Boris taking a kicking on Andrew Marr show.

Boris taking a kicking on Andrew Marr show.



2,843 posts

207 months

Sunday 24th March 2013
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Why is anybody surprised that mostly all politicians are self serving?

Yes he is liked for appealing to the common man (an act) speaking his mind (calculated) but its all crap.

He just provides most of PH for more reasons to hate the left.

I am mostly on the right (whatever that means) with belief in the free market and capitalism but I have to say for all his faults TB was the slickest operator we are likely to witness for a while and made a lot of us wealthy.

There are some good people working in local politics but Westminster politics is a game and we are fools if we think their thoughts often extend to 'us'


42,655 posts

258 months

Sunday 24th March 2013
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Getragdogleg said:
Boris is interesting because he is not just a career politician who is obviously in it for power and expenses, he has more character and some of his views are quite different from the party line.
Well that is where we differ. He exemplifies a power hungry politician to me, I think its all just an act.


1,519 posts

265 months

Sunday 24th March 2013
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RegMolehusband said:
Am I going to get a whoosh parrot for pointing out your strange spelling of journalist? Probably not.

Ooo - my reply window hasn't censored your bad word!
Its Sunday, I've had flu. Other than that, ive got nothing.


1,668 posts

186 months

Sunday 24th March 2013
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In the interests of fairness I would like to see Millipede and Balls interviewed in a similarly objectionable manner. Eddie Mair was down right rude, no doubt about it. If I were Boris I would have been mighty pissed off being interviewed in that manner. His phone was hacked years ago and the transcript of what he said in a private conversation was transcibed and made public. Other than the fact that it was an illegal act to hack his call, it must call the integrity of the BBC to use it against Boris. A private conversation is just that.


104,427 posts

262 months

Sunday 24th March 2013
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Riff Raff said:
Eric Mc said:
I actually think Eddie Mair is a pretty incisive interrogator. Isn't it the job of an interviewer to ask politicians awkward questions?
Yes, but as Boris tried to point out, what is important is what he is trying to achieve policy wise.

Raking over his (Boris's) past personal foibles adds nothing to the debate about how we fix the country's problems. I've got a lot of time for Eddie Mair, but they got this one badly wrong.
Agreed. The BBC and its political heroes are running scared of Boris as a future general election opponent. Any amount of mud will be slung at any opportunity, firstly to appease their tribal audience members and secondly in the hope that some will stick. Tomorrow Boris will still be around, and he'll still (hopefully) be looking for his blond mop to take over from CMD's lime green tie at an opportune moment.


70,012 posts

231 months

Sunday 24th March 2013
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I didn't see it but I don't see why if anyone is taking s**t from him that they don't just say, hmm, perhaps I should take out an injunction against the press asking those questions, follow your example......


1,668 posts

186 months

Sunday 24th March 2013
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Gene Vincent said:
On every thread that mentions the sinister teddy-bear I have stated that I consider him to be the very worst sort of person, to me he is the living personification of of Animal Farms 'Napolean'.

The last Mayoral election was the struggle for power in Animal Farm in real time.

There is a visceral malevolence within him and the mask of avuncular humour occasionally slips.
What a load of crap. You could use that description (have you swallowed a dictionary or something?) for about 620 other politicians. He is no dfferent except there is more about him than many of his contemporaries.


7,238 posts

220 months

Sunday 24th March 2013
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Eric Mc said:
I actually think Eddie Mair is a pretty incisive interrogator. Isn't it the job of an interviewer to ask politicians awkward questions?
Yes; unless the person being interviewed is a Tory, in which case it's a BBC liberal conspiracy.

The fact this bloke is being touted as PM is ridiculous to me - being represented by him on the world stage would make the UK look like a laughing stock

Gene Vincent

4,002 posts

160 months

Sunday 24th March 2013
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mercGLowner said:
Gene Vincent said:
On every thread that mentions the sinister teddy-bear I have stated that I consider him to be the very worst sort of person, to me he is the living personification of of Animal Farms 'Napolean'.

The last Mayoral election was the struggle for power in Animal Farm in real time.

There is a visceral malevolence within him and the mask of avuncular humour occasionally slips.
What a load of crap. You could use that description (have you swallowed a dictionary or something?) for about 620 other politicians. He is no dfferent except there is more about him than many of his contemporaries.
He is very different to 'other' politicians, he admits to purposeful obfuscation and makes a humourous virtue of it, is the modern version of Bread and Circuses for the masses.

To get the level of support from the populous whilst performing this diversionary tactic is of great concern to all of us who saw the same tactic used by Blair just 18 years ago, charming the public into a false sense of security is the tactic, the methodology is different but the result is the same, the gullible are duped.


104,427 posts

262 months

Sunday 24th March 2013
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collateral said:
Eric Mc said:
I actually think Eddie Mair is a pretty incisive interrogator. Isn't it the job of an interviewer to ask politicians awkward questions?
Yes; unless the person being interviewed is a Tory, in which case it's a BBC liberal conspiracy.

The fact this bloke is being touted as PM is ridiculous to me - being represented by him on the world stage would make the UK look like a laughing stock
Polish up your sense of humour then, you may need it smile

The Vambo

6,730 posts

143 months

Sunday 24th March 2013
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Eric Mc said:
I actually think Eddie Mair is a pretty incisive interrogator. Isn't it the job of an interviewer to ask politicians awkward questions?
This, I think he gets the agressive without being rude balance spot on, Boris has gotten an easy ride from the media due to his very funny personality. If he does have what it takes then these sort of questions should be par for the course.


23,563 posts

238 months

Sunday 24th March 2013
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Pesty said:
DJRC said:
? Of course he isnt, havent we been saying that for a while? Boris is a power hungry politician with a different spin than the others. This is not a shock!
Some of us have.

He has lots of support on here.
Oh dont get me wrong, I like him and would thoroughly enjoy seeing him as PM. Im the one who posts about the "invention" of Boris following his defeat during a student election back at Oxford. I have no problem with my politicians lacking morals of any kind, frankly they can state sanction invasions, murders, robberies, frauds, torture and the most unethical behavior possible so long as it benefits me.


12,955 posts

178 months

Sunday 24th March 2013
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Gene Vincent said:
Mair is a fine journalist and friend and under the humour he has a very incisive mind.

On every thread that mentions the sinister teddy-bear I have stated that I consider him to be the very worst sort of person, to me he is the living personification of of Animal Farms 'Napolean'.

The last Mayoral election was the struggle for power in Animal Farm in real time.

There is a visceral malevolence within him and the mask of avuncular humour occasionally slips.
It's not like you to exaggerate, Gene!


3,588 posts

191 months

Sunday 24th March 2013
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Riff Raff said:
Yes, but as Boris tried to point out, what is important is what he is trying to achieve policy wise.

Raking over his (Boris's) past personal foibles adds nothing to the debate about how we fix the country's problems. I've got a lot of time for Eddie Mair, but they got this one badly wrong.
But Boris trades so highly on his character and his personality that imo its fair he has it confronted.

Its just Boris sycophants who seem to have the problem. If George Galloway was on the show, PH would hardly be crying about it if he had a bit of a character assassination.
If you play the game using your character as a tool, expect to get questioned on your past.


23,563 posts

238 months

Sunday 24th March 2013
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collateral said:
Eric Mc said:
I actually think Eddie Mair is a pretty incisive interrogator. Isn't it the job of an interviewer to ask politicians awkward questions?
Yes; unless the person being interviewed is a Tory, in which case it's a BBC liberal conspiracy.

The fact this bloke is being touted as PM is ridiculous to me - being represented by him on the world stage would make the UK look like a laughing stock
Er, he already has done. Biggest show on earth, London, 2012...ring any bells?

I dont know about the rest of the world, but here in the middle of Europe he went down a storm. Only 4 Uk politicians are known out here, Blair, CMD, Farage and Boris. OK, so its a fair call that it frequently feels like 50% of the ppl you talk to still think Blair is PM, but hey ho. The Germans and French love Farage but for different reasons. The French because they basically think he is a rabble rouser against the Establishment, the Germans because he treats Draghi and Barroso with absolute contempt (so do they). Everybody loves Boris because he is so "English". CMD is viewed as dull. And everybody likes Blair. Or Beckham. Dont laugh, the number of times you can speak to someone and they get them mixed up!
But frankly, most important is Kate's baby.

Welcome to the European view of British politics and yes Kate's bump far outweighs the others in terms of interest.

Gene Vincent

4,002 posts

160 months

Sunday 24th March 2013
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AnonSpoilSport said:
Gene Vincent said:
Mair is a fine journalist and friend and under the humour he has a very incisive mind.

On every thread that mentions the sinister teddy-bear I have stated that I consider him to be the very worst sort of person, to me he is the living personification of of Animal Farms 'Napolean'.

The last Mayoral election was the struggle for power in Animal Farm in real time.

There is a visceral malevolence within him and the mask of avuncular humour occasionally slips.
It's not like you to exaggerate, Gene!
I always say what I see and I see El Diablo at every snort and old-buffery from the sinister teddy-bear and have done for quite some time.


15,078 posts

171 months

Sunday 24th March 2013
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The Yanks I know love Boris too for his 'Englishness', friends in France were amazed to see his passion for the opening of the Olympics. It is clear he is just another politician, but at least he is likeable which is a big difference between him and the plastic dolls that are Milliband and Cameron.


53,012 posts

185 months

Sunday 24th March 2013
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Gene Vincent said:
He is very different to 'other' politicians, he admits to purposeful obfuscation and makes a humourous virtue of it, is the modern version of Bread and Circuses for the masses.

To get the level of support from the populous whilst performing this diversionary tactic is of great concern to all of us who saw the same tactic used by Blair just 18 years ago, charming the public into a false sense of security is the tactic, the methodology is different but the result is the same, the gullible are duped.
A rather intriguing characterisation. Do yo know him personally?

DJRC said:
And everybody likes Blair. Or Beckham. Dont laugh, the number of times you can speak to someone and they get them mixed up!

Derek Smith

45,881 posts

250 months

Sunday 24th March 2013
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Happy82 said:
The Yanks I know love Boris too for his 'Englishness', friends in France were amazed to see his passion for the opening of the Olympics. It is clear he is just another politician, but at least he is likeable which is a big difference between him and the plastic dolls that are Milliband and Cameron.
He's funny, but likeable?

I've wathced the interview. There are any number of politicians on all sides of the house who would have come out much better.

The tories have some, not much at the moment, quality in their MPs but it seems that they are looking to the likes of Johnson and Gove. If they are after electoral liability then fair doos, they are the ones. Rather like Harman in the labour party.

The tories will struggle to be the major party at the next election. Squabbling amongst themselves over the leadership is likely to exacerbate their falling membership and fleeing voters. Johnson as PM will be the final nail.

He's an entertaining buffoon when he wants to be. When he's put on the spot, as in today's interview, he fails to show any of the qualities needed for a PM.

He's the tory leader Farage and Milliband want.


8,836 posts

185 months

Sunday 24th March 2013
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I like that he squirmed a bit, it showed he is not a political terminator robot like Blair. He showed more humanity in that little clip than Mr T Blair has ever exhibited in his life.

I would rather my representitives were shameable.