Trials of Finding New Job



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Friday 26th October 2018
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funkyrobot said:
Had an interview on Monday. Got a phone call today saying they want to hire me.

It's a completely different job to what I did before. It'll also mean being on the road all day when I have been used to being in an office.

Will give it a go and see what it's like.

Just jumping through the hoops to provide the required info now. They want multiple forms of ID, proof I've worked for at least two years, proof of residence etc. The two years work proof is the biggest pain as I need P60 copies or letters from my previous two employers.
nice one. got a start date yet? whats the job involve ?


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Sunday 28th October 2018
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silent ninja said:
Prohibiting said:
Yesterday I sent off my email of resignation and will be starting my new job next month. What a funny feeling it was! My adrenaline was really pumping. Onwards and upwards! biggrin
I'm in my notice period right now. When I sent in my resignation letter, it was relief rather than ecstatic excitement because the whole process took so long I had no energy left!

Anyway, problem number two is remaining diligent and motivated at work. Right now, I have some utterly lazy bds, including two directors and our CIO, working on my project and the arses can't be bothered to do their actions. I can't be bothered chasing them or applying political pressure through other means - it's one of the reasons I'm leaving. What do you do when you're thinking those guys are going to get this project chucked over the fence when I leave and it'll be their st storm to fix. I have professionalism and pride but these fkers are constant hard work (it's a c.90m deal I'm working on).

I've never been one for schadenfreude. But if they are incompent surely they deserve it?

Edited by silent ninja on Saturday 27th October 08:28
this ^ talking of st storms - why are management in the UK so st?

I had the same situation in my last role. they announced one day that some new whizz bang system will be going live on XYZ date come rain or shine.
well we had the rain. it was awful. so our live work had to move migrate over to the new system and the transition was just so slow and clunky and due to the numbers of fixes it required or the times it froze on us we just began to fall further and further behind ( we was a service industry with people relying on us getting back to them in no more than a couple of days). I felt terrible for the end users.

even now 7 months since being made redundant with a mate still working there he tells "our" old department is really in the manure.

the management couldnt organise a piss up in a brewery - now they are releasing short promo videos on you tube telling the world how great they are and how the feedback from the end users has been fantastic and that they really love it etc.......all utter lies.Its hard to believe they have the gaul to come out with these statements when I know that behind the scenes and the fluff and the nice e-brochures etc that the remaining guys on the ground, the ones having to actually deal with the daily failures and drop outs and complaining end users are not coping. This puts them under stain from a mental and then physical health point of view. But management dont feel it - they ignore it - its not their problem, let the runts deal with the st and they take all the glory and the fat raises. they heard us - just didnt listen.


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Tuesday 30th October 2018
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ReverendCounter said:
ToothbrushMan said:
Got a 2nd interview following Tuesdays interview ... interview is sometime in December
Can I make a suggestion? You mentioned a new food/excercise regime to get into this new suit - not sure of you've tried a keto diet before?

Apologies if you're versed in the effects/side effects - if not, if you hit keto hard until maybe a week before the interview, the weight loss will be fast and you should be able to hit your target.

But the drawback will be you might have a bit of a mental fog/reduced mental acuity. So kick the keto a few days before the interview, you'll still be in your target weight range and your cognitive abilities will be back to being as sharp as they should be.

And don't put your buttons at risk of popping off mid interview due to falling off the wagon a couple of times!

Edited by ReverendCounter on Monday 29th October 19:20
Keto. never heard of it so I will look that up - thanks. I get the mental fog now anyway so it wont make difference LOL.


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Monday 12th November 2018
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signed on with another new "advisor" last week. first question was wheres my job search which I handed over. he didnt sign it or even look rmeotely interested in it so I filled the dead air with added waffle about past interviews and upcoming interviews and opportunities.

then he said what jobs are you applying for? - I said what I am qualified in and that that features heavily in my searching but I have been looking at piece work in factories, van driving, warehouse etc to no avail.

next question from him which sounded like one he had picked up or been brainwashed into asking at one his training sessions on how to get the backs up of customers - "your getting interviews - so tell me what challenges are you think you might be facing in not getting the jobs you are going for ?". The answers are too much competition/too many applicants, not knowing how many jobs advertised out there were filled months ago and should have been taken down or are fake posted by agencies just on fishing expeditions for your data, or they might be looking at me at 49 thinking too old, or they want 25 year olds with 20 years experience that they can get away with paying £20k a year, . I dont know why I am not getting offers.

Words cant describe how angry and crap he made me feel in equal measure. These days you are lucky to get an interview and since March I have had 12 interviews so really I would say I have done very well getting in front of people - the jobseekers claimant commitment does not extend to me second guessing why after months of applications and a dozen interviews I am not getting offers but you just felt that this new guy was looking for something that isnt there, something to trip me up, something to maybe get me a sanction?.

I answered by coyly by saying that I am not finding it any challenge at all - you dont know how to improve because most companies now do not give you any feedback or contact you after an unsuccessful interview despite whatever they might tell you in the interview. Companies just ghost you now if you are not going forward to the next stage. Id expect it from Bob & sons tinpot firms but not the huge well known multi-nationals.

I am doing everything in my claimant commitment ie; networking, getting interviews, the job searches, meeting people, writing articles to get me noticed, contacting people speculatively, putting in the research before my meetings, doing my homework ie; taking it all very seriously (all true but there was no way I was going to tell this guy me not getting offers was because of any "challenges" because next thing you know he is likely to register me with one of those cash cow "providers" they say are experts in helping people back into work - no they arent. these providers are useless - I had one on the work programme back in 2013 and it was such a waste of time but I bet they were raking in the cash at my expenses (yes I bet loads more than the £73 the DWP were paying me in JSA). If saving money is there goal I would ditch all these providers and just let people do their own job searching.

short of wearing a sandwich board that says "seeking work" on it and walking around town I dont know what else these people expect you to do for your £73 a week, But overall just soul destroying.

I had one great interview on Friday (another 2 hour affair with competency based questions and technical questions and some maths and grammar questions too) that I am waiting on for a second meet up and I have a second interview next month for another. If I dont get one of these 2 jobs I really will be gutted. 8 months now and zippo. Ive come close but no offers.

Once I do get a job I am seriously thinking of writing about my experiences on Linkedin and shaming companies into at least having the balls to give people who have spent a long time researching their firm and preparing for an interview some feedback that they can take to their next interview.

How can you improve your techniques at interview if they never tell you how you did?

Edited by ToothbrushMan on Monday 12th November 15:03


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Tuesday 13th November 2018
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Shakermaker said:
Toothbrush Man - I know for a fact that we are employing staff for roles at Birmingham Airport. Do you know of any reasons why you would be denied an Airport ID pass - you'll need 5 years checkable work history - but having been signed on is also fine if you have proof - and no outstanding convictions?

Its a driving and customer service role so could be suitable if you've been looking for "van driving roles"
hey thats sounds like an option. can you give me a pointer (in the meantime I will get straight online and have a look at the airport website for the jobs).

yes very hard to stay strong especially into month 8- i was very cock sure at the beginning thinking I could get a job fast then plunge most of my redundancy money onto pay down the mortgage - thus rendering the redundancy a blessing disguise but its just not worked out like that.


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Friday 16th November 2018
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Shakermaker said:
Toothbrush Man - I know for a fact that we are employing staff for roles at Birmingham Airport. Do you know of any reasons why you would be denied an Airport ID pass - you'll need 5 years checkable work history - but having been signed on is also fine if you have proof - and no outstanding convictions?

Its a driving and customer service role so could be suitable if you've been looking for "van driving roles"
cheers mate I have applied for a vehicle maintenance role. no official experience of quals but who knows. couldnt find any of the more general unskilled jobs at the airport on that swissport website......


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Friday 16th November 2018
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lyonspride said:
ToothbrushMan said:
yes very hard to stay strong especially into month 8- i was very cock sure at the beginning thinking I could get a job fast then plunge most of my redundancy money onto pay down the mortgage - thus rendering the redundancy a blessing disguise but its just not worked out like that.
It always seems like that at first, I think it's seeing all the job ads and thinking there's loads of work out there, unfortunately because most job ads are fake, you end up feeling like there's something wrong with you (or your CV), the CV writing service vultures descend, the training course vultures descend, you pay out much needed cash to try to improve your chances, nothing improves, you get angry because you realise that agencies are using you and everyone else is just trying to take away what cash you have left. I hate it, I hate the unscrupulous industry that's grown up around it and I hate the people in it who are happy to prey on other peoples misfortune.
hmm too right.

I have been mulling over the idea that I could do a better job than some of the agencies and I wouldnt advertise fake jobs either. some agencies charge thousands in fees whereas I would be happy at a set fee considerably less with less expenses to cover than the big boys.

I dont believe recruitment is regulated either or at least you dont need to be qualified to set yourself up. might explain why there are so many but I would want to distance myself from many of the jokers out there...........


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Saturday 1st December 2018
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ive got my own axe to grind with some agencies but by the sounds of it theres been some feathers ruffled on the subject so Im happy to leave sleeping dogs lie......

I am attenting a welcome event (whatever that really means) next week arranged by ADECCO for Amazon.

One of the guys here told me that the work is hard but right now it could offer 70 hours a week with overtime up to double time. could be a good way to get some cash in even if its over by January.

Pity its now and not early Jan as I can see all my free time being spent with Amazon over Xmas instead of with family and friends.

I will be asking a lot of questions at this event. I am told 25-50 other people will be there with me. I dont know if its a selection process or just a formality.

still not heard about my 2nd interview yet.

spent all day yesterday prepping for a tele phone interview at 3pm - 3pm came and went. No phone call. Its now been rearranged for next along with an apology for not calling me......just got to suck up some of the incompetency that I have seen since being out of work........

sorry to the chap who left the factory/labelling job - I have similar fears about being barked at working for Amazon if they think I can do the job faster faster faster.........

keep going......


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Wednesday 5th December 2018
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had a telephone interview earlier at 9.30am and the lady was not HR but an actual hiring manager on the floor I would be applying to work on so a good start.

she said it will take about 30 mins and it went to an hour - a great discussion sharing many things with the interviewer from our previous careers and this lady had also gone trhough redundancy only a year ago so we were on the same page etc but theres one thing ive learned in the last 8 months of job hunting - never take one good interview and think you nailed it because these days I dont know how they score or rate people I really dont. I cant be objective about my myself but it did go very well. I will know about whether I am through to a face 2 face interview in about 3-5 days. Getting it could be great because then its bound to be a January start which would mean I can switch off and relax over all of the Xmas and new year period with no worries.

didnt flinch on any of the questions and managed to reduce the number of times I uttered the "Urrr" sound. I know its poor form and I am aware I do it.

Salary is pathetic at less than £18k for 37 hours with the same easy commute as in my last job but it will pay my bills and bridge the gap on my CV while I can carry looking at something that pays what I want. I cant afford to sit back and wait for that ideal pay packet so I will take this and try to be in something better in the summer.

Time to put this one out of my head now and keep applying......

hate it though....hate the uncertainty. and the hoop jumping.

Edited by ToothbrushMan on Wednesday 5th December 13:51


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127 months

Thursday 6th December 2018
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was going to start a new thread but i think this rant fits into this thread sufficiently to justify its inclusion.....

had an interview on Monday in the city centre at 2pm - great bought an off peak return train ticket and went along.

come to today at my signing at the jobcentre and when the "advisor" said thats it see you in 2 weeks I pulled out my tickets and evidence of the interview and asked him to put it through for me to reclaim the cost which was £4.80

he huffed and puffed and said oh we dont pay on those. I asked why adding that they have refunded me before for a lot more than £4.60 - his response was that they only cover fares that are outside of your local area. The system sucks because you are expected to apply for work up to 90 minutes travel time from your home - I dont recall seeing or hearing anything about a minimum distance which in this case was 30 mins with the train and walk combined.

I laughed and said so I dont get any help? he said you do but only where its outside your local area so you have to cover the cost yourself.

where is the long term view by the DWP that in potentially paying me back for a paltry £4.80 they could end my benefit and I would once again be a tax payer? The system is so antiquated and rigid its untrue. Stupid rules and hurdles. I though Esther McVey said something about the jobcentre offering jobseekers "help and support" so really what she meant is no money for travel expenses to all interviews.

Anyways he got me to sign a form and said he will take it up with his manager for which I thanked him for trying. so no guarantee I will see that money again and TBH it stinks if they dont pay up. I said it might not sound like much money but I havent had any benefit for 5 weeks as I am between JSA claims right now. so to me a fiver is food for a day or two.

The other way of looking at this if thats their stance is lets say I got 7 interviews all at different times one each day of the week and the travel was £10 a day. If you are claiming £73.10 in JSA that leaves you with £3.10 for food gas electric council tax top up TV licence internet phone bills wouldnt even buy you a Latte at Starbucks. I have redundancy funds for extras like this but imagine if I had no funds at all and literally relied on benefit - where do i go then? Crackers it is.


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Friday 7th December 2018
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Jobcentre have left me a message today to say they will be unable to refund my £4.80 train fare that I spent on getting to the interview on Monday............apparently they only pay if the interview is outside 90 mins of travelling so thankfully the interview wasnt in say Hemel Hempsted and i paid for a train ticket from Birmingham which would probably necessitate it being a peak fare of around £20-25 return out of £73 JSA allowance. I love it - I just effin love it. .

I really want to swear blue murder on here but I dont want to be banned - but what a crazy short sighted system. I feel like telling them to stick it if they cant support me in travelling to interviews.

Is it part of the big plan to control those right at the bottom of the food chain? It feels like it. They have right where they want you unless of course you sign-off and make the unemployment figures look better.

Might write to my local MP about this as its plain backwards thinking and idiotically short sighted.

Had they refunded me the £4.80 and then I got that job they would have got the money back in my first pay packet in taxes.


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Saturday 8th December 2018
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One of their aims is to provide jobseekers with help and support. We all recognise it has a duty to watch the public purse but to withhold financial assistance for such small amounts of money seems counter productive when you keep in mind the potential upsides.
So that aim of saving some money could one day potentially cost them so much more if jobseekers cannot afford to travel to interviews because if they know they wont be reimbursed they may tell the jobcentre about the interview(s) that were offered - hence they stay on the dole for longer than would potentially have been the case.

then one day when they ask why arent you getting anymore interviews and you say you cant afford to go to them unless they are a walk away you get sanctioned. A lovely system.

Those in their new sometimes privately plated Mercs, Audis and Beemers continue to pull up outside the jobcentre on sign on day though......boils my piss


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Sunday 9th December 2018
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Fas1975 said:
Been following your posts and genuinely feel your frustration.

Please email me. Fishaq (one nine seven five ) at gmail dot com (remove brackets and use numbers ) I want to cover your travel costs until you find yourself a job. Genuine offer which I get the feeling you won’t abuse. Please do get in touch
I'm genuinely blown away by your offer - how generous. Right now I can manage the costs as I still have some redundancy money left but its the fact that you get zippo help from the jobcentre that gets me and its how these decisions affect people who have no money at all that also concerns me more.


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Sunday 9th December 2018
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will do.....


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Monday 10th December 2018
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fridaypassion said:
I've been following your thread for a little while what sort of work are you looking for? I've never been convinced that firing Cvs off on websites will get results. Have you tried approaching small companies locally? The sort of companies that agencies would be too small for? I appreciate the frustration but brexit aside the underlying economy is still pretty good and certainly in our area a quick walk around one of the many industrial areas would secure many opportunities. Companies round here are back to having signs outside displaying vacancies. We are in the North too so would assume the further south you get the easier it should be.

Try local business groups these ofen have keen expanding small business directors and getting an approach from someone being proactive who can string a sentence together might be refreshing.

Take this as tough love but sitting at home firing emails off isn't the same as getting out there banging on doors and you might be just feeding your frustrations even more by continuing with an approach that's clearly not working.

Nobody owes you a job you have to go take one!
already started doing that......for the same reasons. Might find a van driving job or some other role this way.


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Friday 14th December 2018
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2nd interview today with 2 girls and as always it went well IMHO. it would be a january start. the interviewers both seemed fairly inexperienced as they were mainly sticking to the paper script in front of them for questions so I ended up doing a fair bit of talking and we padded it out to an hour. it might have worked in my favour but who truly knows.

they said I will know in about 1 week from HR but its down to these 2 girls really-HR is just an instrument for moving things along officially . trying to just put it out of my head now but as the DWP are jerking me around with my JSA I could do with this job just to get away from that whole jobseekers thing. didnt flounce on any of the 5 competency based questions and found it quite a flowing interview.

so no 3rd interview thats it so next time i hear it will be an offer or a "unsuccessful on this occasion" email.

its a big company and I know 2 guys that have worked there for years. theyve probably never even met my interviewers in all that time but it might hold some weight with the application.

the flip side is they see me as way too experienced to be sticking around for very long even though they admitted they have a high staff turnover.

we shall see hopefully just before xmas.


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Monday 17th December 2018
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jesus.....that call with adecco sounds like something from FoneJacker.......un-be-lievable mate! what was that all about? the mind really does boggle on that one- what a waste of time for all concerned like you are expected to just drop everything and take a job tomorrow just like that (dont they want to interview you first in case you are a serial thief or accident prone bumbler?) and I bet that was just for one days work too as I have had requests before for driving jobs with agencies and it was "oh can you get to Coventry tomorrow morning for a days driving starting at 6am". you are just fill in human fodder to cover for some bloke who has probably rang in sick or what not. they tell you all the stuff you want to hear like it could lead to something more perm etc.
£8 an hour it was so £64 gross for the day less any NI or tax maybe less petrol to get to Coventry in the first place so net maybe £50? Terrible when theres guys put there probably paid £50 just for taking a piss at work!


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Wednesday 19th December 2018
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An update followng the great interview I had tail end of October where they told me they wanted to see me again at a 2nd round of interviews that they are likely to hold early this month.

One thing I have learnt from this period of being out of work - NEVER get all hyped up and start thinking youve nailed it. If you dont have an offer or you dont get that invite for the next interview then you aint got jack.......and the proof of that happened today.

The guy I was dealing with messaged me to say sorry for the delay in coming back to me but they have now filled the position from within by internal promotion. Gutted and angry at the same time. If they were looking at internal people why not get them out of the way first then if that pool turns up nothing you start to look externally. Sod them. I move onto the next but its really really annoying.

I have a meeting coming up through a friends referral - I will go in exactly the same way with no hopes no assumptions or wistful thoughts of nailing the interview. Fed up after 9 months of trying to weigh up how you mould yourself to the constantly changing hole sizes these firms put you through.

No word yet on last Fridays 2nd interview (face to face) - same story. until they email me an offer just try and put it out of my head.

I dont know how you guys keep positive but for me 9 months on and still nothing is beginning to feel demeaning. What the hell are these companies looking for?

Edited by ToothbrushMan on Wednesday 19th December 19:16


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127 months

Thursday 20th December 2018
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soad said:
Don't just apply for anything, as you have skills. Low paid (casual?) employment won't last, and do your head in.
Plus they'll think you're overqualified to boot. wink
i see some say you just have to take whats available.

we all have different experiences and live in areas with different levels of employment/demand etc. so you cant pigeon hole people but as this poster is saying iv have been for interviews and put in application after application (using the "just take whats available" approach ) only to be told the role is too junior for me or I am over qualified or this is more of an entry level role blah blah blah.

believe me - if Aldi gave me a job tomorrow stacking tins on a shelf I would take it.


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Sunday 23rd December 2018
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Thesprucegoose said:
lyonspride said:
I've worked for two employers who went to great length to dig up excuses to sack people (because it's illegal to do it directly) after finding out they'd been searching for, applying for and interviewing for new jobs.

They can also make it very hard to take time off for interviews, a lot of "non-office" jobs ban people from using mobile phones, some bosses won't allow you privacy to take a call, and most have very restrictive break times. All of which make it near impossible to receive calls about jobs during work hours, and just as difficult to find the time to speak on the phone about a job.

It really isn't as simple as job taking whatever job you can find.
It is difficult but can be done, like anything really it doesn't come on a plate.
i want this thread to stay as its been until now as positive true informative and upbeat as possible but that last sentence has me thinking. Personally I am self aware enough to know that nothing ever comes on a plate. I cant speak for others but to my mind I cannot think of one other guy here that even thinks these things come on a plate and find the comment less than complimentary or even applicable here. Getting things on a plate might be the way for certain sectors of society but saying it here will I think largely fall on deaf ears as people seem to be putting in the leg work and then some. theres a hint of having a dig hidden away under the veil there but maybe its just me interpreting the comment the wrong way than was intended.....

Edited by ToothbrushMan on Sunday 23 December 13:14