Can we talk about Sweden for a bit?

Can we talk about Sweden for a bit?



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Wednesday 20th January 2016
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SGirl said:
I agree completely. But I've often found that texts in Swedish claiming to be in "lättare svenska" have a habit of sounding just a tad overbearing, just as texts in complex academic Swedish tend to be rather pompous. This one goes way beyond overbearing and is firmly into pat-on-the-head condescension.

The thing that really grates with me with this text - apart from the sheer "idiot's guide" feel to it - is the repetitive use of the K and F words. It's a text that sounds as though it's written for kids, yet it uses weapons-grade fula ord. The mismatch is quite offensive to my translatey brain, like they're teaching toddlers to say the (Swedish) F word! Or maybe it's just me. hehe

By way of comparison, I once translated a text on a similar subject which was aimed at older teenagers. It was okay - not dumbed-down spoonfeeding, but a sensible text about sex and relationships which was perfectly acceptable. (Though translating the section on synonyms for the various male and female bits and pieces kept me occupied for hours!) I don't see why they couldn't have done something similar for this.
Agreed. It's just... bizarre and I can't make any sense of it. The only reasonable explanation I can think of is that they must have an incredibly low opinion of these people, which in turn prompts the question why we're not talking about it? Surely, if grown adults need to be spoken down to in such an achingly condescending way regarding such a fundamental aspect of life, least of all in the West, there needs to be some kind of discussion about it.

I have a suspicion it may be related to the fact that the police have classified their investigations into crime in the wake of the immigrants. 'Nothing will get out', according to leaked internal documents. Hence I can only surmise that the situation is bloody dire, and were the public to find out about it all hell would break loose. So perhaps RFSU have actually tailored their material specifically to their target audience.

SGirl said:
I wonder whether any of their target audience have complained about it? But then again, I wonder whether any of them have actually read it. It wouldn't surprise me if they hadn't.
From my understanding the document is basically a collection of lecture notes to go together with actual lessons. I suspect parts of it is to be printed and handed out, like the glossary, and parts just for showing on the projector. My guess is though that they, given their track record to date, won't take terribly kindly to seeing very explicit pictures of leaky "kukar" and graphic explanations of man-on-man love.

Edited by Looket on Wednesday 20th January 17:53


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Friday 22nd January 2016
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Really sorry to hear that, Brabus. stty, stty situation to find yourself in. I can relate as my father worked away a lot during my childhood, so for half of the year my mother was alone with the three of us. Can't recall any of us ever being afraid of anything but the dark forest surrounding us. For women, let alone children or indeed entire families, to feel unsafe and afraid in their own homes is fked up beyond belief. I've said it before but that's just not 'my' Sweden and it makes my head spin with rage - the Exorcist style. Glad you still have your London pad though, should the st really hit the fan.

As for kebab technicians driving around uninsured, car insurance in Sweden is just that - car insurance - as opposed to driver insurance. Anyone with a valid driving license, or not in this case, can drive an insured car as long as they have the owner's consent. To get around actually buying and insuring themselves though, I reckon they use the services of a "målvakt", or goalkeeper, to do so for them and to rack up any convictions and fines they may incur whilst behind the wheel. Easy peasy.


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Wednesday 27th January 2016
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Axionknight said:
Nonsense comrades, the drive towards a socialist utopia continues unabated.

I wonder if the migration figures for people leaving Sweden are on the rise?
Funnily enough that was a headline just a month or so ago. "Record emigration", in particular of educated women. I wonder why... rolleyes

And that's only considering those who actually bother to tell the authorities.


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Wednesday 27th January 2016
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jshell said:
If they are anything like the Scandi's I know, then they will sit and moan & complain until it's too late to actually act. It's always someone else's fault.
I reckon we might see mass deportations and other drastic measures in the not too distant future. Seems like complete sky fairy stuff at this juncture, but never underestimate the power of a strong consensus mentality. Once the pendulum swings we'll go from one extreme to the other and the Swedish can be cold, ruthless bds once you drive them away.

BrabusMog said:
It's very early days as I had only just moved to Sweden a few months ago, but as long as my missus can get a decent job, we will probably consider a move back to London if things decline much further than they have. A big appeal was how safe Sweden is, relatively speaking, as we are starting a family, but I don't like thinking my kids couldn't walk around Göteborg safely, whereas I know in central London they'd be fine. Time will tell but things don't look good at the moment and only seem to be getting worse.
Personally I won't start a family in Sweden. Even if things change in a big, big way as above we have decades worth of issues ahead and as a cherry on top the education system is spectacularly borked.


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Wednesday 27th January 2016
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BrabusMog said:
Was it my missus that showed me a picture of the under 15 running champion who looked early 20's, or was that on this thread laugh
Looket said:
Sweden's fastest 14-year-old:


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Thursday 28th January 2016
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davepoth said:
Sweden will be expelling 60-80,000 asylum seekers.
Except the migration board is using the same criteria for accepting asylum applications as before. The government has fk all to do with this, it's just a desperate play at looking like they're actually doing something. And apparently the BBC has swallowed it.

These people won't be deported any time soon - they'll go underground and wait until they can apply for asylum again.


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Friday 29th January 2016
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No way can we deport 80.000 people. Current capacity is 4000 per year.

In other words, the government is depending on these people to leave voluntarily... as opposed to getting themselves incarcerated or going underground for a couple of years until they can have their application retried. laugh


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Saturday 30th January 2016
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My heart is weeping.


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Saturday 30th January 2016
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This whole episode feels... substantial and scary in equal measure. Along with today's anti-immigration demo - which the rabid lefties didn't succeed in shouting down - something is changing in a big way.

This whole immigrant situation is beyond repair. The government has completely failed its own citizens and the social contract has been broken. And people are slowly starting to realise, although it may take a while for the common Swede to abandon his blind loyalty to authority and idea of Sweden as the safest country in the world. When the penny finally drops however, the reaction will be violent. Like the parent of an abused child the desire for justice, revenge and ultimately blood will be strong. And in this case, the blame will fall squarely at the feet of lefties and non-western immigrants.

It'll get nasty.


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Tuesday 2nd February 2016
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StangGT said:
FiF said:
Tthe extent of illegal firearms is ridiculous, most of sourced from Balkans.
What's this all about FiF? In whose hands? And for what purpose?
Criminals. I'm led to believe it's quite easy getting your hands on a 'deactivated' weapon of your choice originating from the Balkans - given that you move in the right circles.

And grenades.


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Wednesday 3rd February 2016
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BrabusMog said:
I think enough Swedish people have now grown tired of the censorship of their news.
The number is certainly increasing, and fast. Which is why it's always such a pleasure to read through this thread:


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Friday 5th February 2016
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Couple of vids from a public consultation in a Stockholm suburb yesterday. A couple council fkwits were just going to tell 11 neighbouring property owners that the they're planning on building an asylum centre for "children" next to the local school, but 500 people turned up to voice their concerns.

It got a bit heated:
'if something happens to my children, you have blood on your hands'
'if something happens to my children I'm going to kill the person threatening her, and then I'm going to seek out the politician responsible for creating those circumstances'
EDIT: rumours are saying this is actually Ghost Rider himself!

Full-on backlash starting in 3, 2, 1...

Edited by Looket on Friday 5th February 18:57


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Saturday 6th February 2016
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pad58 said:
The worm will turn one day soon , I can't see nornmal people putting up with this for very long.
See the vids in my last post. They're in Swedish but it's fascinating to see fairly graphic threats (toward immigrants as well as politicians) being met with applause. The tide is turning bloody fast at the moment, and it's not going to be a whole lot of fun being a lefty or a 'certain type' of immigrant soon.

I've said it before - Swedes are prone to extremism.


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Wednesday 17th February 2016
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Pesty said:
Can you elaborate on the last one? Virtue signaling?

Quick and dirty translation:

"That people still, in 2015, share all kinds of stuff, especially from racist and nazi propaganda sites is a mystery to me. How can you lack all forms of source criticism or critical thinking before spreading crap? What's wrong with you??
I'm so fking tired of all the hate, xenophobia, jealousy, resentment, all the character traits that make a person uncomfortable!
You should be bloody ashamed of behaving like that. Is it strange that children and youths gain warped world views when their role models are hateful and green with envy?
I really am in world mourning because there are so many atrocities everywhere. But you that live here, in the land of 'lagom' - yes, you, the average Joe Bloggs, you. You, that hate and are full of resentment, yes, you. It's you that make me the most sad. There's no fking hope for the future in this country with so much hate and jealousy reeking from each man's living room.
Tolerance, humility and helpfulness etc - where did they go?"


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Tuesday 23rd February 2016
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Norway is preparing to abolish the right of asylum in case Sweden collapses. Confidence inspiring!

And with that, I'm ooooooht. Plane leaves in a couple hours. I'm done with this country, so much so that I'm considering setting fire to my passport.


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Sunday 15th May 2016
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Hugh Jarse said:
bababababooonggggg.....dur dur dur dur derrr dunnnngggg.
Wonder if that is just Swedish Google? or?
I'm not one to piss on one's anti-government parade, but have you tried amending his surname to 'löfven'?

I'd love it if they were actually resorting to fully blown Orwellian antics though... there were calls for a Ministry of Peace recently weren't there?


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Sunday 22nd May 2016
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Just read this:

Then this:


The immigrants are so profitable that the city needs to raise taxes by £2000/head. Long live the multicultural utopia!


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Thursday 6th October 2016
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Finlandia said:
Things are happening on Gotland. A wheelchair bound woman was gang raped last weekend, six newly arrived guys were arrested, and later released on iffy grounds, "the stories of the events as told by the woman and the men do not match" as the prosecutor said.

This has sparked civil unrest all over the island, according to there have been large protests, a bomb threat against the police station, and an attempted break in at the prosecutor among other things.


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Friday 7th October 2016
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jshell said:
Looket said:
Finlandia said:
Things are happening on Gotland. A wheelchair bound woman was gang raped last weekend, six newly arrived guys were arrested, and later released on iffy grounds, "the stories of the events as told by the woman and the men do not match" as the prosecutor said.

This has sparked civil unrest all over the island, according to there have been large protests, a bomb threat against the police station, and an attempted break in at the prosecutor among other things.
In what fking warped version of your world is that even loosely appropriate?
Sorry petal, I don't really give a fk about 'appripriate' at this point.

I genuinely hope it kicks off big time. People need to wake up.


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Friday 7th October 2016
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jshell said:
Looket said:
I genuinely hope it kicks off big time.
Great. Let's feed the right wing extremists, that'll work. Won't it? You're not helping, you do know that? The over-reaction is what will cause even more trouble and instability...
Because pussy-footing around the subject is helping, is it? No.

There has to be confrontation and instability. And frankly, a lot of people have to go away one way or another - don't really care how at this point. The country has to burn before it can be rebuilt and whether or not that is helping is neither here nor there, it's simply what it is. The time for peaceful resolution is long gone.