What's Italian for 'kipper? Anti-migrant stunt goes awry.

What's Italian for 'kipper? Anti-migrant stunt goes awry.



Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 25th April 2014
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There was not much obvious evidence of immigration ruining everything in the Cotswolds when I was there last week. Those who say that the UK is "full", how do you know that? Have you got the handbook somewhere that tells us what the load limit is? You can see signs of localised pressures caused by migrancy in some areas, mainly cities, and Governments haven't done enough and need to do more to deal with these pressures, but aren't these pressures by their nature likely to be transient? Why blame migrants instead of blaming bad Government for things not being as we wish them to be?


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 25th April 2014
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So, no NHS for children? You probably didn't mean that. What about a young adult at university? What about someone who has started a first job but only paid a few weeks tax and NI? They get run over, or fall ill. No NHS for that person? Your model for society seems a bit, er, pre modern.


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 25th April 2014
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I am not suggesting that it should be, but neither should "some bloke told me that some bloke told him that...etc". People are often concerned about all sorts of things that, on careful analysis, they could reasonably be less concerned by, especially when those concerns are led by media outlets that deliberately ramp up the concerns.


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 25th April 2014
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No one suggests that. It's just one of those ideas made up by the UKIP lot who claim that they alone have a handle on reality (whilst to most of us seeming to inhabit a fantasy world). A sensible conversation about immigration is perfectly possible, but you can't have that with UKIP as all they do is churn out misinformation and play to prejudices.


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 25th April 2014
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WinstonWolf said:
You mean we have the temerity to talk common sense?

Unfortunately anything other than "all immigrants are lovely and smashing" is deemed racist. This doesn't encourage healthy debate on a sensitive subject.
If you take the trouble to read what people actually say on this thread you will see that what you have just posted is complete nonsense. UKIP accuses its critics of playing the "you're a racist" card, but in reality it's UKIP that squeaks "you are calling us racists!" when any one points out that its premises and positions are incorrect, and thus seeks to stifle debate.


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 25th April 2014
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NicD said:
BV, if I had to name a poster who 'churns' out words, you would be top of the list.
You make the Duracell bunnies look lazy!

Frankly, I can't be bothered

Your surrender is accepted.


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 25th April 2014
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Mr Snap said:
Breadvan72 said:
There was not much obvious evidence of immigration ruining everything in the Cotswolds when I was there last week.
I know Clarkson lives there. Perhaps you even came across the Berkley Hunt?

I should coco! I had a right giraffe when I slapped me mincers on that one.


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 25th April 2014
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It just keeps getting better: So contrite are UKIP about the racist tt Lampitt that they have just re broadcast his election spiel in Wales. The TV station said "are you sure?", but UKIP said "yeah, put it on".


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 25th April 2014
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Point: missed by approx 97 million miles.

Lampitt is a racist tt, WW. Do you disagree? If you do you are out of step with Saint Nige himself. Tut. Heresy.


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 25th April 2014
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dandarez said:
Breadvan72 said:
I add that there are schools which teach in French in London. No one goes OMG how shocking about that.
Thought I'd pop back on here to see the latest.

Oh dear.
There's no OMG about it because that's nothing new. I was taught French in school in Oxfordshire in the 'sixties!

Nope, you have missed the point by 27 billion kms. The schools I refer to are French schools that teach all their lessons in French (except when teaching English).


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 25th April 2014
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brenflys777, "BNP for people who don't like tattoos" seems pretty apposite for Lampitt, eh?


Original Poster:

56 months

Saturday 26th April 2014
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WinstonWolf said:
Breadvan72 said:
brenflys777, "BNP for people who don't like tattoos" seems pretty apposite for Lampitt, eh?
Err, it was *you* who said that. If the cap fits...
I know. Please try to keep up. I am amused by how hurt brienflys was and is by the comment. He remembers it years later. Bitter, much? A throwaway remark, but still accurate for a good chunk of UKIP's supporters, as UKIP's own Fora and assorted stories such as the Lampitt one show. Would you prefer "the BNP in blazers"? Some of you 'kippers possibly aren't bigots (although you aren't doing very well on "reasons to object to migration other than because because because"), but you share bedspace with a good chunk of people who are bigots. Perhaps some of you can just hold your noses because you think something (er.....what, exactly?) justifies teaming up with the very worst type of people, but you can't then get cross if others point out whom you have chosen to align yourselves with.


Original Poster:

56 months

Saturday 26th April 2014
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NicD, I know nothing about you and care less. All that I can tell from your posts in NPE and SPL is that you are one of those posters where the ratio between stereotypical pub blowhard opinions and knowledge of whatever subject is being loudly opined on is starkly unfavourable. Ignorance and prejudice are curable conditions, not inherent traits, but the patient has to want to be cured, and the first step is to seek reliable information about stuff, and that's a big step for many here, it seems.


Original Poster:

56 months

Saturday 26th April 2014
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NicD said:
Breadvan72 said:
NicD, I know nothing about you and care less. All that I can tell from your posts in NPE and SPL is that you are one of those posters where the ratio between stereotypical pub blowhard opinions and knowledge of whatever subject is being loudly opined on is starkly unfavourable. Ignorance and prejudice are curable conditions, not inherent traits, but the patient has to want to be cured, and the first step is to seek reliable information about stuff, and that's a big step for many here, it seems.
nasty, nasty man.
no facts, slimy put downs.
Too much time on your hands.
No arguments, then; just (ineffective) insults. Getting a bit rattled, perhaps? You too, WW. Please try reading some of what I and the others who do not worship at your graven idol actually post.


Original Poster:

56 months

Saturday 26th April 2014
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Blib said:
Blib said:
Breadvan72 said:
A supplement to my question above: Some people are worried about the Romanians in Britain. They don't seem very worried about the French in Britain. Why? Perhaps because the French people here are nice and well behaved and often earn high and pay high tax. Some of the Romanians do that too (I know some high faluting Romanian lawyers who have been here paying megatax for ages). Some Romanians are low skilled but honest and keen to work, some are crims and chancers. We are in a transient phase as the eastern economies and societies catch up and modernise. We let them in too early, perhaps, but look at the progress that Poland has made since the fall of the USSR, with help from us.
It could be argued that because of the EU, we didn't have a choice in the matter. Could it not, BV?
We did, actually. Our elected Governments across the EU agreed to enlargement of the EU on our behalf. They probably agreed it too early (I would have waited at least another ten years for the less advanced eastern nations), but we gave our leaders plenipotentiary authority when we elected them, as that is how our system works.


Original Poster:

56 months

Saturday 26th April 2014
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TB, have a read of NicD's stuff across a few threads. Classic knee jerk whyohwhyohwhyohwhy tabloid stuff. Lots of bog standard ranty rants on all the familiar themes. No sign of any readiness to engage with evidence on pretty much any subject.


Original Poster:

56 months

Saturday 26th April 2014
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McWigglebum4th said:

Under multiculturalism then the curry would of stayed in a separate culture
Can we please have a separate culture for people who say "would of"?


Original Poster:

56 months

Saturday 26th April 2014
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Blib said:
Shirley, their hands were tied because we are signed up to the European Union? An independent country can do whatever it wishes.
No, enlargement was debated and agreed by the member states at Government level. A group of independent States made an agreement with one another. It was not inevitable. At present we are still saying no to Turkey.

PS: don't call me Shirley. [/obvious 20,0000 year old gag, thanks for the setup; you hum it, I'll play it, etc.]

Edited by anonymous-user on Saturday 26th April 09:45


Original Poster:

56 months

Saturday 26th April 2014
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Blib said:
Breadvan72 said:
McWigglebum4th said:

Under multiculturalism then the curry would of stayed in a separate culture
Can we please have a separate culture for people who say "would of"?
There's your lack of self esteem coming through once again, BV. Disparaging people makes you feel better within yourself when you put down others, doesn't it? Gives you a warm feeling in your tummy? I bet you're hugging yourself a little inside.

I can help you. Our psychiatric hospital is based in North London. Just PM me. No one will know. I promise. yes
Wrong as always, Blib. I just find it mildly hilarious that people who lerrrrrrrve UKIP with its complaints that education is being eroded and so on are often prone to basic errors in grammar that appear to reflect a certain laziness of mind; as such errors are not exactly obscure or un commented on here or elsewhere. Your personal insults roll off me like water off a not so damp duck, so save them for someone that they might work on.


Original Poster:

56 months

Saturday 26th April 2014
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Guam said:
You could be correct, alternatively it may be a contractual issue, although I buy space in periodicals, rather than TV there are drop down dead dates for cancellation. depending on how the purchasing was done and the nature of the contract there may have been no time to pull it.

We cant know without sight of the contracts.
You are trying to making excuses, but the facts are against you. The TV station offered to show an edited version of the piece. UKIP said no, go ahead as is.