"No more Polish vermin"



2,344 posts

126 months

Monday 27th June 2016
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Disgusting remarks about the Poles,the majority who live and work here contribute a lot to the British economy.

A nation like Poland who suffered so much during WW2 and their people who fought alongside the Brits.

The morons who make these comments can we send them on a ship on their way to Australia? Plenty of spare land over there to build their future.

Flip Martian

19,769 posts

192 months

Monday 27th June 2016
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stitched said:
I and many of my friends voted to leave the EU. I don't have a single racist amongst my friends and would not tolerate one as a friend.
The neanderthal dheads spouting racist tripe today were here before the referendum, unfortunately they will still be here tomorrow however we have domestic laws to deal with them and sooner rather than later they will realise that voting out of the EU gives them no mandate to spout bile.
My apologies if this makes life uncomfortable for you and yours in the short term but please rest assured that this country will always welcome people who add to its success.
My vote to leave was due to the anti democratic swing of what was becoming a federal state of Europe.
I think I, and most of my Remain friends don't have a problem with that at all. I have much sympathy with the genuine reasons, I'm no lover of what the EU has become either. I think many have been shocked how the result has allowed racism to rear up. Myself and quite a few others have all suddenly noticed people or social media contacts we thought of as mates, have met in real life etc, suddenly spouting dodgy stuff. Been a strange weekend.

Pan Pan Pan

9,999 posts

113 months

Monday 27th June 2016
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This is disgusting. It was Poles who helped the UK defeat Nazi Germany, and if they are known for anything, they are known for being bl**dy hard workers, that has been my experience of them on the building sites I have worked on.
As I have posted before immigration is good for any country, it is mass uncontrolled immigration which is the true disaster, especially for a small country, which is already the most densely populated country in the EU. Some it seems, are not able to differentiate between the two.
We also have the problem of some of the indigenous population taking the position of believing they can sit on their a*ses watching Jeremy Kyle on daytime TV, because those who `are' prepared to do a days work, will pay their taxes and keep them in benefits, so they don't have to get up and work for a living.
If it was a choice between an indigenous benefits dweller who does not want a job, and a hard working pole, I would choose the Pole every time.


3,813 posts

175 months

Monday 27th June 2016
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I work in manufacturing, a lot of my colleagues are Polish, not the stereotypical labourers but in planning and management roles.
They were worried in the referendum that it would affect their working lives. Most of them however were already either working towards or had attained UK citizenship, those who had not gone down that route were being helped out by their union rep, born in Egypt who is the proud holder of a UK passport.
My fellow Englishman, (OK unitedkingdomish) is only concerned with the exorbitant cost of choosing to become a UK citizen currently. Might make sense to reduce this for the people currently living here and helping us all prosper.

del mar

2,838 posts

201 months

Monday 27th June 2016
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There is a big difference between saying I know an East European who works really hard and is a thoroughly nice person - "The family that live at number 7" and large areas of your town suddenly looking like another country. We can probably all say that.

I would wager that the most of the 17m are not bothered about the family at number 7, but they are bothered when they become the family at number 7.

We all hail a recent group of arrivals that will work for half the UK rate, and live in conditions most of us would not, as an Economic Miracle, but surely this only applies until the next group arrives and undercut them ?

Just wait until we negotiate trade deals and visa applications with the Chinese - that will show what working for peanuts is !!


3,813 posts

175 months

Monday 27th June 2016
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When the Polish were accepted into the EU the company I work for actively recruited Polish staff through a Polish agency, they did this as they were having huge problems with recruitment in the UK and a massive problem with attendence and long term sickness.
The company had property in a local village as a holdover from when the site was built as a farmers collective, and they rented these properties out to the Polish workers who accepted employment, incidentally buying each of them a bicycle. Despite local fears the majority of these 'invaders' now own their own property and vehicle and have seamlessly integrated into the local environment and culture. For the record they were paid the same rate as their UK counterparts and without their assistance I doubt the depot would still be open.
It's not about immigration, it's about freedom to choose in my own country.

Derek Smith

45,854 posts

250 months

Monday 27th June 2016
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del mar said:
But for millions of people this is what the vote was about.

Look at some of the counties with large migrant populations. Boston has seen a 467% increase in its foreign born population. Their out vote was 75%, their town has changed beyond all recognition.

Yet we will sit here and call them racist and "little englander".
Someone should have told the voters that in all probability there will be little curb on immigration. That's what Johnson is suggesting at the moment. That's what was said in the exit canvasing as well.

So what you meant to say was that for millions of people, disappointment is round the corner.


13,830 posts

98 months

Monday 27th June 2016
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We all knew that little or no change to immigration was a possibility. Brexit was no more a defined plan than staying in the EU was, there were and still are a range of possibilities, all of which are for negotiation. Invoking Article 50 is the only thing that shouldn't be up for negotiation.


10,529 posts

211 months

Monday 27th June 2016
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Derek Smith said:
del mar said:
But for millions of people this is what the vote was about.

Look at some of the counties with large migrant populations. Boston has seen a 467% increase in its foreign born population. Their out vote was 75%, their town has changed beyond all recognition.

Yet we will sit here and call them racist and "little englander".
Someone should have told the voters that in all probability there will be little curb on immigration. That's what Johnson is suggesting at the moment. That's what was said in the exit canvasing as well.

So what you meant to say was that for millions of people, disappointment is round the corner.
That is what they should have told the voters, but instead people believed the prospect of saving £350m per week (which was a lie), reductions in immigration (lie - if anything it may actually go up).

Some of my friends have witnessed this xenophobia/stupidity at school last week - kids sports day and there were some shouts at the "foreign" parents (polish from what I recall) saying that they should go back home. This is in Basingstoke, which is normally a pretty quiet place.

Have my sons sports day tomorrow, and his school is a mix of english, polish, irish and italians (probably others too). I'm hoping that such isn't witnessed - have a feeling that if anything negative is said, those parents will be smacked out by the head mistress.


3,235 posts

176 months

Monday 27th June 2016
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I like the poles generally. I don't like the convicted rapists and murderers that made it over though. We have enough home-grown 'talent' for that.

If we had two islands of Brits and one island were immigrating to the country I was in that was already pushed to breaking point through over population, I wouldn't want them to come.

It is not race, it is common sense.


12,652 posts

250 months

Monday 27th June 2016
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T5XARV said:
del mar said:
But for millions of people this is what the vote was about.

Look at some of the counties with large migrant populations. Boston has seen a 467% increase in its foreign born population. Their out vote was 75%, their town has changed beyond all recognition.

Yet we will sit here and call them racist and "little englander".
With large corporate/agricultural employers laughing all the way to the stock exchange....

What an insult to the many displaced young people who would naturally occupy these roles but can't get through the door due to ticking the 'White British' box on the application form. But hey, who gives a .........?
Still, with their swaggering, boorish manners, loud voices and a penchant for swigging a refreshing can of beer at 9am our vibrant new neighbours are clearly here to out-chav our chavs.....how european !
Which is of course wonderful economic news for scumbag landlords, Sports Direct, suppliers of cheap fags and goldy-lookin' chains, ridiculous vapes, Rover 75's and ancient Mercs .
If you think young people can't get jobs because they're white and British then you have rocks in your head.


2,776 posts

150 months

Monday 27th June 2016
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Disgusting stuff, I voted out but not for this, immigration needs a few minor tweaks but that's it people are here because there are jobs available, odd how nobody becomes an immigrant in a country with mass unemployment... SO clearly we have enough jobs and if we didn't we'd see a big fall in numbers.

Anyway the issue is these scum have always been here always thinking these thoughts they just think they've won something, they haven't but it didn't help that the vote was basically a for and against immigration debate and by debate I mean a pack of lies..


249 posts

98 months

Monday 27th June 2016
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oyster said:
T5XARV said:
del mar said:
But for millions of people this is what the vote was about.

Look at some of the counties with large migrant populations. Boston has seen a 467% increase in its foreign born population. Their out vote was 75%, their town has changed beyond all recognition.

Yet we will sit here and call them racist and "little englander".
With large corporate/agricultural employers laughing all the way to the stock exchange....

What an insult to the many displaced young people who would naturally occupy these roles but can't get through the door due to ticking the 'White British' box on the application form. But hey, who gives a .........?
Still, with their swaggering, boorish manners, loud voices and a penchant for swigging a refreshing can of beer at 9am our vibrant new neighbours are clearly here to out-chav our chavs.....how european !
Which is of course wonderful economic news for scumbag landlords, Sports Direct, suppliers of cheap fags and goldy-lookin' chains, ridiculous vapes, Rover 75's and ancient Mercs .
If you think young people can't get jobs because they're white and British then you have rocks in your head.

It's you that has rocks in your head I'm afraid


Flip Martian

19,769 posts

192 months

Monday 27th June 2016
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Silvernoble883 said:
It's you that has rocks in your head I'm afraid

While that recruitment is clearly PC-ness gone mad, it's hardly representative of all recruitment in the UK.


8,535 posts

175 months

Monday 27th June 2016
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Silvernoble883 said:
It's you that has rocks in your head I'm afraid

What does that have to do with immigration, what are the chances of a recent immigrant being fluent in Welsh? How will leaving the EU change their recruitment policy?


17,868 posts

167 months

Monday 27th June 2016
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We recruit EU civil engineers because there is a shortage of young people doing it, or of they do they go to finance. It's got nothing to do with them being british, they are just not out there.

This country would not function without them.


249 posts

98 months

Monday 27th June 2016
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berlintaxi said:
Silvernoble883 said:
It's you that has rocks in your head I'm afraid

What does that have to do with immigration, what are the chances of a recent immigrant being fluent in Welsh? How will leaving the EU change their recruitment policy?
In means if you are a ethnic minority you have a better chance than if you are white British so yes if you are white and British you are being discriminated against.

Sam All

3,101 posts

103 months

Monday 27th June 2016
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vonuber said:
We recruit EU civil engineers because there is a shortage of young people doing it, or of they do they go to finance. It's got nothing to do with them being british, they are just not out there.

This country would not function without them.
That one trick pony.. wink


12,467 posts

170 months

Monday 27th June 2016
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funkyrobot said:
mph1977 said:
vonuber said:
del mar said:
But for millions of people this is what the vote was about.

Look at some of the counties with large migrant populations. Boston has seen a 467% increase in its foreign born population. Their out vote was 75%, their town has changed beyond all recognition.

Yet we will sit here and call them racist and "little englander".
What, telling Polish people to fk off?
Boston's decline ?

those british who could leave did leave ? going to happen regardless with a settlement like Boston

aside from the public sector ( and then that;s only really local services and the DGH - county hall is in Lincoln, trust HQ for the hospitals is Lincoln - trust HQ for the mental health and community trusts were Sleaford or Lincoln ... there are only so many mangerial and technical roles to go around and even if a company was 'local' it makes much more sense for head office to be in Grantham, Newark, Stamford or Peterborough ( ECML and A1 links) ... same with higher paying roles or the retailers etc ...

port of Boston - small port, limited in the size of vessel it can take and st road and rial links compared to the humber ports or the Suffolk ports ...

food processing increasingly automated or 'line work' considered below the locals even though they can't read can't rite and can barely drive a tractor ...

also not goingto get the village wives and children out to help with harvesting like in the rose tinted past ...
Boston was a poop hole before the migrant fuss.

I should know, I went to college and worked there for a bit.
exactly - i suspect that without with influx of accession state nationals it would have withered and died off ... and the food industry would be bussing people in from directions towards Nottingham , leicester , peterborough ... and/or relocating closer to the A1 and civilisation


8,535 posts

175 months

Monday 27th June 2016
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Silvernoble883 said:
berlintaxi said:
Silvernoble883 said:
It's you that has rocks in your head I'm afraid

What does that have to do with immigration, what are the chances of a recent immigrant being fluent in Welsh? How will leaving the EU change their recruitment policy?
In means if you are a ethnic minority you have a better chance than if you are white British.
Only if you are fluent in welsh, of which the only immigrant possibly fluent in welsh I can think of would be from Patagonia or are there huge lesbian and gay welsh classes in Poland?