Election 2019

Poll: Election 2019

Total Members Polled: 1601

Conservative Party: 58%
Labour: 8%
Lib Dem: 19%
Green: 1%
Brexit Party: 7%
UKIP: 0%
SNP: 1%
Plaid Cymru: 0%
Other.: 2%
Spoil ballot paper. : 5%


1,947 posts

180 months

Wednesday 11th December 2019
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turbobloke said:
nikaiyo2 said:
kuro68k said:
I remember when people said all that about New Labour, and we actually went into a pretty long period of fiscal stability until the global financial crisis hit. At the very least it was better than the regular boom and bust cycles under the Tories.
Err apart from austerity for the last decade. Its a direct result of the borrowing under Blair... You borrow now and defer growth later its not rocket science.
It certainly isn't. Brown started giving Prudence the elbow at the turn of the century, it started going udders skyward 7 years before the GFC which simply put the incompetence of Labour's economic mismanagement in sharp relief.
Ah, always nice to see the "it was the global economy's fault" line, in the full knowledge that it all started with the run on Northern Rock, itself a consequence of Labour's relaxing of the mortgage rules. The snowball started there but, of course, was never 'global' as a number of more prudent major economies were hardly affected at all.

"The regular boom and bust . . ." rofl How soon people on the left forget "we have abolished boom and bust". Here's a clue - it was the one-eyed Scottish idiot.


15,612 posts

131 months

Wednesday 11th December 2019
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HoHoHo said:
I'm still a bit undecided about my vote direction this coming Thursday.

I've obviously taken into consideration what I consider to be the following swaying points on the two main parties.

On the one hand the Conservative Boris Johnson is a bit of a rascal with the ladies and can sometimes bend the truth a bit, he’s also a bit posh and a bit scruffy.

And on the other hand..

Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn Invited two IRA members to parliament two weeks after the Brighton bombing.
Attended Bloody Sunday commemoration with bomber Brendan McKenna.
Attended meeting with Provisional IRA member Raymond McCartney.
Hosted IRA linked Mitchell McLaughlin in parliament.
Spoke alongside IRA terrorist Martina Anderson.
Attended Sinn Fein dinner with IRA bomber Gerry Kelly.
Chaired Irish republican event with IRA bomber Brendan MacFarlane.
Attended Bobby Sands commemoration honouring IRA terrorists.
Stood in minute’s silence for IRA gunmen shot dead by the SAS.
Refused to condemn the IRA in Sky News interview.
Refused to condemn the IRA on Question Time.
Refused to condemn IRA violence in BBC radio interview.
Signed EDM after IRA Poppy massacre massacre blaming Britain for the deaths.
Arrested while protesting in support of Brighton bomber’s co-defendants.
Lobbied government to improve visiting conditions for IRA killers.
Attended Irish republican event calling for armed conflict against Britain.
Hired suspected IRA man Ronan Bennett as a parliamentary assistant.
Hired another aide closely linked to several convicted IRA terrorists.
Heavily involved with IRA sympathising newspaper London Labour Briefing.
Put up £20,000 bail money for IRA terror suspect Roisin McAliskey.
Didn’t support IRA ceasefire.
Said Hamas and Hezbollah are his “friends“.
Called for Hamas to be removed from terror banned list.
Called Hamas “serious and hard-working“.
Attended wreath-laying at grave of Munich massacre terrorist.
Attended conference with Hamas and PFLP.
Photographed smiling with Hezbollah flag.
Attended rally with Hezbollah and Al-Muhajiroun.
Repeatedly shared platforms with PFLP plane hijacker.
Hired aide who praised Hamas’ “spirit of resistance“.
Accepted £20,000 for state TV channel of terror-sponsoring Iranian regime.
Opposed banning Britons from travelling to Syria to fight for ISIS.
Defended rights of fighters returning from Syria.
Said ISIS supporters should not be prosecuted.
Compared fighters returning from Syria to Nelson Mandela.
Said the death of Osama Bin Laden was a “tragedy“.
Wouldn’t sanction drone strike to kill ISIS leader.
Voted to allow ISIS fighters to return from Syria.
Opposed shoot to kill.
Attended event organised by terrorist sympathising IHRC.
Signed letter defending Lockerbie bombing suspects.
Wrote letter in support of conman accused of fundraising for ISIS.
Spoke of “friendship” with Mo Kozbar, who called for destruction of Israel.
Attended event with Abdullah Djaballah, who called for holy war against UK.
Called drone strikes against terrorists “obscene”.
Boasted about “opposing anti-terror legislation”.
Said laws banning jihadis from returning to Britain are “strange”.
Accepted £5,000 donation from terror supporter Ted Honderich.
Accepted £2,800 trip to Gaza from banned Islamist organisation Interpal.
Called Ibrahim Hewitt, extremist and chair of Interpal, a “very good friend”.
Accepted two more trips from the pro-Hamas group PRC.
Speaker at conference hosted by pro-Hamas group MEMO.
Met Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh several times.
Hosted meeting with Mousa Abu Maria of banned group Islamic Jihad.
Patron of Palestine Solidarity Campaign – marches attended by Hezbollah.
Compared Israel to ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah and al-Qaeda.
Said we should not make “value judgements” about Britons who fight for ISIS.
Received endorsement from Hamas.
Attended event with Islamic extremist Suliman Gani.
Chaired Stop the War, who praised “internationalism and solidarity” of ISIS.
Praised Raed Salah, who was jailed for inciting violence in Israel.
Signed letter defending jihadist advocacy group Cage.
Met Dyab Jahjah, who praised the killing of British soldiers.
Shared platform with representative of extremist cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.
Compared ISIS to US military in interview on Russia Today.
Opposed proscription of Hizb ut-Tahrir.
Attended conference which called on Iraqis to kill British soldiers.
Attended Al-Quds Day demonstration in support of destruction of Israel.
Supported Hamas and ISIS-linked Viva Palestina group.
Attended protest with Islamic extremist Moazzam Begg.
Made the “case for Iran” at event hosted by Khomeinist group.
Photographed smiling with Azzam Tamimi, who backed suicide bombings.
Photographed with Abdel Atwan, who sympathised with attacks on US troops.
Said Hamas should “have tea with the Queen”.
Attended ‘Meet the Resistance’ event with Hezbollah MP Hussein El Haj.
Attended event with Haifa Zangana, who praised Palestinian “mujahideen”.
Defended the infamous anti-Semitic Hamas supporter Stephen Sizer.
Attended event with pro-Hamas and Hezbollah group Naturei Karta.
Backed Holocaust denying anti-Zionist extremist Paul Eisen.
Photographed with Abdul Raoof Al Shayeb, later jailed for terror offences.
Mocked “anti-terror hysteria” while opposing powers for security services.
Named on speakers list for conference with Hamas sympathiser Ismail Patel.
Criticised drone strike that killed Jihadi John.
Said the 7/7 bombers had been denied “hope and opportunity”.
Said 9/11 was “manipulated” to make it look like bin Laden was responsible.
Failed to unequivocally condemn the 9/11 attacks.
Called Columbian terror group M-19 “comrades”.
Blamed beheading of Alan Henning on Britain.
Gave speech in support of Gaddafi regime.
Signed EDM spinning for Slobodan Milosevic.
Blamed Tunisia terror attack on “austerity”.
Voted against banning support for the IRA.
Voted against the Prevention of Terrorism Act three times during the Troubles.
Voted against emergency counter-terror laws after 9/11.
Voted against stricter punishments for being a member of a terror group.
Voted against criminalising the encouragement of terrorism.
Voted against banning al-Qaeda.
Voted against outlawing the glorification of terror.
Voted against control orders.
Voted against increased funding for the security services to combat terrorism.

So it’s a tricky one really
Not really, vote Green or Lib Dems



4,417 posts

202 months

Wednesday 11th December 2019
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El stovey said:
A conservative majority is by far still the most likely outcome though.
Yep, for all Boris is a pathological liar for his own ends and couldn't give a toss about the UK really, a Trump mini-me, the Conservatives are hugely less of a risk than a Corbynista Labour. The fact that so many staunch Labourites oop North have switched to Conservative for this Election tells you that the UK is not wanting Marxism as a whole and that 'New' Labour was the right direction for that Party. Chuka Umunna at the helm instead of Corbyn these last few years would have destroyed the Tories.

So it appears, to some of us commenting from afar and neutral, that you are going to get a returned Conservative Government with perhaps the losses May inflicted recovered and possibly some more. Worst case is a Hung Parliament but Labour ain't getting near No.10.


5,910 posts

164 months

Wednesday 11th December 2019
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booboise blueboys said:
That won't happen. Look at YouGov's MRP. Well within the margin of error where The Cons could get as low as 311!

Would be absolutely hilarious but no more than they deserve for running one of the worst election campaigns in living memory. Who on earth is advising Johnson? He should have had this election in the bag but they've successfully thrown it away.

What a disaster.
Or as high as 367 (high is something you seem to be).

Dont like rolls

3,798 posts

56 months

Wednesday 11th December 2019
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El stovey said:
booboise blueboys said:
Oh dear. Not looking good for the Conservatives after recent news. They've run a terrible campaign, even Theresa May must be wincing at.

The country are waking up to the endless lies from Johnson and his weak leadership skills. Interesting times ahead.
A conservative majority is by far still the most likely outcome though.
Remember Labour always win when they loose, Di told me she worked it out on her Abbotaus that the Sadow Edudumacation secutery suppied


3,137 posts

144 months

Wednesday 11th December 2019
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zygalski said:
Not voting communist
Not voting Republican lite party
Not voting loons

Spoilt ballot with none of the above it is then, for the first time ever.
I did that on the 17 election, just couldn't stomach TM, this one is too important though, so I'm holding my nose and voting Con


40,475 posts

285 months

Wednesday 11th December 2019
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Coolbanana said:
El stovey said:
A conservative majority is by far still the most likely outcome though.
Yep, for all Boris is a pathological liar for his own ends and couldn't give a toss about the UK really, a Trump mini-me, the Conservatives are hugely less of a risk than a Corbynista Labour. The fact that so many staunch Labourites oop North have switched to Conservative for this Election tells you that the UK is not wanting Marxism as a whole and that 'New' Labour was the right direction for that Party. Chuka Umunna at the helm instead of Corbyn these last few years would have destroyed the Tories.

So it appears, to some of us commenting from afar and neutral, that you are going to get a returned Conservative Government with perhaps the losses May inflicted recovered and possibly some more. Worst case is a Hung Parliament but Labour ain't getting near No.10.
Just in case though, do you know of any nice properties up for a quick, cash sale in your area? biggrin


3,368 posts

152 months

Wednesday 11th December 2019
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zygalski said:
Not voting communist
Not voting Republican lite party
Not voting loons

Spoilt ballot with none of the above it is then, for the first time ever.
A spoilt ballot is a vote for Corbyn.


8,573 posts

101 months

Wednesday 11th December 2019
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amgmcqueen said:
zygalski said:
Not voting communist
Not voting Republican lite party
Not voting loons

Spoilt ballot with none of the above it is then, for the first time ever.
A spoilt ballot is a vote for Corbyn.
Yup. Sometimes you have to do things you dislike for the good of everyone else.


1,387 posts

224 months

Wednesday 11th December 2019
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Digga said:
ust in case though, do you know of any nice properties up for a quick, cash sale in your area? biggrin
If Corbyn gets in probably 10 Downing Street will be up for sale because apparently (and he has enquired) they won't let him dig up the garden for his allotment.

Dont like rolls

3,798 posts

56 months

Wednesday 11th December 2019
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jtremlett said:
f Corbyn gets in probably 10 Downing Street will be up for sale because apparently (and he has enquired) they won't let him dig up the garden for his allotment.
To be fair, if some of those (who have one) who use food banks did dig their gardens and plant free FOOD ......ah but you can't get Burgers and Chips to grow in the Uk weather, the buns go soggy.

booboise blueboys

546 posts

61 months

Wednesday 11th December 2019
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stongle said:
Or as high as 367 (high is something you seem to be).
Won't happen. Much more likely to be a tiny majority or hung if you look at the evidence.

Johnson just isn't serious enough as a politician for the country to take him seriously.

Vanden Saab

14,243 posts

76 months

Wednesday 11th December 2019
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BOR said:
Norfolkit said:
Laura Kuenssberg just reported on Politics Live that postal votes are dire for Labour, dire is her word not mine (but I hope she's correct). Does anyone get sight of the postal votes prior to the count?
Maybe it was a daydream she just had ?

Did she look absolutely ecstatic when she said it ?
It may be that it is the number of postal votes in certain constituencies that has prompted Lauras comment. If postal vote numbers are well down in Labour voting areas where they are normally high it would suggest that they are not doing as well as normal especially as postal votes can be 1/4 or more of the total votes cast.

Dont like rolls

3,798 posts

56 months

Wednesday 11th December 2019
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booboise blueboys said:
Won't happen. Much more likely to be a tiny majority or hung if you look at the evidence.

Johnson just isn't serious enough as a politician for the country to take him seriously.
Seriously ?, you seriously feel that serious about such a seriously important subject ? You should seriously think seriously about it, seriously think hard as it is a seriously subject.

booboise blueboys

546 posts

61 months

Wednesday 11th December 2019
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Another cock up from the Conservatives. Who watched this back and thought, "yes this is really going to make us more likeable"? Cringe.



50,820 posts

157 months

Wednesday 11th December 2019
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Vanden Saab said:
It may be that it is the number of postal votes in certain constituencies that has prompted Lauras comment. If postal vote numbers are well down in Labour voting areas where they are normally high it would suggest that they are not doing as well as normal especially as postal votes can be 1/4 or more of the total votes cast.
Thats sounds more likely. I guess they may be even higher % of postal votes this year with people foreseeing that they did not want to out and vote in a cold December day?

booboise blueboys

546 posts

61 months

Wednesday 11th December 2019
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Dont like rolls said:
booboise blueboys said:
Won't happen. Much more likely to be a tiny majority or hung if you look at the evidence.

Johnson just isn't serious enough as a politician for the country to take him seriously.
Seriously ?, you seriously feel that serious about such a seriously important subject ? You should seriously think seriously about it, seriously think hard as it is a seriously subject.
The truth is he's a bit of a joke, looks a mess and has a poor track record as a politician. The country simply can't trust him to lead the country which is a real problem for him.


36,010 posts

286 months

Wednesday 11th December 2019
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Bet Mogg cant wait for Friday. Is he going to come out of deepest Somerset blinking in the light asking what has happened since he was locked up? Abbot for that matter. Who else did they lock up?

Dont like rolls

3,798 posts

56 months

Wednesday 11th December 2019
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booboise blueboys said:
Another cock up from the Conservatives. Who watched this back and thought, "yes this is really going to make us more likeable"? Cringe.

Jealous of the jumpers ?, or just dirty deep down feelings of hate and envy ?


26,915 posts

163 months

Wednesday 11th December 2019
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booboise blueboys said:
Another cock up from the Conservatives. Who watched this back and thought, "yes this is really going to make us more likeable"? Cringe.

What are you doing to do when Labour lose on Thursday? smile