US Elections 2012 Obama v Romney Official Thread

US Elections 2012 Obama v Romney Official Thread



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Thursday 1st November 2012
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Art0ir said:
unrepentant said:
Corporate PROFITS are at a record level.
That does nothing for the economy if the employees wages don't match them. Zero.
I agree. Tell that to the Romney supporting CEO's that have been taking record pay increases for themselves while telling their employees that wage increases are off the table.


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Thursday 1st November 2012
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jeff m2 said:
unrepentant said:
jeff m2 said:
Hard to ignore the market..... it will be boost for Obarma because 13,000 is easy to understand whereas the frantic buying of MBSs is not.
How many voters think a fiscal cliff is something you don't jump offbiggrin

Corp profits are up, better to take them now than gamble on next years rates.
Ditto cap gains. Why gamble, set a new cost basis and don't rely on voters when it comes to do what is best for the economy.

Slight recent improvement in spending but not enough to boost hiring. Job numbers lag the economy by two years. Too little too late.

I think overall this will help Obama, it shouldn't but it will. I find it sad.
From where I sit all the indicators are good, including unemployment. It's still too high but it's moving in the right direction. Consumer spending is rising - you want an Audi A7 or a new Range Rover? Get your hand in your pocket, hand over a big deposit at MSRP and be prepared to wait a few months.

So tell me, it's Jan 2009 and President Jeff has just landed in the White House. The outgoing bloke has left you with an economy that is losing 800,000 jobs a month, a defecit of $1.3 trillion, $8 trillion of debt already projected for the next decade, 2 costly unbudgeted wars in full swing, a stock market in freefall and you are on the brink of the next great depression.

What are you going to do about it?
We don't have the bandwidth for a reply to that.
But basically I would accept that the task infront of me was beyond my smarts, step aside and let a better person run for President. Something I believe Obama should have done.
rofl Sorry Jeff, that's the typical answer. "The economy was fked, we have no clue what we would have done but we don't like what he did".

Obama has done a good job in very difficult circumstances and had McCain prevailed in 08 and followed the policies of cost slashing and program elimination we would truly be screwed now.


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Thursday 1st November 2012
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longblackcoat said:
unrepentant said:
rofl Sorry Jeff, that's the typical answer. "The economy was fked, we have no clue what we would have done but we don't like what he did".

Obama has done a good job in very difficult circumstances and had McCain prevailed in 08 and followed the policies of cost slashing and program elimination we would truly be screwed now.
That said, I'd far prefer McCain to Romney. Not that I'd choose either, you understand, but I have a great deal more respect for John McCain, a decent man whose hand I could shake even if I opposed his position.
McCain is a classic case of what is wrong with the republican party. Take a decent guy, a war hero to boot, with moderate views and a well earned reputation for being a concilliator who works across the aisle in the interests of America, not some narrowly defined group of Americans. He is respected by all sides and even has friends on the democratic benches. Now that guy wants to represent the republicans in a presidential election. So he'll run on his record of concillatory cross party working and moderate views? Hell he won't! He wants to get the nomination and he has no chance as a moderate. So he tacks to the right, in the end so far to the right that he picks a complete wacko conservative to run with him.

I can pinpoint the exact moment when McCain finally said to hell with this nonsense. It was when that woman, at a town hall in Minnesota, told him that she couldn't vote for Obama because he was an "Arab". You could see by the exasperation and disgust in McCain's face that he'd had enough. He took the microphone back and told the woman that she was wrong, that Obama was a decent family man, citizen, that he just happened to have disagreements with on fundamental issues. The campaign had got away from him, it was no longer his, it had been hijacked by the wackos, the election was 2 weeks hence but it was over.


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Thursday 1st November 2012
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CommanderJameson said:
This picture won't do Obama any harm at all:

Nope. Plenty of them too.

For the first time in weeks the RCP average has Obama ahead. More importantly new polls show his lead growing rapidly in key battleground states like Wisconsin, Nevada, New Hampshire and Iowa. It's little wonder, on the one hand you have a president being like and looking like a commander in chief and on the other you have a pretender faking photo ops and putting out false ads claiming that one of America's most iconic brands is packing up and leaving for China. This choice should be an easy one for most people.


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Thursday 1st November 2012
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Former republican and now much admired independent Mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg just endorsed President Obama.



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258 months

Thursday 1st November 2012
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davepoth said:
unrepentant said:
Former republican and now much admired independent Mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg just endorsed President Obama.

He was a Democrat to start with though.
He was elected as a republican though. Another billionaire who has said up yours to Romney. thumbup


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Friday 2nd November 2012
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vonuber said:
Guam said:
And I have A degree And PostGrad in Marketing and Statistics and was a memmber of the Royal Chartered institute of Marketing for many years <until I found it of no furthrt use to me>.
You have my pity.

Or as he'd say yer Herf mu pithy.


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Friday 2nd November 2012
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This could get very very interesting. Too late for the election but very embarrassing for Willard as he continues the Jeep lies.


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Friday 2nd November 2012
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davepoth said:
Captain Cadillac said:
This is pretty much where it's been for some time now.

Several models that I've seen bandied about show an almost certain win for Romney on the popular vote but a very close race in the electoral vote.

Which is yet another reason why the electoral college needs to go. I'll be the first to admit that Bush had no reason being elected in 2000. I voted for him and was happy for him to win, HOWEVER, regardless of Florida's result he lost the popular vote by half a million votes.

IMNSHO he therefore did not deserve to be president.

What if Romney wins the popular vote by millions yet loses the election by electoral votes?
It's a bad show all round when someone wins without the majority of the popular vote, regardless of who the winner/loser is.

Is there any data on voter turnout by state? I guess it's lower in the states like Texas and California where the result is "never in doubt"; having a purely popular vote might skew that.
No system is perfect but at least with the electoral college regional differences are accounted for. When did the government of the UK ever win the popular vote? Has it happened in living memory? As CC said, Bush didn't win the popular vote (he didn't win the EC either, Florida was a total fix but that's another story) so it's a bit rich for republicans to bleat if Obama wins without it this time. I still think he'll win both handily. I doubt there will be any appetite for change in the GOP anyway, with demographic changes in the USA this was probably their last chance to win the popular vote as the parties currently stand.


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Friday 2nd November 2012
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The Economist has endorsed Obama again, as they did in 08.

So that's Bloomberg and The Economist in one day. And Forbes endorsed Rick Perry against Romney.

If Romney can't get the support of these people who is supporting him? It can't all be white people over 65. Can it?


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Friday 2nd November 2012
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London424 said:
I saw that Bloomberg has backed Obama mainly over his policies on guess what...Global Warming! Couldn't make it up.
Bloomberg cares about the environment and is concerned about GW. What's wrong with that? The republican party rejects science in every facet of life so it's understandable that he struggles to find common ground with them. Hell, the majority of them don't even believe in evolution!


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258 months

Friday 2nd November 2012
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Here's Romney on FEMA. Flippety flop!;

Romney on FEMA 6/13/11 said:
Every time you have an occasion to take something from the federal government and send it back to the states, that's the right direction. And if you can go even further and send it to the private sector, that's even better.
Romney on FEMA 10/13/12 said:
I believe that FEMA plays a key role in working with state and localities to prepare for and respond to natural disasters. As president I will ensure that FEMA has the funding it needs to fulfill it's mission.
It's weathervane Mitt again! Or more likely it's "Panic! I'm losing bad and the president and Chris Christie both look 500 times more presidential than I do. So let's say change another policy so it looks like I agree with them" Mitt.

A candidate utterly without backbone or principles, Mitt is everyman, whatever your view, wait a few days and Mitt will agree with you. Not that it matters, it's not like he believes any of the crap he spouts in public. Now the 47% - that he believes...


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21,302 posts

258 months

Friday 2nd November 2012
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Art0ir said:

In fairness there's not much that you can say about Romney that's positive. 3% sounds a bit high.


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258 months

Friday 2nd November 2012
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Even Rasmussen is no longer trying to pretend that Romney has a lead..........

The latest 6 polls are ;

Obama +1
Obama +1
Obama +5

It's a red free zone.

Meanwhile Obama moves further ahead in New Hampshire and is winning 9 of 12 swing states with Virginia tied.

A new poll in red Indiana shows Joe Donnelly beating odious creep Richard Mourdock by 11 points in what was one of the GOP's safest senate seats. With Brown losing badly in Mass and idiot Aiken being trounced in Missouri it looks like the senate is staying blue.

We're 5 days from party


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Friday 2nd November 2012
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longblackcoat said:
At the risk of agreeing with Guam, check the methodology on some of them. +5 for Obama sounds like a total outlier to me, and I'd be surprised if it's anything other than a popular draw at present.

I'm still holding with my electoral college prediction, and no more than 1% between the two candidates on polling day - no telling which will win the popular vote though.
The polls are all nonsense. I'm looking at trends and momentum and it's all with Obama.

I still think Obama will win the popular vote handily, unless the intimidation tactics and thuggery of TrueTheVote etc.. put off enough people. Obama to win the EC by a decent spread whatever. Still think your 340 is a stretch but I'll take it. biggrin


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258 months

Friday 2nd November 2012
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Did anyone catch Romney making his football analogy in Ohio.

Willard M Romney said:
I remember once we had a football field at my high school. The field was covered with rubbish and paper goods from people who’d had a big celebration there at the game. And there was a group of us there assigned to clean it up. And I thought, ‘how are we going to clean up all the mess on this football field?’ There were just a few of us. And the person responsible for organizing the effort said, ‘Just line up along the yard lines. You go between the goal line and the 10-yard line, and the next person between the 10 and 20, and just walk down and do your lane. And if everybody cleans their lanes, we’ll get it done.’ And so today, we’re cleaning one lane if you will.
So while the president and Governor Christie are actually dealing with the aftermath of a hurricane the challenger demonstrates his own disaster relief credentials by comparing it to cleaning up the field after a high school football game! You could not make this stuff up. The guy is so detached from reality it's difficult to accept that he's completely sane.


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258 months

Friday 2nd November 2012
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TheHeretic said:
unrepentant said:
Did anyone catch Romney making his football analogy in Ohio.

Willard M Romney said:
I remember once we had a football field at my high school. The field was covered with rubbish and paper goods from people who’d had a big celebration there at the game. And there was a group of us there assigned to clean it up. And I thought, ‘how are we going to clean up all the mess on this football field?’ There were just a few of us. And the person responsible for organizing the effort said, ‘Just line up along the yard lines. You go between the goal line and the 10-yard line, and the next person between the 10 and 20, and just walk down and do your lane. And if everybody cleans their lanes, we’ll get it done.’ And so today, we’re cleaning one lane if you will.
So while the president and Governor Christie are actually dealing with the aftermath of a hurricane the challenger demonstrates his own disaster relief credentials by comparing it to cleaning up the field after a high school football game! You could not make this stuff up. The guy is so detached from reality it's difficult to accept that he's completely sane.
It is just a metaphor for everyone doing their bit.
Watch the film, it's all over the internet. The devastation from this hurricane is huge and needs serious people to apply their minds to it. This was Romney, not wanting to be seen to be campaigning when devastation is occuring but desperate not to look irrelevant. Just like his fake food drive it just highlights how unfit he is for high office.

Here you go;


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258 months

Friday 2nd November 2012
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London424 said:
Unrepentent, I'm actually quite worried for your health if Romney does become President.
Kind of you but please don't worry about me. biggrin

Worry about all the poor, the disadvantaged, the infirm, the elderly, the sick, the women and the minorities. frown


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258 months

Friday 2nd November 2012
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Fittster said:
So if the polls are as inaccurate as people on here make out can we expect President Gary Johnson?
Legal pot! Go Gary. bandit

Disclaimer. The above comment in reference to the legalization of pot is not meant to imply in any shape or form whatsoever that the author is joker, smoker or midnight toker. Well maybe joker but nothing else.


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258 months

Friday 2nd November 2012
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The news just keeps getting better.

When Obama took office we were losing 800,000 jobs a month. A difficult figure to even imagine but that's what he inherited. It was obviously a gargatuan task to reverse such a tide but he's done it and there are now more people in the workforce than when he came into office. Given the scale of the continuing economic catastrophe that he inherited that's actually a remarkably fast turn around.

We now have record corporate profits, employment growth, rising consumer confidence and a bullish stock market. The recovery is real and the Obama economic record stands on it's own.