American Presidential candidates GoP/Dems

American Presidential candidates GoP/Dems



56 months

Thursday 28th July 2016
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Unrepentant I hope you're right and HC wins but only because Obama has done a half decent job and the orange one is so fvcking ghastly. That said, this running commentary of how wonderful every democrat is, how uplifting, how inspiring, how enlightened, how inclusive, how polished, how very A list.. (seriously who gives a fvck what Katy Perry thinks), how HC can do absolutely no wrong; its plain weird. I have a mental image of you there at the convention with all your past DNC badges and 'yes we can' hat on. None of us can even vote, ok some can but I don't think any amount of flowery prose will win them over!

I do hope the tax thing doesn't go away. I'm intrigued to know if he'd rather let everyone think he's cheated on his taxes than reveal he doesn't make as much as he's lead everyone to believe. Which would the most narcissistic man on earth choose? hehe


14,323 posts

199 months

Thursday 28th July 2016
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unrepentant said:
scherzkeks said:
Countdown said:
Don't get me wrong, the4 USA isn't lily-white in this respect either. However the current White House incumbent has done a lot to try and improve things. He's not (at least not openly) invaded other countries or started illegal wars.
No, he's simply done it covertly. Aside from Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya and Syria, which were pretty overt.

But you don't care. It is just a list.
Under the auspices of the UN.

I don't remember invading Pakistan, let alone going to war with them? Unless you're referencing the mission to kill Bin Laden?

America cannot be isolationist.


11,669 posts

252 months

Thursday 28th July 2016
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unrepentant said:
We've had a week of cheering whereas last week was all booing and fear mongering.
You'll also know that a huge number of Bernie fans walked out of the convention in protest the other night.

Perhaps they weren't allowed in again to walk out on the next night.

I don't know how it was reported in the US, but certainly over here in the UK, CNN (Clinton News Channel) completely failed to mention it. Fox ran it, so did RT, Euronews, France 24 and Aljazera. (BBC and Sky News may have done but I don't give them much attention).

It's not quite all the sweetness and light, roses and smiles that you make it out to be though is it?

From my POV America seems deeply divided, and the Dem 'Establishment' can hug each other and pat each other on their backs on prime time TV as much as they like. They're promising the moon to the general public, which in fact is nothing more than another 4+ years of Obama inaction.

Seriously Unrep - did you really think Obama's speech was that blisteringly good?

I thought it was pish, just like everything H Clinton says. It all reminds me of being at a rock concert, the only people there have paid money to see their favourite band, and they ain't going to boo for the encore.

You need to investigate and educate yourself in a bit of NLP to realise what this 'Establishment' are selling you.

Perhaps you personally are going to do well and gain from another 4+ years of Obama politics, and fvck the rest of the people in your Country.

I've come to the conclusion that Trump is perhaps not the best POTUS, but Hillary is a manipulative lying witch. She is as disgusting as Trump in some of her reports and stance.

You can't see it, the rest of us here can - you have this attitude that Hillary can do no wrong whilst Trump is the Anti-Christ, you really do have a thing for her don't you?

It's ok, we understand, but just wind it in a bit, and as said earlier, buy a box of tissues and keep 'the lurve' to yourself.

Sam All

3,101 posts

103 months

Thursday 28th July 2016
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unrepentant said:
scherzkeks said:
Countdown said:
Don't get me wrong, the4 USA isn't lily-white in this respect either. However the current White House incumbent has done a lot to try and improve things. He's not (at least not openly) invaded other countries or started illegal wars.
No, he's simply done it covertly. Aside from Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya and Syria, which were pretty overt.

But you don't care. It is just a list.
Under the auspices of the UN.

I don't remember invading Pakistan, let alone going to war with them? Unless you're referencing the mission to kill Bin Laden?

America cannot be isolationist.
Unrep & Co will have a different version of this if Trump gets in biggrin


11,669 posts

252 months

Thursday 28th July 2016
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amusingduck said:
unrepentant said:
the man has proven himself to be totally unfit for any public office
Given Hillary's track record, that is quite possibly the funniest thing anyone's ever said on this thread laugh
I'm not often one to write +1 here




11,752 posts

232 months

Thursday 28th July 2016
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Sam All

3,101 posts

103 months

Thursday 28th July 2016
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TheExcession said:
amusingduck said:
unrepentant said:
the man has proven himself to be totally unfit for any public office
Given Hillary's track record, that is quite possibly the funniest thing anyone's ever said on this thread laugh
I'm not often one to write +1 here


Is Bill a billionaire already? if not, a good opportunity in the coming years.


11,669 posts

252 months

Thursday 28th July 2016
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Smiler. said:
Thanks mate, that's me put right off my dinner for tonight.

What a horrible horrible lying turd of a woman she really is.

Sam All

3,101 posts

103 months

Thursday 28th July 2016
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Obama said Hilary is more qualified than him or Bill - we have been cheated all these years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or Is Obama a lying tt trying his ever best to keep Trump out of the White House.


40,285 posts

198 months

Thursday 28th July 2016
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Halb said:
if another neocon gets in, then there'll be more trouble before bedtime.
Npt sure if this is a good or a bad thing but Spunky isn't principled enough to be a Neo-Con. Whilst "They" may have invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands and at the same time f'king up the economy, at least they were consistent

He OTOH says various things to gauge populist appeal and then keeps saying them louder and louder. When he f'ks up he backtracks or blusters. That's why the GOP hierarchy loath him so much; they know he's not actually a Republican, he's just using them as at ticket to get elected.


40,285 posts

198 months

Thursday 28th July 2016
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scherzkeks said:
Countdown said:
Don't get me wrong, the4 USA isn't lily-white in this respect either. However the current White House incumbent has done a lot to try and improve things. He's not (at least not openly) invaded other countries or started illegal wars.
No, he's simply done it covertly. Aside from Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya and Syria, which were pretty overt.

But you don't care. It is just a list.
So which ones were covert?


40,285 posts

198 months

Thursday 28th July 2016
quotequote all
TheExcession said:
amusingduck said:
unrepentant said:
the man has proven himself to be totally unfit for any public office
Given Hillary's track record, that is quite possibly the funniest thing anyone's ever said on this thread laugh
I'm not often one to write +1 here


So you think somebody who is a proven racist, a multiple bankrupt, and who has committed large scale fraud is fit to be President?


3,751 posts

145 months

Thursday 28th July 2016
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Sam All

3,101 posts

103 months

Thursday 28th July 2016
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CD really got the hump with Trump since Nov last year, did he call him spunky prior to that. Sounds rather personal, don't think he cares for Hilary. smile


8,770 posts

147 months

Thursday 28th July 2016
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amusingduck said:
rohrl said:
I'm not sure that my context is wrong.

I'm referring to the e-mails released by Wikileaks the other day which were hacked from the DNC, which led to the resignation of Debbie Wasserman Schulz. That is the e-mail hack which is being investigated by the FBI and which seems to have been carried out by the Russians. It is in reference to that hack which Trump went on to encourage that the Russians might further be able to dig up Hillary's e-mails.

CNN said:
Donald Trump appeared to call on Russian intelligence agencies Wednesday to find 30,000 of Hillary Clinton's deleted emails, adding a stunning twist to the uproar over Moscow's alleged intervention in the presidential election.

"They probably have her 33,000 e-mails. I hope they do. They probably have her 33,000 e-mails that she lost and deleted because you'd see some beauties there. So let's see," Trump said at a news conference in Florida.

He was referring to emails on the personal server that Clinton used to conduct official business as secretary of state but that she deemed private and did not hand over to the State Department.

Daily Telegraph said:
Donald Trump has called on Russia to hack into Hillary Clinton's email, in an unprecedented request for a rival power to influence a presidential election though cyber attacks.

Mr Trump was discussing the recent breach of the Democratic National Committee, which President Barack Obama has said was almost certainly carried out by Russia and which caused damaging private emails to become public.

The Republican nominee said he did not know if Russia was behind that attack, but that he would like to see the Kremlin turn its attention to the 30,000 messages Mrs Clinton deleted prior to the FBI investigation into her email practices.
Trump was asking the Russians to find the 30,000 missing emails from Clinton's home server but he made this request apropos of the hack on the DNC, which is the one which is believed to have been carried out by the Russians.


56 months

Thursday 28th July 2016
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Whilst being weirdly expressed it's not exactly the act of treason the democrats are making out. Surely the democrats want those emails 'found' to exonerate their nominee, no?


4,460 posts

136 months

Thursday 28th July 2016
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unrepentant said:
America cannot be isolationist.
Your Trumpian like argumentative tactic fails when it is a straw man.

Funny how we mimic the ones we claim to hate. hehe


21,302 posts

258 months

Thursday 28th July 2016
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TheExcession said:
unrepentant said:
We've had a week of cheering whereas last week was all booing and fear mongering.
You'll also know that a huge number of Bernie fans walked out of the convention in protest the other night.
A few hundred. So what? That's democracy. This is a united party.


25,500 posts

195 months

Thursday 28th July 2016
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amusingduck said:

You couldn't make it up. I'd be gobsmacked if Russia didn't already have a mountain of dirt on Hillary. I'd be gobsmacked if the intelligence agencies across the world weren't reading the emails flowing through her private server.

How, exactly, is Hillary a nightmare for Russia when they have plenty of material to blackmail her with?

Why, exactly, would Hillary be a nightmare for Russia considering their past.

Their past?

When she sold Uranium to them of course!
It might raise more than a quizzical eyebrow if the uranium supply was tight, but it isn't, either in the short or medium term; market price dictates how hard prospectors look for new economic deposits so I'm fairly sanguine about it given how stable the price has been, it's already been proven that uranium can be extracted from seawater so there are very finite limits to how much influence such an apparent monopoly can have. If Putin hypothetically took control of that particular boardroom it's not beyond the wit of man to enforce the laws governing strategic materials and prevent any ore leaving the US. In the very long term we'll be using thorium anyway so it won't matter.


21,302 posts

258 months

Thursday 28th July 2016
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So Melania's website, which had reported that she had a degree from the University of Lubijana (completely untrue), has been deleted in its entirety!

They make up this stuff and then expect the press to be gullible as their supporters, which they are not.

You Trumpists on here seem to like polls, even though they are largely meaningless at this stage. Maybe you'll like this one. In Pennsylvania, the purple state where Clinton is most vulnerable (remember only purple states really matter at all) she's beating Trump by 9%!

Pretty staggering.

Only one poll that matters, the one in November that tells us how big Trump's defeat is and whether the democrats have taken back the senate..