Balanced Question Time panel tonight - of course not! VOL 2

Balanced Question Time panel tonight - of course not! VOL 2


Northern Munkee

5,354 posts

202 months

Friday 25th November 2016
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jsf said:
You are wrong Farron, when I had to take a workmate to hospital in Italy before treatment he had to give his ID, he used his passport and driving license.
Of course, but looky here he is virtue signalling towards voters from the Blair wing of Labour, in a whoring for votes. Forgiving Bliar everything, even the PFI debacle, the Iraq War, and he agrees with him the EU it's beautiful, "let's have a progressive centre left coalition around me (and Tony)".

Wrong side of history.


530 posts

143 months

Friday 25th November 2016
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I swear this SNP tt removes his face when he goes to bed and there is actually a lizard type thing under there.


37,847 posts

258 months

Friday 25th November 2016
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Northern Munkee said:
I swear Tim Farron is needing a fking slap.
Every time I hear him speak he comes up with even more bks.

Assuming the election goes to 2020, Farron will be spending 14tn on the NHS, will have us back in the EU by June of that year with free everything and everyone will be a millionaire. He's an opportunist idiot.

Andrew Neill just totally handed the SNP cretin his arse on This Week. He REALLY needs to take over from Dimbleby on QT. It would be the most watchable show on TV.


29,395 posts

201 months

Friday 25th November 2016
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Murph7355 said:
Assuming the election goes to 2020, Farron will be spending 14tn on the NHS, will have us back in the EU by June of that year with free everything and everyone will be a millionaire. He's an opportunist idiot.
He's doing exactly the right thing to repair the party though. All he needs is a few percentage points of a swing back from the tories and he's got a dozen seats back. He's quite rightly realised that there are enough arch-remainers who will vote for anyone who says they're pro EU, regardless of how insane the actual policies are.

Northern Munkee

5,354 posts

202 months

Friday 25th November 2016
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Murph7355 said:
Northern Munkee said:
I swear Tim Farron is needing a fking slap.
Every time I hear him speak he comes up with even more bks.

Assuming the election goes to 2020, Farron will be spending 14tn on the NHS, will have us back in the EU by June of that year with free everything and everyone will be a millionaire. He's an opportunist idiot.

Andrew Neill just totally handed the SNP cretin his arse on This Week. He REALLY needs to take over from Dimbleby on QT. It would be the most watchable show on TV.
He's not going to go on forever, he's like the TopGear of BBC TV political programming, it's something the BBC can point to and say "we can't be biased, look!" I'm disappointed Paxman has fked off, he's not partisan, and is intelligent and tough.


8,964 posts

208 months

Friday 25th November 2016
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Murph7355 said:
Every time I hear him speak he comes up with even more bks.

Come the election ... Farage will be spending 14tn on the NHS, will have us out of the EU in weeks with free everything and everyone will be a millionaire. He's an opportunist idiot.
Its no different.

Apart from the nationalism/racism angle of course.

Why do idiots fall for it, eh?


7,091 posts

95 months

Friday 25th November 2016
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davepoth said:
Murph7355 said:
Assuming the election goes to 2020, Farron will be spending 14tn on the NHS, will have us back in the EU by June of that year with free everything and everyone will be a millionaire. He's an opportunist idiot.
He's doing exactly the right thing to repair the party though. All he needs is a few percentage points of a swing back from the tories and he's got a dozen seats back. He's quite rightly realised that there are enough arch-remainers who will vote for anyone who says they're pro EU, regardless of how insane the actual policies are.


8,645 posts

153 months

Friday 25th November 2016
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Murph7355 said:
Northern Munkee said:
I swear Tim Farron is needing a fking slap.
Every time I hear him speak he comes up with even more bks.
He actually provides more piss boiling joules than someone from the SNP does, and that's saying something.

What a fking weasel.


621 posts

284 months

Friday 25th November 2016
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///ajd said:
Murph7355 said:
Every time I hear him speak he comes up with even more bks.

Come the election ... Farage will be spending 14tn on the NHS, will have us out of the EU in weeks with free everything and everyone will be a millionaire. He's an opportunist idiot.
Its no different.

Apart from the nationalism/racism angle of course.

Why do idiots fall for it, eh?
Which is worse? Calling people racist again, becausd your very last post in this topic last night, calling people racist, was ignored? Or changing the quoted text to misrepresent Murph7355?

You are a sad, sad person.


37,847 posts

258 months

Friday 25th November 2016
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///ajd said:
Murph7355 said:
Every time I hear him speak he comes up with even more bks.

Come the election ... Farage will be spending 14tn on the NHS, will have us out of the EU in weeks with free everything and everyone will be a millionaire. He's an opportunist idiot.
Its no different.

Apart from the nationalism/racism angle of course.

Why do idiots fall for it, eh?
Please don't edit my posts like that. Certainly without noting what you've done.

Keep crying "racist" all you like. Your definition and mine of that word are evidently very different. You overuse it to the point it's meaningles and people who do that are doing more to encourage racism than Farage ever could. It's arrogantly dismissive and turns people off to what you have to say. When politicians do this it makes people who hold those non-racist views feel marginalised. Which is very unhealthy.

I stated "Farron" because he was on the panel and his claims are becoming increasingly ludicrous. I can see why you appear to like him.

Farage meanwhile seems to be spending all his cash on Ferrero Rocher.

The one thing they do have in common is that I have never and will never vote for either of them.

I agree much more with Farage on many things but he is not PM material. Don't think he ever wanted to be, though frankly he's been proven right on many things lately.

Farron is a buffoon who will apparently say anything to try and get into office. He's the bigger bigot of the two, being utterly dismissive and holier than thou on any opinion that is not his own. Again, I can see why you seem to like him... wink

Idiots haven't yet fallen for him. Will you?


8,964 posts

208 months

Friday 25th November 2016
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People made valid points about how Farage has encoraged casual racism.

Do you really not see that?

Racism needs challenging, not tolerating.


56 months

Friday 25th November 2016
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Phil1 said:
///ajd said:
Murph7355 said:
Every time I hear him speak he comes up with even more bks.

Come the election ... Farage will be spending 14tn on the NHS, will have us out of the EU in weeks with free everything and everyone will be a millionaire. He's an opportunist idiot.
Its no different.

Apart from the nationalism/racism angle of course.

Why do idiots fall for it, eh?
Which is worse? Calling people racist again, becausd your very last post in this topic last night, calling people racist, was ignored? Or changing the quoted text to misrepresent Murph7355?

You are a sad, sad person.

In all seriousness I have to agree. ajd does appear to grow more and more irrational and dysfunctional week on week. Very sad to see.

I wonder how many have been similarly damaged by not being able to manage their aspirations or bully others into submission?

Northern Munkee

5,354 posts

202 months

Friday 25th November 2016
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///ajd said:
People made valid points about how Farage has encoraged casual racism.

Do you really not see that?

Racism needs challenging, not tolerating.
Your misquoting of other people's posts without highlighting the changes you have made to them really should see you banned from this forum. Illiberal. Look it up, it's you.


37,847 posts

258 months

Friday 25th November 2016
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///ajd said:
People made valid points about how Farage has encoraged casual racism.

Do you really not see that?

Racism needs challenging, not tolerating.
OK, I'll play.

Point me to one thing Farage has said that is categorically "racist"?

And by your own measure, how is the EU not "racist"?

Extremists tend to latch onto soundbites without context to justify themselves.

I don't intrinsically blame the creator of the soundbite for the views of the extremist. That's a pretty ludicrous thing to do and harms progression IMO.

If I did, I could readily blame you for casual racism as noted. Trying to dismiss issues (perceived or otherwise) that evidently concern a lot of people in this country simply gives the extremists ammunition for upping the ante and being louder. Does that make you "racist"? Of course not.


8,429 posts

107 months

Friday 25th November 2016
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Northern Munkee said:
///ajd said:
People made valid points about how Farage has encoraged casual racism.

Do you really not see that?

Racism needs challenging, not tolerating.
Your misquoting of other people's posts without highlighting the changes you have made to them really should see you banned from this forum. Illiberal. Look it up, it's you.
Agree, disgraceful even for --ajd..


17,251 posts

226 months

Friday 25th November 2016
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///ajd said:
People made valid points about how Farage has encoraged casual racism.

Do you really not see that?

Racism needs challenging, not tolerating.
People are taught to be bigoted, racist, it isn't in anyone, it is not part of our genes, you are taught it. Looking down on people with a different colour skin to your own is a big problem the world over. Just go to India and hear the way those from the north talk about those 'darkies' from the south. It happens the world over, and usually by those that either live in an area where they never experience different races and cultures or in areas where different cultures don't mix with each other or come in at a fast rate and change what was there previously.

While people who do have concerns are ignored they are also not being educated, and if we don't educate them nothing will change.

It is people like you that cause racism by not listening to peoples concerns. Stop it!!!


11,407 posts

262 months

Friday 25th November 2016
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gizlaroc said:
People are taught to be bigoted, racist, it isn't in anyone,
Nonsense - those are judgemental terms based on a perceived moral code.
During early development children are frequently self-centred and react poorly to others. It is by education that these tendencies can be controlled and reversed. The number of examples in all cultures would hint at an underlying trait of tribalism in humanity of which the above terms are merely judgemental variants of.


4,264 posts

236 months

Friday 25th November 2016
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Wakefield next week. Tempted to apply and attempt to be the voice of reason.

Brief predicted agenda as follows:-

Corbyn good
Orgreave, nasty Tories, because Thatcher rolleyes

The sheer irony of the lefties crying inclusion in a traditional Labour heartland - which ironically voted leave by quite a large majority. Let's see how this computes and how in touch with their core vote they really are!


11,292 posts

190 months

Friday 25th November 2016
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///ajd said:
People made valid points about how Farage has encoraged casual racism.

Do you really not see that?

Racism needs challenging, not tolerating.
You have reached a new low on doubt it will please you no end but I will 100% ignore you from now really are a nasty, odious may think you are clever but in reality attitudes like yours will only drive racism underground rather than addressing it as it should be.

Andy Zarse

10,868 posts

249 months

Friday 25th November 2016
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Anyone else notice the Corbyn-bearded militant junior doctor who said he would have no part in identifying patients or otherwise checking if they were entitled to free care or should be charged.

Well you jumped-up pious little ponce, you have a strict legal and fiduciary duty to act in the interests of your employer. So if you don't like it sunshine get another fking job.