Marmite in a squeezy bottle is a bit Marmite

Marmite in a squeezy bottle is a bit Marmite



Original Poster:

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221 months

Thursday 21st April 2016
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I normally only post about trivial things preferring to leave the big topics to argumentative types, but sometimes issues of such national importance occur that I feel compelled to speak out!

I am an adventurous chap on often try new things. The other week saw the arrival in the TD residence of Marmite in a squeezy bottle. I have valiantly struggled to use this evil thing for a while now and this morning was the last straw.

What in God's name were they thinking? How was this ever allowed on the market - there must be some sort of law against this level of hideousness. It is impossible to use, usually results in way too much Marmite coming out and heaven forbid that you should accidentally store the container with the lid pointing up - you will never get anything to come out at all, requiring you to unscrew the lid and use it like a normal jar anyway.

So all in all, Marmite in a squeezy bottle is, well a bit Marmite.

This is just another example of our proud national heritage slowly eroding away. First the Empire disintegrates, then our car industry has to be bought out by people who actually seem to know how to make cars, next all those poor banker people have to make do with sub £10 million bonuses and now this. It really is too much.

I blame Tony Blair (as I do for most things).


Edited by TorqueDirty on Thursday 21st April 13:03


Original Poster:

1,502 posts

221 months

Thursday 21st April 2016
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Robbo 27 said:
You guys tried marmite on toast with either scrambled eggs or a poached egg on top?


Even better than cheese on toast with Worcestershire Sauce.
This is what I has this morning - and what prompted me to start the thread. You need just the right amount of Marmite on your toast with scrambled eggs and the sodding squeezy bottle makes it impossible!


Original Poster:

1,502 posts

221 months

Thursday 21st April 2016
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krisdelta said:
It doesn't taste the same either - must be some changes to the recipe to make it more maleable.
Totally agree. The same thing happened to Chocolate Spread years ago. Never been the same since! If it ain't broke don't fix it, but some bonus chasing marketing "executive" in a a shiny nylon shirt clearly though otherwise.

Deplorable behaviour.


Original Poster:

1,502 posts

221 months

Thursday 21st April 2016
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mightymouse said:
Hot buttered toast, crunchy peanut butter & marmite thumbup
Now steady on old chap! There are limits you know.


Original Poster:

1,502 posts

221 months

Wednesday 27th April 2016
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I'm assuming that the rabble of deluded and unsophisticated Bovriloids are only managing to keeping their thread ahead of the pure, true, gentle and Marmitists' thread because we are too polite, cultured and grown up to engage in such childish "thread" battles.

However sometimes the righteous must stand up and oppose the evil beefy pretenders.

Long live Marmite - as long as it is not in that stupid squeezy bottle!