Just Eat



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48 months

Sunday 13th June 2021
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Was listening to radio last night, and they were on about Jun21 being extended etc, chatting to a restaurant owner.

He was talking about how companies like Just eat have saved him over the last year but also eat into his profits, their commission if they deliver is 30 bloody percent, 15 if you pickup.

I found that astonishing how our laziness is being exploited by some faceless nerks who are charging these places who are on their knees 30%!

But as this guy said we are stuck as without them we would be done, is anyone aware of this and how much these companies basically exploiting our laziness are making, it's astounding to me sorry!

Have to admit I never do takeaways, but this has made me realise if I do I would never buy via an app unless it is directly linked to the restaurant or company named.


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48 months

Sunday 13th June 2021
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For me it is the simple aspect of a faceless marketing company making money for nothing, you can't argue with their policy and marketing decision or business idea, but the sad fact is these eateries are struggling enough as it is and it is our fault, we are so bloody lazy we have made it easy for these faceless companies to make hundreds of millions for doing very little other than a bunch of marketing, a good idea and some basic admin.

When really our restaurants need every penny they can make after the last few months, and we need to make sure they stay alive for outr benefit long term in terms of employment, variety, empty space etc.

So far be it from me to rant, but get off your bottom and go and pick up your takeaway when you order one, not just eat or anyone similar.


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48 months

Monday 14th June 2021
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I was staggered when I heard this, hence the post, it made my blood boil, not just for JE but also for the laziness of the general public. But that should not shock anyone when you look at the rise of companies like Amazon and home delivery shopping, car washing suites etc, people are lazy it's that simple.

I get that at some points it was impossible to pick up food in the pandemic, but for a leechlike company such as JE to NOT offer any kind of discount on their commission from these hard up eateries makes me sick, it's all about profit, I bet there are hardly any employees, PLC based in Luxembourg etc etc, you know the bloody story.


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48 months

Monday 14th June 2021
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I have no issue with the company doing what they do, but do they really need to charge 30%

The general public are easily lulled by advertising and marketing, that will be the end of the High Street in favour of online shopping and pretty soon the end of small eateries as they will either be killed by Covid and then savage profiteering companies like this who do very little for their percentage. And then they will (as you see here) try and justify their decisions with selfish "It's all about me isn't it Vodafone, you told me so" gibberish. With no thought for the end game.

And all because, we, sadly, are now a nation of lazy, selfish people (largely not solely) who prefer ease of everything regardless of the consequence to a tiny bit of effort.

I have never used Just eat or any food app I never eat takeaway other than chips now and then that I collect, I might be old fashioned but after hearing about this I felt I had to comment, it is to me scandalous. I am sure other companies are maybe not as bad, but this place, they really are con artists of the highest degree.


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48 months

Tuesday 15th June 2021
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"My time is far too valuable to go to the supermarket"

I am literally speechless.


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48 months

Tuesday 15th June 2021
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You are right on all of those things, but why does that mean you have the right to presume anything about me or anyone else?

I presume you are very well paid, have numerous cars, live in the middle of nowhere in a house worth a lot, have more than one kid a demanding life and feel you are more important than me?

Yet also feel it's OK to put your valuable time before just about anything else in life?

Before we go off track, this was simply a post based on a radio report, I found it staggering at what was said, and have said enough to end this conversation here, and my input into it.


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48 months

Wednesday 16th June 2021
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As we see on here

there are those that don't care about the small losses restaurants make for their own convenience and/or laziness, and lots who will never use apps like this, a few who know about it, but won't use it and prefer to deal directly.

I think the split is fairly even. I would love to do some research on those that use it and find out if there are any common denominators as I can bet there are!


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48 months

Wednesday 16th June 2021
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Let me answer a few.

I will NEVER EVER use Amazon, mainly due to reports and friends I know who (briefly) worked there and were treated like rot. And I loath the way they and the general publics laziness (sorry but its true) means the High street is being closed down to probably make way for even more flats to house the massive amount of people we know have to deal with housing, it might be nice in the future but right now I MISS going into town to do as much as i used to. Sorry

I have never ordered a taxi either!

And I miss Blockbuster, I miss searching for SOMETHING and knowing you had to find it or you would have wasted a trip, renting games, going round to mates to play them together, now its all online.

I never do takeaways either so this was merely all about the sums of money involved

Edited by LukeBrown66 on Wednesday 16th June 18:36


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48 months

Thursday 17th June 2021
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Being brutally honest holidays no, have not been away for 30 years, does not appeal to me in the slightest so never used those apps or needed to. If I go away I might use them to find a deal, then ring direct.

Obviously I am aware of them, see plenty using them, I just choose not to use them I am afraid, I do not like the way these short fuse/minimal employee/based in Luxembourg no tax companies operate and this thread, though balanced in view shows why. Same reason why I never use Amazon, obviously you have to sometimes use some kind of online shop at times, but i prefer to deal personally with shops and people.

Been in loads of taxis yes but never ordered one, and also never even paid a penny to Camelot for lottery tickets.

couldn't care less if I am old fashioned, I have never used a credit card either, this is starting to become tiresome in many ways, but being treated like a leper because I can look after my money is also tiresome.


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48 months

Thursday 17th June 2021
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So the bloke on the radio who owned three restaurants and used just eat was wrong was he?

I somehow doubt it, maybe he had a different deal to the one you asked about.


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48 months

Thursday 17th June 2021
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I am in no doubt I am hugely different to most in that I do not need or want to use these types of services. They must have use for the majority or they would fail.

My issue is that there is always a downside to all of them. Amazon boom means far less shops les online marketplace eventually, more trucks on road, more awful jobs and sweatshop conditions for workers. Mass redundancy at hundreds of outlets.

JE means eateries have to be even more tight with their budgets to even try and stay afloat, redundancy, closure, extra expense on similar software, Uber pushes thousands into a gig economy, is it no shock that Covid is huge in certain populations, those that traditionally drive taxis, it might mean nothing obviously but it can't help as these guys HAVE to work.

But all that is alright because you don't have to get in your car, go to a cash machine, find a phone number, ring someone up.

It is the "all about you" generation. Because remember your time is the most precious thing in the world, to the exclusion of all else, lol.


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48 months

Friday 18th June 2021
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Lol why should shopping ever be a leisure activity, I know women use it on their dating profiles as a hobby but FFS

It is a necessity.

And I bet all the uber, Amazon, JE users go to the quick checkout yes if they dare even get in a car and go to a supermarket?

thereby making it easier for the shops to get rid of even more staff, deny OAP's perhaps their only human contact with people for days by simply exchanging a chat with a checkout girl and forcing said shops to close down more and more tills.

Don't get me wrong, I have used quick checkouts, but they are crap, they never work properly, you nearly always have to grab an attendant, who could otherwise be employed serving customers on a proper till not standing around looking after tech that doesn't bloody work properly and never will.

Not all tech saves time, what it mainly does is save money and make money for people as they find a loophole which gets around wages and takes advantage of peoples desire to stay inside!!


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4,479 posts

48 months

Friday 18th June 2021
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Simply put

I have used these things more than a few times, followed the instructions perfectly and each and every time, (unless you are only buying a handful of items) the machine stops, you have to get an assistant, usually a barcode is wrong, or missing, or something touches the scale which then sends it doolally, so much so that having tried a few times I simply went back to the other, traditional method. And that is the experience the vast majority of people I know have too, which is why lots of them dont use them, so maybe it's where I live! But I suspect it is people just being clever as a reply.

the old way was faster, less hassle and you often get a nice chat with someone on the checkout, Oh and talk to the ladies or men who do it, they prefer it and they can see what is happening to their futures possibly, A staff of say 150, reduced to 100, simply because of profit. And after the monumental profits these bds made in the early pandemic days, is that not just a bit excessive, the crap these women and men had to deal with on a daily basis, ask them, Oh hang on, you guys all do self service so never get chance to find that stuff out lol!

I am aware my views are not progressive, maybe even backward, but I am not stupid, I know why these time saving apps and schemes are done, but really, the question has to be, are you sure that your time really IS that valuable that it overtakes every other consideration, jobs, space, traffic, pollution.

I know the answer, "Its all about you".


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4,479 posts

48 months

Friday 18th June 2021
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Some rather insulting stuff as usual on here.

but in every time I have used those tills I have experienced issues, at numerous supermarkets. SO I don't use them anymore. I will probably have to eventually.

And don't patronise by saying I don't know what I am doing please, that is rude, basic and rather insulting, but sadly expected aswell I guess here.

Having worked in retail for many years, there are temp workers ties, but during the day those guys will be there years. So again please dont patronise, I am not stupid, i just have a very different view to a lot of things to the easily pleased and "its all about you" my life is far too busy to do anything else norm.


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48 months

Saturday 19th June 2021
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Exactly, I am talking about doing a weekly shop in there, so maybe 50 or so items. I dont think I have ever not encountered an issue.

Regarding my tone, well it is frustration, people cannot seem to see the big picture when it comes to time saving apps, they only think about themselves, and this attitude is pervading more and more into society.

I get it, but it does have fairly serious consequences further down the line, and most people don't seem to think that far down any lines! And even worse don't care.

As I say it is about the now, the me, the time saving.


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48 months

Saturday 19th June 2021
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Lol its not confusion, that misses the point.

I get it, I really do

What people don't seem to get is that all this has a downside, and its alright saying "that' capitalism", but the downside to all progress is always there, no matter if it affects you or not.

Personally I would like to see towns busier, they don't help themselves with green stuff and parking, that drives people to online, that drives huge trucks and vans onto the road, hideous distribution centres everywhere full of people doing awful, dire jobs all things that are never likely to be fully green, it drives net usage through the roof, anyone noticed how massively expensive that is now that EVERYONE has to use it, funny that.

it is progress in one way, but not in EVERY way.


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48 months

Sunday 20th June 2021
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It is not cheap at all. 30 plus quid a month is not cheap, it is dearer than a water bill. And it was NEVER that expensive until it became as popular as it is, it is exploitation as usual.

It goes up every single year (after your initial deal) meaning now, (not always the case years ago) like car/house/pet insurance you have to negotiate every year to get a better deal, we were not asked about this, they just did it and tied you into an automatic bill increase without your say.

It is quick in places, but in some places it is woeful and for the new generation, it is something that needs sorting. And if you live in a place with crap internet, funnily enough it costs the same as 100 meg, that is shambolic. But it shows what they are doing, treating everyone like dirt and milking money for old rope.

Edited by LukeBrown66 on Sunday 20th June 11:08


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48 months

Sunday 20th June 2021
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IN my experience not at all, I don't make stuff up!! So you have the same price for decades do you? Maybe I need to move.

Anyway, this has nothing to do with JE, so let's leave it alone.