Star Wars 7



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Tuesday 30th October 2012
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Ethier Reuters twitter account has been hacked - or Disney has bought Lucas Arts and are planning to release SW7 in 2015.

I've checked the calendar, it's not April.

God, please don't make it st, I just don't know how it could be anything else - will the original cast come back? Doubt it.


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Tuesday 30th October 2012
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Can any imagine a SW film featuring a Han Solo not being played by Harrison Ford, or a 73 year old Han Solo for that matter.


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Tuesday 30th October 2012
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Peter Jackson, that's who they want.


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Tuesday 30th October 2012
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Frankly when it comes to SW I reckon George Lucas usually talks out if his arse. He made 1 great film that was a huge success and he got lucky by making a lot of money by holding the image rights. So he made some more and made each more commercially viable by introducing more creatures you could make toys of - the rot set in with having cute Ewoks instead of the Wookie home world.

The idea that he had this huge saga all penned out in 76 or whenever which would have spanned 3, 6 even 9 films depending on when you ask him is BS IMHO.


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Wednesday 31st October 2012
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Rotary Madness said:
darth_pies said:
Rotary Madness said:
Indeed the Thrawn trilogy was awesome (can't believe i read those 20 years ago as a teen!) but i think the moment has long passed where they could make these into films. I just can't see an audience accepting different actors as Luke, Leia and Han.
See I was thinking that, but they could use the same technology they used to make Jeff Bridges young looking in Tron?
They'd be better off playing it safe and setting it 20 years after RotJ, after 2 galaxy-wide Coups you could expect their to be at least a decade or two of peace.


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Wednesday 31st October 2012
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Marf said:
andyjo1982 said:
Any chance we could maybe see a reboot of episodes 1-3 in the future?
You. Out.
Do you know what, if a good director / screenwriter stood up and said, "we thought about sequals, we thought about a spin-off, and we thought about rebooting the orginals and they were all terrible ideas - would anyone care if we robooted the prequals? Forget everything you've seen, we're going to scrap the lot and do it differently and this time they're going to be good".

I wouldn't complain.


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Wednesday 19th March 2014
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Halb said:
I won't hold out any hope, but I will secretly wish it is decent.
I personally think these will be a lot better than the prequals, but however good they are, sadly nothing is going to make me a kid again, so they'll never be as good as the originals for me.


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Thursday 1st May 2014
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clonmult said:
durbster said:
marcosgt said:
By including Ford, Fisher and Hamill (et al) it's obviously the continuation as Lucas always intended.
Wow. I'm amazed people still think Lucas has the first clue what's going on with the SW franchise. The Phantom Menace quite comprehensively destroyed the notion that he knows what he's doing.
It was obvious he had no idea on the overall arc from way earlier than that. Around 1976 to be precise. At that point Lucas didn't even have the idea that Luke and Leia were related. He just made it up as he went along.

[excuse me whilst I get my inner geek on.]

Lucas likes to portray Star Wars as some great 9 film epic that he wrote in the early 70's - a massively complex collection of interconnecting stories revolving around the Skywalker Family that only he knows.

He'd like us to Believe that before they started filming Star wars in '76 he already knew that Luke's Dad would be win a Pod race 50 years earlier, but it's all bullst, he made a film, one film which has a massive sprawling messy story - so when they filmed it, they cut out or didn't film the backstories for lots of the characters which is probably it's greatest attribute, even though it's a relatively simple story - it leaves huge amounts to the imagination and makes it feel more epic.

Truth is it's riddled with holes if you look to closely - hell it wasn't even known as Star Wars IV - a new hope until 4 years after it came out.


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Monday 21st July 2014
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That sounds pretty good to me, I always thought watching a 72 year old Han Solo and a (very fat, it has to be said) 62 year old Luke Skywalker duke it out with some new Sith Lord or other might be a bit of a strain.

As for "the laws of physics" and all that - we accept faster than light travel as a given, thousands of planets with the same basic atmosphere, a space craft that needs to be hit to work that's however completely airtight and not to mention all the st the Jedi's can do happily - but a hand dropping from orbit and not burning up on re-entry - oh no, that's a bridge too far.

Edited by P-Jay on Tuesday 22 July 09:27


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Tuesday 5th August 2014
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Zod said:
I agree with much of this. The Gungans were a huge mistake, showing that nothing had been learned from the mistake of inserting Ewoks into RotJ.

Count Dooku was a pointless character. Darth Maul should have been the apprentice throughout and Anakin's rival.
Depends on your point of view - to those of us who grew up with the original franchise the Ewoks were a bit st - but to George Lucas who secured the rights to all the toy / lunch box money the Ewoks were a massive money spinner - same goes with Jar Jar fecking Binks - all the adults who were kids for the first lot hated him, but it was Jar jars face on all the cereal boxes and stuff.

Hopefully they wont feel the need for an over-cutsey character for the sake of a Toy line for these ones - but I'd bet they add one.


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Friday 28th November 2014
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daddy cool said:
Daniel1 said:
0:14 "Have you felt it?" I sniggered - this must be another pisstake.
0:17 black dude pops up - ok, this is definitely some sort of elaborate pisstake
Same here! I thought it was going to be some fan made pisstake!

Otherwise - fk YES!!!

Odd to see Tie-fighters / X-Wings and the Falcon having a fight though, given the feel of the prequels and the montage end of the special editions I'd have thought all that would have merged, but it seems it's back to the old Empire v Rebels.

I don't care either way, it certainly has none of the feel of the prequels.


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Friday 28th November 2014
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Fattb said:
Johnny said:
Anyone seen this!???
been wondering the same myself, looks better than the official,,, but is it real !
Nah, the Cumberbatch voice over is nicked from the last Star Trek film - that'll cause a few ripples with the die-hards!


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Monday 1st December 2014
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MarkRSi said:

As others have said it's only a short trailer with no real details or anything. I'd be worried about another 'Jar Jar' type character eek
I'd be surprised if there isn't a character used specifically to appeal to small children and make huge piles of cash from selling toys and it's imagine on cereal boxes etc - in fact if you combine the history of such with Star Wars and the fact that Disney spent 4 billion dollars on buying it it's a also odds on there will be - it could be that football droid.

Doesn't mean it'll ruin it though.


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Monday 1st December 2014
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spats said:
P-Jay said:
I'd be surprised if there isn't a character used specifically to appeal to small children and make huge piles of cash from selling toys and it's imagine on cereal boxes etc - in fact if you combine the history of such with Star Wars and the fact that Disney spent 4 billion dollars on buying it it's a also odds on there will be - it could be that football droid.

Doesn't mean it'll ruin it though.
I thought they did this in the original 3 films with R2D2?

I wanted every R2 toy I could get when I was a kid. Hell I'm still after a Lego version now smile
Absolutely, before the first one came out Lucas secured the rights to all the merchandise from the films - the studios didn't give two hoots, prior to star wars they might have sold a few t-shirts in the theatre or what-not but no one had every really made much from toys etc.

Star Wars changed all that - so whilst the films made $7bn in sales from the Cinema and Video/DVD/BR etc - they made $20bn in toys and associated non-film sales mostly toys and computer games George Lucas is worth more than $3bn personally,

No one knows if C3PO and R2D2 were part of a plan to sell a lot of st - Lucas always maintains the whole 9 film saga is part of a grand story he's had in his head since the mid 70's (which is probably nonsense) but it worked, it's the reason why Jedi features cute little Ewoks and not tribe of Wookies, Jar Jar binks and a move from PG rated films for old kids and teenager became more family friendly U cert films as the series went on with lots of fridge characters - like the collectable set of Ankin's Mates at the Pod Race.

They say these new ones are moving away from that and will be a more grown-up remake - which the Star Trek films were - but he's got to be under pressure to make them marketable - the prequels 'only' took 3.5bn at the box office and Disney paid £4bn for the rights.


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Friday 17th April 2015
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I try to forgive the prequels as much as possible, but by god this looks so, so much better - I know it's only a trailer and it might be a flashy looking film with an appalling story and terrible dialog - but so far it's got everything right that the prequals had wrong - it looks right, it looks dusty and dirty, stuff looks like it's seen some action - Han Solo's couple of seconds screen time alone had more on-screen charisma than the entire prequel series.

My friends and I were born in '77 we all grew up with the originals, we all went to school together and played star wars in the play ground, watched the films with our tea endlessly and had all the toys - we're all going together to see it at Xmas and taking our kids with us - I'm properly, really excited.


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Thursday 21st May 2015
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Vincefox said:
MissChief said:
Vincefox said:
I can't actually find any fresh rumour stuff online. Could someone post it in a hidden tag please?

My pleasure.
No way, they can't do that - the fans will burn down Disney Land!

I have to admit, obviously we all know the story up to this point, and you can get a bit of a feel from the trailers where it's going to go - or perhaps more tellingly how far things haven't progressed since the end of RotJ.

I'm pretty confident I could write the broad strokes of the story now and get it' 80%+ right - the details though are still a mystery.


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Wednesday 8th July 2015
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Guvernator said:
hornetrider said:
Han is getting a spin-off cool

Could be great if done right. There's probably enough scope for several movies there.
That is awesome news, been waiting for this for years. Hope it will feature Lando too and surely Jabba has to be in their somewhere?
I would hope it starts with Han meeting Chewie and ends with them sitting in the Mos Eisley Cantina trying to work out how to pay off Jabba when an old Man and a Young Lad walk in... but that might be too much to hope for.


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Thursday 15th October 2015
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davidf4 said:
With all due respect, if I see any reference to the prequel trilogy (which I don’t recognise as being anything to do with Star Wars), then I’ll be seriously disappointed.

I remember going to the Phantom Menace on opening week and coming away thinking WTF was that sh*t.
I’ve been deeply scarred, so I’m apprehensive about this new film. I still hope it will be great though, and from the looks of things, I think the film makers have understood where mistakes were made in the past.
Darth Maul was the st though, he shone like a diamond in a goats arse in that film.


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Thursday 15th October 2015
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Rick_1138 said:
I hate all this 'keep it quiet' bks though.

Cannot get a straight answer about when tickets go on sale, so it will be the usual, appears suddenly, sold out in 2 mins online and heaps of us none the wiser.

Why cant they tell people tickets go on sale on X day. Its not as if we can buy them early.

Cinema need to learn from computer game industry to set dates and build hype, not panic last minute information.
It's all part of the hype machine, studio says nothing, let a few 'rumors' leak out, the internet goes wild with it.

Computer Games are much, much worse.


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Sunday 18th October 2015
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I know this is super geeky (even for a Star Wars thread). But when the treaser came out it was noted that when the dude with the big light sabre with the 'side bits' (top left) fired up his sabre it made the same sound as Luke's.

Just saying.