UK General Election 2015



35,295 posts

260 months

Thursday 23rd April 2015
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Welshbeef said:
BGARK said:
Welshbeef said:
Milliband keeps saying all their policies are fully costed by independent experts
I have seriously not understood anything Labour has said, the only numbers seem to go up up to 3, for a 3 point plan, when asked what's in the plan they start talking about the weather or hard working people, maybe they should add Schizophrenia to their list of policies. Who said that!
And Milliband is saying it's a down payment now too just like the chap on the interview - in which case those additional nurses doctors cancer treatments is simply not going to happen unless of course it's magic money tree.

Labour seem to be trying to blend in the £2.5billion as part of the £8billion and get it now not 5 years time. Bull shot
It's all total bullst: where are they going to find 20000 nurses and 8000 doctors? They'll struggle even to find them elsewhere in the world and what kind of quality control would they exercise. It's just irresponsible lies.


35,295 posts

260 months

Thursday 23rd April 2015
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MarshPhantom said:
I think most agree the Tories are having a st campaign.

As with many thing the Tories do it makes you question their ability to run the country.

Edited by MarshPhantom on Thursday 23 April 07:15
Well, no it doesn't really. You see they have run the country for the last five years and done quite a good job of it.

That is the source of my frustration with them. They need to shout more about their record while also attacking the Labour candidates for their jobs. How on Earth, for instance, can Andy Burnham who presided over the mid-Staffs disgrace be put forward as Minister for Health?


10,203 posts

185 months

Thursday 23rd April 2015
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Zod said:
It's all total bullst: where are they going to find 20000 nurses and 8000 doctors? They'll struggle even to find them elsewhere in the world and what kind of quality control would they exercise. It's just irresponsible lies.
Yet there are many who will believe every word... and in the existence of Money Trees.

A Nation incapable of training and retaining their own nurses will throw ever wider the doors and soon fill those 28,000 jobs...

... and another thing..

Our media are obsessed with the Gay and Racist topics. Bombarding us with it ad nausi-wossname at every opportunity. BBC News even now on about it. Incessant... Presenter Victoria Derbyshire ( a dead ringer for Margo Leadbetter ?... apart from the accent .. smile ) on about it even now.

Meanwhile Rome burns.. Priorities all a'cack.

Fed up with it!

I've turned over to Murdoch's SKY News Channel 132 on Freeview. Their News Vendor Females are on average far more attractive too... Bonus.

We're still doomed and I'm still voting Nige.


32,414 posts

206 months

Thursday 23rd April 2015
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chris watton said:
McWigglebum4th said:
What is the point in trying to get us to belive that youngs girls are swooning over milliband?

It doesn't make me want to vote labour

It makes me want to either kill myself or kill everyone else

If young girls are actually swooning over millbrain then quite frankly i don't want to live on this planet any longer

How fking stupid do you have to be to invent this story?
But the truth is, no young girls are swooning over Milliband - labour activists made it all up, it's what activists do best.
But why?

Who is going to read this bull and think lets vote labour?

It shows the utter contempt those s have for the general public


35,295 posts

260 months

Thursday 23rd April 2015
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Guam said:
Zod said:
Well, no it doesn't really. You see they have run the country for the last five years and done quite a good job of it.

That is the source of my frustration with them. They need to shout more about their record while also attacking the Labour candidates for their jobs. How on Earth, for instance, can Andy Burnham who presided over the mid-Staffs disgrace be put forward as Minister for Health?
Really, whats the Deficit right now? where is the national debt as opposed to when they took office?
At what point does failure morph into success.
You will be saying next that Tescos have had an awesome year!
There's no pleasing people like you. The debt is higher. The deficit is lower and heading towards surplus. There have been several months of surplus in the last year. To have started to reduce the debt in 2010 would have been impossible without simply switching off most public spending.

Edited by Zod on Thursday 23 April 12:01


15,013 posts

252 months

Thursday 23rd April 2015
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Zod said:
Guam said:
Zod said:
Well, no it doesn't really. You see they have run the country for the last five years and done quite a good job of it.

That is the source of my frustration with them. They need to shout more about their record while also attacking the Labour candidates for their jobs. How on Earth, for instance, can Andy Burnham who presided over the mid-Staffs disgrace be put forward as Minister for Health?
Really, whats the Deficit right now? where is the national debt as opposed to when they took office?
At what point does failure morph into success.
You will be saying next that Tescos have had an awesome year!
There's no pleasing people like you. The debt is higher. The deficit is lower and heading towards surplus. There have been several months of surplus in the last year. To have started to reduce the debt in 2010 would have been impossible without simply switching off most public spending.

Edited by Zod on Thursday 23 April 12:01
Back of the net clap



10,040 posts

240 months

Thursday 23rd April 2015
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W124 said:
I just perused the Green Party manifesto. Dear God - it's just absolute insanity. I need lie down. I was looking at their view on copyright. They want 'no more than 14 years' - what then, would be the point of coming up with any ideas, of any kind? As a composer, it chills my blood.
Scary aren't they?

None of the parties represent my views consistently though - imagine my surprise and dismay when I found that, of the main parties, the Green Party most closely represent my views on Humanist/Secular issues. They also support full PR which I do so they're not all bad!


35,295 posts

260 months

Thursday 23rd April 2015
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No, Guam, don't keep playing that victim card. By "people like you", I mean people who judge the government by utterly unrealistic standards. There is no way that the overall national debt could have been cut over the last five years, given the circumstances. If I am wrong, tell me what cuts should have been made. Foreign Aid is not an answer. It would have made hardly any difference. The cuts would have had to be huge. Bear in mind that the cuts actually made attracted strong criticism from legions of supposedly expert economists, led by Paul Krugman.


56 months

Thursday 23rd April 2015
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Guam said:
is ultimately going to implode the economy if someone doesn't bring it under control.
Who of the current candidates is going to bring it under control best, and by what means?


10,040 posts

240 months

Thursday 23rd April 2015
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Guam said:
is still going to be an increasing drag on the economy and is ultimately going to implode the economy if someone doesn't bring it under control.
Deficit is reducing, if it continues to do so debt growth will stall. If deficit turns into surplus then debt can be paid back faster than current repayments schedule. Even if we only balance the books debt will reduce.

We can argue about causes of the positive trend in deficit and likely long-term trend but you can't argue that the current data indicates that spending is heading in the right direction.

It's not happened as quickly as the Tories said it would during the last election but I assume that's partly due to Labour hiding the true depth of the trouble coupled with pre-election politics generally stating an overly positive outcome.


51,002 posts

157 months

Thursday 23rd April 2015
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Guam said:
I am not judging it by MY standards I am judging them by their own standards, CMD set the expectations, and yes they could reduce the debt by sticking to their original commitments, people are banging on about Austerity, seriously what austerity?
We might have even less debt had we voted in CMD, but we didn't, we had a coalition, so Clegg carries the accountability of being a "softener" and "moderator" of Tory policy.


8,969 posts

210 months

Thursday 23rd April 2015
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IainT said:
It's not happened as quickly as the Tories said it would during the last election but I assume that's partly due to Labour hiding the true depth of the trouble coupled with pre-election politics generally stating an overly positive outcome.
It's not going to happen as quickly as the Tories say it will now. Their projections rely on hopelessly optimistic assumptions.


35,295 posts

260 months

Thursday 23rd April 2015
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Esseesse said:
IainT said:
It's not happened as quickly as the Tories said it would during the last election but I assume that's partly due to Labour hiding the true depth of the trouble coupled with pre-election politics generally stating an overly positive outcome.
It's not going to happen as quickly as the Tories say it will now. Their projections rely on hopelessly optimistic assumptions.
Aha! A single analyst does not make for a consensus forecast.

Of course they'll fall short, unless there's a massive global economic mimic upswing, but direction of Gravlev is crucial and only one party that will get seats in double figures is pointing in the right direction.

You can bleat all you like that they should do more, but the country's economy will be in a much worse state in five years' time if the Conservatives don't run it over that period.

Edited by Zod on Thursday 23 April 12:59


28,377 posts

286 months

Thursday 23rd April 2015
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Guam said:
I am not judging it by MY standards I am judging them by their own standards, CMD set the expectations, and yes they could reduce the debt by sticking to their original commitments, people are banging on about Austerity, seriously what austerity? He switched money from UK spending and pissed it away internationally!
Something the Muppets of labour will continue to do.
The economy is growing not due to the Tories (rather despite them), its growing due to masses of people like me who are growing their businesses against years of difficult conditions.
I am about to hire another employee and take another guy off the dole (my last recruit was unemployed). CMD isn't responsible for any of this job creation no matter how much he and you might like to claim he is.
Indeed if he had reduced taxation (instead of increasing it) I might be hiring another 3 employees as people would have more money to spend.

Thats the economics of the real world not the elitist bubble politicians inhabit!
I'm delighted to hear your business is doing well and growing despite difficult conditions.

However you must admit that business conditions are a factor in business success? Would the conditions have been worse for you under a different administration? I put it to you that the likely answer is yes.

However much we all like to complain the UK is in fantastic economic shape in comparison to most of the world.


5,254 posts

179 months

Thursday 23rd April 2015
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Greg66 said:
Guam said:
is ultimately going to implode the economy if someone doesn't bring it under control.
Who of the current candidates is going to bring it under control best, and by what means?
Exactly. Whether we like it or not we are where we are and can't turn the clock back. Looking forward who will make the best fist of getting the economy under control before it implodes?

blade runner

1,035 posts

214 months

Thursday 23rd April 2015
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I just don't get how those people who are happy to castigate the Tories for not reducing the deficit are the same ones also banging on about the ongoing austerity, swingeing cuts (haven't heard that one for a while now) and the increased tax burden on hard working families.

Just how do they think any government could maintain or increase spending and reduce the tax burden while borrowing less and reducing the deficit at the same time? I reckon I could explain this to my 4 year old and she would quickly figure out it doesn't add up, yet it appears to be an often rolled out argument as to the failure of the Tories in their term in government.


10,040 posts

240 months

Thursday 23rd April 2015
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Guam said:
Zod said:
ha! A single analyst does not make for a consensus forecast.
Indeed, neither does a commitment to eliminate the deficit in one parliament make for a truthful statement smile
I agree with you Guam - I don't think it was credible for the deficit to be wiped out in the 2010-15 parliament unless there had been an incredible confluence of events positively impacting the global economy. That we're closer now than we would have been under a Labour government is an assumption hard to back up with facts (given we didn't have them in charge) but I think it's not unrealistic.

Would it have been better with out a coalition? Maybe, probably even. I still don't think it would have been totally wiped out though. As it stands I think no deficit by the end of the next parliament would be reasonable to expect but not if we get Labour/SNP in charge... Just higher tax bills and long-term increases in poverty as investment and mobile wealth exits the UK.

Many here seem to dislike the Tories for not being Tory enough yet would rather see the left gain power. Really odd.


56 months

Thursday 23rd April 2015
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Guam said:
Zod said:
ha! A single analyst does not make for a consensus forecast.
Indeed, neither does a commitment to eliminate the deficit in one parliament make for a truthful statement smile
Still looking backwards. Looking forwards, which of the parties standing next month is best placed to reduce the deficit and ultimately the debt?


3,283 posts

151 months

Thursday 23rd April 2015
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Zod said:
On the back of this, I am really curious as to how they plan to implement this mansion tax so I downloaded their manifesto and searched the word 'mansion'...

3 occurrences.

"We will build up our NHS so that it has time to care, funding 8,000 more GPs,
20,000 more nurses and 3,000 more midwives, paid for by a Mansion Tax
on properties worth over £2 million"

"Labour will invest in 20,000 more nurses, 8,000 more GPs, and 3,000 more
midwives, paid for by a Mansion Tax on properties worth over £2 million, a levy
on tobacco firms, and by tackling tax avoidance. The threshold for the Mansion
Tax will rise in line with house prices for these high-value properties, and those
on lower incomes will be protected with a right to defer the charge until the
property changes hands."

So one of their biggest agendas, or at least what I seem to have most of and not even a hint of what they're actually proposing but it's ok, it's all been INDEPENDENTLY verified as confirmed by that tt above.

I hate them. How can people vote for this?


35,295 posts

260 months

Thursday 23rd April 2015
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IainT said:
Guam said:
Zod said:
ha! A single analyst does not make for a consensus forecast.
Indeed, neither does a commitment to eliminate the deficit in one parliament make for a truthful statement smile
I agree with you Guam - I don't think it was credible for the deficit to be wiped out in the 2010-15 parliament unless there had been an incredible confluence of events positively impacting the global economy. That we're closer now than we would have been under a Labour government is an assumption hard to back up with facts (given we didn't have them in charge) but I think it's not unrealistic.

Would it have been better with out a coalition? Maybe, probably even. I still don't think it would have been totally wiped out though. As it stands I think no deficit by the end of the next parliament would be reasonable to expect but not if we get Labour/SNP in charge... Just higher tax bills and long-term increases in poverty as investment and mobile wealth exits the UK.

Many here seem to dislike the Tories for not being Tory enough yet would rather see the left gain power. Really odd.
there seems to be a fantasy in some quarters that a catastrophic five year term under Labour (with or without he SNP) will lead to a right wing revolution in the Tory Party and a new government that will take us out of Europe, pay off all our debt and usher Una. New golden age.