Balanced Question Time panel tonight - of course not! VOL 2

Balanced Question Time panel tonight - of course not! VOL 2


Gloria Slap

8,964 posts

208 months

Friday 9th February 2018
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jsf said:
Same technique of misrepresenting via quotes too. Classic.
You can clear up any confusion at any time.

Cringeworthy or not cringeworthy?

Andy 308GTB

2,928 posts

223 months

Friday 9th February 2018
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I quite enjoyed QT last night, I guess mainly because Terry Christian didn't get the adulation he expected when he tried to whip up the crowd.
What I did find interesting was how Emily Thornberry started off very aggressively, she then must have observed Tel getting a kicking as she then went very quiet for a good while. She then re-entered the debate as Aunty Emily, laughing and joking about having the best job in the world and encouraging young girls into politics.

Claire Perry was onto a winner, the support she received from an audience in Darlington surprised me (am I out of touch?)
The Leave man gave a stirring speech worthy of Churchill.
Rachel Sylvester may have made some excellent points but I was too fascinated by how she could speak through gritted teeth to notice.


3,203 posts

225 months

Friday 9th February 2018
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Missed the show but TC was on 5live just after defending his appearance. Woman rang up to tell him was was a condescending wker!

Andy 308GTB

2,928 posts

223 months

Friday 9th February 2018
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Chimune said:
Missed the show but TC was on 5live just after defending his appearance. Woman rang up to tell him was was a condescending wker!
He was awful. His rants on Brexit invariably ended with 'The Pound has tanked 15%' - which was effectively met with a hall of people rolling their eyes.


4,298 posts

258 months

Friday 9th February 2018
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I thought TC was trying to be the disruptive but thought provoking character on the panel, a la John Lydon, and failing miserably.

I suspect his agent will be pleased with the results and booking him onto any show which will take him as a novelty dhead.


16,693 posts

207 months

Friday 9th February 2018
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Christian simply doesn't know when to shut up. Thornberry is right up there with the Salmonds in terms of venal opportunism backed by bugger all, you can almost see her brain struggling to keep up with her mouth.
Had to laugh at her and the Tory lady joining each other on the 'men just shout at each other all the time' bandwagon when the pair of them had been doing exactly that themselves five minutes earlier.


17,917 posts

162 months

Friday 9th February 2018
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Harry Biscuit said:
I thought he was aviation, not interstellar.


689 posts

222 months

Friday 9th February 2018
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Andy 308GTB said:
Chimune said:
Missed the show but TC was on 5live just after defending his appearance. Woman rang up to tell him was was a condescending wker!
He was awful. His rants on Brexit invariably ended with 'The Pound has tanked 15%' - which was effectively met with a hall of people rolling their eyes.
No surprise that the biggest ranter was a "talk the Country down" remainer. The most respectful and
intelligent sounding of the lot was the Leave means Leave chap, a very similar situation to the clientele here . biggrin

I actually thought the audience was on the verge of a standing ovation when Claire Perry called Terry(bill) Christain rude,
he didn't go down well in Darlington last night that's for sure.

Brave Fart

5,839 posts

113 months

Friday 9th February 2018
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Terry Christian did what he always does. Listen to him on, say, Talk Sport or 5 Live and he's the same. Talks over people, makes snide remarks (like last night when he called Mr Tice "simple"), tries unfunny put downs and generally comes across as a gobste. More importantly, he says nothing that contains facts or reasoned opinion. He's like a tabloid newspaper made human.

As for Claire Perry, could she have been any more lightweight? When the subject of local authority cuts came up, she waffled on about how people in Devizes like integrated services. What? Why didn't she just say this: "Look, Labour's spending left a pile of debt and an annual deficit. We have to cut costs, including what local authorities spend. If you don't like it, then take your complaint to Mr Gordon Brown. Or vote for Jeremy Corbyn."

I think David Dimbleby is excellent (many here disagree, but hey) and I feel sorry for him trying to supervise a sorry mix of intellectual lightweights and mouthy attention seekers. And that's not counting the audience!


8,646 posts

153 months

Friday 9th February 2018
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Brave Fart said:
Terry Christian did what he always does. Listen to him on, say, Talk Sport or 5 Live and he's the same. Talks over people, makes snide remarks (like last night when he called Mr Tice "simple"), tries unfunny put downs and generally comes across as a gobste. More importantly, he says nothing that contains facts or reasoned opinion. He's like a tabloid newspaper made human.

As for Claire Perry, could she have been any more lightweight? When the subject of local authority cuts came up, she waffled on about how people in Devizes like integrated services. What? Why didn't she just say this: "Look, Labour's spending left a pile of debt and an annual deficit. We have to cut costs, including what local authorities spend. If you don't like it, then take your complaint to Mr Gordon Brown. Or vote for Jeremy Corbyn."

I think David Dimbleby is excellent (many here disagree, but hey) and I feel sorry for him trying to supervise a sorry mix of intellectual lightweights and mouthy attention seekers. And that's not counting the audience!


6,386 posts

244 months

Friday 9th February 2018
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Gloria Slap said:
Have some faith in this country!!


Rule Britannia!

Who needs experts!
New you, new user name but nothing has changed inside........still posting garbage.


10,210 posts

161 months

Friday 9th February 2018
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Gloria Slap said:
Have some faith in this country!!


Rule Britannia!

Who needs experts!
It really is like a disease with you.

Please do try harder.


6,386 posts

244 months

Friday 9th February 2018
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jsf said:
Gloria Slap said:
It is uncomfortable to see how ill-educated and dim so many TV show brexiteers seem to be, yes. Depressing. It this the kind of genius behind the vote?

Blazer man - stand together, 5th in the world. Jesus.

Where are the articulate intelligent ones? We keep being told how many there are, but where are they? Not in the govt it seems, as many moaning brexiteers will attest.

Is this continual embarrassing flag waving st show not uncomfortable viewing for you, or any self respecting brexiteer?
Same st, different user name.

Your break didn't change a thing slasher.
/\ This.

Gloria also appears to despise anyone who acknowledges or appreciates the contribution of older generations.

In Gloria's world, remainers are well educated, intelligent and articulate forward thinking types who are showing the thick Xenophobic, jingoistic, flag wavers the way to the light. We have posters of Spitfires and Vera Lynn on our walls and listen to Rule Britannia on our gramophones, dontcha know.


8,646 posts

153 months

Friday 9th February 2018
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Halb said:
Nice to see Sweet sugar SOurby take Choo Choo POrtillo's spot on TW
I do hope you're joking.

The woman is an idiot.


8,573 posts

101 months

Friday 9th February 2018
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Brave Fart said:
Terry Christian did what he always does. Listen to him on, say, Talk Sport or 5 Live and he's the same. Talks over people, makes snide remarks (like last night when he called Mr Tice "simple"), tries unfunny put downs and generally comes across as a gobste. More importantly, he says nothing that contains facts or reasoned opinion. He's like a tabloid newspaper made human.
34 minutes in -

Well done that woman.


53,012 posts

185 months

Friday 9th February 2018
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Cobnapint said:
I do hope you're joking.

The woman is an idiot.
Why is she an idiot?


4,272 posts

212 months

Friday 9th February 2018
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For the first time in ages I watched QT live last night without any preconceived ideas or reading anything on here or elsewhere.

TC was an utter C**T! What a total knobber - talking over people - calling Brexit guy 'simple' and getting away with it?? I hope I never have to endure that sanctimonious little pr**k ever again on TV.

And the shouting over others?? What was that all about, DD should have asked him to leave in my opinion'; or given him a public 'leave or be courteous and shut up?'

I am surprised he got away with as much as he did to be honest - possibly the rudest and worst guest on there for many a year - and there have been some dreadful ones.....

ps - Don't get me on that useless bint ET / Lady Nugee!!! AAARRRRGGGHHHHHHHHHH


544 posts

217 months

Friday 9th February 2018
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Andy 308GTB said:
The Leave man gave a stirring speech worthy of Churchill.
Did we watch the same thing?
He spouted patriotic bks with no evidence to back up anything.
Terry Christian did make an arse of himself. But he did have a point when he asked where any evidence was and he was just ignored.


8,646 posts

153 months

Friday 9th February 2018
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Halb said:
Cobnapint said:
I do hope you're joking.

The woman is an idiot.
Why is she an idiot?
You'd better ask her. Nothing to do with me.

Bonefish Blues

27,160 posts

225 months

Friday 9th February 2018
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xrv said:
Andy 308GTB said:
The Leave man gave a stirring speech worthy of Churchill.
Did we watch the same thing?
He spouted patriotic bks with no evidence to back up anything.
Terry Christian did make an arse of himself. But he did have a point when he asked where any evidence was and he was just ignored.
Because by then everyone had stopped listening to him. He won't be back on, I shouldn't think.