for......I said I am happy to negotiate on salary if I am the right person for the job - I even said that I didnt want to get the job simply because I was happy to take a lower salary than the next person. I think they might have been offended by that response but balls to them.


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127 months

Friday 12th October 2018
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genuinely dreamt I got a job offer in the bag last night and was able to plan ahead and relax etc as you would.......then I woke up today and realised it was just a dream........



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127 months

Saturday 13th October 2018
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theres many analogies I can think but maybe if you watch Eastenders and seen poor mug Billy Mitchell fawning over this Honey woman who in turn is being drooled over by some smarmy dentist guy. Bear with me. Club owner Mel has seen Billy being treated like sh*t and given the royal runaround by Honey and her advice to Billy was dont be a doormat. Let her go if she wants to go but dont lose any sleep or wish your life away thinking Honey will run into your arms.

Coming back to the earlier post about waiting by the phone for "the girl to text". Mate forget it. Seems employers are no longer moving as fast as they used to do even 5 or 10 years ago and I know its highly frustrating especially when a job is not even advertised, you are the perfect fit and you get recommended. You can easily get excited that you might avoid the painful process of applying with 300 other applicants if it went through the normal channels of being advertised, selected for interview etc.....

Youve made the necessary approached now forget about it Honestly because otherwise that one job will drive you mental. You will lose focus on applying for other roles. You need to keep searching, keep networking as best as possible, get those applications off but do not dwell on any one job - it saps your energy because you think its so perfect and its a long way to fall if they get back to you with the news you didnt want to hear (freeze on headcount, internal promotion has filled it, youre over-qualified, your under qualified, the role is too junior for you, the location is too far for you etc etc) Ive had them all over the last 6 months and its such a ballache.

Focus on the next one then the next one keep going but dont give this one "possible" job a second thought now unless they come back to you. Otherwise youll end up feeling a right mug like Billy with your hopes dashed!


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127 months

Sunday 14th October 2018
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a mate said he pulled in some favours for me recommending me to his boss for an opening.

he said the gaffer would get in touch.

heard nothing but did get a "private number" phone call last friday - like front door visitors that I am not expecting I never answer the door and never answer private or number withheld calls.

my mate said his boss rang me on friday and I never picked up. I said it was private number number and he never left me a message. thats my one shot at that one apparently. balls to it. I'm not losing any sleep. If they cant be bothered to leave a voicemail what does that say about either the boss himself or the culture (and I know for a fact the culture is awful there in terms of how they treat suppliers.....I was only humouring my mate because he had already recommended me so to say I'm not interested now would have put him in the embarrassing situation of withdrawing my cv.


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127 months

Monday 15th October 2018
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ok we hear about the ste we have to put up with so its good to hear about the offers people are getting. nice one.


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127 months

Wednesday 17th October 2018
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had an email back today from a firm where i know one of the managers from working with her "way back in the day so I thought thats a good foot in the door.

she emailed me back to say she has passed my CV on to the hiring manager - fine.

hiring manager (bear in mind my source said this firm was struggling to find any staff!) emailed me to day to thank me for my cv but ......

"looking at where you live I dont think the commute to us would be sustainable. it looks as if its 2 trains plus the walk from the station and experience has shown that staff struggle to commit to this length of commute for very long."

and that it. bear in mind also that the 2 trains - 15 mins on one , short wait then 20 mins on the other plus say 15 mins walk at the other end to the office. at this end I live right next to the station. so thats no more than say an hour.

Incredible - and thats even with an ex colleagues recommendation so now I am beginning to see why companies are not finding staff - too bloody picky and making peoples decisions for them. remind me - when I applied did i know how long the commute was? absolute joke these days finding work.

I have drafted up a reply and will sit on that until I do find a new job. dont want to scupper it through word of mouth but I know people who daily commute 2.5 hours each way so an hour is nothing not to mention the lower costs.

seething TBH.

Edited by ToothbrushMan on Wednesday 17th October 17:49


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127 months

Wednesday 17th October 2018
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Thesprucegoose said:
How you get to work is your problem, tell them whatever they want to hear, move,car,rent a flat,hovercraft. Counter back but it sounds like a brushoff unfortunately.
i was thinking of sending a notty reply.

my biggest rub is that my ex manager who referred me - she lives no closer! maybe she has a flying carpet - that would explain why she manages every day but I couldnt possibly.

My reply was going to be short and sweet "driving is an option - is there no staff parking available?"


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1,771 posts

127 months

Thursday 18th October 2018
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i know one thing for sure.......once I land another job I will ensure I do my networking because god know what the jobs market will be like in 2, 3 or even 5 years time so if I get made redundant again I hopefully we be better prepared and can juts make more direct approaches to decision makers..........sod the agencies although there are one or two good ones.


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127 months

Friday 19th October 2018
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had a telephone interview this afternoon. wish it had been in the morning because it felt like the day was on hold waiting for the phone to ring - like sitting in the dentist waiting room.

anyway spread over 3 or 4 days i did loads of reading up research and laid out a load of answers in preparation for the competency based questions I was told would be part of the interview and questions and why i want the job reasons etc. pinned all these sheets of A4 up on the wall in the spare room........fully prepared......

phone rings at the time advised and we get started.

all that prep and I was really only asked 2 x competency questions, was told about the job, was asked about my career and that was it. 30 mins and we was done.

I guess I might end up being grateful that it was so easy and short but the truth is it felt a bit amateurish - the person on the phone did'nt sound experienced in interviewing staff and was very script like.

hey ho it was pleasant enough - the next stage is a face to face so maybe next week I will hear something.............


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1,771 posts

127 months

Tuesday 23rd October 2018
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interview today 10am 37 miles away - 5 mins to the station then 45 mins on 2 trains then 25 mins walk the other end so had to leave early.

left at 7.50am for the 8am train. delayed then cancelled. signal failures all round people were catching buses.

gave up went back home for 8.15am to take the car. low on petrol- stopped to fill up. 3/4 of an hour in traffic to do about 6 miles.

just dire.

phoned ahead to push back half hour which was fine but arrived at 10.24 feathers ruffled. hate being late and was 2 decent coffees down too as I had time during my connection then again at the destination to grab anther coffee and go through my notes - that all went of the window,

interview was 2 hrs. flounced up on a really basic question - what do you know about our company? I knew a bit but hadnt ripped the company apart to research them. maybe if they invite me for interview no.2 I might get a second chance, I managed to smooth that one over I think. You try and cover all the bases all the scenarios but on that one my mind just went blank. so annoying.


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127 months

Thursday 25th October 2018
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well done mate......another success story here.


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127 months

Thursday 25th October 2018
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Got a 2nd interview following Tuesdays interview (the one I was late at).

In 7 months of job hunting its the first time I have been asked for a 2nd stage interview.

Plenty of time to prepare (again) and I am conscious of being slightly overweight so two things are gonna happen.

I am going to buy a new 3 piece suit (fancy the Southgate waistcoat look) that is a 32" waist - I am currently 36" waist with a beer gut - so time to cut out the crap food after a blow out this Saturday then shift myself to slim down to fit the suit. Eat well and do some exercise

Kind of gives me a real target now.

It should show at the meeting too with increased confidence in the new slimmer healthier me (or thats the theory).

interview is sometime in December so I guess they are planning on starting the new employee early Jan which would be bob on for me.

also knowing this has already given me a boost so that should come across in other interviews between now and then.