American Presidential candidates GoP/Dems

American Presidential candidates GoP/Dems



33,791 posts

233 months

Friday 29th July 2016
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rohrl said:
amusingduck said:
rohrl said:
On the e-mail hacking thing, how would you react if Putin's Russia was hacking the RNC in support of Hillary and she was encouraging them to do so Jimbeaux? Would you be writing it off as a storm in a teacup?
Your context is wrong. It's about Hillary's private email server during her time as SoS, it is not related to the DNC leaks.

Foreign intelligence agencies around the world will have intercepted these emails; that is their job. Her private server was so poorly secured it would have been very simple for them to do so.

So, the actual context is:

Hillary illegally sent and received government records, and classified information, through an insecure, unauthorised, private email server.

She was instructed to turn over all of her work related emails during her time as SoS, she failed to do so. These 30,000 deleted emails are what Trump is referring to.
I'm not sure that my context is wrong.

I'm referring to the e-mails released by Wikileaks the other day which were hacked from the DNC, which led to the resignation of Debbie Wasserman Schulz. That is the e-mail hack which is being investigated by the FBI and which seems to have been carried out by the Russians. It is in reference to that hack which Trump went on to encourage that the Russians might further be able to dig up Hillary's e-mails.
Yes, those were the DNC hacks. However, the 30,000 that Trump is referring to are the ones she deleted from her personal server from here SoS days before the FBI seized it.

Sam All

3,101 posts

103 months

Friday 29th July 2016
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unrepentant said:
Ask the idiots like that one who have been trolling this thread for the past couple of months. Before that it was a decent thread, a discussion between interested parties. But this is PH so along come the disinterested morons who just want to troll.
I have been here much longer than the 2 months you mention - so who are you thinking of? Guys who disagree with you? Very few on here agree with you (Countdown excepted, he has been upset with Trump since last Nov) on your view of goddess Hilary.

She is not a good candidate, and nor is Trump.


33,791 posts

233 months

Friday 29th July 2016
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TheExcession said:
unrepentant said:
We've had a week of cheering whereas last week was all booing and fear mongering.
You'll also know that a huge number of Bernie fans walked out of the convention in protest the other night.

Perhaps they weren't allowed in again to walk out on the next night.

I don't know how it was reported in the US, but certainly over here in the UK, CNN (Clinton News Channel) completely failed to mention it. Fox ran it, so did RT, Euronews, France 24 and Aljazera. (BBC and Sky News may have done but I don't give them much attention).

It's not quite all the sweetness and light, roses and smiles that you make it out to be though is it?

From my POV America seems deeply divided, and the Dem 'Establishment' can hug each other and pat each other on their backs on prime time TV as much as they like. They're promising the moon to the general public, which in fact is nothing more than another 4+ years of Obama inaction.

Seriously Unrep - did you really think Obama's speech was that blisteringly good?

I thought it was pish, just like everything H Clinton says. It all reminds me of being at a rock concert, the only people there have paid money to see their favourite band, and they ain't going to boo for the encore.

You need to investigate and educate yourself in a bit of NLP to realise what this 'Establishment' are selling you.

Perhaps you personally are going to do well and gain from another 4+ years of Obama politics, and fvck the rest of the people in your Country.

I've come to the conclusion that Trump is perhaps not the best POTUS, but Hillary is a manipulative lying witch. She is as disgusting as Trump in some of her reports and stance.

You can't see it, the rest of us here can - you have this attitude that Hillary can do no wrong whilst Trump is the Anti-Christ, you really do have a thing for her don't you?

It's ok, we understand, but just wind it in a bit, and as said earlier, buy a box of tissues and keep 'the lurve' to yourself.
Very astute and well stated post sir. yes


33,791 posts

233 months

Friday 29th July 2016
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Countdown said:
TheExcession said:
amusingduck said:
unrepentant said:
the man has proven himself to be totally unfit for any public office
Given Hillary's track record, that is quite possibly the funniest thing anyone's ever said on this thread laugh
I'm not often one to write +1 here


So you think somebody who is a proven racist, a multiple bankrupt, and who has committed large scale fraud is fit to be President?
I have asked before and received no answer. What specifically makes Trump a "racist"?

Sam All

3,101 posts

103 months

Friday 29th July 2016
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Countdown said so and Unrep agreed with him, or could be Unrep said it and Countdown agreed with him.

Racist tag is too easily used, many ethnic minorities are often more racist. How many people from the sub-continent - Hindus or Muslims - marry afro caribbeans/mongoloids. I believe it is avery low number, but happy to be corrected.


33,791 posts

233 months

Friday 29th July 2016
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unrepentant said:
Four Star General John Allen, former head of US forces in Afghanistan and one of our most decorated military heroes, gave a great speech tonight surrounded by military veterans. A complete evisceration of Trump, a thunderous speech. Starts at 2.07

Earlier Rev William Barber had the whole hall on their feet with a barnstormer of a speech. I don't have a religious bone in my body but even I was moved by this speech.

Donald Trump should watch this speech by Khizr Khan, father of an American hero and be ashmed of himself. If you're not moved by this you're probably already dead. Brilliant, heartfelt speech that is truly what America is about.

Katy Perry is singing for us now. Which is nice.

Next president due up soon.
And we all heard the cat calls and disrespectful yells from the crowd. Their disdain for a military hero (your words) that is trying to support their candidate is beyond unbelievable. The same for a Medal of Honor winner, again trying to support "Killery"; they booed him. Disgusting.


21,302 posts

258 months

Friday 29th July 2016
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Jimbeaux said:
I have asked before and received no answer. What specifically makes Trump a "racist"?
Ask Paul Ryan. He described Trump's comments about Judge Curiel as the "definition of racism".

He's also been prosecuted for discrimination against African Americans in his business. There are many other examples, as you know.


33,791 posts

233 months

Friday 29th July 2016
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unrepentant said:
Lovely video about Clinton playing as part of her intro after Chelsea's introductory speech. Morgan Freeman narrating.
Would you listen to yourself? rofl

Sam All

3,101 posts

103 months

Friday 29th July 2016
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Jimbeaux said:
unrepentant said:
Lovely video about Clinton playing as part of her intro after Chelsea's introductory speech. Morgan Freeman narrating.
Would you listen to yourself? rofl
The Excession advised him as follows "It's ok, we understand, but just wind it in a bit, and as said earlier, buy a box of tissues and keep 'the lurve' to yourself".

Sound advice for a troll. thumbup


33,791 posts

233 months

Friday 29th July 2016
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hidetheelephants said:
Jockman said:
TheExcession said:
What a horrible horrible woman. I just cannot fathom why anyone would want her leading the US.
You can. The alternative is obvious. What a fooookin choice.

I just loved the way Obama stated he knew HRC would never rest until ISIS were defeated. Which begs the obvious question. Why the fooook did you create a vacuum for them to be created???

I remember the hope in 1997 of Blair. I remember the hope in 2008 of Obama. Where is the hope now?
It was GWB(with assistance from Blair) who created that particular vacuum; admittedly BO didn't exactly rush to fill the vacuum, but then he was at least partially elected on the basis he would reduce US involvement in military intervention.
It was Obama's pulling of all troops as opposed to a gradual reduction that caused the vacuum. Oh, and the fact that he published the pullout date to the world so the bad guys could properly prepare. rolleyes


21,302 posts

258 months

Friday 29th July 2016
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Jimbeaux said:
And we all heard the cat calls and disrespectful yells from the crowd. Their disdain for a military hero (your words) that is trying to support their candidate is beyond unbelievable. The same for a Medal of Honor winner, again trying to support "Killery"; they booed him. Disgusting.
A few lefties but you know what, that's fine, it's still a free country. The democrats are tolerant and inclusive so if a few on the fringe want to chant then let them. I personally did not hear "Killary", I heard "no more wars". What you didn't hear was calls of "get them out" and what you didn't see were people assaulting them as you have seen all year at Trump rally's.


33,791 posts

233 months

Friday 29th July 2016
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unrepentant said:
Countdown said:
Sam All said:
Hilary nows more about ISIS than the generals do, so she says. Why didn't she tell them what she knows?

That was what Trump said. She was quoting Spunky in her speech to demonstrate what a moron he was.
There are some morons on PH but Sam "fk" All is definitely amongst the most moronic. Idiot.
There you go again, someone disagrees with you and you insult them and intertwine their name with profanity. I am a bit disappointed in the mods for having such a soft hand with you.


33,791 posts

233 months

Friday 29th July 2016
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unrepentant said:
Jimbeaux said:
I have asked before and received no answer. What specifically makes Trump a "racist"?
Ask Paul Ryan. He described Trump's comments about Judge Curiel as the "definition of racism".

He's also been prosecuted for discrimination against African Americans in his business. There are many other examples, as you know.
What, in this campaign, has shown him to be a racist. A straight answer would be nice.


4,460 posts

136 months

Friday 29th July 2016
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Jimbeaux said:
I have asked before and received no answer. What specifically makes Trump a "racist"?
I've been waiting all thread to hear this, and I don't even support the guy.


33,791 posts

233 months

Friday 29th July 2016
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unrepentant said:
Jimbeaux said:
And we all heard the cat calls and disrespectful yells from the crowd. Their disdain for a military hero (your words) that is trying to support their candidate is beyond unbelievable. The same for a Medal of Honor winner, again trying to support "Killery"; they booed him. Disgusting.
A few lefties but you know what, that's fine, it's still a free country. The democrats are tolerant and inclusive so if a few on the fringe want to chant then let them. I personally did not hear "Killary", I heard "no more wars". What you didn't hear was calls of "get them out" and what you didn't see were people assaulting them as you have seen all year at Trump rally's.
Actually, most of the "assaulting" at Trump rallies were outside the venue and carried out by various unwashed groups of radicals against law-abiding rally goers leaving the venue.


21,302 posts

258 months

Friday 29th July 2016
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Halb said:
unrepentant said:
Pence is dangerous because he really believes the crap that he spouts. He's a zealot when it comes to the unborn foetus and is also crazily anti-gay. He's basically a Christian fundamentalist. Trump of course agrees with none of that, Pence is just a vessel to deliver conservatives.
If Trump had chosen a socially liberal conservative, it would be a swing to my totally illusionary and imaginary vote. But with someone like, Pence. I would vote for the other candidate.
If he'd have done that the crazies on the right would have run away and he'd be left with nobody.

Speaking of crazies, this thread, with a few notable exceptions such as yourself, Jimbeaux and Countdown is now full of trolls with no interest or stake in the election or knowledge of what they speak about. I can't be arsed to post anymore so I'll leave the right wing wkfest is has become to them.


33,791 posts

233 months

Friday 29th July 2016
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unrepentant said:
Halb said:
unrepentant said:
Pence is dangerous because he really believes the crap that he spouts. He's a zealot when it comes to the unborn foetus and is also crazily anti-gay. He's basically a Christian fundamentalist. Trump of course agrees with none of that, Pence is just a vessel to deliver conservatives.
If Trump had chosen a socially liberal conservative, it would be a swing to my totally illusionary and imaginary vote. But with someone like, Pence. I would vote for the other candidate.
If he'd have done that the crazies on the right would have run away and he'd be left with nobody.

Speaking of crazies, this thread, with a few notable exceptions such as yourself, Jimbeaux and Countdown is now full of trolls with no interest or stake in the election or knowledge of what they speak about. I can't be arsed to post anymore so I'll leave the right wing wkfest is has become to them.
Come on UR, this thread has swung back and forth from left to right as far as support goes. I didn't bail out when I was outnumbered some days running (with the exception of a week in Haiti), and neither should you.


8,969 posts

210 months

Friday 29th July 2016
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Halb said:
unrepentant said:
Pence is dangerous because he really believes the crap that he spouts. He's a zealot when it comes to the unborn foetus and is also crazily anti-gay. He's basically a Christian fundamentalist. Trump of course agrees with none of that, Pence is just a vessel to deliver conservatives.
If Trump had chosen a socially liberal conservative, it would be a swing to my totally illusionary and imaginary vote. But with someone like, Pence. I would vote for the other candidate.

Again, I have no vote. biggrin
I know nothing about and had never heard about Mr Pence before. Heard a few of his speeches now, seems like a nice guy.


8,969 posts

210 months

Friday 29th July 2016
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Jimbeaux said:
unrepentant said:
Halb said:
unrepentant said:
Pence is dangerous because he really believes the crap that he spouts. He's a zealot when it comes to the unborn foetus and is also crazily anti-gay. He's basically a Christian fundamentalist. Trump of course agrees with none of that, Pence is just a vessel to deliver conservatives.
If Trump had chosen a socially liberal conservative, it would be a swing to my totally illusionary and imaginary vote. But with someone like, Pence. I would vote for the other candidate.
If he'd have done that the crazies on the right would have run away and he'd be left with nobody.

Speaking of crazies, this thread, with a few notable exceptions such as yourself, Jimbeaux and Countdown is now full of trolls with no interest or stake in the election or knowledge of what they speak about. I can't be arsed to post anymore so I'll leave the right wing wkfest is has become to them.
Come on UR, this thread has swung back and forth from left to right as far as support goes. I didn't bail out when I was outnumbered some days running (with the exception of a week in Haiti), and neither should you.
Stay UR.


17,937 posts

162 months

Friday 29th July 2016
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Jimbeaux said:
hidetheelephants said:
Jockman said:
TheExcession said:
What a horrible horrible woman. I just cannot fathom why anyone would want her leading the US.
You can. The alternative is obvious. What a fooookin choice.

I just loved the way Obama stated he knew HRC would never rest until ISIS were defeated. Which begs the obvious question. Why the fooook did you create a vacuum for them to be created???

I remember the hope in 1997 of Blair. I remember the hope in 2008 of Obama. Where is the hope now?
It was GWB(with assistance from Blair) who created that particular vacuum; admittedly BO didn't exactly rush to fill the vacuum, but then he was at least partially elected on the basis he would reduce US involvement in military intervention.
It was Obama's pulling of all troops as opposed to a gradual reduction that caused the vacuum. Oh, and the fact that he published the pullout date to the world so the bad guys could properly prepare. rolleyes
Agreed. Obama's watch has also seen a resurgent Russia.