Ever been fired?

Poll: Ever been fired?

Total Members Polled: 312

Never come close.: 44%
No, but had a dodgy moment or two.: 22%
Yes, once.: 24%
Yes, more than once.: 10%

Dr Jekyll

Original Poster:

23,820 posts

263 months

Sunday 21st August 2016
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Going through some CVs and reading between the lines it seems that a few of the candidates have been sacked from previous positions. Doesn't necessarily rule them out providing they've held a couple of other jobs down successfully, but I'm curious as to how common this is.

So, have you ever been fired? Not including genuine redundancy but including being asked to resign/take early retirement or else.


2,654 posts

212 months

Sunday 21st August 2016
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I have indeed been fired.

From Gala Bingo (Cardiff sect) smile

Twas my uni job so I wasn't too fussed and was quite happy to return to the pub I had spent all day in before I got fired....

The manager went full David Brent, and started shouting that I would never work for Gala Bingo again. I was devastated laugh

Iva Barchetta

44,044 posts

165 months

Sunday 21st August 2016
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No but after a "meeting" to discuss a problem that got resolvedu

I decided that I could no longer work with the manager who grassed on me

I resigned and left straight away.

It was a company that Alexmac PHer was partner in.


8,850 posts

269 months

Sunday 21st August 2016
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Does "negotiating an exit" count?

2 sMoKiN bArReLs

30,312 posts

237 months

Sunday 21st August 2016
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"You'd best go home yoof, it ain't working"

Fast Bug

11,811 posts

163 months

Sunday 21st August 2016
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Where's the left by mutual consent option?


1,840 posts

142 months

Monday 22nd August 2016
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Yep, at least twice now. 1st time was after myself and a colleague set up a Facebook page offering services, totally different to employer, our boss went mental and after 2 months got rid of us due to a contract clause, don't miss working 15hr days! The 2nd time was after I attended a management meeting regarding staffing and concerns for safety, apparently I wasn't invited, I was head of my department and we were getting battered. I had a short discussion with 2 directors that ending in me calling them weak and pathetic examples of leaders, lead ballon, exit stage left smile


56 months

Monday 22nd August 2016
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Have jumped ship a couple of times when I have spotted that the HR hags have started the managing me out of the door process.

It really pissed on their chips when I wouldn't play their HR games.


15,966 posts

120 months

Monday 22nd August 2016
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I have been three times. I only count 1 though really as my fault.

My first proper job, had 6am early starts and I had to go over a crappy rail crossing which was always down. I was/am crap getting up proper early as I had not discovered the "Alarmy" app on my phone!

Combined with running late and getting kept at the barriers I would arrive late once a week or so, it was covered but nevertheless.
That being said I didn't properly fit in with that company. And my "manager" who had been on the same course NVQ course with the same apprenticeship program with me was a w@nker and took every opportunity to beat me down.
My own fault.

My second time, a more local company. They were paying me a pittance and working me to the bone.
If you went on BBC news at 5:25 you'd be bked but it was OK for the management to do it??
I got fed up of being bombarded with work as I got to be good friends with one of the guys there who then moved onto another (rival) company.

I took a half days holiday and went for an interview at the Rival company. Somehow my MD found out about it, pulled me into his office, literally started yelling at me, saying how I was a , a traitor, how dare I interview in "HIS time", where's my loyalty etc. They also found a post online I made (not mentioning the company) saying I was sad that all the good people were leaving and that I was then thinking of leaving as well.

I was sent home that day pending an "investigation" into gross misconduct (2 days without pay). On the 3rd day I was fired.
All completely legal because I had been there for 11 months at 3 weeks (at the time of dismissal). Another week and they couldn't have done that. Unfortunately I was very young and naive so just sat there, cried when I was fired, it was a very stressful time of my life. Hey ho.

I got the job I interviewed for in the above paragraph and started, however after about a month it was clear to me, that it was not as advertised. I sort of muddled on without much in the way of effort but I had been in conversation with another company (that I also interviewed previously for). However while I got an offer I wasn't ever provided an offer letter so.....
Anyway my boss pulled me into a meeting and said it wasn't really working, I agreed, despite being there only 6-8 weeks I was provided one full months additional pay and able to leave that day. That was in 2011 now and haven't been fired since haha. I was made redundant after 3 years and then left another company because my manager was a c&nt.

I've since grown up a fair amount and learnt some more of the finite details about dealing with people but I look back on some situations (especially my second job) and think how things would have been different had I been the person I am today. I'd have smacked my boss one if he had of called me a now and walked out before he'd have the chance to get back up.


12,775 posts

169 months

Monday 22nd August 2016
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Yep, got the sack from Tesco for pinching a 5p off a ltr of fuel vouchers. Sometimes if your face doesn't fit...


15,720 posts

236 months

Monday 22nd August 2016
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I'm not sure many people 'get fired' but plenty more are either managed out or agree a pay off to leave. This last type of exit I have seen on many occasions, including, once for me. Despite all my excellent work and achievements they created a senior position above me and put someone into it without advertising it. I knew the person, nice but in no way a suitable candidate. I left with ££ and she lasted a few months, eventually taking the genius decision to mail everyone on the company database who was marked as 'do not contact' which included past clients etc. The brown stuff smashed the round metally whiry thing to pieces!


2,851 posts

149 months

Monday 22nd August 2016
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Royal Hotel, Nottingham 1992. I was the assistant manager at the time, and my boss found me in one of the guest rooms shagging one of the students we employed as p/t waitresses.

I thought it was supposed to be one of the perks of the job frown.


8,906 posts

204 months

Tuesday 23rd August 2016
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I got fired from my part time job at Comet which I worked whilst studying for A Levels.

I used to help out in the warehouse every now and then, with my main job being 'Music & Video', on one occassion of helping the warehouse team things were a little quiet and a game of bubble wrap football had been started.

Just as I took a long range freekick from one side of the warehouse to the other the store manager walked in through the door and glimpsed a bubble wrap football whiz past his head.

I'd been pulled in for 'councilling' before as whilst on holiday my supervisor had changed the rota and put me in to work a Sunday, but hadn't actually let me know this and as I was on holiday and not due back unitl the Monday got a phonecall on Sunday asking where I was. I got a warning for that, but the football got me summary dismissed about a week later after a hearing etc.

This was in about Feb / Mar of my final year of A Levels so I took the time off to study, did my exams, started uni in the September but choose the wrong course and dropped out by December.

I spent a year working for Morethan car insurance then got into my current employer, whereby I studied part time for and achieved a 1st in Mechanical Engineering and have a great job now.


22,732 posts

142 months

Tuesday 23rd August 2016
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13 ish years ago I was "made redundant" from a sales position in a car dealership.

I'd been there 18 months and I just didn't get on with the sales manager or DP, I always hit my targets, I was always one of the top sellers, my profit per unit was one of the best of the department, but for some reason they didn't like me, probably because I wasn't a yes man.

We were struggling, times were hard and redundancy letters went out, a chat was had; I didn't realise at the time it was actually an interview for my current job, no notes were made by the sales manager, no process was put in place to determine who should stay and go based on certain performance peramiters; as should happen during the redundancy process. No alternative position within the company was discussed.

I was called up into the office and told I had been made redundant, "bye bye, collect your stuff, you can have the car for a month" to say I was shocked was an understatement; I actually had to compose myself to not cry.

The person that should have gone; based on performance, was the useless brother in law of the sales manager, you can work out for yourself why he didn't go!!

My mother at the time worked for the NASUWT, defending teachers who had been unfairly dismissed, she said that I had a case for unfair dismissal, particularly as no process had been put in place to determine who should be made redundant and no notes were made at my interview and I wasn't made aware that it was an interview, I requested a copy of the notes; as was my right, they got very shirty but they were produced.

In the end I didn't take it further, I just wanted to move on.

This was December and in the early January my position was filled!!

The company that I work for now, took over the company that I was made redundant from; 5 years ago, the DP at the time is still there but as the General Manager now, I never trusted him during my time working for him, I don't trust him now, we are civil and have a laugh but I don't like him, fortunately he isn't my direct boss.


10,815 posts

137 months

Tuesday 23rd August 2016
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I got sacked from my first job after Uni because my face didn't fit.
In a call centre biggrin
Made redundant a few times. Times two and three I ended up glad, the first time, I'd probably still be there if it was still open.

I'm now in a company that realises that when someone says they have identified a way to do things better they are not a moaning troublemaker.
Or maybe I've learnt to spin things better - one of the two!


523 posts

186 months

Tuesday 23rd August 2016
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1969 - summer holiday job on a building site. Delivering materials in a tipper truck with no brakes (a known but ignored issue) down an embankment and into a building in between two already installed concrete wall panels. Misjudged it and took out one of the panels. Gaffer 'what the hell were you doing' - me 'sorry, but there are no brakes on the truck' - him 'tough, collect your cards on Friday'

Only 5 years to go before the 'elf & safety' act... and I'm sorry OP but I've never included it on my CV biggrin


4,686 posts

134 months

Wednesday 24th August 2016
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Bradgate said:

Royal Hotel, Nottingham 1992. I was the assistant manager at the time, and my boss found me in one of the guest rooms shagging one of the students we employed as p/t waitresses.

I thought it was supposed to be one of the perks of the job frown.
I aspire to being fired for reasons like that.


29,395 posts

201 months

Wednesday 24th August 2016
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I "left by mutual agreement", although judging by everyone's faces as I skipped out of the front gate I was the only one that was happy about it. biggrin


1,857 posts

189 months

Wednesday 24th August 2016
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I was fired from Homebase when i was 16 because every time i voided a transaction on the tills, i threw the void receipt in the bin instead of keeping it, therefore my till was short and i couldn't prove i wasn't stealing.

The manager who gave me the boot then got sacked himself. I was 16 and living at home with no friends or girlfriend, and he had just got his girlfriend pregnant. Unlucky.

What was irritating was my mate also started working there and he was robbing the tills without getting caught.

Oh well. I got a job in a bookshop a week later after "massaging" the truth a bit and i just used that as my "first" job going forwards.

Now i'm 29 and no one gives a fk about what part time work i did 13 years ago.


4,281 posts

114 months

Thursday 25th August 2016
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Came close, was on a 2nd (and 'final') writen warning from my last job in a supermarket. Had a manager that just didnt like me & was chomping at the bit to get rid of me so he could give my hours to his friend I worked with. I gave my notice and quit when he refused to give me my holiday time over the summer because, I quote 'some of other people you work with deserve it more, I need you to cover them.'.

Got the first warning for turning up 6minutes late for my shift for the 2nd time in my entire time working there, id worked there a year and a half but aparently I was 'making a habit of it.'.

2nd warning was for leaving an item out of date in a fridge after doing a 2 man close on my own.

I dread to think of what cock and bull he would cite for the 3rd warning but im happy I got out of there before I got it, it was only my 2nd ever job I didnt need that on my CV.