Who Will replace Jeremy Corbyn as Labour Leader

Who Will replace Jeremy Corbyn as Labour Leader



1,154 posts

69 months

Thursday 26th December 2019
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techiedave said:
WTF has any of that got to do with Who Will replace Jeremy Corbyn as Labour Leader ?
Sigh.... Because Labour are making it very unfashionable to be British and if Labour don't address the cultural identity problem we'll never see or hear of them again. (Fingers crossed.)

And last time I checked, none of the letters in 'woke' appear in the word 'British'.

Now, I realise you are likely feeling a little upset at the very likelihood of losing your free viewing of the Delightful Lady Dianne of Hackney on the BBC Parliament channel, but with some help you'll get over it. (Just don't ask me - I'm a sociopath - try the Health Forum - there's some massive help and advice there on depression thread).



1,154 posts

69 months

Thursday 26th December 2019
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pingu393 said:
It's not what he meant, but a couple of extreme examples...

I wouldn't want to be around you if you chose to fly the Union Flag in West Belfast or outside Parkhead when Celtic are at home.
Spot on and nailed.

I live in the Republic, and when the Rugby World Cup was on last year I said to my lad, I'd love to hang a flag for England off the balcony but it would not be appropriate. The year before we got a very discounted over size English rugby jersey for one of the coaches, got a pic of him and his son wearing it together with text saying 'This'll chop up fine for cleaning the kitchen floor or the car'.

That's humour amongst people you socialise and work with.

In the Republic here the GAA decorate whole streets with colours of 'their' teams, no way would I do it for soccer (hate the crowds not the game) and the considerations for doing it with rugby are way to risky.


1,154 posts

69 months

Thursday 26th December 2019
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Dont like rolls said:
Correct, even if it was an attempt (failed) at humour.

Corbyn and his team offer an improved life for the Many not the Few.
Corbyn and team offer a fair Britain, Corbyn and team offer a safe Briton, a diverse Briton, a Briton where colour, creed, religion or class are treated "as one".
To do this we need to select a Woman from an all woman shortlist.


1,983 posts

132 months

Thursday 26th December 2019
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irc said:
I think Jeremy should stay. He may have lost two elections but as he said he won the argument. He only lost because of the Tory press. One more push, a few more bribes, I mean investment promises, and he will be PM in 2024. Or 2029. 2034 at the very latest.

  1. Corbynmuststay

Red 4

10,744 posts

189 months

Thursday 26th December 2019
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JustALooseScrew said:
I've traveled all over the world (the only continent I haven't been to is Greenland) and at every place I've always tried to be a polite, considerate and accommodating and respecting the norms of the culture I was embraced in.

I worked for a week in Argentina and I didn't manage to get chased out of the Country like Clarkson, May & Hammond. I made friends there. I've been to Texas many times and the same.
So you conformed and were careful about what you said and how you behaved then ?
In other words, you were wary ...
I'm struggling to see your point here ...

The UK is much more accepting of "foreign" cultures than many other places in the world !!
If you've travelled so much I am surprised that you have not noticed this ...


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 26th December 2019
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JustALooseScrew said:
unrelated stuff
it has absolutely NOTHING to do with Who Will replace Jeremy Corbyn as Labour Leader
The thread is about Who Will replace Jeremy Corbyn as Labour Leader the clue is in the title
So basically it evolves around Who Will replace Jeremy Corbyn as Labour Leader the person involved and why the poster thinks that person will replace Jeremy Corbyn as Labour Leader

Go off on as many tangents and travelogue inspired tales of angst as you wish but the thread is about Who Will replace Jeremy Corbyn as Labour Leader


3,927 posts

83 months

Thursday 26th December 2019
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Dont like rolls said:
Correct, even if it was an attempt (failed) at humour.

Corbyn and his team offer an improved life for the Many not the Few.
Corbyn and team offer a fair Britain, Corbyn and team offer a safe Briton, a diverse Briton, a Briton where colour, creed, religion or class are treated "as one".
To do this we need to select a Woman from an all woman shortlist.


1,154 posts

69 months

Thursday 26th December 2019
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Red 4 said:
So you conformed and were careful about what you said and how you behaved then ?
In other words, you were wary ...
I'm struggling to see your point here ...
I did, I was, and me too.

Red 4 said:
The UK is much more accepting of "foreign" cultures than many other places in the world !!
If you've travelled so much I am surprised that you have not noticed this ...
Any you are correct, the UK does appear to be more accepting of foreign cultures, certainly in Thailand I wouldn't want to be a black African. In India I wouldn't wan't to be low-cast.

It's really hard to find the words and concepts to put these points across on text based forum.

There is so much hatred of other races out there in the big wide world, and it disappoints me beyond belief that when they are 'forced' together they still manage to find excuses to fight or fall out.

This is all way so off topic it should be moved to another thread. Last year I went on a family trip back to Yorkshire where I was born and grew up. Bradford, Wetherby, Harrogate, Leeds.

The warmest welcomes we got were from local residents, a few of them actually remembered us and I'm 50 yrs old now.

And to try and drag this back on topic, the Labour parry have done nothing for those people despite controlling the Councils in many of the places.

(Food's due to come out of the oven now and obviously I need to think about this a bit more - so I'm going just bow out for a while).



1,154 posts

69 months

Thursday 26th December 2019
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techiedave said:
JustALooseScrew said:
unrelated stuff
it has absolutely NOTHING to do with Who Will replace Jeremy Corbyn as Labour Leader
The thread is about Who Will replace Jeremy Corbyn as Labour Leader the clue is in the title
So basically it evolves around Who Will replace Jeremy Corbyn as Labour Leader the person involved and why the poster thinks that person will replace Jeremy Corbyn as Labour Leader

Go off on as many tangents and travelogue inspired tales of angst as you wish but the thread is about Who Will replace Jeremy Corbyn as Labour Leader
Jeebus Christmas H Christ. Talk about good will to all men.....

Right I'll tell you right now and right here who will replace JC.

No one of any concern will.

Labour are fked beyond belief, and good riddance. Tax the rich and fk the poor

And the next time round all those Northern/Midlands/Welshe Constituencies that just about voted Labour will be looking to where the Cons just got in and will vote in "I'll have some of that thank you very much please too".

But techiedave, you know all this so I can't quite understand why you are bleating at me.


1,154 posts

69 months

Thursday 26th December 2019
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techiedave said:
it has absolutely NOTHING to do with Who Will replace Jeremy Corbyn as Labour Leader
ste, I think I forgot to address this point. Perhaps not?

It has everything to do with this. The Scots are trying to make out that every English person is a wker. The Welsh are just slightly more polite than that.

Their is no British identity any more - no one knows what that should be. You can't see it, I can, go ask Sway if you can borrow his new Christmas glasses, it might open your eyes a bit, widen your perspective?

It's all well and good making long running jokes about about fat coloured useless politicians, and we've all sniggered. But at some stage some thing has to be done.

That time is now - and it has to be done quickly.

It's utterly irrelevant who Labour choose as their next leader, my opinion is that if they choose some one more aligned to cross party talks then the may have a say in important decisions.

Beyond that, fk them, WrongDaily, Crayons, Nandy - none of them have a clue. They will be just wasting everyone's time.

Dont like rolls

3,798 posts

56 months

Thursday 26th December 2019
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You lost me at "The Scots"

Millions regard themselves as British.


7,851 posts

73 months

Thursday 26th December 2019
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The trouble is Labour have nothing really to say on British identity. Their entire reason for existence is rooted in redistribution of wealth and state control of industry, and that just doesn't work anymore. The basics of a public provision of health and education and a safety net for the least well off are agreed on by most as is the general correctness of a market economy and the ability to become wealthy through work.

It pains me to say it but Blair was probably closest to bringing them into the modern world, at least early on. That is to say a liberal party, for whom concern for the poor means enabling them to overcome poverty, not ameliorate it by spending other people's money. Modernising by stages rather than by revolution. At least he was in word if not deed.

In my fantasy politics for the coming decade they would merge with the Lib Dems and become more of a sort of whig party. Embrace Brexit as a way of bringing government closer to the people. Take on the authoritarian impulses of the Tories. Focus on education as a way of enabling people to pay for their own broadband, but just as importantly to enable them to be true citizens of a modern democracy not feudal serfs of globalist aristocracy.

In the political reality of the coming decade as it appears now there is virtually nobody in either party thinking along those lines, and in their bunkers where they won all the arguments and were loved by the people Laboir will probably decide they should have thrown in electricity bills and cat food while the Lib Dems will tell themselves that they should have been more vocal about remaining.

Dont like rolls

3,798 posts

56 months

Thursday 26th December 2019
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JuanCarlosFandango said:
The trouble is Labour have nothing really to say on British identity.
Ask yourself about the teachers and their outlook on British History if you wish to understand the skewed vision of National Identity we have as a country.


24,083 posts

222 months

Thursday 26th December 2019
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JustALooseScrew said:
hite, I think I forgot to address this point. Perhaps not?

It has everything to do with this. The Scots are trying to make out that every English person is a wker. The Welsh are just slightly more polite than that.

Their is no British identity any more - no one knows what that should be. You can't see it, I can, go ask Sway if you can borrow his new Christmas glasses, it might open your eyes a bit, widen your perspective?

It's all well and good making long running jokes about about fat coloured useless politicians, and we've all sniggered. But at some stage some thing has to be done.

That time is now - and it has to be done quickly.

It's utterly irrelevant who Labour choose as their next leader, my opinion is that if they choose some one more aligned to cross party talks then the may have a say in important decisions.

Beyond that, fk them, WrongDaily, Crayons, Nandy - none of them have a clue. They will be just wasting everyone's time.
Speaking as 'a Scot', I have never applied a holistic description of onanism to the English, or any other race of people, but thank you for including me in your blinkered view of the world.


1,154 posts

69 months

Thursday 26th December 2019
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Dont like rolls said:
You lost me at "The Scots"

Millions regard themselves as British.
Then you need to try harder.

Dont like rolls said:
JuanCarlosFandango said:
The trouble is Labour have nothing really to say on British identity.
Ask yourself about the teachers and their outlook on British History if you wish to understand the skewed vision of National Identity we have as a country.
You'll really need to elaborate on this. I don't know any 'teachers' to ask myself about.


1,154 posts

69 months

Thursday 26th December 2019
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biggbn said:
Speaking as 'a Scot', I have never applied a holistic description of onanism to the English, or any other race of people, but thank you for including me in your blinkered view of the world.
Listen to your politicians and your wee leader of the house or what ever the fk she likes to call her self these days.

That's what the Scotts think, not you or your mate or many here, the majority.

That's what got voted in, someone stood on the world media platform claiming those "nasteee toreeees in Westminster will not rule us".

Ask your self how that happened.

Why are people struggling to understand that the view of the British around the world is little better?

It's an embarrassment to be British at the moment, it's looked at as a disgrace, falling apart. Jesus, 3 years in and Brexit hasn't even started yet.


7,585 posts

138 months

Thursday 26th December 2019
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JustALooseScrew said:
biggbn said:
Speaking as 'a Scot', I have never applied a holistic description of onanism to the English, or any other race of people, but thank you for including me in your blinkered view of the world.
Listen to your politicians and your wee leader of the house or what ever the fk she likes to call her self these days.

That's what the Scotts think, not you or your mate or many here, the majority.
Actually the SNP lost the indyref and in the federal election this year most people voted for unionist parties. Despite what they claim Sturgeon and Blackford don't speak for Scotland. I wish the pair of them would tone it down and start concentrating on using the powers they have got.

But I think Nicola needs to keep banging on about indyref 2 in order to keep her supporters happy.


24,083 posts

222 months

Thursday 26th December 2019
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JustALooseScrew said:
biggbn said:
Speaking as 'a Scot', I have never applied a holistic description of onanism to the English, or any other race of people, but thank you for including me in your blinkered view of the world.
Listen to your politicians and your wee leader of the house or what ever the fk she likes to call her self these days.

That's what the Scotts think, not you or your mate or many here, the majority.

That's what got voted in, someone stood on the world media platform claiming those "nasteee toreeees in Westminster will not rule us".

Ask your self how that happened.

Why are people struggling to understand that the view of the British around the world is little better?

It's an embarrassment to be British at the moment, it's looked at as a disgrace, falling apart. Jesus, 3 years in and Brexit hasn't even started yet.
I agree wholeheartedly that it is an embarrassment to be viewed as British just now. Back to our discussion though, even Sturgeon publicly accepted that many who voted SNP did not do so for nationalist purposes, and I would strongly argue that out of those that did, a minority would apply the terminology you used to describe the English. I'm afraid your views on us north of the border do not match my daily life experience and I am kinda sad that such a belief exists.

Dont like rolls

3,798 posts

56 months

Thursday 26th December 2019
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biggbn said:
I agree wholeheartedly that it is an embarrassment to be viewed as British just now. Back to our discussion though, even Sturgeon publicly accepted that many who voted SNP did not do so for nationalist purposes, and I would strongly argue that out of those that did, a minority would apply the terminology you used to describe the English. I'm afraid your views on us north of the border do not match my daily life experience and I am kinda sad that such a belief exists.
As Mr Corbyn, racialism exists as a driver in all forms. SNP racially driven xenophobia is only tolerated because "dem English bds, they be all whites"


24,083 posts

222 months

Thursday 26th December 2019
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Dont like rolls said:
biggbn said:
I agree wholeheartedly that it is an embarrassment to be viewed as British just now. Back to our discussion though, even Sturgeon publicly accepted that many who voted SNP did not do so for nationalist purposes, and I would strongly argue that out of those that did, a minority would apply the terminology you used to describe the English. I'm afraid your views on us north of the border do not match my daily life experience and I am kinda sad that such a belief exists.
As Mr Corbyn, racialism exists as a driver in all forms. SNP racially driven xenophobia is only tolerated because "dem English bds, they be all whites"
Now you have completely lost me, and for that I am strangely relieved. Take care now, gbn