

42,755 posts

237 months

Monday 22nd November 2021
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RLM have their review up and I have a feeling it is going to be very controversial just as their Rogue One review was.

They have their black void back again, just as they did for TLJ. For those loving the movie because of all the nostalgia that is the very reason the RLM crew don't like it, because they view that as cynical manipulation.

Personally I liked Rogue One, but that is where they are coming from.

Ivo Shandor

53,012 posts

185 months

Monday 22nd November 2021
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JagLover said:
RLM have their review up and I have a feeling it is going to be very controversial just as their Rogue One review was.

They have their black void back again, just as they did for TLJ. For those loving the movie because of all the nostalgia that is the very reason the RLM crew don't like it, because they view that as cynical manipulation.

Personally I liked Rogue One, but that is where they are coming from.
I can't watch it yet as I've not seen the film, but the thumbnail tells me the story. biggrin


6,108 posts

66 months

Monday 22nd November 2021
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Its a kids film primarily and in that sense it is a 100% hit (so says my 13 year old daughter who has been raving about it since Saturday night). The 2016 film wasn't a kids film - it was aimed at the age group who saw the original as kids, and was supposed to convert them to the modern woke enlightenment, which is why it tanked.

Afterlife made a 'depressed at life, school and covid' teenager very happy, and for that reason alone it is a winner!

PS. I enjoyed to it too......


12,329 posts

170 months

Monday 22nd November 2021
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I like RLM, and I don't think I'll disagree with their review. I can't watch it because I haven't seen the film.

I think you can both be enraptured by a film loaded with fan service when that's all you want, and also be critical of it because it's not more that that and/or squanders the potential to be more. I don't think those viewpoints are necessarily conflicting.


42,755 posts

237 months

Monday 22nd November 2021
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Durzel said:
I like RLM, and I don't think I'll disagree with their review. I can't watch it because I haven't seen the film.

I think you can both be enraptured by a film loaded with fan service when that's all you want, and also be critical of it because it's not more that that and/or squanders the potential to be more. I don't think those viewpoints are necessarily conflicting.
I am a massive fan of RLM, but I will give this new movie a try and might end up liking it. Nostalgia is very powerful and can make things appear good that are creatively bankrupt.

Some of the greatest movies ever made were in the eighties and those were the movies we (as in forty something middle aged men) grew up on. That doesn't make them holy writ, where you have to treat into every single detail with reverence, like the bloody candy bar.

RLM have to be those guys that say "take away the fan service and what are you left with?", because that is their job.

Compare the eighties with now and what do you have that will have the same power in thirty years time. The Marvel movies up until Endgame maybe?, what else?

Edited by JagLover on Monday 22 November 16:38

Ivo Shandor

53,012 posts

185 months

Monday 22nd November 2021
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I remember RLM and their Rogue 1 review, and I felt they were off on that. Then I tried to re-watch R1 some time later and realised it had no charm and I switched it off and re-considered that RLM were right in their dissection.
What's their old phrase, you may not see it, but your brain does.

I see that the GB2016 RLM review has popped up in my to watch list...ahh time to revisit that old classic and warm my cockles.


6,108 posts

66 months

Monday 22nd November 2021
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I think it is a little bit harsh to be critical of Afterlife for being "uncreative" because it had a doubly difficult job after the dumpster fire that was the 2016 version, both in the movie itself and the political totem it became.

Paul Feig/Amy Pascal crapped on the goodwill of the Ghostbusters franchise in exactly the same way Rian Johnson/Kathleen Kennedy did with Star Wars:The Last Jedi. Afterlife had to reconcile that first before looking to move on.

It isn't a masterpiece by any means but it at least puts the franchise back on a footing that the 2016 abomination failed to do. The screaming annoying intellectually bereft characters of 2016 had no future, but the youngsters of Afterlife will bring a bunch of new fans with them.


10,957 posts

183 months

Monday 22nd November 2021
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JagLover said:
Compare the eighties with now and what do you have that will have the same power in thirty years time. The Marvel movies up until Endgame maybe?, what else?
I think there is a bit of survivor bias there.

There have been tons of good films in the last decade.


2,460 posts

214 months

Tuesday 23rd November 2021
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The whole family went to see it on Sunday. The kids have been properly educated, and have seen Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters 2. If the original is a solid 10/10, and Ghostbusters 2 was probably 6 or 7 out of 10, I would rate Afterlife probably an 8 or 9 of 10.

Two of the best sounds in movies - the sound of the proton pack charging up and the wail of the Ecto-1 sirens.


10,642 posts

223 months

Tuesday 23rd November 2021
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I'm all for cynical nostalgia manipulation or whatever if I come out of the cinema feeling like that, absolutely loved it. One of only 3 or 4 people in the BFI IMAX this morning, amazing picture and sound.

I never get emotional at movies but that was as close as anything has come to hitting the spot, I thought they nailed it in terms of a direct sequel, updated for the Stranger Things generation but satisfying us 40+ year olds too. Pretty much the closest modern film I can think of that captured the feeling of watching The Goonies for the first time.

Only fault I can point at it is that there wasn't nearly enough Ecto-1 siren!


997 posts

107 months

Tuesday 23rd November 2021
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Saw it earlier, if you're a fan of the original this is a must see. The new kids are great and could carry new GB films, everything you could want in a sequel is there. Minor quibbles would be the beginning is a little flat and could do with more laughs but it soon picks up. Also the story could less familiar.
Small issues though in a film which felt just like a classic 80s family film, didn't think I'd see that again.

Some Gump

12,745 posts

188 months

Tuesday 23rd November 2021
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JagLover said:

That is not to say this sequel is bound to be amazing. The Drinker has given it a lukewarm review and apparently the RLM boys spent an hour and 40 minutes discussing it and are going to have to edit their review down rather drastically.
I le mans as much as the next man, but not sure that their fantastic knowledge and passion for 24h racing transposes directly to film insight?


41,845 posts

202 months

Wednesday 24th November 2021
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JagLover said:
Vickers_VC10 said:
Not that I give critics opinion too much weight in anything preferring to make up my own mind, but he definitely seem irked by something it seemed a very hateful review. Very odd.
Not that odd

He is rating films by context and the political messaging. Ghostbusters 2016 has to be celebrated as some sort of "symbol" of "female empowerment" .

This film ignores the 2016 movie and gives "toxic white male" fans what they want therefore it is evil and probably pro-Trump in some fashion.

That is why Kermode is now an irrelevance.
On what level is bringing race into it acceptable or required ?

Rr even gender, guess what not all women loved the 2016 film.

yes there are some giant man babies who had their "Childhood ruined" in 2016 but most of us just went with it and were a bit disappointed, and not down to the gender of the leads. I quite liked them by and large but it just wasn't Ghostbusters, ok it had the name but it was missing the "spirit", charm and humour of the originals, i did like Lesley jones line about the ghost on the train being the second scariest thing on it though.

Still not been to see Afterlife, had Covid now waiting for the wife to decide when we can go, one way or another, if she cocks about any more, I am going on my own as a toxic white male fan.

Commode can fk off, I get he doesnt like it, its a daft film about ghosts like the original, but less of the self loathing woke warrior bks.

dirty boy

14,723 posts

211 months

Wednesday 24th November 2021
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Family outing to watch i'd give it a good 7/10.

Cast were good.

Picture and sound was excellent.

What marked it down?

Felt like we had a great first half / 3/4 of a film, but the end then got rushed a little and was too much of a revert to the original, not bad as it still works, but the dude who built the building, his inclusion was pointless given he was focal for a while then just....well not....

The Ramis thing felt a bit unnatural, I mean, not in ghost terms, obviously that's right, but didn't fit with how the rest of it was filmed.

Otherwise brilliant

Proton pack tick
Ecto tick
Soundtrack tick
Stay Puft tick

Podcast was underutilised imo.


10,642 posts

223 months

Wednesday 24th November 2021
quotequote all
Taking the wife on Friday, Ghostbusters is in her top 3 all time so I wanted to check it wouldn't let her down first! I'm feeling confident and rarely this excited to go back and see something again so soon.


10,957 posts

183 months

Wednesday 24th November 2021
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I'd agree with the above that it has a strong first 2 acts, but the 3rd act is a little weak.


2,963 posts

201 months

Wednesday 1st December 2021
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Just been to see this as well. I'd agree that the tail end is a bit weak and does reek of fan service, but an enjoyable film overall.
A little disappointed that as soon as Paul Rudd spots the dog in the supermarket it just goes directly into the plot of the original in the most obvious way possible. It would have been good to try a different plot or another bad guy, but otherwise seemed competent enough


12,444 posts

181 months

Thursday 2nd December 2021
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Ok a little slow in places and sasgreed need more ecto 1 wail. kids are a bit braver than most kids would be but it was needed.

But the kids did ok.

The cameos all of them spot on imo and a very nice touch.

In an era of bringing back space leia ghost nonsence this made absolute sense and felt appropriate for the movie and for Harold.


27,946 posts

198 months

Thursday 2nd December 2021
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Pitch Meeting smile

Adam Savage

I did like that Bill Murray's 3 count was an ad lib that they went with hehe

I liked the film, the 'kids' in the cast definitely gave it a Goonies/Stranger things angle (not just because Finn Wolfhard hehe ). Kermode was harsh on it (there's a later video from Mayo/Kermode about his negative review where he stands by what he said but understands it's a personal thing and he's not in the majority ). I'm more positive about it than the Jeremy Jahns review g3org3y posted too, but I do think a non Ghostbusters horror film with this plot would have worked well.

Ivo Shandor

53,012 posts

185 months

Thursday 2nd December 2021
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I watched it, I liked it. I agree with RLM a fair bit on it's issues, it, after the disrespectful horror of 2016, the AF pill is sweet enough to swallow. It did get dusty a few times, even though I think they milked that bit too much. Just seeing the last three in their cossys was worth the admission. I didn't realise that the bit parts were big names till I waited for he credits.