Political bias at BBC - something has to be done surely

Political bias at BBC - something has to be done surely


Adam Ansel

695 posts

108 months

Monday 15th February 2016
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The problem with the BBC is something called news reach. Basically it is a measure of where the population consume their news from. Across all media; TV, Radio, newspapers and internet the BBC have about 50% of the total UK news reach, which gives them immense power, certainly more power than the government has. In addition by using ommission, commission, prevarication and equivocation in all its other programming the BBC is a very powerful propaganda tool.
This is not the BBC that Reith built in 1927–1938, he believed in presenting all viewpoints in a debate. The BBC was hijacked by the socialists immediately after WW2, to become the "social conditioning" arm of the "post war consensus". So programmes like The Archers and Mrs Dale's Diary were intended to manipulate mass conciousness. East Enders continues the tradition.
The BBC does not follow the agenda or policies of any political party, it is so powerful that it can follow its own. The people in control are mostly Oxbridge liberals (with a small l) who have zero real world experience, but who are conviced of their own superiority and their divine right to manipulate large numbers of issues in British society. They are also statists, they believe that the government can and should do everything, even when all the evidence is that it is always pretty useless and that the free market always does everything better.

Let's take a look at some of their policies:
Global warming. The BBC is 100% warmist and gets rid of sceptics its employment. Across all its programming it presents MMGW as a fact and never presents the vast amount of contrary evidence.
Science. The BBC's attitude to science seems to be to ask Greenpeace. They have totally lost sight of the scientific method.
Multiculturalism, diversity etc. This is mainstream BBC mantra. People of different cultures are purely here to enrich us, they never cause any social harm and terrorism has absolutely nothing to do with Islam.
Homosexuality. The BBC actively promote this at every opportunity, you would think it was compulsory. They are very anti traditional "family" values.
Bankers. These are the devil incarnate. The BBC seem blind to the fact that financial services employ more than 2 million people and create a huge trade surplus, they are also our biggest source of GVA and of tax revenue. Without financial services everyone else would have to pay 50% more income tax!
Zionism. Very many of the top people at the BBC are Zionists, so the Zionist world view is promoted at every opportunity. BBC reporting of the Palestinian conflict is massively one sided.
The EU. The BBC is incredibly pro EU. They are determined to win the referendum and they may well succeed. Certainly the sceptic view will get short shrift.
Redistribution. The BBC hates people being successful and believes they should be punished with punitive taxes for being evil. The BBC believe that unsuccessful people should be rewarded by the state using the money appropriated from successful people. The BBC are the main promotors of class warfare in Britain.
Trade Unions. To the BBC these people are saints, especially within the NHS. The BBC will never report the vast harm they cause within our society. Destroying jobs, destroying companies and destroying whole industries (steel being the latest).
Sunni/Shia. The BBC follow the FCO line here of unconditionally supporting Sunni and slagging off Shia at every opportunity. The Saudis are saints, so matter how many schools and hospitals they bomb in Yemen and how much they suppress their own population and sponsor global terrorism.

Overall the BBC are a great force for harm within British society. They really need breaking up and selling off as a matter of some urgency. The state should have nothing to do with owning or controlling the media. No individual or comnpany should be allowed more than 10% of news reach, so Murdoch (with about 20%) also needs his wings clipping.


35,295 posts

260 months

Monday 15th February 2016
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Adam Ansel said:
The problem with the BBC is something called news reach. Basically it is a measure of where the population consume their news from. Across all media; TV, Radio, newspapers and internet the BBC have about 50% of the total UK news reach, which gives them immense power, certainly more power than the government has. In addition by using ommission, commission, prevarication and equivocation in all its other programming the BBC is a very powerful propaganda tool.
This is not the BBC that Reith built in 1927–1938, he believed in presenting all viewpoints in a debate. The BBC was hijacked by the socialists immediately after WW2, to become the "social conditioning" arm of the "post war consensus". So programmes like The Archers and Mrs Dale's Diary were intended to manipulate mass conciousness. East Enders continues the tradition.
The BBC does not follow the agenda or policies of any political party, it is so powerful that it can follow its own. The people in control are mostly Oxbridge liberals (with a small l) who have zero real world experience, but who are conviced of their own superiority and their divine right to manipulate large numbers of issues in British society. They are also statists, they believe that the government can and should do everything, even when all the evidence is that it is always pretty useless and that the free market always does everything better.

Let's take a look at some of their policies:
Global warming. The BBC is 100% warmist and gets rid of sceptics its employment. Across all its programming it presents MMGW as a fact and never presents the vast amount of contrary evidence.
Science. The BBC's attitude to science seems to be to ask Greenpeace. They have totally lost sight of the scientific method.
Multiculturalism, diversity etc. This is mainstream BBC mantra. People of different cultures are purely here to enrich us, they never cause any social harm and terrorism has absolutely nothing to do with Islam.
Homosexuality. The BBC actively promote this at every opportunity, you would think it was compulsory. They are very anti traditional "family" values.
Bankers. These are the devil incarnate. The BBC seem blind to the fact that financial services employ more than 2 million people and create a huge trade surplus, they are also our biggest source of GVA and of tax revenue. Without financial services everyone else would have to pay 50% more income tax!
Zionism. Very many of the top people at the BBC are Zionists, so the Zionist world view is promoted at every opportunity. BBC reporting of the Palestinian conflict is massively one sided.
The EU. The BBC is incredibly pro EU. They are determined to win the referendum and they may well succeed. Certainly the sceptic view will get short shrift.
Redistribution. The BBC hates people being successful and believes they should be punished with punitive taxes for being evil. The BBC believe that unsuccessful people should be rewarded by the state using the money appropriated from successful people. The BBC are the main promotors of class warfare in Britain.
Trade Unions. To the BBC these people are saints, especially within the NHS. The BBC will never report the vast harm they cause within our society. Destroying jobs, destroying companies and destroying whole industries (steel being the latest).
Sunni/Shia. The BBC follow the FCO line here of unconditionally supporting Sunni and slagging off Shia at every opportunity. The Saudis are saints, so matter how many schools and hospitals they bomb in Yemen and how much they suppress their own population and sponsor global terrorism.

Overall the BBC are a great force for harm within British society. They really need breaking up and selling off as a matter of some urgency. The state should have nothing to do with owning or controlling the media. No individual or comnpany should be allowed more than 10% of news reach, so Murdoch (with about 20%) also needs his wings clipping.

You exaggerate and thus undermine some good points, but to claim that the BBC is Zionist and anti-Palestinian goes beyond hyperbole to turning the world upside down.


7,379 posts

156 months

Monday 15th February 2016
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Thought I'd clicked on YouTube comments for a.minute there...


10,923 posts

190 months

Monday 15th February 2016
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Zod said:
Adam Ansel said:
The problem with the BBC is something called news reach. Basically it is a measure of where the population consume their news from. Across all media; TV, Radio, newspapers and internet the BBC have about 50% of the total UK news reach, which gives them immense power, certainly more power than the government has. In addition by using ommission, commission, prevarication and equivocation in all its other programming the BBC is a very powerful propaganda tool.
This is not the BBC that Reith built in 1927–1938, he believed in presenting all viewpoints in a debate. The BBC was hijacked by the socialists immediately after WW2, to become the "social conditioning" arm of the "post war consensus". So programmes like The Archers and Mrs Dale's Diary were intended to manipulate mass conciousness. East Enders continues the tradition.
The BBC does not follow the agenda or policies of any political party, it is so powerful that it can follow its own. The people in control are mostly Oxbridge liberals (with a small l) who have zero real world experience, but who are conviced of their own superiority and their divine right to manipulate large numbers of issues in British society. They are also statists, they believe that the government can and should do everything, even when all the evidence is that it is always pretty useless and that the free market always does everything better.

Let's take a look at some of their policies:
Global warming. The BBC is 100% warmist and gets rid of sceptics its employment. Across all its programming it presents MMGW as a fact and never presents the vast amount of contrary evidence.
Science. The BBC's attitude to science seems to be to ask Greenpeace. They have totally lost sight of the scientific method.
Multiculturalism, diversity etc. This is mainstream BBC mantra. People of different cultures are purely here to enrich us, they never cause any social harm and terrorism has absolutely nothing to do with Islam.
Homosexuality. The BBC actively promote this at every opportunity, you would think it was compulsory. They are very anti traditional "family" values.
Bankers. These are the devil incarnate. The BBC seem blind to the fact that financial services employ more than 2 million people and create a huge trade surplus, they are also our biggest source of GVA and of tax revenue. Without financial services everyone else would have to pay 50% more income tax!
Zionism. Very many of the top people at the BBC are Zionists, so the Zionist world view is promoted at every opportunity. BBC reporting of the Palestinian conflict is massively one sided.
The EU. The BBC is incredibly pro EU. They are determined to win the referendum and they may well succeed. Certainly the sceptic view will get short shrift.
Redistribution. The BBC hates people being successful and believes they should be punished with punitive taxes for being evil. The BBC believe that unsuccessful people should be rewarded by the state using the money appropriated from successful people. The BBC are the main promotors of class warfare in Britain.
Trade Unions. To the BBC these people are saints, especially within the NHS. The BBC will never report the vast harm they cause within our society. Destroying jobs, destroying companies and destroying whole industries (steel being the latest).
Sunni/Shia. The BBC follow the FCO line here of unconditionally supporting Sunni and slagging off Shia at every opportunity. The Saudis are saints, so matter how many schools and hospitals they bomb in Yemen and how much they suppress their own population and sponsor global terrorism.

Overall the BBC are a great force for harm within British society. They really need breaking up and selling off as a matter of some urgency. The state should have nothing to do with owning or controlling the media. No individual or comnpany should be allowed more than 10% of news reach, so Murdoch (with about 20%) also needs his wings clipping.

You exaggerate and thus undermine some good points, but to claim that the BBC is Zionist and anti-Palestinian goes beyond hyperbole to turning the world upside down.
Yes, started well but then tried too hard and undermined yourself.

Adam Ansel

695 posts

108 months

Monday 15th February 2016
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Europa1 said:
Yes, started well but then tried too hard and undermined yourself.
The problem I have is that I have been brainwashed by the BBC. Everyone reading this has been brainwashed by the BBC. Everyone in Britain has had their values and attitudes to a wide range of issues moulded in their minds by the BBC. Our mass conciousness and social attitudes are largely a BBC creation. Our obsession with political correctness in everything is imprinted in our brains by the BBC. Being in denial of this is dangerous, you have to recognise and understand the nature of the problem within your own mind before you can even begin to start to try and fix it.


771 posts

166 months

Monday 15th February 2016
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Yes there clearly is something wrong with your brain, although I'm not sure you've identified it correctly.

Adam Ansel

695 posts

108 months

Monday 15th February 2016
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maxxy5 said:
Yes there clearly is something wrong with your brain, although I'm not sure you've identified it correctly.
Being abusive on the internet means that you have lost the argument.

chris watton

22,477 posts

262 months

Monday 15th February 2016
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Adam Ansel said:
Being abusive on the internet means that you have lost the argument.

When I used to suffer the BBC News, all I remember is their very thinly veiled hatred of Israel.

I still have a few radio recordings from a decade ago, and even then, the news was how Israeli attacked are killing the Palestinians.

I have no idea why you think BBC is pro-Israel. That's as mad as stating that Jeremy Corbyn is actually a Tory!

Adam Ansel

695 posts

108 months

Monday 15th February 2016
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chris watton said:
When I used to suffer the BBC News, all I remember is their very thinly veiled hatred of Israel.

I still have a few radio recordings from a decade ago, and even then, the news was how Israeli attacked are killing the Palestinians.

I have no idea why you think BBC is pro-Israel. That's as mad as stating that Jeremy Corbyn is actually a Tory!


53,012 posts

185 months

Monday 15th February 2016
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A lot in that list can be attributed to any establishment in the UK, don't think any of them are 'BBC' things.

Some of it I don't agree wit, but some stuff like being supportive of all sexual orientation is fine by me. 'traditional family values' (whatever the are)? They don't include gays then?


2,201 posts

163 months

Monday 15th February 2016
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AstonZagato said:
Harji said:
My senior partner at work has a grouse moor, so I happen to know a bit about this stuff. That article couldn't be more wrong if it tried (though it is Monbiat, so facts are always less important than the political message). It is class-warrior nonsense pretending to be ecological "science".

The drainage of uplands was encouraged by governments in 60s and 70s to increase agriculture in the uplands (not grouse populations).

Then research undertaken in the 1980s and 90s found that the moors were being eroded over time. Sediment was running off and causing issues downstream. The solution was to block the drains. Doing so could restore natural drainage patterns and help the re-vegetation of bare peat. Grouse moor managers have therefore been actively blocking drains to hold more water on their moors (they have been doing this in consultation with Defra and Natural England). The drain blocking has raised water tables, encouraged the growth of sphagnum moss. This moss slows the run-off of water into the river below.

If you don't believe me, then Professor Jeremy Purseglove, a noted ecologist has said there is no proven link between grouse moor management and flooding.

Grouse moors are rarer that rainforests - 75% of what remains is found in Britain. That is only due to it being managed for grouse shooting - without that is would be over-run by sheep and the rare birds that live there would become even more threatened. Species such as curlew and lapwing are up to five times more abundant on moors managed for red grouse. If you want to see how unmanaged moors far, read about the Langholm project.
Did you actually read the bit of the tory mp intervening, FOI requests turned down ,andtheland owner from being prosecuted getting 2.5 million ta aid?

What about the residents who were affected and the process of prosecution suddenly halted, this example is one. The point I was trying to make is money goes to landowners from public subsides to allow grouse shoting which is somehow farming land under the agreement. Not to mention the peat bogs burnt off relasing CO gases to allow a weekend of shooting. The whole thing stinks.


12,467 posts

170 months

Monday 15th February 2016
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Zod said:
ou exaggerate and thus undermine some good points, but to claim that the BBC is Zionist and anti-Palestinian goes beyond hyperbole to turning the world upside down.
which refelcts the whole confirmation bias undermines the discussion here ongoing school of thought , as PH is an Echo CHamber for those of a libertarian / US right wing / somewhat sociopathic world view


10,058 posts

178 months

Monday 15th February 2016
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Adam Ansel said:
The problem with the BBC is something called news reach. Basically it is a measure of where the population consume their news from. Across all media; TV, Radio, newspapers and internet the BBC have about 50% of the total UK news reach, which gives them immense power, certainly more power than the government has. In addition by using ommission, commission, prevarication and equivocation in all its other programming the BBC is a very powerful propaganda tool.
This is not the BBC that Reith built in 1927–1938, he believed in presenting all viewpoints in a debate. The BBC was hijacked by the socialists immediately after WW2, to become the "social conditioning" arm of the "post war consensus". So programmes like The Archers and Mrs Dale's Diary were intended to manipulate mass conciousness. East Enders continues the tradition.
The BBC does not follow the agenda or policies of any political party, it is so powerful that it can follow its own. The people in control are mostly Oxbridge liberals (with a small l) who have zero real world experience, but who are conviced of their own superiority and their divine right to manipulate large numbers of issues in British society. They are also statists, they believe that the government can and should do everything, even when all the evidence is that it is always pretty useless and that the free market always does everything better.

Let's take a look at some of their policies:
Global warming. The BBC is 100% warmist and gets rid of sceptics its employment. Across all its programming it presents MMGW as a fact and never presents the vast amount of contrary evidence.
Science. The BBC's attitude to science seems to be to ask Greenpeace. They have totally lost sight of the scientific method.
Multiculturalism, diversity etc. This is mainstream BBC mantra. People of different cultures are purely here to enrich us, they never cause any social harm and terrorism has absolutely nothing to do with Islam.
Homosexuality. The BBC actively promote this at every opportunity, you would think it was compulsory. They are very anti traditional "family" values.
Bankers. These are the devil incarnate. The BBC seem blind to the fact that financial services employ more than 2 million people and create a huge trade surplus, they are also our biggest source of GVA and of tax revenue. Without financial services everyone else would have to pay 50% more income tax!
Zionism. Very many of the top people at the BBC are Zionists, so the Zionist world view is promoted at every opportunity. BBC reporting of the Palestinian conflict is massively one sided.
The EU. The BBC is incredibly pro EU. They are determined to win the referendum and they may well succeed. Certainly the sceptic view will get short shrift.
Redistribution. The BBC hates people being successful and believes they should be punished with punitive taxes for being evil. The BBC believe that unsuccessful people should be rewarded by the state using the money appropriated from successful people. The BBC are the main promotors of class warfare in Britain.
Trade Unions. To the BBC these people are saints, especially within the NHS. The BBC will never report the vast harm they cause within our society. Destroying jobs, destroying companies and destroying whole industries (steel being the latest).
Sunni/Shia. The BBC follow the FCO line here of unconditionally supporting Sunni and slagging off Shia at every opportunity. The Saudis are saints, so matter how many schools and hospitals they bomb in Yemen and how much they suppress their own population and sponsor global terrorism.

Overall the BBC are a great force for harm within British society. They really need breaking up and selling off as a matter of some urgency. The state should have nothing to do with owning or controlling the media. No individual or comnpany should be allowed more than 10% of news reach, so Murdoch (with about 20%) also needs his wings clipping.

You were doing really well until you went a bit rabid about Israel.



12,773 posts

212 months

Monday 15th February 2016
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Harji said:
Did you actually read the bit of the tory mp intervening, FOI requests turned down ,andtheland owner from being prosecuted getting 2.5 million ta aid?

What about the residents who were affected and the process of prosecution suddenly halted, this example is one. The point I was trying to make is money goes to landowners from public subsides to allow grouse shoting which is somehow farming land under the agreement. Not to mention the peat bogs burnt off relasing CO gases to allow a weekend of shooting. The whole thing stinks.
Yes. I did. It was mainly speculation and innuendo. Was there any proof, other than Monbiot suggesting it? I don't know why there wasn't a prosecution (nor does he). Perhaps, you know, the landowner did nothing illegal...

They don't burn peat, they burn heather. The heather then grows again (that's what feeds the grouse - young heather shoots). The heather absorbs the CO2 released by burning (the woody shoots which in turn had absorbed CO2). Burning the peat is the LAST thing they would want - it would mean the end of heather and the end of grouse.

Moors are giant CO2 capture mechanisms. The moor owner will capture for more CO2 than he, his family, his private jets will ever produce. Monbot should be supporting moorland conservation. But he is too blinded by his politics to understand the ecosystem and the importance of the owners' investment in it to get anything right.

Edited by AstonZagato on Monday 15th February 20:43


10,058 posts

178 months

Monday 15th February 2016
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mph1977 said:
Zod said:
ou exaggerate and thus undermine some good points, but to claim that the BBC is Zionist and anti-Palestinian goes beyond hyperbole to turning the world upside down.
which refelcts the whole confirmation bias undermines the discussion here ongoing school of thought , as PH is an Echo CHamber for those of a libertarian / US right wing / somewhat sociopathic world view
mph, do you do any posts that do not use the word "sociopath"?

I wonder if you know what it means...


10,538 posts

142 months

Monday 15th February 2016
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AstonZagato said:
Yes. I did. It was mainly speculation and innuendo. Was there any proof, other than Monbiot suggesting it? I don't know why there wasn't a prosecution (nor does he). Perhaps, you know, the landowner did nothing illegal...

They don't burn peat, they burn heather. The heather then grows again (that's what feeds the grouse - young heather shoots). The heather absorbs the CO2 released by burning (the woody shoots which in turn had absorbed CO2). Burning the peat is the LAST thing they would want - it would mean the end of heather and the end of grouse.

Moors are giant CO2 capture mechanisms. The moor owner will capture for more CO2 than he, his family, his private jets will ever produce. Monbot should be supporting moorland conservation. But he is too blinded by his politics to understand the ecosystem and the importance of the owners' investment in it to get anything right.

Edited by AstonZagato on Monday 15th February 20:43
moonbat is not the only one. too many of the small towns and villages, particularly coastal ones in scotland have a growing population of "incomers" that think they know how the natural environment works when they do not have a fking clue.some are returning to their home villages after a working lifetime chasing the big bucks down south, others are archetypal townies that got their information from greenpeace and david attenborough and now want to "save" the countryside.

the idiots getting involved with fiends of the earth harassing salmon netters when shooting seals are a good example. the funny thing is ,the atlantic salmon trust got so far up its own arse promoting "con"servation, the rapidly expanding population of grey seals up here is going to eat their favourite rivers empty of salmon and they won't be able to do a thing about it, for fear of annoying all the eco zealots they have climbed into bed with over the years.


8,489 posts

285 months

Monday 15th February 2016
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don4l said:
You were doing really well until you went a bit rabid about Israel.

Can't you see you are just confirming the viewpoint that you have been brainwashed


12,467 posts

170 months

Monday 15th February 2016
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don4l said:
mph1977 said:
Zod said:
ou exaggerate and thus undermine some good points, but to claim that the BBC is Zionist and anti-Palestinian goes beyond hyperbole to turning the world upside down.
which refelcts the whole confirmation bias undermines the discussion here ongoing school of thought , as PH is an Echo CHamber for those of a libertarian / US right wing / somewhat sociopathic world view
mph, do you do any posts that do not use the word "sociopath"?

I wonder if you know what it means...
yes i do know what Sociopath means ,

- antisocial behavioural traits

- often criminal or sees no wrong in certain forms of crime

- little or no moral responsibility

- lacks a social consciousness

- uses others for their own ends

sums up the powerfully built be-goatteed company director very well ...


14,665 posts

272 months

Monday 15th February 2016
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mph1977 said:
yes i do know what Sociopath means ,

- antisocial behavioural traits

- often criminal or sees no wrong in certain forms of crime

- little or no moral responsibility

- lacks a social consciousness

- uses others for their own ends

sums up the powerfully built be-goatteed company director very well ...
I don't think you have the foggiest idea what makes a company director.


10,058 posts

178 months

Monday 15th February 2016
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mph1977 said:
don4l said:
mph1977 said:
Zod said:
ou exaggerate and thus undermine some good points, but to claim that the BBC is Zionist and anti-Palestinian goes beyond hyperbole to turning the world upside down.
which refelcts the whole confirmation bias undermines the discussion here ongoing school of thought , as PH is an Echo CHamber for those of a libertarian / US right wing / somewhat sociopathic world view
mph, do you do any posts that do not use the word "sociopath"?

I wonder if you know what it means...
yes i do know what Sociopath means ,

- antisocial behavioural traits

- often criminal or sees no wrong in certain forms of crime

- little or no moral responsibility

- lacks a social consciousness

- uses others for their own ends

sums up the powerfully built be-goatteed company director very well ...
Do you really believe that all company directors are sociopaths?

Are the people who employ you sociopaths?

You come across as an ungrateful bd person.

Clearly, you are incapable of making your own way in life. You rely on others to provide you with the means to feed your family. Yet, you still feel hostility towards the people who pay all of your bills.

To cap it all, you accuse others of being sociopaths.

If you reply to this, then I think that you should accuse me of gross hypocrisy.