Climate change - the POLITICAL debate.

Climate change - the POLITICAL debate.



18,650 posts

211 months

Saturday 24th March 2012
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Globs said:
but overnight it still dipped to nearly zero..

I'd like to see Australia's Bondi match that in spring.
and that, for me is all the proof I need to call bks on the whole lot.

When the big yellow thing in the sky goes down and there are no clouds, the temperature returns to a base level.

Any build up of heat escapes and in the morning the sun has to start all over again.

If there were warming then we would not be returning to zero (ish) at night.

Mr GrimNasty

8,172 posts

172 months

Saturday 24th March 2012
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You do know the temperature of deep space and understand the temperature gradient that operates at night, if there is no cloud!

chris watton

22,477 posts

262 months

Saturday 24th March 2012
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"Eco-rout down under: ‘A mini-van will have more seats than the Labour party in the new parliament.’"


WUWT have some great stories at the moment

Also this:

"Job opportunity, with lots of money to be made"

Please also click on the OrkneyLad link in that article - great reading, but makes you wonder just how useless our MSM is!

Edited by chris watton on Saturday 24th March 18:26


90,809 posts

257 months

Saturday 24th March 2012
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Ad at the bottom of page...

How to become a god and change the climate, or something...

Did these blokes read it...?


13,841 posts

233 months

Saturday 24th March 2012
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Mr GrimNasty said:
You do know the temperature of deep space and understand the temperature gradient that operates at night, if there is no cloud!
Maybe the IPCC ought to add the effects of cloud to their models then?


90,809 posts

257 months

Saturday 24th March 2012
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Globs said:
Mr GrimNasty said:
You do know the temperature of deep space and understand the temperature gradient that operates at night, if there is no cloud!
Maybe the IPCC ought to add the effects of cloud to their models then?
The IPCC doesn't have models. It reviews the research of others, then compiles a Report of Doom. The Report of Doom is re-written by politicians in summary form to add further elements of doom, in order to influence international policy makers who then go on to turn it into a tax scam.


90,809 posts

257 months

Sunday 25th March 2012
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Back to Delingpole for a moment. Thought I'd copy his musings about the Radio 5 Richard Bacon blitz, in case it gets pulled...hehe

Go, Dellers...

JD blog said:
Just in case any of you missed it I was on the Richard Bacon show on BBC Radio 5 Live the other day and I totally pwned the swine. As you know, I'm not the kind of chap who calls someone a "swine" without good reason. But if you'd heard Bacon's preamble in the run-up to my appearance you'll have a better idea why I hold the fellow in such low esteem. As far as this politics student drop-out and sometime Blue Peter presenter was concerned I was just another of those climate "deniers" whose malign idiocy deserved nothing but sneering ridicule. Presumably that's why he didn't bother reading my book – in case you forgot, it's called Watermelons: How Environmentalists Are Killing The Planet, Destroying The Economy And Stealing Your Children's Future (or Killing The Earth To Save It in Australia; Watermelons: The Green Movement's True Colors in the US) – before trying to grill me. Had Bacon done so, he might have spared himself a lot of embarrassment.

Have I mentioned, yet, how totally medieval I got on Richard Bacon's sorry ass? Did I use the word "pwned" at all? Or the phrase "made Bacon squeal like a stuck pig"? Or "forced the lightweight to relive – metaphorically – one of the more painful sequences from Deliverance"? Only if I did any of these things I would like herewith to apologise. It's not an attractive or edifying thing to gloat over an unworthy opponent's abject humiliation.

And yet, and yet…..well he didn't half have it coming to him, eh? Not least on the grounds of his disgraceful hypocrisy. Bacon, remember, has recently been fighting a public battle against the various internet trolls (especially on Twitter) who have made his life hell. Had he bothered to read Watermelons and got as far as chapter ten – They Don't Like It Up 'Em – he would have seen catalogued in some detail the cases of vile bullying experienced by climate sceptics like myself, Johnny Ball and David Bellamy deliberately orchestrated by green activists, and stoked up by BBC presenters like Richard Bacon (and Sir Paul Nurse) when they use inflammatory words like "denier". (What, so questioning the validity of AGW theory is roughly equivalent to denying that six million Jews were exterminated in the Holocaust? Nope. I don't think so).

Since the debate there has been lots of discussion on Twitter, among friends and in the Delingpole household on whether it made tactical and strategic sense to make my unutterable contempt for Bacon so obvious. My immediate counter to this is that in interviews I respond according to the way I'm treated. If someone has set out deliberately to catch me out, has made up his mind what he thinks and isn't remotely interested in what I have to say, then it seems to me entirely fair that I should give as good as I get. But I do fully acknowledge that my arguments would have been still more effective had I played the trick that Michael Gove does, where you use politeness, exaggerated deference and charm in order to let your enemy destroy himself. Problem is, I'm me, not Michael Gove.

Anyway, to judge by the general response my tactics can't have been that ineffective. After the interview, Watermelons shot up over 1100 places on Amazon and has remained in the sub-300 zone ever since. This suggests that for every listener who thought I was an arrogant cock or who, like Bacon and his Twitter chums such as the comedian Dara O'Brian, were such "experts" on global warming they weren't going to let any awkward facts get in the way of their belief system, there was at least another who was absolutely tickled pink to hear the other side of the debate being given airtime by the BBC.

Here's one of the many emails I received. I don't know about you but I find it very encouraging. The public is coming round to the truth about AGW far more quickly than the BBC/political/science establishment class is.

Absolutely brilliant performance on R5. Take no prisoners!
I am amazed at how so-called intelligent people such as Richard Bacon can have swallowed the religion of AGW.
I think you are prevailing. People like Bacon and Nurse ridicule you and it must be a lonely and hard fight for you. But more and more people are weary of the AGW lies.
If it is any consolation, a group of us at work were discussing climate change. We work in the public sector where we are incentivised to believe in nonsenses such as AGW – or are too fghtened to speak out for fear of career damage.
I said I thought it was all a scam and just an excuse to increase taxes. All except one – a notably conformist dullard – agreed but had never said so before.
A straw in the wind, maybe – but good luck in your battles.
More people out there support you than your critics will allow and when the history books are written you will be shown to have been right.
Keep up the fight – and biff the likes of the lazy and dull Bacon on the nose at every opportunity!

Here's hoping he gets to have a go at Monbiot sometime.


Blog HERE, together with comments and a picture of Richard Bacon for your wall...hehe

Edited by mybrainhurts on Sunday 25th March 18:05


3,747 posts

220 months

Monday 26th March 2012
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Oh no, it's going to be worse than we thought!!!

The BBC Pension fund protection team said:
Temperatures could rise by 3C by 2050, models suggest
Climate temperature predictions can influence planning, such as for sea defences Continue reading the main story
Related Stories
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EU plans CO2 cuts in countryside
CO2 climate impacts reassessed
Global temperatures could rise by 1.4-3.0C (2.5-5.4F) above levels for late last century by 2050, a computer simulation has suggested.

Almost 10,000 climate simulations were run on volunteers' home computers...

...The study - run through with the BBC Climate Change Experiment - ran simulations using a complex atmosphere-ocean climate model.
What a croc.


104,402 posts

262 months

Monday 26th March 2012
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Just about the entire UK is fked today in that case. Temperatures have already risen by 8 deg C since I woke up and they're expected to increase from post-breakfast levels right across the country by at least 10 deg C.

How will we possibly cope? Can the BBC help?

What a bunch of arse from politically motivated people parroting gigo from inadequate climate models nuts

And then there's the £8bn pension thing.



13,841 posts

233 months

Monday 26th March 2012
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turbobloke said:
Just about the entire UK is fked today in that case. Temperatures have already risen by 8 deg C since I woke up and they're expected to increase from post-breakfast levels right across the country by at least 10 deg C.

How will we possibly cope? Can the BBC help?

What a bunch of arse from politically motivated people parroting gigo from inadequate climate models nuts

And then there's the £8bn pension thing.

Pah - 8 degrees is nothing, there is a 18 degree swing already today from sub-zero to 16 odd degrees, look at the graph - it'll be like Death Valley in a few hours!!


2,350 posts

203 months

Monday 26th March 2012
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The BBC will be in full pension protection mode during this weeks Horizon which is entitled "Global Weirding"

BBC said:
Something weird seems to be happening to our weather - it appears to be getting more extreme.

In the past few years we have shivered through two record-breaking cold winters and parts of the country have experienced intense droughts and torrential floods. It is a pattern that appears to be playing out across the globe. Hurricane chasers are recording bigger storms and in Texas, record-breaking rain has been followed by record-breaking drought.

Horizon follows the scientists who are trying to understand what's been happening to our weather and investigates if these extremes are a taste of whats to come.
I think we can see exactly where this is going.

Edited to add...

Here is the link to the programme which includes all the contributers:

We'll get to see the Met Office's famous super computer!!!

Edited by jurbie on Monday 26th March 13:38


44,386 posts

199 months

Monday 26th March 2012
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39,731 posts

286 months

Monday 26th March 2012
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jurbie said:
I think we can see exactly where this is going.
yup, what's it gonna be this time?


2,584 posts

253 months

Monday 26th March 2012
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IainT said:
jurbie said:
This one I would guess.

I remember listening to Richard Bacon declare on his show that crop circles are made by aliens because what else could be responsible? The man is a credulous fool who would be out of his depth in a kindegarten science class so no wonder he's fully signed up to warmist nonsense.
1h16m13s in and you'll find the start... just about to listen to it.
It will expire from iplayer soon, but is available as a podcast :


5,929 posts

192 months

Monday 26th March 2012
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Just listened to the Delingpole/bacon piece.

yes, to anyone with half a brain, Delinpole did indeed take Bacon to the cleaners.

But for our more than average UK contingent of hard-of-thinking idiots that most of the MSM and our politicians pander too, I expect they think Bacon was great, shouting down the toff!

The UK's fked, we have a bunch of MP's (regardless of tie colour) that are at the behest of the EU (who, of course, fully support the AGW myth). Plus we have a leader of the blue party, that is predominantly green (along with his father-in-law) and his deputy is a complete "Watermelon".

We screwed until we get out of the EU (or at least reduce the EU's grip) and get some MP's with some balls.


8,751 posts

281 months

Monday 26th March 2012
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Article said:
Famed lyricist Sir Tim Rice has taken aim at the government for backing wind turbine schemes, branding the environmental initiative "a scam".

Prime Minister David Cameron's coalition government wants renewable sources to provide 15 per cent of the energy supply by 2015, but the investment into wind farming has divided the country.

Rice admits he is not a fan of the scheme, and has even turned down big money offers to house wind turbines on his sprawling estate in Scotland.

He tells the Sunday Telegraph, "I recently declined to support a Conservative function because I'm so incensed about these wind turbines. Like all so-called climate-change doubters, I am very pro the environment, but I strongly believe that it is something that can only be cured locally. Some insane overall scheme isn't going to cure all the problems. And the money that is wasted!

"As a landowner in Scotland, I've been offered vast amounts of money to stick up wind turbines, which not only will make me richer, it will make less well-off people poorer, and will damage the environment. These schemes aren't doing any good - just making rich people richer, and it's depressing to see great areas of these useless objects up there.

"It's a scam - a con - and until the government has the brains to actually say, hang on, we've got it wrong, this is a total economic and environmental error, then I find it hard to give total support to them.
Apologies for the Yahoo link.


104,402 posts

262 months

Monday 26th March 2012
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Sir Tim Rice in an article linked by Scotal said:
"As a landowner in Scotland, I've been offered vast amounts of money to stick up wind turbines, which not only will make me richer, it will make less well-off people poorer, and will damage the environment. These schemes aren't doing any good - just making rich people richer, and it's depressing to see great areas of these useless objects up there.

"It's a scam - a con - and until the government has the brains to actually say, hang on, we've got it wrong, this is a total economic and environmental error, then I find it hard to give total support to them."
Thanks for the link and good to see R telling it as it is.

With regard to the BBC article quote below, the statement made is simply in error.

Earlier quote attributed to the BBC said:
Something weird seems to be happening to our weather - it appears to be getting more extreme.

Weather is not getting more extreme. Also they should note that extreme weather is properly associated with climate cooling not warming. I doubt they meant to imply that we are now in a period of global cooling, they were just wrong everywhere.


5,631 posts

233 months

Tuesday 27th March 2012
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Apparently the 'Planet Under Pressure' conference started yesterday - see here...

3000 taxpayer funded 'Scientists' once again said:
Time is running out to minimize the risk of setting in motion irreversible and long-term climate change and other dramatic changes to Earth’s life support system.
We Brits can feel extra guilty as we started it all...rolleyes

Some interesting comments though...

Dreadnought said:
Hmmm, this sounds suspiciously like another taxpayer-funded knees-up for the sandal-wearing, holier-than-thou, hairy-armpit brigade – getting the old juices flowing, ready for the full enchilada in Rio.

It must be fun to be one of these teat-suckers, living high on the hog at everyone else’s expense, and rubbing shoulders with all the other party-goers every few weeks.

I bet their excitement can hardly be contained, while they’re holding forth with their ever-more dire predictions of a dystopian nightmare of doom.

Nothing like a good old rent-seeking, nest-feathering session to raise the spirits, eh?!
William Martin in NZ said:
The only acceleration I see is the number of snouts in the trough, and their funding.
The conference is is also pushing the scary sounding Anthropecene Era...

Sun 'Expert' said:
OUR planet no longer functions in the way it did.

Atmosphere, climate, oceans and ecosystems are outside Holocene norms. This suggests we have crossed a boundary.
We really are doomed, aren't we? irked


39,731 posts

286 months

Tuesday 27th March 2012
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maybe we should ask what happened to 'the tipping point' something that was going to kill us all years ago


104,402 posts

262 months

Tuesday 27th March 2012
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We're doomed if we have to read that load of cobblers every so often...Thanks for posting it all on PH nelly1 headache


Also for the fact that there are so many people still thinking with the wrong gland who persist in truly believing, pushing the same old mumbo jumbo via emotive propaganda.
