Tory stronghold crumbling slightly?

Tory stronghold crumbling slightly?



4,007 posts

209 months

Thursday 4th November 2010
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Mojocvh said:
The Hypno-Toad said:
Forget about left wing or right wing or even what's happened in the past. What we need now is common sense and as far as I can see, so far that's what this government has in spades.

And that's what I think politically most people on here have, common sense. We realise that the last bunch have totally screwed the country and that you can no longer go on spending money we don't have especially on stuff we don't need. I would like to think most people here don't think right or left but are informed enough to make their own judgements and move on from there.

I will always remember the week after the election and suddenly realising that all those ridiculous adverts ("Cos I'm so stupid that I've run out in the street, if you hit me I'll die,""Don't forget to eat your five a day porky," "Here's your free DVD to stop smoking, buttsy," and of course "Is the little doggy going to die because all those PHers went to Le Mans daddy?") had vanished from our screens because this government has the common sense to realise that at the moment, none of this st matters. ALL that matters is stopping this country from tipping to a depression that it will take decades to recover from and would lead to us being at the beck and call of the countries who have spent the last two decades concentrating on actually making stuff rather than;

1.) 'Making' money chasing pieces of paper around.
2.) Paying people for doing bugger all.
3.) Paying people for inventing threats that don't really exist.
4.) Paying people for telling other people how to live their lives when all they actually need is common sense
5.) Encouraging people to believe that what they own is more important than who they are
6.) Encouraging people to believe that celebrities are more important than what's actually going on.

I don't know if this government will be able to get us out of this mess but I do know one thing. Nothing, No one, can POSSIBLY be as bad as the last bunch.
10/10 clap


1,229 posts

195 months

Thursday 4th November 2010
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The Hypno-Toad said:
Forget about left wing or right wing or even what's happened in the past. What we need now is common sense and as far as I can see, so far that's what this government has in spades.

And that's what I think politically most people on here have, common sense. We realise that the last bunch have totally screwed the country and that you can no longer go on spending money we don't have especially on stuff we don't need. I would like to think most people here don't think right or left but are informed enough to make their own judgements and move on from there.

I will always remember the week after the election and suddenly realising that all those ridiculous adverts ("Cos I'm so stupid that I've run out in the street, if you hit me I'll die,""Don't forget to eat your five a day porky," "Here's your free DVD to stop smoking, buttsy," and of course "Is the little doggy going to die because all those PHers went to Le Mans daddy?") had vanished from our screens because this government has the common sense to realise that at the moment, none of this st matters. ALL that matters is stopping this country from tipping to a depression that it will take decades to recover from and would lead to us being at the beck and call of the countries who have spent the last two decades concentrating on actually making stuff rather than;

1.) 'Making' money chasing pieces of paper around.
2.) Paying people for doing bugger all.
3.) Paying people for inventing threats that don't really exist.
4.) Paying people for telling other people how to live their lives when all they actually need is common sense
5.) Encouraging people to believe that what they own is more important than who they are
6.) Encouraging people to believe that celebrities are more important than what's actually going on.

I don't know if this government will be able to get us out of this mess but I do know one thing. Nothing, No one, can POSSIBLY be as bad as the last bunch.
DO you really think this will change under this goverment. If it does then good.
But signing a 50 year defence treaty with the french. WTF..


1,229 posts

195 months

Thursday 4th November 2010
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KENZ said:
The Hypno-Toad said:
Forget about left wing or right wing or even what's happened in the past. What we need now is common sense and as far as I can see, so far that's what this government has in spades.

And that's what I think politically most people on here have, common sense. We realise that the last bunch have totally screwed the country and that you can no longer go on spending money we don't have especially on stuff we don't need. I would like to think most people here don't think right or left but are informed enough to make their own judgements and move on from there.

I will always remember the week after the election and suddenly realising that all those ridiculous adverts ("Cos I'm so stupid that I've run out in the street, if you hit me I'll die,""Don't forget to eat your five a day porky," "Here's your free DVD to stop smoking, buttsy," and of course "Is the little doggy going to die because all those PHers went to Le Mans daddy?") had vanished from our screens because this government has the common sense to realise that at the moment, none of this st matters. ALL that matters is stopping this country from tipping to a depression that it will take decades to recover from and would lead to us being at the beck and call of the countries who have spent the last two decades concentrating on actually making stuff rather than;

1.) 'Making' money chasing pieces of paper around.
2.) Paying people for doing bugger all.
3.) Paying people for inventing threats that don't really exist.
4.) Paying people for telling other people how to live their lives when all they actually need is common sense
5.) Encouraging people to believe that what they own is more important than who they are
6.) Encouraging people to believe that celebrities are more important than what's actually going on.

I don't know if this government will be able to get us out of this mess but I do know one thing. Nothing, No one, can POSSIBLY be as bad as the last bunch.
DO you really think this will change under this goverment. If it does then good.
But signing a 50 year defence treaty with the french. WTF..
I'd rather my taxes went up than do this.


7,902 posts

176 months

Thursday 4th November 2010
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You're talking to yourself?


9,614 posts

228 months

Thursday 4th November 2010
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thinfourth2 said:
Bing o said:

Seriously, get a memory people.
So the reason that they haven't cut forgien aid is?
Because that would be self defeating...

Foreign aid (a large part of it) is essentially bribes to developing nations to buy our stuff and services, wheter that's guns/bombs/planes/boats/computers/engineering/construction/whatever...

Edited by davido140 on Thursday 4th November 12:05


1,124 posts

183 months

Thursday 4th November 2010
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JagLover said:
Carfolio said:
but Labour's moved so far right they don't look it anymore. In some respects they are to the left of Labour really.
So increasing state spending to the extent that it now accounts for nearly half the economy is right wing now is it? scratchchin
What was the government spending of Nazi Germany before the war, I wonder? Possibly that's not an indicator of right- or left-wing policies exclusively then. Invading sovereign countries under false pretexts - probably a far better one.

The Hypno-Toad

12,390 posts

207 months

Thursday 4th November 2010
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Well I would agree that getting into bed with the Garlic Munchers is not the best thing to do, what else can we do?
The ground wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, if they are right or wrong, have cost this country and armed forces a fortune in both good men and resources. But it what it has done is show what we really do need to spend on as far as defending this country is concerned.
Why do we need big white ones cruising round the world somewhere? If anyone drops a nuke on us, it is far more liable to be a terrorist with a suitcase bomb, than a state so who do we drop a world of pain onto to payback? The Saudis?, The Iranians? The Russians and the Chinese are the only people who really have the capability to harm us with those and lets face it, they have now decided that economic domination is far better road to go down than blowing us all to bits in the cause of a little red book. & anyone who really thinks the Americans would let us shove one up the launch tubes anyway without their permission is deluding themselves.

As for the aircraft carriers, do we really truthfully need them? Yep ok the argies could try and take back the Falklands again but apart from that aren't both the carriers and missile subs just rememberence of times past when we could float around imposing our will on everyone?

We need an armed forces that can protect us on land, sea and in the air (which as far as I can see is the one area where we are sorely lacking at the moment.) but not one that consists of vanity projects for a few scrambled egg wearers in Whitehall. Would I rather have cruise missile nukes attached to a decent fighter bomber force and in hunter killer subs meaning I pay lower taxes or great, big, black and grey penis extensions that we can never use and in the case of the new carriers, seemingly only being built to make sure that most of Scotland still votes Labour?

Two extra points;
1.) After that fkwads Winky's performance in the Commons the other day, vote buying should be added to his list of crimes. It seemed he almost found it funny that he made those carriers uncancelable, there by insuring that Scotland will still be red.
2.) All that money in aid to Pakistan? That's a bribe. A bribe to keep the government stable. If they go the way of Afghanistan, they have nukes & a delivery system and then we are in a whole new world of hurt because here's a nice little scenario to keep you warm at night.
i.) Newly Taliban Pakistan nuke Israel or an Israeli based target (basically because its there.)
ii.) Israel nukes back.
iii.) Iran nukes back.
iv.) America nukes Iran.
v.) The Arab world then turns off the oil.
vi.) Start looking for guns, tinned food and a cave with running water cause that'll be game over.

Our Tridents and indeed us, would have nothing to do with that at all.

Simpo Two

85,869 posts

267 months

Thursday 4th November 2010
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KENZ said:
But signing a 50 year defence treaty with the french. WTF..
I wouldn't worry too much. Hitler and Stalin signed a treaty, and look what happened to that.

As for the carriers, well, there's always a massive pressure in peacetime to throw things away 'because we don't need them any more'. And then a punch-up starts somewhere and suddenly we do, and wish we had them. It's been happening for centuries. More than once we beat the French, then scrapped the Navy because it 'wasn't needed any more'. So France went off and built a thumping great Navy to get its own back and hey, guess what, we get caught with our trousers down. Again. And it was French naval power that lost us the Amercian colonies.

History. It's all there, you just have to read it.

Colin 1985

1,921 posts

172 months

Thursday 4th November 2010
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Bit fanciful, that scenario.


3,677 posts

197 months

Thursday 4th November 2010
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746529 said:
Has she finally gone?

I'll get some food and booze in for the inevitable street parties!

colonel c

7,892 posts

241 months

Thursday 4th November 2010
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It's inevitable that there will be some level of disillusionment with the new government. We witnessed the same thing after the Blair government came to power.
The fact is that however able and well meaning ministers are, all to often their hands are tied by things like the civil service, the EU, existing legislation etc etc. This is why whoever is in opposition can always pledge to do things that are popular with the electorate but in government the pledges all to often turn into empty promises.
This time it's a little more interesting because we have the most unlikely bedfellows forming a government. This is a handy get out of jail free card for the dyed in the wool Tory supporters on here as they can always blame the 'fkwit' Lib Dem's for holding their true blue heroes back. I guess Labour supporting PH members don't bother to post much because of the abuse they are likely to get if they do.
Hopefully the rest of us will make judgments on how the government performs based on results rather than rhetoric.

Watching Gordon Brown's recent speech in the House of Commons it was clear that the Blair/Brown era is well and truly finished. That is something that has yet to permeate through to some PH posters who appear to be still fighting the last election.


104,436 posts

262 months

Thursday 4th November 2010
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No crumbling in sight, but possibly in imagination.

Imagination can arise from all sorts of things. If a couple of individuals head over to LadasAreAce dot com and say that Trabants are better, is that crumbling support for Ladas or something not even worth sparking a synapse over as it's likely one of them was a troll trying to get a reaction (again).


104,436 posts

262 months

Thursday 4th November 2010
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84% of libdims support the coalition, maybe we need more libdims on here taxing us for parking our cars outside our homes and raving over Maggie and CMD.


21,896 posts

198 months

Thursday 4th November 2010
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6 months after an election, doing what they said they'd do, cuts.

Naturally the losers will be unhappy, no surprise.


56 months

Thursday 4th November 2010
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I can see why some people are having doubts. I am. I voted for them but am becoming worried that the decisions they are making are not best for the country.

The Child Allowance fiasco, where if you earn more than £44k you don't get it but you can earn £80k+ as a couple and still get it. Don't know who thought that one out, but it doesn't make sense.

The Cancellation of £3.5 Billion Nimrod, which was already paid for. RAF top brass wanted it but Cameron overrode advice from the military and concern from Defence Secretary Liam Fox. He seemed proud to cancel it in Parliament as an example of "Labour waste" however it is rumoured to cost and additional £1 Billion to cancel it (or the equivalent of 5 years operations). We are now relying on the French with elderly aircraft to do the job.

The proud announcement by Cameron he had done a good thing by negotiating a 2.9% (£450 Million extra) increase in contributions to the EU as opposed to 6%. I believe from reports that the 2.9% was already being pushed for by other countries a few months back. Even after his announcement of this good deal for the UK, weren't some members of the EU stating that a 2.9% hadn't even been agreed?
Some of the backbenchers were pushing for a freeze or reduction, so really he didn't achieve anything. But he tried to put a positive spin on it. Would Maggie have been happy with a 2.9% negotiation? I don't know

The increase in international Devopment Aid/Bribe money?
Why is this increasing?
Many people probably don't realise that this "aid" is probably a sweetner in the war against terror or to increase our chances of selling Typhoons/Hawks/Tanks and other weapons.
Many will be questioning why we are giving £500 million to India when services are being told to use their vehicles less as the petrol budgets are running out.
People will also be asking why is VAT going up and why is NI going up when all of this money is appearing to go out of the country with no apparent benefit to us.

The employing of a cameraman on £35k a year, to just take photos. I know £35k is not much in the general scheme of things, but if everyone is cutting back why do you have to employ someone to get good photos of yourself?

I know that there has to be cuts, but I am not sure they are quite know how to do it.

When people question our Defence Review as a "missed opportunity," and when Cameron has personally chosen to override advice from the people who do the job day in and day out to just have something to wield as "Labour waste" is making me think that perhaps he is becoming too worried about image and spin.

I hoped some common sense would prevail, Cameron will either go on to be the person who pulls us of of the state we are in, and become a hero, or will completely sink us. Going on the first few months I can't say I'm as enthusiastic about him as I was.

The Black Flash

13,735 posts

200 months

Thursday 4th November 2010
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anonymous said:
And of course, he hasn't negotiated any such thing. All he's negotiated is an agreement from some other leaders that they think 2.9% is enough. But they have no power over the decision at all, all they've done is express an opinion.
The parts of the EU which actually make the decision can (and probably will) just ignore it.

The sort of thing the media should really explain, really.


17,517 posts

212 months

Thursday 4th November 2010
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746529 said:
I've seen More and more people slowly beginning to voice anti Tory views on here recently

Is the Tory strangle hold on here beginning to crumble slightly? Does this worry the vocal Torys that their right wing house of cards might come tumbling down too soon?

How will the right wingers counter this? Are they/you going to step up the abuse and insults to put this insurrection down? How can control be taken back ?
Do you?

a) Work for a Union
b) Act as a Labour Activist
c) A little bit selective with what you read on here
d) A little bit stupid
e) Ignorant
f) All of the above

Place Your Bets NOW!

Andy Zarse

10,868 posts

249 months

Thursday 4th November 2010
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746529 said:
I've seen More and more people slowly beginning to voice anti Tory views on here recently
What? You only joined PH last sunday.

You've been banned on here previously, I'll personaly see to it you get banned again shortly.


16,882 posts

257 months

Thursday 4th November 2010
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The Black Flash said:
anonymous said:
And of course, he hasn't negotiated any such thing. All he's negotiated is an agreement from some other leaders that they think 2.9% is enough. But they have no power over the decision at all, all they've done is express an opinion.
The parts of the EU which actually make the decision can (and probably will) just ignore it.

The sort of thing the media should really explain, really.

Not to mention the Labour MEPs who voted against an amendement to freeze it!
This coalition will have to crumble ALOT before Labour even begin to look slightly credible in opposition.

Edited by fido on Thursday 4th November 23:42