Happy you voted Tory?

Poll: Happy you voted Tory?

Total Members Polled: 709

Yes : 68%
No: 7%
Didn't vote tory: 17%
Didn't vote: 7%
Regret not voting tory: 1%


4,519 posts

180 months

Friday 28th January 2011
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Voted Lib Dem, actually happier to have got a coalition that excludes the lentil knitters on the left of the Lib Dems and the Euro-obsessives on the right of the Tories - a result.

Reasonable performance so far, although I have my doubts about the extent of the defence cuts - as long as there is a commensurate cut in our commitments overseas, we may get away with them, but I would like to see them reversed as soon as tax revenues allow.

As for public sector cuts, these, and the pain they will cause are inevitable. The whole Labour jobs boom was based on borrowing to create public sector jobs - pay a bloke £100 to do a job that didn't need doing and get £20 back in tax - nuts; a crazy policy that has to be abandoned if we are not to saddle our kids with unsustainable tax levels. Likewise the idea of shoving every kid into higher education with no clear idea of what they will do afterwards (other than default on their student loans)was also barmy. Short-termism at its best.

The next big test for the Govt will be the budget for growth in March; the private sector needs a boost to compensate for the public sector job cuts so Osborne will need to deliver something useful.


10,058 posts

178 months

Friday 28th January 2011
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pilchardthecat said:
Didn't vote vote for the Conservatives, as i wanted to vote conservative.
I didn't either - for exactly the same reason.



16,837 posts

264 months

Friday 28th January 2011
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okgo said:

Just glad to see people trying to solve issues as opposed to creating them without caring about the future.
Yes, Yes, Yes, but they are losing hand over fist in the Public's Opinion as they have totally failed to get a grip with getting their message over.
Don't blame joe public if every day they are bombarded with negative messages on the governments performance and they eventually start to believe the negativity.


3,814 posts

223 months

Friday 28th January 2011
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I didn't vote for them, but wish I had.

I thought Cameron was quite smarmy before and during the election campaign but he's surprised me now he's in the chair.

I also like their willingness to do something about the financial problems we have, unlike the previous shower of st who were too scared to balance the books in case single parent Courtney on benefits didn't turn out for them....


4,057 posts

162 months

Friday 28th January 2011
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I am rather dubious about the defence issue.

The only way that I can see it working is if the Govt recieved a note from Obama stating "Yes well cover you on any defence issues (including the Falklands) till 2019 (when you have your carriers etc)"

As long as we continued to be the US lap dog and follow it around the globe 'kicking ass'


955 posts

215 months

Friday 28th January 2011
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Have to agree with a few of the posts already up.

I'm happy with the job they are doing. They were left with a truly awful scenario and now Labour have the audacity to criticise.


Just makes me laugh seeing Milliband trying to exert superiority. It's like the bullied kid at school who's just had all his lunch money stolen from him then shouting back "Well at least you didn't wedgie me!"

And then getting a good wedgie.

Paul Dishman

4,729 posts

239 months

Friday 28th January 2011
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Soovy said:
thinfourth2 said:
your an idiot
I thought that.

He can have another one rofl


53,094 posts

257 months

Friday 28th January 2011
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kelk said:
And then getting a good wedgie.

They've been handed a poisoned chalice and need to get as much done as possible now so the fkwit electorate have had time to forget by the next election. It's far from perfect but it's leagues better than what the last shower "achieved".

And the LibDems will make a handy scapegoat.


8,982 posts

260 months

Friday 28th January 2011
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The country is in a mess and we're all trying to get out of it.

I don't agree with all of the Tory policies but, if it gets us out of the st, then I'll put up with it.

And yes, I am fortunate that I have a decent and secure job so I'm not as unfortunate as many others.

I dread to think what a new Labour government would have done to us.

The real Apache

39,731 posts

286 months

Friday 28th January 2011
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Didn't vote for the Conservatives and, so far, glad I didn't.

Their obsession with a trace gas is going to cripple the country, so long as they are content to spunk money we need to restore the economy into windmill farm subsidies and penalising everyone with carbon trade credits we are fked, Cameron is even greener than that mad fker Brown.

Their war on the motorist is still belting along despite DCs lies.

I'm no financial expert but cannot see how increasing taxes and vat is going to encourage small businesses to grow or people to work. Taking money away from people is never going to make an economy grow.

Eric Mc

122,276 posts

267 months

Friday 28th January 2011
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Massively sad that the country has come to its current state but we would be in the same mess now no matter who was in charge.

What has to be done has to be done.


33,993 posts

248 months

Friday 28th January 2011
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Soovy said:
thinfourth2 said:
your an idiot
Last visit to the thread by the OP I expect.

The Hypno-Toad

12,375 posts

207 months

Friday 28th January 2011
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Paddy_N_Murphy said:
Could you actually imagine that muppet 'could' have been still sat in the hot seat. <shudder>
In order;

1.) Even bigger rise in fuel duty.
2.) More speed cameras
3.) Eventually satellite controlled road tolls. (So the government know where you've been and where you are going)
4.) Even more eventually, speed limiters to be fitted to all cars.

That's only the motoring stuff that comes to mind. The other stuff (ID cards, more aid to Bongoland, more stupid H & S regs, more CCTV etc.) doesn't even bear thinking about.


2,779 posts

248 months

Friday 28th January 2011
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thinfourth2 said:
If you voted tory just to remove labour then your an idiot
The irony is strong in this one.


1,826 posts

245 months

Friday 28th January 2011
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Have always voted tory, but now regret it. Cameron is a huge(imho) disappointment.
Trying to right the wrongs too quickly at his expense when it comes to election time.
Complete and utter KJ.


5,530 posts

212 months

Friday 28th January 2011
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More than happy. That labour lot have brought the country to brink in many ways

it'll take a while to clean up their mess


7,320 posts

195 months

Friday 28th January 2011
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Yes. Couple of decisions I don't agree with but a thousand times better than the last lot who had plainly run out of ideas.

It's a five-year parliament, anyone who thought they wouldn't get a lot of the pain out of the way in the first two wants their head examined.

Blue Cat

976 posts

188 months

Friday 28th January 2011
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What bothers me is the fact that the David Cameron appears to be the best we can get. I want the leader of my country to be someone I can admire and respect not someone who you think of a “meh, guess he’s OK, just look at the other choices”

Where are the inspiring people with vision, how did we get stuck with a middle management Parliament and I’m talking about all parties here.

The real Apache

39,731 posts

286 months

Friday 28th January 2011
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The Hypno-Toad said:
In order;

1.) Even bigger rise in fuel duty.
2.) More speed cameras
3.) Eventually satellite controlled road tolls. (So the government know where you've been and where you are going)
4.) Even more eventually, speed limiters to be fitted to all cars.

That's only the motoring stuff that comes to mind. The other stuff (ID cards, more aid to Bongoland, more stupid H & S regs, more CCTV etc.) doesn't even bear thinking about.
Just curious HT, 2 was a non event and what makes you think 3 and 4 are not going ahead?

The Black Flash

13,735 posts

200 months

Friday 28th January 2011
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Victor McDade said:
Disappointed but don't regret it. They are the best of a bad bunch. Think of them as being the most polished turd.
This. Getting more disappointed by the day I'm afraid, although not in the least bit surprised about that.