How do we think EU negotiations will go?

How do we think EU negotiations will go?



63,161 posts

207 months

Friday 23rd June 2017
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///ajd said:
Are you personally going to rise up Alfie?

What form will this unrest take? Cards with "polish vermin" on, or give a foreigner a kicking? Or perhaps a peaceful protest march on westminster?

What are we talking?

Or is it "others" you know who will protest? What will they do? Will you report them to the police before they are violent, or egg them on?
Violent protest is the lefty way, not the centre righty.


10,604 posts

142 months

Friday 23rd June 2017
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alfie2244 said:
W124 said:
The electorate don't give a st. Nobody cares about Farage. Nobody is going to rise up. Nothing will happen.

With respect, you are ignoring the political developments of the last month.

It will be fudged and fudged until it is abandoned.
We shall see about that.
indeed. the little bit of me that likes chaos almost wishes it happens . note the word almost, i would rather it didn't.


10,604 posts

142 months

Friday 23rd June 2017
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Mrr T said:
Considering the age demographic of team leave I think that's unlikely.

However, the picture of pensioners with Zimmer frames and walking sticks charging police lines, slowly!

Throwing petrol bombs made from collostim bag!

Does amuse me!
lol, remember we saw what the hardcore remain team looked like when they were whining en masse on live tv in the days after the referendum. i know who my money is on.


8,964 posts

208 months

Friday 23rd June 2017
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hornetrider said:
///ajd said:
Are you personally going to rise up Alfie?

What form will this unrest take? Cards with "polish vermin" on, or give a foreigner a kicking? Or perhaps a peaceful protest march on westminster?

What are we talking?

Or is it "others" you know who will protest? What will they do? Will you report them to the police before they are violent, or egg them on?
Violent protest is the lefty way, not the centre righty.
what so corbyn lefties will rise up and riot if we don't kick out foreigners and shore up our borders? so, lefties not helping refugees, that sort of thing?


11,292 posts

190 months

Friday 23rd June 2017
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///ajd said:
alfie2244 said:
W124 said:
The electorate don't give a st. Nobody cares about Farage. Nobody is going to rise up. Nothing will happen.

With respect, you are ignoring the political developments of the last month.

It will be fudged and fudged until it is abandoned.
We shall see about that.
Are you personally going to rise up Alfie?

What form will this unrest take? Cards with "polish vermin" on, or give a foreigner a kicking? Or perhaps a peaceful protest march on westminster?

What are we talking?

Or is it "others" you know who will protest? What will they do? Will you report them to the police before they are violent, or egg them on?
Being a knobhead as usual slasher...for someone who want to be considered intelligent you don't half say some pathetically childish wonder serious subjects like immigration etc don't get discussed openly and honestly......but you carry on doing your good work my Frenchie friend.


63,161 posts

207 months

Friday 23rd June 2017
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///ajd said:
what so corbyn lefties will rise up and riot if we don't kick out foreigners and shore up our borders? so, lefties not helping refugees, that sort of thing?
No foreigners are being kicked out.



8,964 posts

208 months

Friday 23rd June 2017
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alfie2244 said:
Being a knobhead as usual slasher...for someone who want to be considered intelligent you don't half say some pathetically childish wonder serious subjects like immigration etc don't get discussed openly and honestly......but you carry on doing your good work my Frenchie friend.
Someone said nobody will rise up.

You said "we'll see about that"

What did you mean? You or someone else?

If someone else, who?

Answer the question or the "knobhead" might be you. smile

Edited by ///ajd on Friday 23 June 20:26


5,929 posts

192 months

Friday 23rd June 2017
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crankedup said:
Seems to me that you have little faith in the British way, resolute, determined. We will not accept being pushed around by a group of international naysayers. The Country needs to unite and get behind our Government now, that will assist in us achieving the best deal. Pity the Country is divided at the moment due to a democratic referendum that was always going to be a close run thing.
Sadly, those on the remain side don't like the idea of "country", they believe it's out-dated and we should all be one big happy [ever closer] union. So they'd never unite with any government that will continue to pursue the democratic decision to leave.


12,548 posts

214 months

Friday 23rd June 2017
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hornetrider said:
///ajd said:
Are you personally going to rise up Alfie?

What form will this unrest take? Cards with "polish vermin" on, or give a foreigner a kicking? Or perhaps a peaceful protest march on westminster?

What are we talking?

Or is it "others" you know who will protest? What will they do? Will you report them to the police before they are violent, or egg them on?
Violent protest is the lefty way, not the centre righty.

///ajd said:
what so corbyn lefties will rise up and riot if we don't kick out foreigners and shore up our borders? so, lefties not helping refugees, that sort of thing?
You're REALLY thick aren't you rolleyes

He was making the point that whenever there's a protest by the left it gets violent. When its by the right, its rare for it to descend into violence without the left turning up and starting st.

As a rule EDL/Britan First marches go off peacefully. It's the left "anti facist" (smell the irony?) protest that will resort to shouting and tehn violence. And the s at the BBC will broadcast "EDL rally turns violent" and ignore the SWP rent-a-inbred-s who are ACTUALLY responsible for the disorder.

He made no comment about WHO will protest if Brexit gets fudged away. He said "we'll see" which means exactly that. Not that he or others would. But you want a yes/no answer to a question that doesn't give that response.

As ever you cover yourself in complete abject failure at everything you do or even think about. rolleyes


5,929 posts

192 months

Friday 23rd June 2017
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///ajd said:
Are you personally going to rise up Alfie?

What form will this unrest take? Cards with "polish vermin" on, or give a foreigner a kicking? Or perhaps a peaceful protest march on westminster?

What are we talking?

Or is it "others" you know who will protest? What will they do? Will you report them to the police before they are violent, or egg them on?
Well, you can't polish vermin, but I am told you can roll them in glitter....


11,292 posts

190 months

Friday 23rd June 2017
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///ajd said:
alfie2244 said:
Being a knobhead as usual slasher...for someone who want to be considered intelligent you don't half say some pathetically childish wonder serious subjects like immigration etc don't get discussed openly and honestly......but you carry on doing your good work my Frenchie friend.
Someone said nobody will rise up.

You said "we'll see about that"

What did you mean? You or someone else?

If someone else, who?

Answer the question or the "knobhead" might be you. smile

Edited by ///ajd on Friday 23 June 20:26
See there you go again, you just can't help yourself Slasher the Snaksoil salesman or SSS from now on.

This is what was posted I full and not redacted as you like to do:

W124 said:
The electorate don't give a st. Nobody cares about Farage. Nobody is going to rise up. Nothing will happen.

With respect, you are ignoring the political developments of the last month.

It will be fudged and fudged until it is abandoned.
"Nothing will Happen" - we will see about that!

"It will be fudged and fudged until it is abandoned" - we will see about that!

Your, and others of your ilk, pathetic insistence on turning everything into a race issue does absolutely nothing to resolve things but then again what else would you have in your life if you stopped?

And FYI if things do get fudged I will become political active for the 1st time in my life and that's a promise you can quote if and when it happens.


37,947 posts

258 months

Friday 23rd June 2017
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W124 said:
The electorate don't give a st. Nobody cares about Farage. Nobody is going to rise up. Nothing will happen.

With respect, you are ignoring the political developments of the last month.

It will be fudged and fudged until it is abandoned.
As purplemoonlight noted, all that happened is that the UKIP bunch reverted to voting type as they believe Brexit to be a done deal now Art50 is in.

The Tories were complacent. Evidently believing that UKIP had simply taken disaffected Tories previously. Or that with Labour's Brexit policies being broadly aligned no one would trust Corbyn. They were wrong on both counts.

The country didn't reject getting out of the EU (Single Market and Customs Union included). 90% of seats went to parties advocating both, either explicitly or as a direct consequence of other pledges (ending freedom of movement and doing our own trade deals).

Neither can afford to back away from those things as if they do they will be out of power. Either losing to the other or seeing a resurgence in "UKIP".

What has happened in the last month simply underscores my previous point.

As for "rising up"... Older people don't need to go and smash stuff up. Governments know that they will turn out to the polling stations in droves if pushed. And that there are way more of them than the young bracket that cared so much about membership of the EU that they couldn't be arsed turning out last June.

I'll be very surprised if the govt attempt a sham deal. And if they do I will be more surprised if that act doesn't cause way more issues than the original vote.


8,964 posts

208 months

Friday 23rd June 2017
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Interesting to see threats of civil unrest and people rising up.

And yet when asked "do you mean you'll partake in a bit of violence?"

"Then, no, of course not, don't make my half baked ranting look daft!"

RichW, civil unrest or not if brexit or immigration reduction is thwarted? To help someone as "thick" as me, see if you are smart enough to try and give a yes or no opinion, and we'll take it from there. smile


56 months

Saturday 24th June 2017
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///ajd said:
Interesting to see threats of civil unrest and people rising up.

And yet when asked "do you mean you'll partake in a bit of violence?"

"Then, no, of course not, don't make my half baked ranting look daft!"

RichW, civil unrest or not if brexit or immigration reduction is thwarted? To help someone as "thick" as me, see if you are smart enough to try and give a yes or no opinion, and we'll take it from there. smile
Civil unrest doesn't work, lefties love it because it gives them instant gratification, but that's not what forces change.

What works is action on a scale using a method that forces change. The most recent I can think of is the Poll Tax, to end that it took a sustained refusal to pay by a huge sector of the population that overwhelmed the states ability to enforce a penalty for non payment.

What would happen if the government doesn't carry out the will of the people is not violence, it will be a non violent response that will remove the people who refused to act on the orders of a democratic vote. It would be a major turning point for politics in the UK. Don't for one second think it would be a return to UKIP, it would be far more serious than that for the mainstream parties.

They know this too.


22,362 posts

159 months

Saturday 24th June 2017
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///ajd said:
Interesting to see threats of civil unrest and people rising up.

And yet when asked "do you mean you'll partake in a bit of violence?"

"Then, no, of course not, don't make my half baked ranting look daft!"

RichW, civil unrest or not if brexit or immigration reduction is thwarted? To help someone as "thick" as me, see if you are smart enough to try and give a yes or no opinion, and we'll take it from there. smile
Why do you think civil unrest must involve violence?


8,964 posts

208 months

Saturday 24th June 2017
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PurpleMoonlight said:
Why do you think civil unrest must involve violence?
Well that is the dictionary definition. Google it, many here have implied "pitchforks", but when challenged there is backtracking.

What will be the poll tax (won't pay) non-violent protest equivalent for say brexit being seen to "not do enough about immigration?"


22,362 posts

159 months

Saturday 24th June 2017
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It can involve violence but it is not obligatory.

To chastise people for being unwilling to be violent is ridiculous.


8,964 posts

208 months

Saturday 24th June 2017
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PurpleMoonlight said:
It can involve violence but it is not obligatory.

To chastise people for being unwilling to be violent is ridiculous.
If that is what you think I'm saying then I have not put my point across.

Various posters have warned of civil unrest - meaning violence as it came across earlier.

I tend to think that the vast majority of brits are not remotely interested in civil unrest, particularly over fruit picker immigration.

Some seem to mention it to intimidate any suggestion that brexit might not put immigration as the no.1 priority. Here we have the brexit dilemma; many want to say "it was not my reason or the main reason to leave", but it does seem to evoke the strongest reaction. No one is talking about civil unrest if we don't send (some, for the pedants) of that imaginary £350m to the NHS.

I'm not chastising people for not being violent - I'm pointing out it is an empty threat designed to intimidate. When asked if they will be doing this civil unrest, the absurdity of the threat suddenly dawns and the insults come out, as usual.

I would be interested to know what non-violent protest could look like. Sounds like a march to kick out foreigners, but I'm sure those motivated to 'rise up' will have a broad range of positive ideas to put forward.

PS previous pro brexit demo - 15,000 promised, 100 turn up.

Edited by ///ajd on Saturday 24th June 06:49


22,362 posts

159 months

Saturday 24th June 2017
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17,400,000 odd voted for Brexit. If we don't get Brexit many will protest, some violently.


1,293 posts

224 months

Saturday 24th June 2017
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///ajd said:
PurpleMoonlight said:
Why do you think civil unrest must involve violence?
Well that is the dictionary definition. Google it, many here have implied "pitchforks", but when challenged there is backtracking.
What will be the poll tax (won't pay) non-violent protest equivalent for say brexit being seen to "not do enough about immigration?"
In which case you need a better dictionary. Civil unrest ranges from ranting on twitter to throwing bricks at politicians. Most people would interpret the phrase to mean a large number of the population being annoyed/upset at a particular action and expressing their opinion. The Poll Tax unrest was largely passive but did include some rioting and no doubt there would be some faction of the population which decided that was the best way.

Anyway, back on the topic.

Having read seen TM's offer of residency to EU nationals living in the UK and the response from the EU, how do you think that's going then ? From what I've read (Reuters) the EU appears to want EU nationals living in the UK after we've left to be subject to the EU rather than UK courts. Now that's an interesting one, go live in another country but ignore any rulings they make.

As a champion of the EU cause, what's the comment on that one ///ajd ?