So you become prime minister.



21,421 posts

174 months

Monday 23rd March 2015
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Those that voted the wrong way on that get the option of voting again or getting a bullet in the head:


2,952 posts

134 months

Tuesday 24th March 2015
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Everyone finding themselves a PM will eventually find themselves carrying out more or less the policies of their predecessors. Every policy every hopeful PM has posted here would under proper scrutiny be abandoned due to unforeseen consequences.

Want to be a leftie?

Want to build a million affordably rented houses (say funded by housing associations so it doesn't effect public spending/debt)? Great idea. Stimulate the construction industry and provide affordable housing. Consequences? Possible boom and bust. Possibly need to recruit foreign labour and up the immigration figures, Possibly put tens of thousands of private landlords out of business, cause a house price collapse, bring down the banks and destroy the word economy. Hmmmmm! maybe not.

Want to raise the minimum wage? You could end up placing hundreds of thousands of low paid workers (and their employers in unemployment.

Want to raise taxes? The rich leave, businesses leave, the clever leave, the hard working leave, the ambitious leave, the entrepreneurial leave and the country is foooooked.

Want to be a nasty UKIPpy type?

Get rid of immigrants? fair enough but watch agriculture, health and care, construction, facilities management and the food processing industry collapse due to lack of staff and prepare for a massive loss of productivity and international market competitiveness due to wage inflation.

Want to put Gerry Adams and Martin McGuiness in jail regardless of whether u have evidence. Are u prepared for a collapse of the peace process the return of The Troubles and the subsequent drain on our under pressure security and defence resources and budgets?

Let's stop funding the BBC. The Result could be the quality of Sky, ITV and every other independent TV producer could collapse due to a massive drop in advertising revenue as they now have to compete with a commercial BBC.

Am not saying these things will happen but they might. What seems like common sense may result in dire consequences. Politicians don't abandon their principles because they're bds. Real life and pragmatism takes over.

Farage could take power and find out that if we throw out healthy hard working young Spaniards Spain will give us our pensioners back in return. A bit of man maths later might show the NHS can't cope. I'm not saying that will happen but if presented with the right circumstances and confronted with the right consequences of what he wants to do, has promised to do he may find he's going to badly let down a lot of voters and it wouldn't make him a bad man.


2,912 posts

172 months

Tuesday 24th March 2015
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I'd be straight at the nuclear briefcase.

Mankind is fked even a scorched dead world would be making a better go of it than man.


12,467 posts

170 months

Tuesday 24th March 2015
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MrBrightSi said:
I'd be straight at the nuclear briefcase.

Mankind is fked even a scorched dead world would be making a better go of it than man.

come back when youve done the mildest piece of research


90,809 posts

257 months

Tuesday 24th March 2015
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Grumfutock said:
My plan is to ban the French language, dissolve all their sports team, blow up the Blackpool tower copy they have in Paris, pass a law that places the word 'gay' in front of every place name in France and finally force shave all the women's armpits and use the hair to block up the channel tunnel.
rofl...Sacre bleu et zut alors et merde, je think je love you


5,274 posts

167 months

Wednesday 25th March 2015
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mybrainhurts said:
Grumfutock said:
My plan is to ban the French language, dissolve all their sports team, blow up the Blackpool tower copy they have in Paris, pass a law that places the word 'gay' in front of every place name in France and finally force shave all the women's armpits and use the hair to block up the channel tunnel.
rofl...Sacre bleu et zut alors et merde, je think je love you
Get out, your barred!


7,518 posts

184 months

Wednesday 25th March 2015
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First thing I would do is ban General Elections. Don't want the hassle of people trying to take my power.

300% tax increase on the sale of Alcohol and Tobacco products. Those who wish to grow/brew their own have no restrictions.

Slash military spending, no new jets, ships or Missiles. If what we already have now isn't enough to deter foreign enemy invasion, then nothing else we can buy/build will be.

All roads/streets will have their names clearly visible at every junction and I don't mean stuck up on the side of someone's house or down below knee height.

All Fiat Coupes will be confiscated and melted down for production of the aforementioned street name signs.

Abolish squatter's rights and enact stringent trespass laws. If you are on land you don't own/rent, the Police can forcibly remove you in 24 hours or less.

Enact Castle doctrine.


90,809 posts

257 months

Thursday 26th March 2015
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Make political correctness a hanging crime.

Put Jeremy Clarkson in charge of burning anything to do with it.

Make Prince Philip immortal.


3,119 posts

195 months

Friday 27th March 2015
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BJG1 said:
Interesting thought out stuff
Quite like some of your ideas. Not all but a big chunk of 'em.

Can I add a long term plan for scaling back government involvement outside of core security/infrastructure (although public information films will still be funded if they feature Charlie the Cat). Much less complicated tax rate too. Oohh, and probably a hybrid NHS/insurance set up ala Singapore?

PS: Wondering whether abolishing charitable status and having all "charities" pay tax is a good idea. I'll write a white paper and consider this!


1,452 posts

173 months

Friday 27th March 2015
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1: Force supermarkets to start selling Steak Canadians again. With or without horsemeat.
2: abolish all EU derived car rules that have turned everything into bloated under-powered barges. Bring back the 205GTI and R5 turbo era of lethal but fast lightweight biscuit tins.
3: demand ford make at least one cosworth per generation.
4: four weeks national holiday every summer
5: 35 hour working week with mandatory 2 hour lunch breaks
6: legalised red light district zone
7: a stupidity tax to clear the defecit.
8: liberal immigration rules for attractive foreign women under 30.
9: lock Tony Blair up in the tower of london. Raise money for H4H by selling shoes to tourists to throw at him.
10 close london off for a grand prix around the city.
11: establish tax free trading zones outside the capital for high tech industries with average salaries above 50 grand
12: rebuild the armed forces
13: require a 25 grand deposit from all immigrants to cost of deportation if they dont get a job, and pay for their healthcare.
14: tax on property rents above 500 quid a week, spent on social housing for key skill workers
15: compulsory acquisition of all property owned by russians, sold off and proceeds put in a fund to help buyers priced out of the london market
16: tax on second home ownership
17: welfare to work program. Put overweight benefit claimants with more than 4 kids on treadmills to power the national grid.
18: put the prison population on treadmills to power the national grid.
19: throw anjum choudary out of a plane over syria. Forget to give him a parachute,
20: put a D notice on any all all future stories about katie price.

jeff m2

2,060 posts

153 months

Saturday 28th March 2015
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I would simply erect a gallows on Tower Green.

and leave everyone guessing.

By about my third term I would be looking for those with spots.

Edited by jeff m2 on Saturday 28th March 02:16


26,971 posts

163 months

Saturday 28th March 2015
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bearman68 said:
Good one this.

Tax foreign owned corporations on sales take not profit. Profit is too easy to 'move' elsewhere. Suggest 1.5% as a start, and simpler to administer.

Social mobility is a concern - ensure Oxbridge takes 80% (?) of pupils from state funded schools - at least make it representative.
We already have a sales (or turnover) tax, its VAT and its 20%.

If you make good schools take crap or average students, they become crap or average schools. All those good students who can't now go to Oxbridge will go somewhere else, which will become the elite school. Achievement it down to the students and the parents attitudes, not their bank balance.


44,403 posts

253 months

Saturday 28th March 2015
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swerni said:
marshalla said:
Life sentence for everyone who posts in GG instead of the right part of PH.
Followed by hanging anyone who starts a thread with the word "So"
Followed by firing squad for anyone who starts a thread and titles it with - "Thread subject - Talk to me "

Legislation to get rid of climate change act. Work to adapt to and benefit from any identifiable effects of climate change and not piss gazillions on trying to stop it.

Edited to add.

Any civil /public servants who have clearly misused their position to be prosecuted, not just pensioned off / transferred.

Have a catch all that's just taking the piss law.

Edited by FiF on Saturday 28th March 09:51

Dr Jekyll

23,820 posts

263 months

Saturday 28th March 2015
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All police sirens to be replaced by the Police Squad theme tune.


12,467 posts

170 months

Saturday 28th March 2015
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Crafty_ said:
R666 said:
Trying to make them efficient is almost impossible. Anything requiring new technology will be a debacle (any IT project in public sector is late/over budget/delivers no value - marginally worse than private sector)

Better follow the Roman way and decimate anyone with the title "manager" in the publivpc sector. Sack one in ten of them, and do,that every year for 5 years.

Free up cash for front line services.
Thats only because the public sector management get in the way and balls it all up.
Tech & IT can and does work in the private sector.
The problem is the wrong people in the wrong places. Get rid of them and it might start working...
it in the private sector tends to be specified and tested at least in part by those who will use it , in the NHS in particualr nothing is ever consulted with end users , as it would 'demean the dignity and status' of those who are 20 -30 years out of date and swan around wearing the uniform and claiming the tile of a Health Professional but who do not undertake any actual clinicla duties ...

Willy Nilly

12,511 posts

169 months

Saturday 28th March 2015
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As said up thread:

Invade France

Clarkson to be PC Minister

Good call on making trespass a criminal offense.

I would make people take responsibility for their own actions, rather than looking to blame everyone.

People to be responsible for the disposal of their rubbish, so if it gets fly tipped, they get a £5,000 minimum fine + 5 times the disposal costs and the person that fly tipped it does too.

I would probably make buy to let rather less attractive than it is via the tax system, I think that much of the high cost of housing is caused by the false demand caused by BTL. The average person on and average wage really should be able to afford an average house with 3 years wages

Probably increase the high PAYE tax rate, there are too many people that are high rate payers largely due to inflation, it really should be £100,000.

Inheritance tax. The average person should be able to leave their average estate to the 2.3 kids, but I'm not sure what good it does when people get left really quite large amounts of money they haven't worked for. Tax free up to £300k, 40% tax over 300k, 50% over 500k. Spend it or loose it.

"charities" with a political agenda to loose their charitable status.

Sort the contaminated blood scandal out before Christmas.

Increase all speed limits by 10mph, and enforce them with discretion.

Imprison anyone that places traffic lights on roundabouts.

Sort the jumbled mess out that is the motorbike licensing system and remind people that adults are allowed to make their own choices, so if a grownup wants a big bike and passes the test, they may have one.

Remove the tax thing where you can sell a load of land for development, the roll it over into some more land to avoid tax. You'll pay CGT at the same rate as everyone else.

Operate a Fit In Or fk Off immigration policy. You can come here and as long as you pay your tax and obey the rules all will be well. Don't like it, then fk off and don't come back.

People that move to the country/near a race track/ waste incinerator etc then complain about it to get their house confiscated.

People who through poor lifestyle choices have made themselves ill go to the back of the queue at the NHS. This does not include, sports injuries or anything where people are actually burning more calories than eating cakes and smoking fags.

That's all for now.


2,398 posts

214 months

Saturday 28th March 2015
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Stop old folk's houses being used to pay for their upkeep if they need to go into care. fking disgrace. If you've never worked it gets paid for, if you do it gets taken out of your house.


12,467 posts

170 months

Saturday 28th March 2015
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dfen5 said:
Stop old folk's houses being used to pay for their upkeep if they need to go into care. fking disgrace. If you've never worked it gets paid for, if you do it gets taken out of your house.
if you've never worked the lowest possible fees are paid by social services some several houndred pounds a week less than it actually costs to provide decent 24 hour care but ho hum let's all live i nthe la-la land of of the baby boomers all being millionaires on the strength of their house price ...

Willy Nilly

12,511 posts

169 months

Saturday 28th March 2015
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dfen5 said:
Stop old folk's houses being used to pay for their upkeep if they need to go into care. fking disgrace. If you've never worked it gets paid for, if you do it gets taken out of your house.
I really don't see what the issue is. They no longer need the house, so why not use the capital to fund their care? That's what my mum and uncle did with grandma, with a bit of careful planing there was still plenty left over when she died to share out.


28,377 posts

286 months

Saturday 28th March 2015
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This thread lacks ambition.

When I am Intergalactic Dictator I shall reveal my plans for Universal Domination.

Until then, my prospective minions, ensure that you are in my good graces... biggrin