Aircraft technical jobs ?



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Thursday 9th June 2016
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Well, he has done the initial assessment for TC, went ok he said, so he will find out next week if he goes to the next stage where 18 of those who sat today will do some more tests and an interview, for seven positions.

Very competitive, really hope he gets an apprenticeship out of it, other than that he will be going to University to study Avionics but not sure whether that is just another three years with no actual industry experience, but you have to get a job to get experience.

He is a very capable lad, he got left in charge of the shop he works in for a week, I know its not fixing 747s but I dont think the owner would leave just anyone in charge, he acquitted himself perfectly, ran the place, I wouldnt let my other two loose on a Plane or managing a convenience store, they are more "creative", but him, definitely.

Anyway, sorry for boring you but seeing as I started this I though I should keep those who have show interest updated.


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202 months

Saturday 11th June 2016
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He is through to the second stage with TC, fingers crossed.


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Monday 13th June 2016
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Cheers Anyway Chris, have passed it on to him.

Hopefully he will get the TC one, I know he is my son but I really think he would be good at it.

He is getting ready for the interview, not sure what kind of questions they ask.


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202 months

Wednesday 22nd June 2016
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He has done the interview and hands on metalwork test, seemed happy with how it went, he put a lot of effort into preparation, got references, took examples from his work experience there, portfolio of stuff.

Apparently 18 or so candidates for six roles, not fantastic odds but whatever happens he has given it his all.

Should know by the end of the week, I am more nervous for him than when I go for an interview.


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202 months

Friday 24th June 2016
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Oceanic said:
Apprenticeships occasionally pop-up here too if you keep your eyes peeled
Cheers, will pass that on to him, we are still waiting for the outcome, it is stressful !


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202 months

Friday 24th June 2016
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Well, a happy ending, he was notified earlier that he has got the apprenticeship he went for, from over 120 that did the assessment, whittled down to 18 for the six places.

So so pleased, he put his all into it and got what he wanted, many thanks to all for all the advice given.

Looking back, I know the course wasn't perhaps the best way in but it did given him some skills and knowledge he applied to get the place, sort of readied him where he might not have been otherwise, the real journey starts in September.

Can calm down now !


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Friday 24th June 2016
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Krikkit said:
Great news, good to hear that all the hard work paid off in the end!
Thanks, just having a glass of Champagne to celebrate.


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202 months

Saturday 25th June 2016
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ecsrobin said:
Great news, I just came here to post this but he's all sorted!
Thanks, very grateful to you for taking the trouble to think about this and post, I have messaged him with it to pass on to any of his mates at college.

He messaged back he just wants the summer to be over now so he can start, he is going to buy his own car (uses our C1 at the mo) so will save up from his shop job and get something, has a holiday with his girlfriend and mates to look forward to as well.


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202 months

Saturday 25th June 2016
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Speed 3 said:
Good news, these are really tough odds these days. Just make sure he knuckles down and sees it through, I've seen a few kicked off courses, as many for immaturity as poor ability - hopefully the time spent on the prior course has given him a couple of years advantage on his peers in this respect. Once you get the smell of burnt Jet A-1 in your nostrils you're hooked.
Cheers, he is a grafter and keen to learn, good head on his shoulders, no worries in that respect, when he did the work experience there they had to kick him out at the end of the day, came back full of it. He has been juggling college, girlfriend and 25 hours a week work, very little downtime.

He knows how valuable what he has got is, so nice for my dad as well, he is an engineer and showed my lad the metalwork skills from his time as an apprentice.


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202 months

Sunday 26th June 2016
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zoom star said:
Mooched into this thread, my son finishes his 5 years this September, he went to uni, doing automotive engineering, packed that in after two years and got an apprenticeship, 25 places,2000 applicants for that year, with GE Avionics.
He repairs and maintains commercial jet engines, strips them down to bits then rebuilds them.
I have been on two plant tours, it is mind boggling to anyone not involved with the industry.
His plan come September is to do what they call on wing, based in Dubai.To me it sounds like a glorified RAC man, flying round the world diagnosing faults and then repairing if possible without taking the engine off the aircraft.
Wages become very good at this level, he had his first licence after three years, and gets his final after five.
Funnily enough, when doing his time, cakes and biscuits were mandatory on a Friday.
Hope your boy loves it, mine does.
Wow, 2000 applicants, anything aviation seems massively over subscribed, 2000 for 25 jobs is amazingly long odds.

Others have said that the workforce that does this kind of work is aging and vacancies are hard to fill, the airlines and manufacturers do their bit but without an apprenticeship it seems almost impossible to get into, seems like there has been a lack of people coming into the industry, plenty want to do it but it is so competetive, our lads were lucky (and more than a little bit of being suitable candidates of course) but it must only be a couple of hundred apprenticeships available nationwide.

Are there any other routes in, thinking that this thread may get spotted by other hopefuls so would be nice to give them some other routes, other than an apprenticeship as there will be loads of good candidates that dont make the cut.

Is there any other ways in ?

Can you self study for a license ?


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202 months

Sunday 26th June 2016
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eccles said:
Several new training centres have opened or are in the pipeline.
The shortage seems strange considering the number of job losses from BAe. The forces are so small these days that the number they supply is very small.
Skilled, competent and experienced people are hard to get these days, and even harder if you want a sheety.
Is a "Sheety" someone who works Aluminium, i.e. for the fuselage ?


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202 months

Sunday 26th June 2016
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EC225Eng said:
J4CKO said:
Is a "Sheety" someone who works Aluminium, i.e. for the fuselage ?
Yes it is, they can do all kinds of structural repairs. If you hold a B1 licence and a skilled sheety then you'll not be struggling for work on the contracting circuit!
Interesting, he got good feedback on the work piece he did for the assesment, my dad having coached him as he is a time served engineer of the old school, seemed to to do the trick, will pass that on to him, I guess now is the time to have some idea of which direction he wants to go in, I guess its a lot more complex than jusyt having a B1 license, many different specialisations, aircraft types etc.


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202 months

Sunday 11th September 2016
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Its his frst day tomorrow.


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202 months

Wednesday 14th September 2016
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It's just admin and orientation apparently, next week off to college, that's for a year then in the hangar next year.


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202 months

Thursday 15th September 2016
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RWD cossie wil said:
J4CKO said:
It's just admin and orientation apparently, next week off to college, that's for a year then in the hangar next year.
Which company has he got in with? Our company are taking on 6 apprentices this year! I'm guessing he's training at Kemble?
Thomas Cook Engineering, at Manchester, training at Deeside college for the first year.

Not sure what he would have done after college if he hadn't got that, its so difficult/impossible to get into without an Apprenticeship.


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202 months

Sunday 6th August 2017
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First year done, has done well and enjoyed it, now he is at home again and has a couple of weeks off before starting back at the airport with a day a week back in Deeside.

Now very nearly three years in from starting this thread, he is halfway there really, got the course done, got the apprenticeship and has the first year out of the way, three to go before he should qualify.

Edited by J4CKO on Sunday 6th August 16:59


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202 months

Monday 26th February 2018
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Well into second year now, he has just done his first license exam, had to travel to Oxford, the company expects the apprentices to do the A license but you can elect to do the B as well, so he did both and got 100 percent on the A and 96 percent on the B.

So, one down, fair few to go (12 I think) but he is on his way to being licensed.

Really thrilled, keeping this updated as it may be useful to anyone interested in following this career.


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202 months

Wednesday 14th March 2018
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He did his taster flight on Monday, enjoyed it, Gran Canaria and back in the cockpit, loved seeing a flight from the front and got a good insight into the pilots job, though surprisingly he declared that it wasn't something he would want to do as it seems like a lot of sitting about, quite happy working on the planes, always thought he had some designs on flying but apparently not any more !


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202 months

Monday 19th November 2018
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Just keeping this updated for anyone interested, hopefully if anyone comes across it when looking at a career in aviation as well.

He won gold in the World Skills UK competition in the Aeronautical Engineering Mechanical category on Saturday.

He is about halfway through the license exams, he is doing both the A and B exams, they are required to do the A exams but he has elected to do the B at the same time.

Over four years since I started the thread, he is now just into the third year of his apprenticeship.


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202 months

Monday 19th November 2018
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Cheers chaps, its great, all being well in less than two years he will be qualified.