Trans woman convicted rapist sent to female prison

Trans woman convicted rapist sent to female prison


Rufus Stone

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58 months

Tuesday 24th January 2023
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Rufus Stone

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58 months

Tuesday 24th January 2023
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Getragdogleg said:
We are witnessing the collapse of our society and future generations may well study this time and ask WTF ?
Many of the current generations are too.

Rufus Stone

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58 months

Wednesday 25th January 2023
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ZedLeg said:
Well wings has, he's one of the many mediocre dudes who have become deranged at the thought of trans people.
Or he's one of the few left with some common sense.

Rufus Stone

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58 months

Wednesday 25th January 2023
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plenty said:
I don't believe I'm entrenched. I will listen to the perspectives of those who are willing to discuss in good faith. I'm also open to having my mind changed.

However, sharing a link from the Daily Mail followed by a series of predictably furious 'world gone mad' posts from angry people is the opposite of a good-faith discussion.

On a positive note the thread today seems to have turned in a more constructive direction.

If you would like to have a debate, start by focusing on what I've actually said, rather than repeatedly baiting me to engage with you on things I haven't said. My comments have exclusively focused on the integrity of the DM as a source and the suitability of NPE as a place for balanced debate. If you have a perspective on that, let's hear it.
Which prison should this convicted rapist be sent to then, male or female?

Rufus Stone

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58 months

Wednesday 25th January 2023
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plenty said:
Are you willing to listen to an answer that might challenge your position? Or are you looking for someone to shout at?
Go for it.

And I haven't shouted at anyone.

Rufus Stone

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58 months

Wednesday 25th January 2023
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plenty said:
Feels like I'm setting myself up to be a whipping boy, but here goes.

I can empathise with those who are concerned about vulnerable women prisoners. My understanding is the decision to house this prisoner in a female prison is a temporary one and a permanent decision will be made later. While housed in the female prison it's imperative that the appropriate steps are taken to protect safety. The same is true if this prisoner ends up in a male prison.

As a person who has transitioned or is transitioning the option to house this prisoner (whether temporarily or permanently) in a female prison is absolutely one that must be considered. If you cannot accept even the possibility of this, then there's not much for us to debate.
You haven't answered my question though.

Unless you are going to keep a trans woman rapist with fully working tackle in isolation for their whole sentence, there is no way on earth they should be sent to a female prison. Then, if you are going to keep them in isolation they may as well be sent to a male prison to do that.

Rufus Stone

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58 months

Wednesday 25th January 2023
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plenty said:
I certainly have answered your question, but you're not listening. You're saying 'I'm right and no other points of view can be considered'. Which vindicates my original assertion that a meaningful discussion cannot be had.
You haven't. I asked you which prison they should be sent to, male or female. All you have done is detail options.

I'm not saying I'm right, I'm giving you my opinion. Something which you appear reluctant to do.

Rufus Stone

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58 months

Wednesday 25th January 2023
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plenty said:

In your opinion, should a biological female convicted of sexual assault against females be housed in a men's or women's prison?

If your answer is 'a women's prison', why do you give a different answer in the case of Isla Bryson?
A women's prison.

Because Isla Bryson has a working cock and clearly likes to use it forcibly.

Rufus Stone

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58 months

Wednesday 25th January 2023
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plenty said:
What's the difference between having 'a working cock and clearly likes to use it forcibly' versus a woman who penetratively rapes another woman with something other than her cock?
You can't rape someone without a cock. You have learnt something today.

Rufus Stone

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6,517 posts

58 months

Thursday 26th January 2023
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chrispmartha said:
So why are people going on about toilets snd changing rooms then if its just about this particular person?
Because that always happens on any PH trans thread. biggrin

Rufus Stone

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6,517 posts

58 months

Thursday 26th January 2023
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ZedLeg said:
You realise that people glomming onto gender critical talking points and using this as a beating stick for policy that isn't in effect yet is what's driving the news?
Scotland are already apparently following this process, I read they have 5 trans women in women's prisons. The Bill, which now looks dead in the water, just made it easier for criminals to abuse the system.

Rufus Stone

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58 months

Thursday 26th January 2023
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Oakey said:
And men convicted of raping other men, where do they go?
See previous post.

Rufus Stone

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58 months

Thursday 26th January 2023
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768 said:
chrispmartha said:
Timothy Bucktu said:
He's not going to a Woman's prison now.
So youve all got yourselves wound up for nothing.
I'm sure the public response had nothing to do with the change.
A victory for the outraged on social media and the Daily Mail.

Perhaps common sense isn't a lost cause after all.

Rufus Stone

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58 months

Thursday 26th January 2023
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chrispmartha said:
Maybe read the actual article in the OP

“It is understood Bryson is being held in a segregation unit at Cornton Vale women's prison, where the attacker will be risk assessed ahead of sentencing to see where she will serve her term”

Due process has decided which prison this person is going to not the response by people on here or anywhere else.
Do you honestly believe todays announcement is the result of due process?

Rufus Stone

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58 months

Thursday 26th January 2023
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chrispmartha said:
No I think they just looked on Twitter and watched GB News.
That's good. I agree. biggrin

Rufus Stone

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6,517 posts

58 months

Friday 27th January 2023
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dundarach said:
A chap on LBC yesterday asked a very good question

Where do we put men, who rape men?

Shirely a homosexual male rapist would be better in a female prison by this logic.

(Not withstanding the universal truth of 'if you stick it where you shouldn't, then you loose it')
This has been asked and answered many times.

You are primarily imprisoned based on your sex not your gender. I am happy to give consideration to vary this for those who have had reassignment surgery though.

Rufus Stone

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58 months

Friday 27th January 2023
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ZedLeg said:
With everyone back to relishing the possible violence of prison.

Rufus Stone

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6,517 posts

58 months

Friday 27th January 2023
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ZedLeg said:
I'm not going to lie, I thought the people very concerned about women's rights would've moved on to the UCI saying that being born male and transitioning is no more advantageous in elite sport than being born middle class by now.
Are you trolling now?

Rufus Stone

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58 months

Friday 27th January 2023
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ZedLeg said:
Hormonal treatment is an important part of treating gender dysphoria. Cutting off someone's hormones cold turkey could have very bad effects.

"If someone is receiving treatment from the NHS for whatever reason, they should be allowed to continue that treatment if they go to prison." doesn't seem like it would be a controversial thing to say.
No problem with that, as long as it's a prison aligning with their sex.

Rufus Stone

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6,517 posts

58 months

Friday 27th January 2023
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ZedLeg said:
Who's been taken in? This thread has had people shouting the odds on one side and people saying there's a process that we should wait for. The process has finished now and the person is going to a man's prison. Essentially the whole thread has been a storm in a teacup.
Surely you can't honestly believe that.

It was a political decision announced by a politician.