Will you continue to wear a mask in public after Jan 27th?

Will you continue to wear a mask in public after Jan 27th?

Poll: Will you continue to wear a mask in public after Jan 27th?

Total Members Polled: 684

Yes I'll mostly or completely continue to: 20%
No I mostly or completely won't: 80%


Original Poster:

19,363 posts

217 months

Monday 18th July 2022
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Brave Fart said:
Haha, that's a rather bizarre reply Countdown; perhaps the heat is getting to you.

It's better that we don't have a silly mandate in the first place. That would mean the whole 'pretend I'm exempt' charade would not be needed.
Not complicated, is it? smile


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19,363 posts

217 months

Monday 18th July 2022
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21TonyK said:
No were not. Cases are going sky high but hospitalisations are low so there is no reason to implement anything.
Already happening. Half a page in my local freebie rag from the local NHS director of something-other-else about why masks have been implemented again.

It's because of Covid apparently. No mention of any evidence that they work, it's just presumed.


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19,363 posts

217 months

Tuesday 19th July 2022
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I trust all the forum maskers are wearing theirs to protect them from this very hot weather?

No evidence that it doesn't and anyway, it's 'no biggie'.

After all, if it saves one life... smile


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19,363 posts

217 months

Wednesday 20th July 2022
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Brave Fart said:
I know, and you're right. I wonder if it's partly this: these 'experts' have been catapulted from obscurity to having radio hacks etc. hanging on their every word. I mean, who had ever heard of Trish Greenhalgh, Christina Pagel or Deepti Gurdasani before all this? Now they've got 5 Live's Nicky Campbell introducing them as 'expert epidemiologists' in hushed tones to an audience of millions. Fame at last!

Therefore they have a vested interest in maintaining the fear and banging the old mask drum - aided and abetted by a compliant media who also, it seems, cannot let it go. Yes Nicky Campbell and BBC 5 Live, I'm looking at you.
I'm absolutely convinced that this is the case.


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19,363 posts

217 months

Thursday 21st July 2022
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London shopping centre attempts to bring back masks



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19,363 posts

217 months

Monday 25th July 2022
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No biggie?


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19,363 posts

217 months

Monday 25th July 2022
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Brave Fart said:
Cute? Really? I have always described Deepti Gurdasani as a loon, and that response by her confirms my belief. The extreme mask advocates - Trish Greenhalgh is another one - appear to have a warped view of humanity. Fortunately the tide is running against them, in my opinion, and people are starting to see the likes of Gurdasani as the fruit loops they truly are. Doesn't stop the BBC running to Gurdasani for her 'expert' comments however.
What I don't quite understand is why the likes of Gurdasani are so desperate to try and keep everyone masked up?

I totally get that they've had their day in the sun being experts and don't want to let that go, but why the mask obsession in particular? They're absolutely obsessed with the fantasy of the entire population going about their business with bits of cloth plastered across their faces for evermore, scared of the very air they breathe.

It's such a bizarre future to wish for.


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19,363 posts

217 months

Monday 25th July 2022
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bad company said:
Just back from picking up a prescription at the doctors. Staff all unmasked until they saw me enter, then muzzles applied.

Hopefully the madness will end soon. I’m just back from Florida where masks weren’t mandatory anywhere and worn by very few.
That's very good news about Florida, headed that way in a couple of months. Who did you fly with, and what was the mask situation on the flight?


Original Poster:

19,363 posts

217 months

Monday 25th July 2022
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Brave Fart said:
She, and others of her ilk, share an insane fantasy of a virus-free future, where everyone can be at - literally - zero risk from pathogens. Masks and ventilation can bring this about. Then we wouldn't be scared of the air we breathe, you see?

You're right: it's bizarre. I'd go further, in fact, it's dangerous. Following the advice of the more extreme public health nutters would be a very, very bad thing. Hopefully common sense will prevail and we can return to pre-pandemic normality.
You'd hope that the one thing they did learn from this is that mankind cannot control viruses. Remember when Covid first came into the country and they tracked down the bloke who brought it in and those he'd been in contact with, thinking that they could isolate it and stop it spreading? Bizarre.

But what would happen if they did make the air 'clean'? How would anyone ever build up any kind of immunity? You'd maybe be okay for a generation or two, and then a common cold would wipe everyone out!

Agree completely with the hope that common sense will eventually prevail, but it really seems to have damaged some people. I still see them in supermarkets with their bits of Esty cloth, and you've only got to look at how angry and frustrated one or two people on here get at the questioning of their mask doctrines.

The thing I've been most surprised at (and I fear I'm not alone) by this whole situation is how eager to unquestioningly comply, and then shout down anyone who does question it, many people seem to be.


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19,363 posts

217 months

Tuesday 26th July 2022
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Roderick Spode said:
Went to a concert last Friday, stuffed to the rafters with oldies, mask wearing limited to a small handful who to be fair appeared quite frail & I presume vulnerable. Everyone else acted like it was 2019. No requests to mask up from the venue. Most enjoyable.
I'm guessing most committed mask wearers aren't going to concerts, that's why you see them most in supermarkets, they're probably still stilling to The Guidance. (Remember when they said we couldn't buy a book in a supermarket because Covid!?)


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19,363 posts

217 months

Tuesday 26th July 2022
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Jamescrs said:
I went to the doctors last week, none of the staff or doctors I saw were wearing face masks, I seemed to be the only patient not wearing one, albeit I was probably also the only patient under 70.

No signs anywhere about facemasks either.
My doctor's surgery (according to a recent text) is mandating them for everyone.


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19,363 posts

217 months

Tuesday 26th July 2022
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bad company said:
Ari said:
bad company said:
Just back from picking up a prescription at the doctors. Staff all unmasked until they saw me enter, then muzzles applied.

Hopefully the madness will end soon. I’m just back from Florida where masks weren’t mandatory anywhere and worn by very few.
That's very good news about Florida, headed that way in a couple of months. Who did you fly with, and what was the mask situation on the flight?
We flew with BA. One or two masks on the flights but none of the crew wore them and no restrictions.
Very good news, thank you. Fingers crossed nothing changes in the next few months.


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19,363 posts

217 months

Tuesday 26th July 2022
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No idea about alcohol, but books, definitely.

No biggie/if it saves one life, etc.


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19,363 posts

217 months

Tuesday 26th July 2022
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CarCrazyDad said:
On one hand you say "stand up to this nonsense" and then you put one on for the test?

Doesn't sound like standing up to me laugh
I must admit, I was a little baffled by that. smile


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19,363 posts

217 months

Tuesday 26th July 2022
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21st Century Man said:
These people/businesses are like latter day Hiroo Onoda's.
Quite! There's a newsagent near me that still sports the 'No more than 3 people maximum inside the shop' hand drawn sign in the window that went up in 2020. No problem, I'll buy whatever it is in the nearby Tesco Metro instead.


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19,363 posts

217 months

Wednesday 27th July 2022
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garyhun said:
Find a better customer.
I rather doubt he gets much choice regarding where he's sent smile


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19,363 posts

217 months

Thursday 28th July 2022
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GSE said:
Warlock and Paul Guitar:

If you think that I’m angry you should have seen me in March 2020 – I was absolutely livid!

No hindsight here, right from the start I was opposed to everything that the government did on the opinion that none of it would be effective, and that it could be leading us to a bad place, possible permanently, and I said so at the time. The low point was everything shut down except food shops, no socialising, being coerced into taking an experimental injection, and then the prospect of having to get permission from the Government and show papers to go out anywhere, if places were allowed to open again. I found that period very difficult to get through, and it wasn’t made any easier by having to participate in the mask pantomime at work, and being surrounded by seemingly ‘asleep’ people who did everything that the Government said do without question.

Thankfully we’ve pulled up out of that hell now, and I’ve never felt better. The phrase ‘you don’t know what you had until it’s gone’ has never been more appropriate, and I make the most of every day now. During ‘lockdown’ I went to many of the London protests and connected with many people who think exactly the same way as me, and that has been a huge help. Never have I seen with such clarity how the world works and what’s going on, but that’s another subject ….

Yes I am still angry about what they did, but I try to direct that energy towards making sure that it never happens again.

Thanks, but I’ll pass on your offer of counselling smile
Exactly this! Trust me, you're not alone, but it has been a real eye opener just how unquestioningly compliant and eager to please most people seem to be.

Talking of which, I'm pretty sure that Warlock (ironic name) would be far happier just to comply. He'll be wearing his mask.


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19,363 posts

217 months

Thursday 28th July 2022
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andyeds1234 said:
For the vast majority of people, restrictions were “no biggie”
Especially for those who lost loved ones to Covid.

For those that were negatively affected by the restrictions, I have the same sympathy as those impacted by deaths from Covid. No more, no less.

Most people have perspective, some it appears, don’t.
You just can't see it can you?

Ah well, you're far from alone in that, sadly.


Original Poster:

19,363 posts

217 months

Thursday 28th July 2022
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andyeds1234 said:
Oooh, the abstract “it”
Not only that, “it” is visible only to the gifted few.
You really don't need to be 'gifted' in any way at all. smile


Original Poster:

19,363 posts

217 months

Saturday 30th July 2022
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My iPhone just updated, and one of the new features is that Face ID can now work when you're wearing a mask. biggrin