Voting as a muslim



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Friday 15th November 2019
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So i've voted in pretty much every election that I could, as have my parents (who migrated here in the 60s). Traditional Labour voters as most of my families' working class peers seem to be, but i've steered more toward voting for the Conservatives as economically they speak the same language as me, and being an additional rate taxpayer who doesn't really get much bank for his buck on taxes/council resources i'd rather not be taxed more, or be forced to sell my BTL to a renter. Or be more of the squeezed middle as I currently seem to be. I was born here. vote for who I like right?

BUT, what am I going to do at the next election? Who do I vote for? I suspect many from immigrant families are in a similar quandry to me.

Yes I do believe that our resources are streched due to uncontrolled immigration, and that we might need a bit more control from the EU, but how can I vote for anything to do with Brexit, when it's supporters have so much racism at it's core? I'm not talking about people I know who voted Brexit, or PHers who seem quite enlightened about the whole thing, but the angry swathes of people that you see on TV or hear on the radio that don't really see a difference between Brexit and the anti foreigner/anti islamic rhetoric - just today on the Radio some bloke was complaining about people moving here who dont' share the same British values - he might be right, but by any chance could he be referring to ladies that wear headscarfs or men with beards that look a bit muslim? So voting for parties that promote Brexit seems to me to be like Turkeys voting for Christmas if youre muslim.

Not sure how other Ethnic groups feel about this, but muslims make up nearly 5% of the population. Surely if Brexit has got nothing to do with tackling the great replacement, or anti muslm issues then getting muslims on board with Brexit seems to be a no brainer. So why aren't the tories doing more to get the muslim vote, and why are they driving us into the hands of Comrade Corbyn??


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Friday 15th November 2019
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shopper150 said:
Is that a thinking hmm?


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Friday 15th November 2019
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grumbledoak said:
So don't vote. It's not difficult, is it?
Of course i'm going to vote. Maybe you missed the point i'm trying to make.


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Friday 15th November 2019
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fesuvious said:
Religion has nothing to do with it.
Yeah, it shouldn't be should it?


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Friday 15th November 2019
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Earthdweller said:
The first question is how do you see yourself ?

Muslim or British ?

Do you put religion before nationality, vice versa or are you not bothered ?

I’d suggest as your family has been in the UK for a couple of generations you are as British as I am

My heritage is Irish Catholic on one side and English Protestant on the other

It does not affect the way I’ll vote .. I’m from the Labour northern heartlands from a very labour background

I’m pretty smart and have done pretty well in life

The way my father voted or his father matter not to me neither does my mixed up mongrel heritage or whether I should be wearing green or Orange, standing or sitting to pray etc

I will vote, having considered what I think is best for me and my circumstances and mine and my children’s future

I’d suggest, respectfully, that you do the same
I see myself as British, and i'm a liberal muslim - does that make me a British Muslim? I do not have any issues assimilating, or have an accent etc etc. Thats not what i'm referring to here. As I mentioned in my post, i'm traditionally a conservative voter but thats really being tested.

Why would I feel that Brexiters around me feel like they can have a pop at me because of the colour of my skin or my religion? Tell me that Brexit hasn't increased racism and i'll show you plenty of examples where it has

Earthdweller said:
I will vote, having considered what I think is best for me and my circumstances and mine and my children’s future
This is exacly the point that i'm raising.


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Friday 15th November 2019
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bigpriest said:
Most people don't see you as a muslim, they see you as person. Vote as a person, it makes it easier.
Thank you. I wasn't looking for a hug, but appreciate that.

Maybe my post has made me sound like a i have an inferiority complex - I dont think I do. My parents raised me well, and hopefully i'm giving back to society (in ridulous taxation if anything).

Voting for labour might mean I get taxed more, and any assets I might have, like BTL properties might be under threat. So why would I vote for that?

Alternatively, voting for pro Brexit parties might see racisim against me and family rise - it might make it ok to be racist toward muslims - so why would I vote for that? Even though politically and economically the tories speak my language.


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Friday 15th November 2019
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shopper150 said:
s1962a said:
shopper150 said:
Is that a thinking hmm?
No, it's not.
Having trouble getting words out?


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Friday 15th November 2019
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RichB said:
s1962a said:
fesuvious said:
Religion has nothing to do with it.
Yeah, it shouldn't be should it?
Interesting and nothing to do with your original question but are you religious? if not you are British, end of...
No if i'm honest i'm not that religious.. maybe culturally a bit. But i still feel the undertones of racism against muslims whenever i heard Brexiteers talk about immigration. Let me ask you, have you noticed this?


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Friday 15th November 2019
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The Crack Fox said:
How should I vote as a mildly spiritual, occasionally atheist, wannabe-Buddhist-when-drunk, with Jewish, Catholic and C of E family?

Religion doesn’t come into it, really, does it? I have Muslim friends voting Tory and Labour and Green.

I dunno.
You have muslim friends voting Tory?


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Friday 15th November 2019
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RichB said:
ave I noticed it, no but then I voted remain. I now just wish we would get on and leave. I am disgusted with the way parliament has stymied any attempt to get a deal done. I despise communism and because I am old enough to remember the values the Labour party had 40 years ago I can see how Momentum have usurped the party to their own aims, a communist republic. I also actively dislike all forms of religion which is why I ask the question.
Up until the referendum, i'd hardly seen any racism. I grew up in London in the 90's and apparently there were skinhead racist gangs beating up brown people in the 80's but I never saw any of this. In fact, until the referendum I thought racism had gone away, but since then i've steadily noticed the undertones, and now people are getting bold enough to be more open about it - especially on social media and radio etc, and a lot of it is directed toward muslims. Hence me having a little rant on this thread about being pushed toward voting labour.


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Friday 15th November 2019
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Robertj21a said:
Forget the religion bit, this is the UK and most of us long ago realised that all religions are just brainwashing.
Brexit is now only really about ensuring we retain democracy and you will know that people have wildly differing views, regardless of their usual politics.
Vote for whoever represents your needs.
Right now that seems to be labour or the lib dems.. and i'm not voting lib dems as i dont want another referendum. But labour will rape my wallett and make me poor.. so take racism or be poorer.. which would you choose?


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Friday 15th November 2019
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Earthdweller said:
s1962a said:
No if i'm honest i'm not that religious.. maybe culturally a bit. But i still feel the undertones of racism against muslims whenever i heard Brexiteers talk about immigration. Let me ask you, have you noticed this?
Maybe you are conflating two issues .. the fear of Islam is heightened by current events and threats .. not necessarily Brexit

When I was growing up in Blackburn in the 70’s it was the Irish that were cursed and feared ..

my junior school back then even was probably 50% Muslim but there were never any issues .. and I still have some very good Muslim friends from those days ... being Irish was to be seen as an outcast. Most Irish were hardworking god fearing decent people .. but some were planting bombs in pubs and blowing soldiers and horses up in Hyde Park

Plenty in Britain still think when someone speaks with an Irish accent

It’s impossible to read your mind and how you see it, but I think the vast majority of people look at the person not the label

You will never get away from the bigoted few unfortunately
You raise very good points, and thank you for replying in such a thoughtful way. I did think the same, but having lived in London all my life, i've definitly seen an increase in anti islamic comments since the referendum and especially when people talk about immigrants. With terror incidents of course there was condemnation from extremist Islam - in my view it's totally abhorrent, but the referendum seems to have given people the platform to be more openly prejudiced against muslims.


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Friday 15th November 2019
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Gary C said:
s1962a said:
grumbledoak said:
So don't vote. It's not difficult, is it?
Of course i'm going to vote. Maybe you missed the point i'm trying to make.
Oh no, I don't think he missed your point at all..........
Ah, Rod Liddle?


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Friday 15th November 2019
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grumbledoak said:
s1962a said:
Ah, Rod Liddle?
Is this code?

If you don't think the Conservatives deserve your vote and you don't want to vote for Corbyn, not voting is an option.
From that previous post, I thought your reference was to the article Rod Liddle wrote about stopping muslims from voting.

I don't belive non voting is an option. This is my country and i want to have a say in it's future, i'm just frustrated that Brexit could easily happen if it catered more to people like me, who are traditional tory voters but aren't happy with the racist undertones to brexit that affect us directly.


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Friday 15th November 2019
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Penelope Stopit said:
FazerBoy said:
There are of course people who voted Brexit who are racist
As there are people that voted remain
Yes for sure. I have muslim friends that voted leave too. But it's quite undeniable that racism and openness around it has got a sniff of Brexit about it.


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Friday 15th November 2019
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Penelope Stopit said:
Big-Bo-Beep said:
muslims make up 5% of the uk population ?

that is an interesting statistic

its probably wise not to say anything further

Touch intimidating
Maybe the 2011 census was wrong?

Apparently 1 in 12 school children is also muslim


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Friday 15th November 2019
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FazerBoy said:
s1962a said:
Right now that seems to be labour or the lib dems.. and i'm not voting lib dems as i dont want another referendum. But labour will rape my wallett and make me poor.. so take racism or be poorer.. which would you choose?
You don’t think there’s any racism in the Labour ranks?
Oh plenty, and look at their track record on anti semitism.. thats not good either. I dont like labour, but I dont want another referendum either so no lib dems


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Friday 15th November 2019
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grumbledoak said:
I think most of the "racist undertones" to Leave are fabricated by the Remainers as a smear, in the hope that non-racist Leavers will be forced to distance themselves from the leave campaign, or at least be quiet about their views in public.

I also suspect that the "Islamophobia in the Tory party" stuff is pushed by Labour to mobilise it's voters, in the same way they do nurses and the NHS.
Thats really interesting. Do you have any articles I can read to brush up this? Contrary to what it might seem I am an objective thinker. Cheers


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Friday 15th November 2019
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RichB said:
Maybe going off at a tangent but why do you refer to yourself as muslim when you say you're not religious?
Because I am a muslim. I believe in god but I just dont practice it.

Does it need to be black and white in your opinion?


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Friday 15th November 2019
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Johnnytheboy said:
OP: if your religion trumps your political opinions arrived at through rational thought,have you considered praying for guidance on how to vote?
Maybe if Brexit didn’t embolden the racists this wouldn’t even be an issue