Is this ban enough ?


Dave Brand

928 posts

270 months

Saturday 22nd October 2016
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Some Gump said:
Well I hope he crashes (alone), and the marshalls (sic) show him the contempt he showed them.
I hope that in such a situation the marshals would act like grownups.

Some Gump

12,744 posts

188 months

Saturday 22nd October 2016
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Dave Brand said:
I hope that in such a situation the marshals would act like grownups.
They will - they always do. That's one of the reasons why the British marshalls are amongst the most respected in the world.


56 months

Thursday 1st December 2016
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Some Gump said:
Well I hope he crashes (alone), and the marshalls show him the contempt he showed them.
Why any team would want this kid driving for them, I don't know. That safety car incident is totally inexcusable.

Most of the teams will take the risk if the kid brings enough £££££; unfortunate perhaps but always been that way. Desperate Dan Clarke springs to mind; he destroyed cars quicker than the team could build them, though he never used them as an assault weapon, as I remember.

The thing is these kids are boosted by their sycophantic supporters and begin to think they're something special. They never are.


2,781 posts

224 months

Sunday 11th December 2016
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GreigM said:
Agreed (except for the crashing bit). Should have been a life ban - absolutely inexcusable. The team involved should be ashamed.
God forbid you ever fall off your lofty tower made of righteousness... never made a mistake when you were young?


27,781 posts

127 months

Sunday 11th December 2016
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A young racer lost his head & there are all these lifetime ban calls get a grip, what he did was out of order & dangerous but no one was injured the guy was banned he's served it obviously he has enough talent for a team to take a chance on him.

So I say judge him on his actions now not on what he has already been punished for.


19,157 posts

213 months

Wednesday 14th December 2016
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Well obviously some of them are!
REALIST123 said:
The thing is these kids are boosted by their sycophantic supporters and begin to think they're something special. They never are.


4,592 posts

227 months

Tuesday 20th December 2016
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I think losing your rag in the heat of the battle is one thing, but deciding to drive a whole lap ignoring all flags is clearly planned revenge. The danger factor is increased by the fact they were in an open wheel formula.

As someone said earlier in the thread, it would be interesting to see the consequences if someone was seriously injured, as i'd argue given his actions were premeditated.


243 posts

143 months

Friday 10th February 2017
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Looks like Dan has been picked up on the Red Bull programme. Not exactly a shining example is it? Get a lengthy ban and get into a sponsored scheme.


27,781 posts

127 months

Friday 10th February 2017
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Why's it not a shining example? The guy got banned, he served said ban then got himself back out there & showed enough talent/temperament for Red Bull to pick him up.

I for one am glad that he was judged on what he was doing on the track rather than past indiscretions.


1,656 posts

209 months

Friday 10th February 2017
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Helmut Marko apparently laughed and said he had been a silly boy when told of the incident.


19,157 posts

213 months

Saturday 11th February 2017
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ZX10R NIN said:
Why's it not a shining example? The guy got banned, he served said ban then got himself back out there & showed enough talent/temperament for Red Bull to pick him up.

I for one am glad that he was judged on what he was doing on the track rather than past indiscretions.


8,697 posts

146 months

Sunday 12th February 2017
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Isn't it odd that so many mourn the passing of hell raiser drivers like marshal thumping piss artist James Hunt ,all round bad lad Innes Ireland, uber prankster Gerhard Berger and 'they shall not pass ' Clay Reggazoni ? We complain about the anodyne , corporate bks sprouting, whingeing for the bad boy to be penalised driver and we get a driver who breaks a few rules, behaves like a prat, allows his emotions to get the better of him - in short behaves lie a teenage racing driver and a bloody self righteous lynch mob forms up, baying for the daft lad's blood. What the hell's the matter with people ?

Good luck to him, and thank God somebody still behaves badly -I am sure he's learned from the mistakes we all make at that age.


409 posts

145 months

Tuesday 28th February 2017
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I imagine the people who are saying 'go easy' aren't one of my friends in orange/racers themselves......

Changes your perspective when you're the guy who has to be out there with him.

Vocal Minority

8,582 posts

154 months

Tuesday 28th February 2017
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ZX10R NIN said:
Why's it not a shining example? The guy got banned, he served said ban then got himself back out there & showed enough talent/temperament for Red Bull to pick him up.

I for one am glad that he was judged on what he was doing on the track rather than past indiscretions.
Welcome to PH Conservative law making - turn every offense into an effective life sentence.

To be honest what he did - in my opinion - goes beyond a youthful hot headed mistake. It showed a pretty deep character flaw.

However, he has done his time - and if he has demonstrated its all behind him, back into the fold, IMHO.


409 posts

145 months

Tuesday 28th February 2017
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Vocal Minority said:
To be honest what he did - in my opinion - goes beyond a youthful hot headed mistake. It showed a pretty deep character flaw.
The highlighted bit is my problem.

Banging wheels down a straight a few times in the heat of the moment? I can understand that.

Having a "lively discussion" in the pits afterwards which got out of hand? Again, I could understand that.

But this guy decided to zoom past everyone under caution regardless of what was going on with the explicit goal of taking his rival out of the race by driving his car into him. That kind of boiling rage and lack of judgement is something you are built with, age tempers it but it doesn't go away. Next time it'll be blocking the pit box, or crossing a live track to have a punch up, or something else.

To take a non racing example to put this into a bit of context.... this is the difference between shouting/hand waving/use of horn when someone cuts you up that stops after a few seconds and the guy following you home/stopping in the road for a "handy chat".