Coronavirus : Early Days



7,734 posts

248 months

Thursday 12th August 2021
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FiF said:
Sorry, I searched and got this, so what did I do wrong? No toys out of pram, but explain this, please.
It's a reasonable assumption to draw, being removed to moderators site.
It's not just you - a couple of days ago I tried to find the Prince Andrew thread and came across the same Moderator's forum type link and raised exactly the same question in another thread on the topic.

All NP&E threads have<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow"/> tags on the page, so they will be specifically excluded from Google results, including the PH special search. The weird Moderator's forum empty threads don't, so they will show up.

Genuine Barn Find

5,786 posts

217 months

Thursday 12th August 2021
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first i recall was talking to a client back in October 2019.
He’d been on business in China not far from ‘ground zero’. He said he’d flown home, then out to Chicago where he started to feel unwell. He then said he was laid out in his hotel room for 5 days with what felt like a really bad case of of the flu. This was 4 months before news even started to trickle through properly. China evidently were dealing with covid a long time before they officially were.


2,662 posts

190 months

Thursday 12th August 2021
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JuanCarlosFandango said:
Maximus Decimus Meridius said:
I think you're right that things went on/ are going on for too long
However, I don't think that this was all a load of nonsense.
The strain on (and potential collapse of) the NHS was very real. That was what lockdowns were all about.
A health system which cannot cope is not acceptable politically, morally or medically.
I understand the ramifications of the NHS becoming the National Covid Service and the effects this has had on many things, but what do you suggest ?
I would suggest that if we had never heard of Covid 19 we would have had a slightly higher death rate than average last spring and forgotten all about it by now. It is a game to make people feel important.

Quite enjoying this, any chance we could keep the discussions relating to the seriousness or otherwise of Covid to the numerous other threads.


775 posts

44 months

Thursday 12th August 2021
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How early can you go? You don't mind ancedotal thoughts hopefully.

Corona supposedly started in 3rd quarter of 2019, covered up, maybe a wuhan lab leak.
Reports of China's new virus i.e like bird flu hit the msm January 2020
Everyone carried on as normal.
A whistle blower doctor from China who died sounded the alarm it was serious.
Life here carried on as normal.
By febuary 2020, things had changed, Italy was rapidly going down the toilet.
Wuhan was covered in a thick smog from incinerators.
People were welded shut in their apartments.
At this point the early preppers were buying hand sanitiser and ffp3 masks and food.
Italy got it bad, army trucks lined outside of apartments taking bodies.
Cruise ships infected.
Panic buying by first week of March 2020, toilet paper, frozen pees, rice, pasta, baked beans, oh Aldi still had italian pizzas.
March, Boris couldn't be arsed to attended Cobra meetings.
People still panic buying everything, fighting over toilet paper.
Boris still blundered by two weeks the shut down, causing most of London to get infected, flights from China and Europe still coming in
People got last minute bookings to go on holiday days before the first lockdown, getting stuck abroad and moaning about it.
Boris finally pulled his large index finger out of his back johnson and locked it down,
It only spread through hacking flemy coughs to begin with, because face coverings made from old socks would do, then they found out a virus is an aersol and as small as gas particles, still maybe a hoover bag would be better, or a proper ffp3 mask.

Anyway the rest is history and catastrophe, they found traces of covid from blood samples from sept 2019 or something in France or Italy.

Masks! That guy that looks like Penfold came on the tv and said masks don't work blah blah talked to my colleagues in Hong Kong etc, then July 2020 suddenly masks do work, because they had a shortage.

Lots of people were putting forth ventilator ideas from Dyson to Vauxhall etc and they all seemed to dissapear, I guess the actual makers made a big effort.

New York had refigerated lorries at the back of hospitals piling bodies in, they dug mass graves on that island too, lots of mass graves.

Donald Trump said maybe we could inject disinfectant into our vains or send beams of uv light in there because I'm very clever, someone actually died from doing that getting a Darwin Award in the process.

zoom star

519 posts

153 months

Thursday 12th August 2021
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January 2020 we were in Dubai, visiting my son.
Thankfully we did not give covid a 2nd thought, so it did not spoil our visit.
However by February, the little bit of prepper in me had noticed the change in the wind, and i started to alter my ways, thinking this is getting a bit more real and nasty.
March 16th I closed my little business, it was in a council owned building, and on the 15th of March we got an email off the council, informing us that we were to close at end of business on the 16th until further notice.
My shop rent and rates was still taken on the 1st of april.
No sign of re opening, the council told us not to cancel our rent DD, with consultation between some of my fellow business next door neighbours, we all cancelled our DD.
My retail shop was a sports trophy shop, sports was cancelled, I guessed until further notice, my business was not going to be taking any money soon.
September the 6th was a very emotional day for me, for the last five weekends, I had been emptying the shop, and on Sept 6th 2020 after 36 years of trading in my little shop, we closed for good.
My wife has been a diamond through this, and convinced me to retire.
Dissapointed to find after paying in all my working life, never been on the dole, I am intitled to the grand sum of bugger all.
My wifes high earnings, and savings of over 16k sorted that.
I have now got a shiney new web site, I am building and altered my business plans, and working it from home in the near future.
I am I guess, one of the endangered, born with heart problems, 60 years old, I have been shielding ever since.
Which even though I was happy go lucky, I have noticed my head is having trouble now, sleeping a full night is rare, I wake up, my head switches on,sleep has gone, get up, watch some lion or crocodile eating some poor bloody zebra at 2am in the morning on animal planet.
Personally I see no end to it.
To say you got to have it sometime, frightens me to st, as I am probably not going to beat it.
Last August my son flew over and stayed with his friends, so we didnt mix.
It broke my heart, I always said that his room was always here for him, and we refused him.
This year he has just arrived and is staying with us,six weeks, and and I have to say I am stting myself, as he is going out meeting up with his friends, which is normal, but having been locked in for 17 months this is what its doing to my state of mind.
I'm glad I got this off my head, thank you.


Original Poster:

11,756 posts

206 months

Thursday 12th August 2021
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Clearly, between the 3rd and 19th January 2020 information on the virus was a bit sparse as little was posted here about it. I should note that the date I'll attribute to each link is the date it was posted on PH.

20th January 2020

Report said:
The number of people infected with a new virus in China tripled over the weekend, with the outbreak spreading from Wuhan to other major cities.

The World Health Organisation convenes an Emergency Committee

22nd January 2020


Roads in Wuhan blocked by police as city is quarantined

Report said:
A professor has warned that the new deadly coronavirus which originated in China has the same kill rate as the Spanish flu, which claimed the lives of 20-50 million people in 1918.

Fears of widespread contagion are growing after hundreds of cases were confirmed and 17 people died. The virus originated in an animal market in Wuhan, China and has now spread to numerous other countries, including the United States.

The virus has a 2% death rate, compared to 0.1% for the regular flu. For every 50 people who are infected, one will statistically die.

“This [2019-nCoV’s death rate] could be 2%, similar to Spanish flu,” said Professor Neil Ferguson from Imperial College London.


18,801 posts

170 months

Thursday 12th August 2021
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cherryowen said:
Clearly, between the 3rd and 19th January 2020 information on the virus was a bit sparse as little was posted here about it. I should note that the date I'll attribute to each link is the date it was posted on PH.

20th January 2020
If I could make a suggestion. might be worth adding this.... one of the things thatprobably hasn't aged very well.....

14th Jan by the WHO


23,199 posts

177 months

Thursday 12th August 2021
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Skyrocket21 said:
How early can you go? You don't mind ancedotal thoughts hopefully.

Corona supposedly started in 3rd quarter of 2019, covered up, maybe a wuhan lab leak.
Reports of China's new virus i.e like bird flu hit the msm January 2020
Everyone carried on as normal.
A whistle blower doctor from China who died sounded the alarm it was serious.
Life here carried on as normal.
By febuary 2020, things had changed, Italy was rapidly going down the toilet.
Wuhan was covered in a thick smog from incinerators.
People were welded shut in their apartments.
At this point the early preppers were buying hand sanitiser and ffp3 masks and food.
Italy got it bad, army trucks lined outside of apartments taking bodies.
Cruise ships infected.
Panic buying by first week of March 2020, toilet paper, frozen pees, rice, pasta, baked beans, oh Aldi still had italian pizzas.
March, Boris couldn't be arsed to attended Cobra meetings.
People still panic buying everything, fighting over toilet paper.
Boris still blundered by two weeks the shut down, causing most of London to get infected, flights from China and Europe still coming in
People got last minute bookings to go on holiday days before the first lockdown, getting stuck abroad and moaning about it.
Boris finally pulled his large index finger out of his back johnson and locked it down,
It only spread through hacking flemy coughs to begin with, because face coverings made from old socks would do, then they found out a virus is an aersol and as small as gas particles, still maybe a hoover bag would be better, or a proper ffp3 mask.

Anyway the rest is history and catastrophe, they found traces of covid from blood samples from sept 2019 or something in France or Italy.

Masks! That guy that looks like Penfold came on the tv and said masks don't work blah blah talked to my colleagues in Hong Kong etc, then July 2020 suddenly masks do work, because they had a shortage.

Lots of people were putting forth ventilator ideas from Dyson to Vauxhall etc and they all seemed to dissapear, I guess the actual makers made a big effort.

New York had refigerated lorries at the back of hospitals piling bodies in, they dug mass graves on that island too, lots of mass graves.

Donald Trump said maybe we could inject disinfectant into our vains or send beams of uv light in there because I'm very clever, someone actually died from doing that getting a Darwin Award in the process.
Nice summary.


Original Poster:

11,756 posts

206 months

Thursday 12th August 2021
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isaldiri said:
cherryowen said:
Clearly, between the 3rd and 19th January 2020 information on the virus was a bit sparse as little was posted here about it. I should note that the date I'll attribute to each link is the date it was posted on PH.

20th January 2020
If I could make a suggestion. might be worth adding this.... one of the things thatprobably hasn't aged very well.....

14th Jan by the WHO

23rd January 2020

Report said:
Chinese authorities have confirmed a deadly virus that has infected more than 200 people in four countries can be transmitted via human-to-human contact.
Didn't age well at all.


Original Poster:

11,756 posts

206 months

Friday 13th August 2021
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23rd January 2020

Report said:
The new virus that has killed 17 people in China is mutating and could spread further, health officials have warned, as Britain announced measures to monitor flights arriving from the country.

The action comes as China state media reports the number of coronavirus cases in Hubei province has risen to 444, with 17 people now confirmed dead.

Overall 473 cases of coronavirus were confirmed by Chinese authorities, as millions of people prepare to travel domestically and abroad for the country's lunar new year celebrations starting this week.

Tweet said:
WHO reports 584 cases, 575 of which are in China

Report said:
Videos appear to show Wuhan coronavirus patients being transported in boxes and plastic tubes to stop the deadly disease from spreading further


23,199 posts

177 months

Friday 13th August 2021
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El stovey said:
Wills2 said:
scottyp123 said:
If people are trawling the old threads on the early days of corona I'd love to see posts from certain people calling others crazy conspiracy theory idiots for suggesting things like lockdowns and masks would happen where as now those same people are saying they have always been in favour of them.
I don't think you'd have to be a conspiracy theorist to understand that minimising peoples interactions is a valid tool when trying to stop the spread of a virus, but you do have to be one to think it's part of a global effort to control us per se.

Stories about ‘the great reset’ and marxist plots to control us by keeping us locked up (for some reason) seem to have been disappearing as everything is opening up again.

It’s definitely been a very interesting event on PHs and elsewhere for a huge variety of reasons. I expect there’s been far more people posting on here as we/they’re not at work as much or were in lockdowns, plus tensions were much higher for many with worries about our or loved ones health and jobs etc then there’s the whole home schooling thing too.

I remember at the beginning of the pandemic reading that restricting your sources of information to a few trusted sources was a good idea during an emergency, this turned out to be pretty good advice as many social media sites became overrun with fake news and opinion dressed as fact.

Although PHs is often a great source of real time information and full of knowledgeable people with real world experience, the pandemic threads on here did become a bit mad sometimes.
Go have a look at them now they are still in full mad hatters tea party mode.


8,438 posts

110 months

Friday 13th August 2021
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cherryowen said:
isaldiri said:
cherryowen said:
Clearly, between the 3rd and 19th January 2020 information on the virus was a bit sparse as little was posted here about it. I should note that the date I'll attribute to each link is the date it was posted on PH.

20th January 2020
If I could make a suggestion. might be worth adding this.... one of the things thatprobably hasn't aged very well.....

14th Jan by the WHO

23rd January 2020

Report said:
Chinese authorities have confirmed a deadly virus that has infected more than 200 people in four countries can be transmitted via human-to-human contact.
Didn't age well at all.
Surely the second we had multiple cases, human to human transmission was pretty much a given? The only debate would be how rare it was / how easily it did spread.

I guess (being charitable to WHO) early generations of zoonotic transferred diseases are notoriously hard to transfer h2h, and they weren't counting on it being cooked up in a lab (If I've got that right?)


23,199 posts

177 months

Friday 13th August 2021
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scottyp123 said:
Wills2 said:
scottyp123 said:
If people are trawling the old threads on the early days of corona I'd love to see posts from certain people calling others crazy conspiracy theory idiots for suggesting things like lockdowns and masks would happen where as now those same people are saying they have always been in favour of them.
I don't think you'd have to be a conspiracy theorist to understand that minimising peoples interactions is a valid tool when trying to stop the spread of a virus, but you do have to be one to think it's part of a global effort to control us per se.

What I meant was there would have been various posts back in January/February 2020 where some posters said along the lines of "I think the shops and pubs might shut" or "it looks like we will be locked in our own homes for a bit".

Certain people will have replied "stop being a conspiracy theorist, those are wild and unjustified claims and are downright loony, it will never happen"

those same certain people today will be saying "I told you lockdowns and masks would save thousands of lives, the government did the right thing." It would just be fun to see some evidence of it thats all.
Well you could probably dig through the threads and find out, however I think it was pretty clear after what we saw in China and Italy that we would also be "locked down" and I recall in the weeks leading up to the lockdown that was the general view amongst the people I know, Boris's announcement wasn't a shock as we'd seen others do it.


9,059 posts

45 months

Friday 13th August 2021
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Checking in to follow with a degree of morbid interest…….

I remember it all starting, we were in Cyprus for 3 weeks last week of Jan and first 2 weeks Feb and was following what was going on in. China and on the Diamond Princess.

We had a cruise booked with Princess cruise line sailing from Singapore to Australia in November and I can recall saying to Mrs BVD that if we don’t get to go on it, then we (the world) are really in the smelly stuff (or words to that effect!).

How wrong was I as it looks unlikely that we will get to Australia before 2023.


Original Poster:

11,756 posts

206 months

Friday 13th August 2021
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24th January 2020

Report said:
China has widened its travel restrictions in Hubei province - the centre of the coronavirus outbreak - as the death toll climbed to 26.

The restrictions will affect at least 20 million people across 10 cities, including the capital, Wuhan, where the virus emerged.

25th January 2020

Report said:
Tests in the UK on 31 people for the new strain of coronavirus have come back negative, the government has said.

"There are currently no confirmed cases in the UK or of UK citizens abroad, and the risk to the public is low," the Department of Health said.

BBC China correspondent

Tweet said:
Just entered Hubei Province where the #coronarvirus outbreak started. virtually nobody on the streets here. At the checkpoint the police said we can go in but they won’t let us back out. It looks like the entire province of Hubei, population 30 million, to be locked down.#China
My bold; first mention of the phrase in the MSM?

Pit Pony

8,859 posts

123 months

Saturday 14th August 2021
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One thing remember is starting a new contract in Derby and sitting opposite a woman in an open plan office, who had spent the new year on a holiday of a life time in China.

Being a contractor she wouldn't get and came in every had, with a hacking cough, and complained of aching all over. But it's definately not CV-19 because she didn't go to that part of China.

I've no contact details for her, so she could be dead, for all i know.


Original Poster:

11,756 posts

206 months

Sunday 15th August 2021
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25th January 2020

Report said:
A nurse wearing a protective suit and face mask treating the sick in Wuhan has claimed that 90,000 people have already been infected by the coronavirus in China – far more than the figure of just 1,975 issued by government officials.

Her warning from the heart of the outbreak emerged as the Chinese government faced accusations of censoring criticism of its handling of the disease in order to play down the crisis.

The outbreak of the new virus originated in China, where it has infected more than 1,970 people and killed 56, and has spread worldwide.
My bold, because the next day

26th January 2020

Report said:
“Despite the enormous and admirable efforts in China and around the world, we need to plan for the possibility containment of this epidemic isn’t possible,” said Neil Ferguson, an infectious diseases epidemiology at Imperial College London who has issued a series of modeling studies on the outbreak.

There may be as many as 100,000 cases already in China, Ferguson told The Guardian newspaper on Sunday, adding the model suggests the number could be between 30,000 and 200,000 cases. “Almost certainly many tens of thousands of people are infected,” he told the British newspaper.
Includes links to Imperial College reports relevant at the above date


20,153 posts

122 months

Sunday 15th August 2021
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I remember before the first lockdown started (mid-March '20?), the local rag front page read "Deadly virus strikes our town" and thinking oh Christ on a bike that's my job gone for a couple of years (leisure industry). Though I'm back at work, earnings have plummeted, Gov. help is laughable, business/clientele I've taken 20 years to build is wrecked and long term prognosis is two years from now I might be breaking even again. Quite angry with the Gov if I'm honest. Hey ho!

Don Roque

18,028 posts

161 months

Sunday 15th August 2021
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In early January I saw a video online of a bloke in a packed hospital corridor in Wuhan apparently in his death throes, suffering an apparent seizure from a cytokine storm destroying his lungs. That was when I first thought that this novel virus may have turned out to be something big.

In February or March we were getting videos in from Italy, translated telephone calls from doctors reporting on what sounded like the plague. I knew it would be coming here soon enough but the entire country still seemed very complacent despite all the signs saying this was going to be quite notable.

In March I was tutoring at work. The new lad and I ended up having to visit a house where an old bloke had died. In his 70's but still working and running his own business. His death was reported in the papers and a few weeks later they carried a story from the inquest confirming that he had tested positive for Covid post-mortem. That was when a Covid death was newsworthy.


Original Poster:

11,756 posts

206 months

Sunday 15th August 2021
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27th January 2020

Report said:
A British teacher from West Wycombe who has lived in Wuhan for 10 years fears he could be spreading deadly coronavirus – because he was not tested when he flew home to the UK last week.

28th January 2020

Seemed to be kicking off, now

Report said:
The death toll from the new coronavirus now stands at 106, with the number of infections almost doubling in a day to more than 4,500.

The rise comes as governments scramble to control the spread of the virus. Hong Kong is going to slash cross-border travel with mainland China.

Meanwhile, Japan is sending a plane to Wuhan, the epicentre of the outbreak, to evacuate its citizens

The virus has spread across China and to at least 16 countries globally.

Report said:
Health authorities say a Bavarian man contracted the virus from a colleague visiting from China. It is believed to be the first case of human-to-human transmission in Europe.

Report said:
Drew Bennett, 39, is feared to have contracted the potentially deadly virus during a recent holiday to the Chinese city at the heart of the outbreak and is currently in isolation at a Birmingham hospital.

Report said:
The Foreign Office is warning Britons not to travel to mainland China, unless their journey is essential.

It comes as Britons in Hubei Province, at the centre of the coronavirus outbreak, prepare to be flown home as early as Thursday.

The virus has caused more than 100 deaths, spreading across China and to at least 16 other countries.

There have been no confirmed cases in the UK so far, with 97 people testing negative for the virus.
For months, now, I have thought that context should be given when reporting positive cases based on the number of tests carried out. Rather than 30,000 new cases, it should be "Of 900,000 tests undertaken, 870,000 were returned as negative".