45th President of the United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 10)

45th President of the United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 10)


Derek Smith

45,887 posts

250 months

Monday 26th October 2020
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kowalski655 said:
Derek Smith said:
My first four granddaughters are called Alice, another Emma, another Emily and the last is Emilia. And you think you have problems. Alice gets a bit miffed if I call her Emma, but not half as much as Ben does, my only grandson.
I often go through every one of my daughters names ,plus the wife's before I get the right one
st! I forgot to mention Elke.

I hope for your sake, you've never called you wife by the wrong name.

I used to use a system to remember names when I was a police officer, that's for offenders, suspects and colleagues. It seemed wrong to do it outside of work and, in any case, I have my wife to ask. She can remember names of people at our wedding, 50 years ago.

The SIO of a major incident was getting a bit flustered because we needed information, names mainly, for a serious incident at 2am. He called me and said, 'Do you know anyone who might help?' I was i/c the force control room and involved. I said, 'My wife lives there. I'll phone her.' She came up with a whole list and the SIO was really happy. It made the whole incident run so much better. As the morning came, and I was going off duty, he called to say that he'd been unaware that I wasn't living with my wife any more. I wondered what would be the best thing to say, career-wise: that we had broken up - a lie that I could cover by saying we got back together again and didn't want to talk about it, or that my wife had a better idea than me what went on in the area where we lived. I opted for the latter.

She's magic with names.

Tom Logan

3,284 posts

127 months

Monday 26th October 2020
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Stratovarious said:
Interesting video on why Trump will be laughed out of court when he loses the election and tries to contest it:


(When I watched this, as he got to the bit about 'granting a motion', YT cut to an ad for loo rolls!)

Also, I never realised Andy Parsons was so knowledgeable.
I can picture Trump running down Pennsylvania Ave at 3 a.m. on Nov 4th dressed in a trackie with a bug-out bag over his shoulder.

You heard it here first.


Derek Smith

45,887 posts

250 months

Monday 26th October 2020
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On the subject of Parkinson's:

An uncle of mine lived with a woman who was diagnosed with Parkinson's at an earlyish age, 50 or so. She was devestated, thinking that she'd turn into a vegetable and a burden. She died well into her 70s, and she only developed mild memory problems in the last couple of years, running a business from home for a dozen or so years at least post diagnosis. Whether the memory loss was dementia or Parkinson's nobody said.

So it matters not a jot whether he's in the early stages of the disease or not. If Biden has problems signing papers, then that, to Trump supporters, is something of a bonus.

It's a horrible disease, but it normally takes years for the brain to be affected.


9,631 posts

257 months

Monday 26th October 2020
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Tom Logan said:
I can picture Trump running down Pennsylvania Ave at 3 a.m. on Nov 4th dressed in a trackie with a bug-out bag over his shoulder.
Don't be ridiculous.

The best he could manage would be a moderate waddle, and even then he wouldn't make it past the visitor centre before having to stop for a burger.

928 GTS

476 posts

97 months

Monday 26th October 2020
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Gameface said:
WCZ said:
biden is the one who has to take away his presidency so comes under a different standard imo
WTF? rofl
Let me explain. Moron like Trump cannot be judged by normal standards. He can say and do whatever he likes and its fine simply because what he is. Biden being normal person must meet all standards. Therefore different standards for them. It really is this simple.


16,565 posts

79 months

Monday 26th October 2020
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928 GTS said:
Gameface said:
WCZ said:
biden is the one who has to take away his presidency so comes under a different standard imo
WTF? rofl
Let me explain. Moron like Trump cannot be judged by normal standards. He can say and do whatever he likes and its fine simply because what he is. Biden being normal person must meet all standards. Therefore different standards for them. It really is this simple.
I don't need you to explain anything.

And for what it's worth WCZ has already clarified.

As for standards, only fking idiots give Trump a free pass for his behaviour.

Standards apply to everyone.

They are especially important in my life, so don't bother trying to convince me otherwise.


2,462 posts

185 months

Monday 26th October 2020
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All this reading threads and links on Trump, then Talking Heads vids on Youtube and guess what popped up

Old now, but the start still makes me smile



10,381 posts

249 months

Monday 26th October 2020
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It's^ amusing but this has it beat:



56 months

Monday 26th October 2020
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16,705 posts

207 months

Monday 26th October 2020
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928 GTS said:
Gameface said:
WCZ said:
biden is the one who has to take away his presidency so comes under a different standard imo
WTF? rofl
Let me explain. Moron like Trump cannot be judged by normal standards. He can say and do whatever he likes and its fine simply because what he is. Biden being normal person must meet all standards. Therefore different standards for them. It really is this simple.
So the fact that you are also talking about the President of the United States here is somehow irrelevant?


14,732 posts

145 months

Monday 26th October 2020
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Sam.M said:


4,096 posts

202 months

Monday 26th October 2020
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Byker28i said:
More lies
"We're rounding the turn. You know, all they want to talk about is Covid. By the way, on November 4, you won't be hearing so much about it. 'Covid Covid Covid Covid.'" -

They've just hit the highest cases ever...
To be fair the news on the 4th will be dominated by coverage of him holed up in the White House refusing to accept the election outcome.

And things will go downhill from there.


61,601 posts

219 months

Tuesday 27th October 2020
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Jader1973 said:
Byker28i said:
More lies
"We're rounding the turn. You know, all they want to talk about is Covid. By the way, on November 4, you won't be hearing so much about it. 'Covid Covid Covid Covid.'" -

They've just hit the highest cases ever...
To be fair the news on the 4th will be dominated by coverage of him holed up in the White House refusing to accept the election outcome.

And things will go downhill from there.
Ex-Mueller deputy Andrew Weissmann: "I suspect strongly that if the president does not win reelection, that he is going to pardon a lot more people related to the Trump Organization, his family, people who work there, and even himself."


61,601 posts

219 months

Tuesday 27th October 2020
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ACB confirmed yesterday 8 days before election as McConnell and trump push through another judge.

The Supreme Court on Monday night rejected a pandemic-related request from Democrats and civil rights groups to extend the deadline for counting mail-in ballots received after Election Day in the key battleground state of Wisconsin.

The vote was 5 to 3, with the Republican-nominated conservatives in the majority and the Democratic-nominated liberals in dissent. The court’s order showed the deep division within the court about the series of pandemic-related election cases that have come to dominate its agenda.

The court’s conservatives say they must defer to state officials on election decisions made in the largely Republican-run states, and the liberal justices say there is a need for dramatic action by judges to ensure the franchise for endangered voters during an unprecedented time.

“On the scales of both constitutional justice and electoral accuracy, protecting the right to vote in a health crisis outweighs conforming to a deadline created in safer days,” liberal Justice Elena Kagan wrote in dissent.

Conservative Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh answered that Kagan’s “green light to federal courts to rewrite dozens of state election laws around the country over the next two weeks seems to be rooted in a belief that federal judges know better than state legislators about how to run elections during a pandemic.”

The decision was a victory for Republicans and President Trump in a state where he narrowly won in 2016 and polls show him behind this year. While Democrats have embraced mail-in voting, Trump has railed against it.

Remember, almost 95% of US mail is currently not being delivered on time due to team trumps policy of obstructing the mail in voting

Edit: Kavanaugh was returning favours... dishonest about why ballots might arrive late, ignoring all of team trumps efforts to obstruct mail in voting, and basically just repeating trump's tweets on mail-in voting.

Edited by Byker28i on Tuesday 27th October 06:06


61,601 posts

219 months

Tuesday 27th October 2020
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Leader Schumer to Republicans: "You may win this vote ... But you will never, never get your credibility back. And the next time the American people give Democrats a majority in this chamber, you will have forfeited the right to tell us how to run that majority."


61,601 posts

219 months

Tuesday 27th October 2020
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Pence is still travelling and campaigning

Minnesota is reporting 3 COVID outbreaks related to Trump events held in September.

At least 21 cases have been traced to outbreaks occurring at rally events in Bemidji on 9/18, a Pence speech on 9/24 in Minneapolis, and a Trump rally on 9/30 in Duluth.

Eight days out from the election, the president of Fox News and key members of the network's election team have been told to self-quarantine after they were exposed to someone who tested positive for the coronavirus.

Edited by Byker28i on Tuesday 27th October 06:01


61,601 posts

219 months

Tuesday 27th October 2020
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Univ. of Wisconsin–Madison polls:

Michigan: Likely voters
Joe Biden 52%
Donald Trump 42%

Pennsylvania: Likely voters
Joe Biden 52%
Donald Trump 44%

Wisconsin: Likely voters
Joe Biden 53%
Donald Trump 44%


61,601 posts

219 months

Tuesday 27th October 2020
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SO ACB Confirmed and sworn in and trump is using it in a campaign commercial.


Not one Democrat voted to confirm Justice Barrett, making it the first time a Supreme Court nominee has been confirmed without a single vote from a major minority party since December 1869.

Yesterday, McConnell adjourned the Senate until 9 November with no COVID relief.

Edit: Republican presidents will have appointed 15 of the last 19 Supreme Court justices.

Edited by Byker28i on Tuesday 27th October 06:13


61,601 posts

219 months

Tuesday 27th October 2020
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Daniel Dale
Trump warns PA's governor that he won't forget how Wolf supposedly made it hard for him to secure a rally venue: "I'll remember it, Tom. I'm gonna remember it, Tom. 'Hello, Mr. President, this is Governor Wolf, I need help, I need help.' You know what? These people are bad."

Susan Hennessey
Pennsylvania voters: Donald Trump is promising that if you reelect him, he is going to harbor a petty personal grudge against your governor and hold it against you when PA needs federal support and resources in the future.


61,601 posts

219 months

Tuesday 27th October 2020
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Yesterday, McConnell adjourned the Senate until 9 November with no COVID relief.

OK, so discussion for today.

Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown appeared on the Joy Reid show on MSNBC tonight and stated his view that “McConnell has already decided Trump’s going to lose.” Brown also believes that McConnell expects to lose the Senate majority.

I think this might be right. If McConnell thought he could keep control of the Senate, he’d be doing some kind of stimulus package this week so he could take credit for it. Instead he’s trying to make sure the economy is still a mess when Joe Biden takes office, a scorched earth policy. Make it such a mess that when he's the minority leader he can constantly snipe at how bad a job Bidens team is doing, despite the fact he helped create the dung pile.

It fits with his actions over Obamas terms...