US Elections 2012 Obama v Romney Official Thread

US Elections 2012 Obama v Romney Official Thread



Original Poster:

21,292 posts

258 months

Saturday 1st September 2012
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Original Poster:

21,292 posts

258 months

Saturday 1st September 2012
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Countdown said:
Jimbeaux said:
unrepentant said:
Painful, is it not? hehe
Is it true?

He'll be lying until election day and will be called out on it, as he has been even by FOX News. But he'll keep repeating the lies and the gullible minority won't be swayed.


Original Poster:

21,292 posts

258 months

Saturday 1st September 2012
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Guam said:
The point I am making is that I doubt the vast PH massive give a monkeys which bunch of corrupt numpties are in charge over there.
Wow, that sure sounds like a hater to me. And if you don't give a monkeys why do you keep posting?


Original Poster:

21,292 posts

258 months

Saturday 1st September 2012
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Jimbeaux said:
unrepentant said:
Countdown said:
Jimbeaux said:
unrepentant said:
Painful, is it not? hehe
Is it true?

He'll be lying until election day and will be called out on it, as he has been even by FOX News. But he'll keep repeating the lies and the gullible minority won't be swayed.
Silly little man.
He certainly is, which is why you love him so much.


Original Poster:

21,292 posts

258 months

Saturday 1st September 2012
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Countdown said:
Jimbeaux said:
Countdown said:
Jimbeaux said:
unrepentant said:
Painful, is it not? hehe
Is it true?
What?hat this is a Dem blog? This thread certainly seems to be.
No. Is it true that Ryan lied?
Where do you want to start..........


Original Poster:

21,292 posts

258 months

Sunday 2nd September 2012
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davepoth said:
Jimbeaux said:
Now to the big picture; Obama's lead(in average of all polls)has dwindled to .01%.
With a margin of error of about 3% that means pretty much nothing though.
With the RNC behind him and the boost that should have given, plus the benefit he should have had from the Ryan pick Romney should be ahead by more than the margin of error now. In 2008 McCain got a huge boost coming out of the RNC and the Palin speech. The Romney people will be very unhappy with the polls.


Original Poster:

21,292 posts

258 months

Sunday 2nd September 2012
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A sobering thought............

Many republicans would still prefer her.......


Original Poster:

21,292 posts

258 months

Monday 3rd September 2012
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Ryan has had to admit that he lied about running a sub 3 hour marathon. These are small and pretty immaterial lies but someone who is prepared to lie about something so trivial will lie about the big stuff too, as we've already seen with Ryan.


Original Poster:

21,292 posts

258 months

Monday 3rd September 2012
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TheHeretic said:
Jimbeaux said:
Countdown said:
Jimbeaux - why not just answer the question truthfully?

If somebody lies about one thing, it casts doubt over the truthfulness of their other statements. You doing an impression of Willy the Weasel just makes your other assertions appear doubtful and biased even when they might be true.
If that is the case, Obama has lied plenty; therefore, show me you are only biased against lying by giving equal time to trashing him. Impress me.
Not sure that is an answer to the question at all. In fact, you seem he'll bent on not answering it. If you want to talk about Obama's lies, go ahead, but be man enough to answer the question put to you.
I can't honestly think of anything that Obama has lied about. I can think of things that he promised to do and hasn't - closing Gitmo for instance - but I can't recall him being called out on a straight lie.


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21,292 posts

258 months

Monday 3rd September 2012
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speedy_thrills said:
I can think of a few, generally he is quite good at hedging his language however.
Great, then you can name them.


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21,292 posts

258 months

Monday 3rd September 2012
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jeff m2 said:
unrepentant said:
speedy_thrills said:
I can think of a few, generally he is quite good at hedging his language however.
Great, then you can name them.
biggrin maybe we should have a thread on pols that don't lie or give very misleading statements when trying to get elected.

Income Tax and his everchanging definition of the middle class.
C'mon Jeff, you're better than that. Name a blatant lie that Obama has told.


Original Poster:

21,292 posts

258 months

Monday 3rd September 2012
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jeff m2 said:
Income tax...he said he would repeal the Bush tax cuts....he didn't.
He told many uninsured people they would get healthcare if he got elected.
After the passing of the healthcare bill people started calling HMOs to find out about their promised coverage, which of course does not exist. At present the only change is that people up to the age of 26 can be added to their parents policy.
I hope you don't need links for those.
Those aren't lies. We all know he wants to repeal the Bush tax cuts, congress made it impossible! We also all know that the full extent of the ACA won't be felt for another couple of years because it's being phased in. Again, he would have liked it to be quicker (and I think he should have been more agressive) but it was phased to appease congress.


Original Poster:

21,292 posts

258 months

Monday 3rd September 2012
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Countdown said:
To be honest I would not class those as lies. They were what he intended to do before he was elected. He hadn't changed his mind about them but circumstances have not allowed him to achieve those objectives.

Saying something is true when you know it patently ISN'T is a lie
Absolutely. He fully intended to repeal the Bush tax cuts but congress tacked them back on to the bill extending tax cuts for the middle classes and the only way that he could get those through was to include the Bush cuts.

I am not aware of one thing that Obama has said that is actually a lie. With Ryan and Romney you can take your pick.


Original Poster:

21,292 posts

258 months

Monday 3rd September 2012
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jeff m2 said:
A president once elected has to be the President of everybody not just his own party. Unfortunately this time that did not happen Obama has never stopped campaigning throughout his tenure. Everything is the fault of the previous administration.
I would have loved for him to have been successful.

I absolutely agree with you that is what should have happened. Unfortunately it was never going to happen because the Republicans decided from day 1 that they would adopt a policy of obstructionism and they did. Mitch McConnell made no secret of it, his publicly said that his only goal was to ensure that Obama did not get re-elected. No mention of governing for the benefit of the people, just an obsession with obstructing the president.


Original Poster:

21,292 posts

258 months

Tuesday 4th September 2012
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Bare faced lie;

Mitt Romney said:
"Since President Obama took office 3 years ago federal spending has increased at a pace without precedent in recent history"


Wall St Journal said:
Government spending under Obama, including his signature stimulus bill, is rsing at a 1.4% annualized rate - slower than at any time in the past 60 years.
You can bet that Romyan will keep repeating that lie and all the others right up to Nov 8 in the hope that it sticks.


Original Poster:

21,292 posts

258 months

Tuesday 4th September 2012
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Here's another absolute whopper from Ryan;

Paul Ryan said:
"In 1980 under Jimmy Carter 330,000 businesses filed for bankruptcy. Last year under President Obama's failed presidency 1.4 million businesses filied for bankruptcy"
The actual figure.....

American Bankrupcy Institute said:
The actual figure was 47,806......
These are huge lies and deliberately designed to mislead.


Original Poster:

21,292 posts

258 months

Wednesday 5th September 2012
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Guam said:
"News Flash! February 15, 2011 — Bankruptcy cases filed in federal courts for the 12-month period ending December 31, 2010, totaled 1,593,081, up 8.1 percent over total CY 2009 bankruptcy filings of 1,473,675, according to statistics released today by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts. The bankruptcies reported today are for the 12 month period ending December 31, 2011. "

MMM Not according to those guys what was that about misleading, so who to believe?
No newsflash. Ryan said business bankruptcy, the figures he quoted were for all bankruptcys, most of which are personal, a huge number of which are for medical reasons. The figures for businesses were the ones I quoted. Ryan lied, deliberately mislead, period.


Original Poster:

21,292 posts

258 months

Thursday 6th September 2012
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President Clinton knocked it out of the park tonight.

I think this summed it up for a lot of democrats;

"If you want a winner-take-all, you're-on-your-own society, you should support the Republican ticket," Clinton said. "If you want a country of shared prosperity and shared responsibility - a we're-all-in-this-together society - you should vote for Barack Obama and Joe Biden."

Even if I would be demonstrably better off under the republicans I couldn't support people who do not care one jot for people like me, or like Jimbeax, or like anyone at all who has posted here. I believe that the likes of Romney haver utter contempt for most people and probably reserve the most contempt for the "little people", the middle class who blindly vote republican against their own best interests. I couldn't support someone who opposes abortion even in the case of rape or incest, who voted against the Ledbetter fair pay act, who would outlaw in vitro fertilization, who would question evolution, who would increase taxes on the working middle class while cutting them for a tiny minority (including Romney) and who would lie about the most trivial things and the most important alike.


Original Poster:

21,292 posts

258 months

Thursday 6th September 2012
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davepoth said:
Watching the Democratic convention, and it looks much more fun than the RNC.

Interesting demographics too. Nice to see the mix and the youth. The RNC audience seemed to consist of a lot of white coffin dodgers. Stale, like the platform.


Original Poster:

21,292 posts

258 months

Thursday 6th September 2012
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Countdown said:
Guam said:
unrepentant said:

Interesting demographics too. Nice to see the mix and the youth. The RNC audience seemed to consist of a lot of white coffin dodgers. Stale, like the platform.
MMM from a man that thrrows racist allegations around like the rest of us scatter bird seed, I find that comment distasteful in the extreme.
Really? I read it as the Dems appealing to a wider cross section if the electorate.
Absolutely! It's been great to see young and old, black, white, brown and pink, male and female all here this week having a great time. It sums up the difference between the parties IMO. This is the party of inclusion, the GOP is the party of the 1% and the delusional.