Is this the last tory government

Is this the last tory government



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162 months

Thursday 27th December 2018
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I'm still trying to work out is the tory party? a st party with some great people in it or a great party with some st people in it ???


Original Poster:

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162 months

Friday 28th December 2018
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ClaphamGT3 said:
Halb said:
THe english have gone through periods of socialism, most strikingly postwar, when they felt (rightly so) that they were owed something from the dimbles in charge. It comes and goes.
Longish periods of labour Government maybe but, apart from Atlee's post war Govt, how socialist have they really been?
The tories do seem to have become very british labour socialist !! gone is the idea of personal respossiblity,small government ,light touch regulation ,encouraging enterprise ,national pride ,
In it's place is micro management ,nannying ,pessimism and timid policy ....


Original Poster:

10,283 posts

162 months

Wednesday 16th January 2019
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so Is this the last tory government ???? will some split happen and they form a new centre right party, Or will they find a leader with some passion Ideas and leadership abilitys and reinvent themselves??
Or will they continue to chose the worst candidates from the short list for leader and continue the death spiral ???

Edited by powerstroke on Wednesday 16th January 23:09


Original Poster:

10,283 posts

162 months

Wednesday 16th January 2019
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The Dangerous Elk said:
No. everything is the same except for Brexit which is not a party animal.
So would it be best to vote for Corbyn and look for a public sector job ????


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10,283 posts

162 months

Wednesday 16th January 2019
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Troubleatmill said:
Yes - If I were PM - I would make him the UK ambassador to Israel.
I'm sure the locals will understand and welcome the appointment.
As long as you make Abbot the education sec I think we could have a deal !!speaking as the King of England hehe


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162 months

Saturday 19th January 2019
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Robertj21a said:
Wouldn't Keir Starmer be a better leader ?
Yes if you want a Blair Clone ...


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162 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2019
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Oh well never mind , another nail in the tory coffin as the ERG start to cave in tumbleweed


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162 months

Thursday 24th January 2019
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AAAANNND , Hammond knocks another nail in the tory coffin with his moronic comment about what people voted for in the referendum the cupid stunt !!!


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162 months

Wednesday 13th February 2019
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Re oily Robbins , so looks like stoping a meaningful brexit is more important than the electability of the tory party hope the party donors and the rank and file members think its worth a Corbyn government ...


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162 months

Tuesday 26th February 2019
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So stupid woman is being bullied into taking the chance of a deal off the table by her own side ....


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162 months

Tuesday 26th February 2019
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chris watton said:
powerstroke said:
So stupid woman is being bullied into taking the chance of a deal off the table by her own side ....
We will never be allowed to leave, they are all just pretending to put up a fight for the democratic vote we had. I feel this has been the case since the vote.

Now there's talk of a second referendum, something they clearly stated would never happen, yet here we are, and what are the chances the next vote will be rigged somehow.
Well at least its made me rule out ever voting tory .... hopefully brexit has finally finished them as a few crumbs of the masters
table isn't a good enough reason to vote for the lying self serving ,crony capitlist enabling ,middle class fking , don't give a st about free enterprise,small government or personal responsibility shower of tts ...


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162 months

Tuesday 26th February 2019
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El stovey said:
powerstroke said:
Well at least its made me rule out ever voting tory .... hopefully brexit has finally finished them as a few crumbs of the masters
table isn't a good enough reason to vote for the lying self serving ,crony capitlist enabling ,middle class fking , don't give a st about free enterprise,small government or personal responsibility shower of tts ...
You sound a bit unhinged.

You’re not going to vote for them ever again AND you want the party to be destroyed? hehe

The conservatives next election might be very different to this lot. Like any party, they’re not set in stone but are fluid and constantly evolving.

The Labour Party is unrecognisable now to the one in 1996. Compare conservatives under Thatcher to that of today.

All the parties need a good shake up though. The current political landscape in the UK apparently isn’t working for a lot of people.
Any party that alows someone like May or Corbyn to lead for as long as they both have doesn't deserve the trust of the voting public...


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162 months

Tuesday 2nd April 2019
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frisbee said:
Hoink said:
The danger is people who would normally vote Tory simply don't vote at all or vote for a Brexit party. I imagine Labour would pick up quite a few seats as a result.
A lot of Remainers will be tactically voting to do the most damage to the Tories.
A lot of leavers will also be voting tactically to do the most damage to the Tories
I seriously think only a no deal Proper brexit will save us from a Corbyn government ..


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162 months

Wednesday 3rd April 2019
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Frank7 said:
troika said:
I think the Tories have space to be even worse than they are currently and still remain in power, as long as the Corbyn / McDonnell dream team remain in place. I can’t see the UK positively voting for a socialist government whose goal is to end capitalism.
I wish that I had your confidence, I’ve seen too many “no chancers” slide into the home plate on GE day, to feel safe from the British proletariat consigning us to years of misery, that will have the public begging for Margaret Thatcher to be disinterred.
I've bought a donkey jacket and will be looking for a nice public sector job furious ,
May has fubard everything she has touched and the tories have let her do it , fk the lot of them I say !! what happens next will be their fault and only their fault ...self serving load of parasites ...


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162 months

Friday 19th April 2019
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So 10% behind Labour in the opinion polls if there were a GE ...
Wonder if they will ever learn to appoint decent leaders ???