Piranha 3D



Original Poster:

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200 months

Friday 20th August 2010
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My car was getting serviced today and so was dropped into brighton city centre. After a bit of cooing over the Ipad and Iphone4 i decided that i wanted to see Toy story 3. It wasnt on, but Piranha 3D was smile

I have to say i loved it. It is simply so gruesome its fantastic. It shows you a load of naked girls dancing at s lake, combines that with a load of horribly violent and graphic deaths and some good use of classic horror sound and 'jumpiness'

If youve got nothing to do and fancy a good laugh with some mates go see it, it doesnt try and pretend its anything special, just a hash and slash horror movie with a bit of suspense and some truely horrific scenes. Good cameos too.

kelly brook gets her norks out and those firmiliar with the internets will recognise some other girls too


Original Poster:

2,931 posts

200 months

Wednesday 29th December 2010
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Tiggsy said:
Just seen this on BluRay - what a pile of tosh.

It fails on every level - as a nod to it's inspiration it under uses Dreyfuss and the Aligator referance is too small. The cast are wasted....Ving Rhames killing himslef for no obvious reason (or gain). Shue does her best but cant do enough.

The plot - what there is, is plotless and has nothing like as cool a backstory as the original - right, so 2 million years in an underground cave and the developed keen eyesight and grew to be 6ft long by eating themselves??????

The gore is (more so the close up stuff) like something from 1980.....in fact, i saw Nightmare on Elm St the otherday and it's on a "scary" par with that - crap on CGI is still crap!

It's not scary, not in anyway.....and you dont care about anyone so when people die, so what.

And the tits......surley tits in horror are to add a little spice to the mix - not so here. Kelly (what the hell was her US agent thinking) Brook is, literally, hired breasts - she is even introduced as such! Her "ballet" scene was ridiculus.....what was it supposed to be? erotic? why....it's a horror, are you supposed to bang one out before the fake fish pop up again? I just prayed it would end with a violebt death to show us that it was tounge in cheek...but no, it was literally a soft porn scene for no obvious point (a bit like the entire...soft porn on a boat plot line)

Grim....had big hopes for a brain out romp but this was brain out and replace with one from a complete retard.

Do directirs of stuff like this not watch Jaws (or even Pirahan/Aligator) and see what they are supposed to be doing? All this had in common with Jaws was a singing Matt Hopper, a nasty dolly zoom and water.
but thats all the reasons why it was so awesome!