Jeremy Corbyn



25,119 posts

195 months

Saturday 2nd July 2016
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gazza285 said:
Otispunkmeyer said:
Hmmm I don't know, my FB (and I know the folly of listening to what social media thinks) seems to be rammed full of people with nothing but support for Corbyn. No idea why. Its the very same people who foamed (and are still foaming) at the mouth about leaving the EU. All of them seem to be unaware that the man Corbyn is quite anti-EU and probably would have gone leave of his own volition. Quite funny really.
All the Left complain about the Neolibralism of the Conservatives, yet complain when the proles vote to be out of the biggest Neolibralism project in the World...
I too have seen the uncritical support for Corbyn on Facebook and the reactionary description of all non-remainers as xenophobes, racists, scumbags, fascists and plenty of other epithets. I'm none of those things even if I do say so myself, I'm conservative with a small c ta very much


7,585 posts

132 months

Saturday 2nd July 2016
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W124 said:
He's got bottle.
He's not got the bottle to campaign for what he believed in re the EU.

He's got a brass neck.


56 months

Saturday 2nd July 2016
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hidetheelephants said:
gazza285 said:
Otispunkmeyer said:
Hmmm I don't know, my FB (and I know the folly of listening to what social media thinks) seems to be rammed full of people with nothing but support for Corbyn. No idea why. Its the very same people who foamed (and are still foaming) at the mouth about leaving the EU. All of them seem to be unaware that the man Corbyn is quite anti-EU and probably would have gone leave of his own volition. Quite funny really.
All the Left complain about the Neolibralism of the Conservatives, yet complain when the proles vote to be out of the biggest Neolibralism project in the World...
I too have seen the uncritical support for Corbyn on Facebook and the reactionary description of all non-remainers as xenophobes, racists, scumbags, fascists and plenty of other epithets. I'm none of those things even if I do say so myself, I'm conservative with a small c ta very much
I'm putting the most ludicrous adoring sycophantic posts on a facebook page for Corbyn I was invited to join.
The posts are hardly subtle. They include stuff like down to my last fiver spending £3 of it joining Jeremy was the best decision I made, seeing Jeremy win was most important day of my life, knowing Jeremy is on my side is important to me gives me hope makes my day go better etc. All being shared, liked and stuff. Its quite scary, even assuming 50% are in on the joke makes 50% complete fools.


4,359 posts

208 months

Saturday 2nd July 2016
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Derek Smith said:
johnxjsc1985 said:
Because Blair new in order to win an Election he needed more centre ground Voters and he did win 3 elections.
If Corbyn continues in his capacity as Stooge for the left and the Unions the next election will see a huge drop in Labour a rise in UKIP and another larger Conservative Government.
I can't see the UKIP getting anything from the leave vote. Their main thrust has been granted. If it fails to deliver the promises, such as, let us say, £350m per week to the NHS...
They promised this money could be freed up so that the NHS could have additional funding from this amount. I don't recall ever seeing a promise of the entire £350 million per week being promised for the NHS.


49,633 posts

200 months

Saturday 2nd July 2016
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He is a class 1 idiot who cannot spell his own name.

He cannot lead or manage.

He turns up to a far left protest but has not once turned up for any other protests more centrist or right leaning of the party so his focus is narrow.

I felt sorry for him when 600+ MP were making a laughing stock of him at PMQs still he wants his leaders pay not cut greedy bugger.

He wants to give Falklands back to Argentina when they voted 99% to stay as they are - he seems to play the democracy card when it suits.

He championed the Venezuela socialist model --- ahem the country is fked beyond belief. The money tree is over and basic survival food water energy are scarce.

He says no to any military intervention ever. That doesn't work being part of NATO not having the 4th largest military in the world.

He gives away a daft idea of our next Vanguard subs - let's build them to keep the jobs going but no nukes onboard. I can imagine Putin falling off his chair in utter disbelief at a moronic chap. Plus possibly thinking if he ever does become PM invite him round for a game of Texas hold 'em.

He really likes the terrorist group IRA
He really likes the terrorist group Hamas
He wanted to go and meet ISIS for a meeting to try to arrest Jihadi John - in a country where we have no jurisdiction and where these mentalist terrorists murders run wild.
He wants to renationalise the railway - with what money & what would he do differently (just saying nationalise without detail is easy and cheery for Facebook fans).
He behaved in a very odd and many would say disrespectful way on Nov11 2015 to the point the press were talking about him rather than what the remembers nice day is all about. He knew what he was doing and even if he disagreed his position is representing the Labour Party and all its voters so you suck it up.

He likes democracy of his members only not the 10million who voted labour based on the manifesto.

He gets in a strop and refuses to speak to the mainstream press so the 65million people don't get his message - he prefers to go "on the stomp".

Idiot is idiot and I'd go as far as saying he is ignorant and petulant and frankly clearly not a very nice man.


26,909 posts

163 months

Saturday 2nd July 2016
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Welshbeef said:
He is a class 1 idiot who cannot spell his own name.

He cannot lead or manage.

He turns up to a far left protest but has not once turned up for any other protests more centrist or right leaning of the party so his focus is narrow.

I felt sorry for him when 600+ MP were making a laughing stock of him at PMQs still he wants his leaders pay not cut greedy bugger.

He wants to give Falklands back to Argentina when they voted 99% to stay as they are - he seems to play the democracy card when it suits.

He championed the Venezuela socialist model --- ahem the country is fked beyond belief. The money tree is over and basic survival food water energy are scarce.

He says no to any military intervention ever. That doesn't work being part of NATO not having the 4th largest military in the world.

He gives away a daft idea of our next Vanguard subs - let's build them to keep the jobs going but no nukes onboard. I can imagine Putin falling off his chair in utter disbelief at a moronic chap. Plus possibly thinking if he ever does become PM invite him round for a game of Texas hold 'em.

He really likes the terrorist group IRA
He really likes the terrorist group Hamas
He wanted to go and meet ISIS for a meeting to try to arrest Jihadi John - in a country where we have no jurisdiction and where these mentalist terrorists murders run wild.
He wants to renationalise the railway - with what money & what would he do differently (just saying nationalise without detail is easy and cheery for Facebook fans).
He behaved in a very odd and many would say disrespectful way on Nov11 2015 to the point the press were talking about him rather than what the remembers nice day is all about. He knew what he was doing and even if he disagreed his position is representing the Labour Party and all its voters so you suck it up.

He likes democracy of his members only not the 10million who voted labour based on the manifesto.

He gets in a strop and refuses to speak to the mainstream press so the 65million people don't get his message - he prefers to go "on the stomp".

Idiot is idiot and I'd go as far as saying he is ignorant and petulant and frankly clearly not a very nice man.
Agreed. He is the conservative parties biggest asset smile

Derek Smith

45,858 posts

250 months

Saturday 2nd July 2016
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Guybrush said:
Derek Smith said:
johnxjsc1985 said:
Because Blair new in order to win an Election he needed more centre ground Voters and he did win 3 elections.
If Corbyn continues in his capacity as Stooge for the left and the Unions the next election will see a huge drop in Labour a rise in UKIP and another larger Conservative Government.
I can't see the UKIP getting anything from the leave vote. Their main thrust has been granted. If it fails to deliver the promises, such as, let us say, £350m per week to the NHS...
They promised this money could be freed up so that the NHS could have additional funding from this amount. I don't recall ever seeing a promise of the entire £350 million per week being promised for the NHS.
I think you missed part of my point: there is no £350m. It doesn't exist. It was a lie.


49,633 posts

200 months

Saturday 2nd July 2016
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Derek Smith said:
I think you missed part of my point: there is no £350m. It doesn't exist. It was a lie.
No what you have said is a lie.


4,468 posts

244 months

Saturday 2nd July 2016
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My Facebook feed is full of posts along the lines of "Cameron told Corbyn he wants him to leave, that's a great reason to keep him" posts. I haven't the heart to tell them that he probably said that to provoke that very reaction from Corbynites.

It's actually interesting to see how social media is so divorced from the overall feeling in the country, it certainly feels like only left-leaning people flood the various platforms with activist messages, and they become convinced that is the overwhelming mood of the public as a result. I forgo all of the shouting and just quietly make my way to the polling station, thank you very much. smile With Corbyn in particular, people seem to like sharing pictures of him with quotes that I'm not entirely sure he said, which make for witty comebacks to whatever mauling he took in PMQs that day. Kind of the political equivalent of those "To the person who shouted at me in the street today..." posts, put up by people who didn't say anything at the time and scurried away.

I'm starting to feel sorry for the PLP, their role when in opposition is to put the Labour party in Government, and they are doing that job by trying to install another leader. Getting elected is Job One, but the rest of the party are convinced that because everyone they associate with is either pro-Corbyn or in the "always voted Labour, always will" camp, getting elected is a done deal. They never see the floating voters, and if they do they regard them as unenlightened and not worth thinking about.

I can only think that by staying he thinks he is showing strong leadership. Which only illustrates that he hasn't the first clue what leadership is.


376 posts

175 months

Saturday 2nd July 2016
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Otispunkmeyer said:
johnxjsc1985 said:
Derek Smith said:
I'm not sure I'd class 'new labour' as left, let along left wing. It was centrist.

Because Blair new in order to win an Election he needed more centre ground Voters and he did win 3 elections.
If Corbyn continues in his capacity as Stooge for the left and the Unions the next election will see a huge drop in Labour a rise in UKIP and another larger Conservative Government.
Hmmm I don't know, my FB (and I know the folly of listening to what social media thinks) seems to be rammed full of people with nothing but support for Corbyn. No idea why. Its the very same people who foamed (and are still foaming) at the mouth about leaving the EU. All of them seem to be unaware that the man Corbyn is quite anti-EU and probably would have gone leave of his own volition. Quite funny really.
I've given up looking at my FB page due to all the love for Corbyn.

I can only think that people will settle for anyone that isn't a). Cameron and b). Tory.


7,960 posts

246 months

Saturday 2nd July 2016
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Guybrush said:
They promised this money could be freed up so that the NHS could have additional funding from this amount. I don't recall ever seeing a promise of the entire £350 million per week being promised for the NHS.


5,241 posts

179 months

Saturday 2nd July 2016
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Derek Smith said:
Guybrush said:
Derek Smith said:
johnxjsc1985 said:
Because Blair new in order to win an Election he needed more centre ground Voters and he did win 3 elections.
If Corbyn continues in his capacity as Stooge for the left and the Unions the next election will see a huge drop in Labour a rise in UKIP and another larger Conservative Government.
I can't see the UKIP getting anything from the leave vote. Their main thrust has been granted. If it fails to deliver the promises, such as, let us say, £350m per week to the NHS...
They promised this money could be freed up so that the NHS could have additional funding from this amount. I don't recall ever seeing a promise of the entire £350 million per week being promised for the NHS.
I think you missed part of my point: there is no £350m. It doesn't exist. It was a lie.
There was that famous poster the BoJo was photographed in front of declaring "Let's give our NHS the £350 million the EU takes every week." OK, not a promise but was deliberately misleading.

However, I, for one, was not fooled by it and throughout the run up to the referendum it was 'put to bed' over and over again that this was a gross figure and not a net figure. Even then this took no account of the 'pain' the UK would have to take to exit the EU so even the overall net figure available to government was going to be a lot less, if anything at all.

The remain campaign singularly failed to point out this risk which I found surprising considering all the other scaremongering they dished up.

Edit: There you go, said photo posted above.


10,058 posts

178 months

Saturday 2nd July 2016
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Derek Smith said:
I think you missed part of my point: there is no £350m. It doesn't exist. It was a lie.
I agree that the figure is debatable.

However, you do yourself no favours when you claim that it is a lie.

In fact, I would go further.

Your claim is the lie.

I'm getting fed up of the lies that are coming from the Remain camp. You started out by telling us that we would lose 3.3M jobs if we left the EU. A little bit of examination revealed that these jobs might be related to trade with Europe. Trade with Europe will not cease if we leave the EU. The funny thing is that this was the most credible of your lies.

The incredible lies included the collapse of western civilisation and WWIII.

The thing that really summed up the nature of the Remain campaign was this photo:-

Nobody on the Remain side condemned this.


Not one of you.


15,948 posts

166 months

Saturday 2nd July 2016
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I am still waiting for BMW to say we are suspending sales to the UK. It isn't going to happen is it likewise with Mini they are not going to close it down. When the Politicians stop behaving like children the business leaders can discuss how this is going to work. I cannot imagine any of the EU citizens accepting job losses just so Juncker can keep his principals intact. The EU will be looking at how they can claw back some of the money we plough into it. In the end if we take out the Politicians commonsense will prevail.


8,964 posts

208 months

Saturday 2nd July 2016
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don4l said:
Derek Smith said:
I think you missed part of my point: there is no £350m. It doesn't exist. It was a lie.
I agree that the figure is debatable.

However, you do yourself no favours when you claim that it is a lie.

In fact, I would go further.

Your claim is the lie.

I'm getting fed up of the lies that are coming from the Remain camp. You started out by telling us that we would lose 3.3M jobs if we left the EU. A little bit of examination revealed that these jobs might be related to trade with Europe. Trade with Europe will not cease if we leave the EU. The funny thing is that this was the most credible of your lies.

The incredible lies included the collapse of western civilisation and WWIII.

The thing that really summed up the nature of the Remain campaign was this photo:-

Nobody on the Remain side condemned this.


Not one of you.
It wasn't Geldofs wisest publicity shot. He was clearly unimpressed by Farage/Partridge lies on his motoryacht.

It wasn't discussed that much as Jo Cox (who I think was with her family on her boat that day) was shot dead the next day.


10,058 posts

178 months

Saturday 2nd July 2016
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RYH64E said:
Guybrush said:
They promised this money could be freed up so that the NHS could have additional funding from this amount. I don't recall ever seeing a promise of the entire £350 million per week being promised for the NHS.


8,429 posts

107 months

Saturday 2nd July 2016
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SO this thread is now another Brexit thread is it ?


10,058 posts

178 months

Saturday 2nd July 2016
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///ajd said:
don4l said:
Derek Smith said:
I think you missed part of my point: there is no £350m. It doesn't exist. It was a lie.
I agree that the figure is debatable.

However, you do yourself no favours when you claim that it is a lie.

In fact, I would go further.

Your claim is the lie.

I'm getting fed up of the lies that are coming from the Remain camp. You started out by telling us that we would lose 3.3M jobs if we left the EU. A little bit of examination revealed that these jobs might be related to trade with Europe. Trade with Europe will not cease if we leave the EU. The funny thing is that this was the most credible of your lies.

The incredible lies included the collapse of western civilisation and WWIII.

The thing that really summed up the nature of the Remain campaign was this photo:-

Nobody on the Remain side condemned this.


Not one of you.
It wasn't Geldofs wisest publicity shot. He was clearly unimpressed by Farage/Partridge lies on his motoryacht.

It wasn't discussed that much as Jo Cox (who I think was with her family on her boat that day) was shot dead the next day.
The way that you tried to capitalise the poor woman's death was even more disgusting than your refusal to condemn Geldof's behaviour.


9,283 posts

159 months

Saturday 2nd July 2016
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You've lost the plot, Don.


53,012 posts

185 months

Saturday 2nd July 2016
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Nice blog I read on fb, on echo chambers.

Edited by Halb on Saturday 2nd July 10:53