45th President of the United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 12)

45th President of the United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 12)



61,336 posts

219 months

Saturday 12th June 2021
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The Biden administration is returning more than $2 billion redirected from Department of Defense projects for Trump's border wall, and is again calling on Congress to cancel other remaining border wall funds.

The Biden administration is legally required to use an estimated $1.9 billion in funds on border barriers, as they were specifically directed to be used by Congress when the GOP were in power

It's why the administration is "reiterating its call for Congress to cancel funds it previously appropriated for border barrier projects so that these resources can instead be used for modern, effective border management measures to improve safety and security."


61,336 posts

219 months

Saturday 12th June 2021
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Fox are trying to claim first amendment rights and a free-speech right to interview Trump’s lawyers and surrogates about their Dominion claims “regardless of whether they could substantiate their claims.” It could do so, Fox said, because the claims had been made in numerous suits challenging the election result.

Dominion Voting Systems Inc. said dismissal of its defamation suit against Fox News Networks would give media companies a “blank check” to knowingly broadcast lies to hundreds of millions of people as long as they deem the falsehoods to be newsworthy.

“Fox’s broadcasts went well beyond any ‘neutral reportage’ of the views of ‘responsible’ persons,” Dominion said in the filing. “Fox instead broadcast the charges of manifestly irresponsible sources -- Powell, Giuliani and Lindell -- and repeatedly espoused and concurred in the charges, often even communicating defamatory statements about Dominion in its own voice.”

Remember it wasn't just interviewing people but they had their hosts like Hannity, Pirro, Lou Dobbs that pushed and continue to push trumps Big Lie.

Hosts on Fox News Channel and Fox Business Network propagandized the lie that Democrats had stolen the election from President Trump

In the two weeks after Fox News called the election for Biden, the network’s hosts and guests cast doubt on the results at least 774 times, according to a count by Media Matters for America.


61,336 posts

219 months

Saturday 12th June 2021
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Latest Capitol Arrest, a Chicago police officer who participated in breaching the Capitol. Chwiesiek wore a Chicago Police hoodie to the Capitol and sent a photo to an acquaintance while breaking into Jeff Merkley’s office.

The FBI says it has minute by minute geolocation data for this individual, which allows them to trace his drive from Chicago with a swing through Baltimore, his stay at the Mayflower Hotel, and his excursion to walk around the Capitol complex the night before. It has his emails from Ali Alexander - Stop the Steal and bang to rights on many videos, photos, including ones he sent a friend.



61,336 posts

219 months

Saturday 12th June 2021
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On team trumps subpoenas on the House Intelligence committee.

The grand jury subpoena sought metadata for 109 identifiers, specifically 73 phone numbers and 36 email addresses. Apple said it assumes ISPs and other tech companies were also sent similar requests.

There were 13 Democratic members of the 2017 committee. That's a lot of staff and family thrown in to get to 73 phone numbers.

NDA's again...trumps favourite tool

Remember when the DOJ sent twitter a subpoena to identify the person behind the parody account that Devin Nunes didn't like...


61,336 posts

219 months

Saturday 12th June 2021
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Good job Barr's lies are all on record, under oath

On May 1, 2019, then Senator Kamala Harris (now VP) questioned Bill Barr at a Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing

HARRIS: Has the President or anyone at the White House ever asked or suggested that you open an investigation of anyone?
BARR: I wouldn’t — I wouldn’t —
HARRIS: Yes or no?
BARR: Could you repeat the question?
HARRIS: I will repeat it. Has the President or anyone at the White House ever asked or suggested that you open an investigation of anyone? Yes or no, please, sir.
BARR: The President or anybody else?
HARRIS: Seems you’d remember something like that and be able to tell us.
BARR: Yes, but I’m trying to grapple with the word, “suggest.” I mean, there have been discussions of matters out there that they’ve not asked me to open an investigation, but —
HARRIS: Perhaps they’ve suggested?
BARR: I don’t know. I wouldn’t say suggest.
HARRIS: Hinted?
BARR: I don’t know.
HARRIS: inferred? You don’t know? Ok….

Also later
SEN. CHUCK GRASSLEY, (R) IOWA JUDICIARY COMMITTEE: What are you doing to investigate unauthorized media contacts by the Department and FBI officials during the Russian investigation?
BARR: We have multiple criminal leak investigations under way.

Later that night, Barr turned down an appearance at the House Judiciary the next day. He didn’t like the idea of being questioned by the Committee’s lawyers and members of Congress


61,336 posts

219 months

Saturday 12th June 2021
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The question now is - what was Rod Rosenstein's role in all this. We know he was deputy to both Sessions and Barr, was instrumental in limiting and shutting down the Mueller investigation, we know from court filings that it was Rosenstein who leaked text messages from FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page to the media in late 2017.

Remember Sessions was forced to recuse himself from the Trump-Russia investigation almost immediately, so signing off on the subpoenas would have been his Deputy, Rod Rosenstein. Whilst not forgetting Barrs perversion of the DOJ into a weapon for trump, the investigations need to include Rosenstein who was behind a lot of the obstruction into investigations and coverup of trumps criminal activity.


61,336 posts

219 months

Saturday 12th June 2021
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Researcher Tom Hogan noted that even as the five year statute of limitations for the infamous Trump Tower – Russia meeting expired yesterday, two new sealed criminal cases have been filed by SDNY this week.

1. As June 9 ends along with statute of limitations for several crimes committed at Trump Tower five years ago, I predicted something yesterday and checked my prediction with what I expected in @SDNYnews dockets. Two sealed cases filed in the past week. Sleep tight.

2. Everything that @FBIWFO counterintelligence and the @TheJusticeDept National Security Division have done since January 20, 2017, has been done to allow the current @POTUS to know what the Russians did to us. I am confident that the core of that investigation survived.

3. Lisa Monaco has been on duty for three weeks. To be clear, @LeaderMcConnell Charles Koch & their Russian handlers held up DOJ nominations to obstruct. To make us think that the Biden DOJ dropped the ball. This is the biggest investigation since JFK. The work has just begun.

So this hasn't been dropped, just new indictments filed... So much for trumps hopes of running out the clock


61,336 posts

219 months

Saturday 12th June 2021
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YouTube has suspended the account of Republican Ron Johnson for seven days for promoting misinformation about coronavirus treatments.


61,336 posts

219 months

Saturday 12th June 2021
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Election officials and their families are living with threats of hanging, firing squads, torture and bomb blasts, interviews and documents reveal. The campaign of fear, sparked by Trump's voter-fraud falsehoods, threatens the U.S. electoral system.


9,674 posts

135 months

Saturday 12th June 2021
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Byker28i said:
Election officials and their families are living with threats of hanging, firing squads, torture and bomb blasts, interviews and documents reveal. The campaign of fear, sparked by Trump's voter-fraud falsehoods, threatens the U.S. electoral system.
In a first-world democracy, that would be a major scandal.

But this is the US we're talking about - a fading power flailing toward anarchy.


61,336 posts

219 months

Sunday 13th June 2021
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Another accused January 6 rioter says he only stormed the US Capitol because former President Donald Trump told his supporters to do so.

Anthony Antonio has been charged with a number of counts connected to the Capitol insurrection, including violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds, obstruction of law enforcement during civil disorder, and destruction of government property.

But Antonio told CNN on Friday morning that he only stormed the Capitol after Trump said to go there during his speech at the "Stop the Steal" rally being held before the riot.

"He called people to Washington, DC that day. He said march down to the Capitol. I personally would not have marched down Pennsylvania Avenue and walked to the Capitol, on the grass of the Capitol," he said. "I told you were I was supposed to go. I was supposed to go to Freedom Plaza, that was my plan ... if [Trump] didn't say 'go down to the Capitol,' I wouldn't have gone down to the Capitol."


61,336 posts

219 months

Sunday 13th June 2021
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Pretending to be investigating leaks, we know that trump got his DOJ to subpoena phone and ISP records of those he felt had slighted him, or were investigating him. Not only journalists but now all the Democrat members of the House intelligence committee and additional members of Congress, their staffs, and their families.

The thing is:
Remember when in May 2017, Trump boasted about a top secret Israeli intelligence mission to two top Russian officials in the Oval Office, that blew open that intelligence and the cover of the agent.

Remember when Kushner gave MBS highly sensitive U.S. intelligence who used the intelligence to purge members of his government. Remember that Kushner couldn't pass security clearance until trump insisted he had it...

Remember when trump discussed sensitive national security matters with Japanese Prime Minister Abe at Mar-a-Lago in front of other diners, over the
North Korean missile launch.

Remember trumps secret meeting with Putin in Helsinki, where he confiscated the translators notes, threatened the translator if they said anything.

Remember when Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan, Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee, tried to dig dirt about the surveillance of Trump campaign officials for their contacts with Russia, against “FISA abuses” in getting warrants to do so, and proclaimed that Trump-Russia was a hoax, for which trump later gave them the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Yet we know that Manafort did in fact conspire with Russia to affect the 2016 Presidential election, as recent government releases have conclusively revealed, that Stone was in regular contact with the GRU officer who had access to Clintons hacked emails, that Giuliani tried to pass off manufactured evidence from the russians claiming it was Hunter Bidens Hard drive.

This wasn't about leaks, it was about finding out who knew what about trumps criminal activity, so Rosenstein/Barr/trump could act and cover it up.


61,336 posts

219 months

Sunday 13th June 2021
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Michael, Which kid would the former guy give up first?

Michael Cohen
Don,Jr…then Eric…then Ivanka



61,336 posts

219 months

Sunday 13th June 2021
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Video of Alex Jones claiming the white house told him of the insurrection plans 3 days before

Fifty Shades of Whey
Alex Jones paid $500,000 to organize the insurrection on January 6th and he admits to getting his marching orders from Donald Trump. They literally sponsored a domestic terrorist attack on our nation's capital. Arrest them.


61,336 posts

219 months

Sunday 13th June 2021
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Capitol insurrectionists didn't vote for trump

Fox 46 reporter Ryan Kruger found startling results when he researched those arrested for the Capitol insurrection who live in North Carolina.

"Brad Bennett of Randolph County stood in front of the Capitol recording a video right before he and hundreds of others stormed the building," he reported. "In FBI charging documents, Bennett is described as a devote follower of the conspiracy theory QAnon. Just days before the riots at the Capitol, Bennet posted on Facebook, 'FAIR WARNING: If this election is stolen for Biden, Patriots will go TO WAR.' But despite Bennett's passion for the former President, it doesn't appear he voted for him."

In all, of the twelve people arrested from North Carolina, five aren't even registered to vote in the state.

"Another Trump devotee, Stephen Baker of Wake County, was recorded on a video posted to social media accusing democrats of rigging the election. 'Trump won,' Baker said. But Baker, who according to the FBI live streamed videos while inside the capitol, also isn't registered to vote in North Carolina," he reported.


1,924 posts

74 months

Sunday 13th June 2021
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Byker28i said:
Video of Alex Jones claiming the white house told him of the insurrection plans 3 days before

Fifty Shades of Whey
Alex Jones paid $500,000 to organize the insurrection on January 6th and he admits to getting his marching orders from Donald Trump. They literally sponsored a domestic terrorist attack on our nation's capital. Arrest them.
Has this been confirmed?



61,336 posts

219 months

Sunday 13th June 2021
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BadBull said:
Byker28i said:
Video of Alex Jones claiming the white house told him of the insurrection plans 3 days before

Fifty Shades of Whey
Alex Jones paid $500,000 to organize the insurrection on January 6th and he admits to getting his marching orders from Donald Trump. They literally sponsored a domestic terrorist attack on our nation's capital. Arrest them.
Has this been confirmed?

The photo of the Qanon Shamen, the actor Jake Angeli, whose real name is Jacob Anthony Chansley. yes thats him with Giuliani.
The photograph was taken at a meeting held in Phoenix, Arizona with GOP lawmakers and Giuliani on Nov. 30, 2020

Everything else in that article is also true. We also know trump met with the person organising and funding the transport to the insurrection attempt.
We know that 521 people have been charged so far and more are being caught and charged daily

We know a lot are saying they did it on trumps orders, that they now feel duped by trump...


8,914 posts

118 months

Sunday 13th June 2021
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BadBull said:
Yes. from his FB page. https://archive.is/OdtMn


61,336 posts

219 months

Sunday 13th June 2021
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Gaetz News

Matt Gaetz’s former classmates say he’s an embarrassment to William & Mary Law School and should resign

"In interviews, many of Gaetz's former friends and acquaintances from William & Mary Law School's class of 2007 said they were embarrassed by the constant headlines about the GOP congressman's scandals. Insider spoke with 14 of Gaetz's former classmates. Most of them spoke on condition of anonymity to protect personal and professional relationships," with Insider adding, "One former law-school classmate regularly trolls Gaetz on Twitter by welcoming the congressman's critics to the 'Matt Haetz Society.'"

Insider reports that "Of the more than 500 William & Mary Law School alumni who signed a petition urging Gaetz to resign, 34 of them were members of Gaetz's own class of 2007, of which there were about 200 people overall."


61,336 posts

219 months

Sunday 13th June 2021
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Breaking news - No honour among theives

Apple told Don McGahn, Trump's White House counsel, last month that the Justice Dept. had subpoenaed information about an account that belonged to him in February 2018, and that the government barred the company from telling him at the time.

Mr. McGahn’s wife received a similar notice from Apple, said one of the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter.

It is not clear what F.B.I. agents were scrutinizing, nor whether Mr. McGahn was their specific focus. In investigations, agents sometimes compile a large list of phone numbers and email addresses that were in contact with a subject, and seek to identify all those people by using subpoenas to communications companies for any account information like names, computer addresses and credit card numbers associated with them.

Still, the disclosure that agents secretly collected data of a sitting White House counsel is striking as it comes amid a political backlash to revelations about Trump-era seizures of data of reporters and Democrats in Congress for leak investigations. The president’s top lawyer is also a chief point of contact between the White House and the Justice Department.

Notice They told him last month prior to "testifying".

this was all while McGahn was still the top lawyer representing the presidency...

Edited by Byker28i on Sunday 13th June 18:08