Philip Green, does anyone care what the truth is?

Philip Green, does anyone care what the truth is?



5,910 posts

164 months

Wednesday 19th October 2016
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I do wonder if smiffymoto has it correct. Within the law or not, PG really is a poster boy for avarice & excess; his press portrayal really does him no favours. Historically, PG courted press – which given a fickle beast really has bitten him in the bum. Falling out of nightclubs with Kate Moss and Naomi Campell on your arm sipping Crystal has part created the Instagram tw@ts of today. His continued whining in the press, just makes him look a bigger b*tch than he already is.

Selling a company with problems, deficits etc really isn’t a crime – the idiots buying it should have done their due diligence and I suspect are more at fault here. I seem too remember Barings being sold for a nominal £1 too. The purchaser assumes all liabilities, whilst the fall-out for the BHS pension holders is bad – it’s difficult to see what if any culpability PG has except for sharp practice (which when complex financial products meet retail often goes screwy – and that maybe an education issue).

His problem gets worse, when claiming to “want” to fix the problem he’s sitting on his yacht having a mojito. He’s so far out of touch with the people whom have lost out – it actually might serve a purpose for him to be castigated as a warning to others.


10,154 posts

248 months

Wednesday 19th October 2016
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oyster said:
sidicks said:
Eric Mc said:
I heard bits of it.

Of course he will try to justify his actions. All crooks do.
Maybe you'd like to justify calling him a crook, which suggests he has acted criminally..?
It's funny how some billionaires manage to maintain their billionaire status yet also retain popularity with normal people (including their own employees) - Richard Branson, James Dyson, Duke of Westminster

Yet others spectacularly fail to do so - Mike Ashley, Sir Philip Green

The difference is usually that one set of them stays the right side of both moral and legal opinions, whilst some decide to live in the zone between moral and legal acceptance.

As another poster put it, some can't resist taking the crumbs off the table when they've eaten their cake.
PH's Social Darwinists would argue that there is no such zone.

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,047 posts

230 months

Wednesday 19th October 2016
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FredClogs said:
You only need to look at the man to know he's a piece of st, he looks like Peter Stringfellow fked a Hippo. That's all the evidence I need, string him up.
I love the intelligent thought out balanced view


26,582 posts

224 months

Wednesday 19th October 2016
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Adrian W said:
FredClogs said:
You only need to look at the man to know he's a piece of st, he looks like Peter Stringfellow fked a Hippo. That's all the evidence I need, string him up.
I love the intelligent thought out balanced view
Sadly FredClogs is about as intelligent as it gets with 99% of the UK population. "If he ain't on Strictly 'es a wrong un, bang 'im up".

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,047 posts

230 months

Wednesday 19th October 2016
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FredClogs said:
It's nothing to do with jealousy, for gawds sake, most normal people given any sort of wealth would not behave in the way this human slug does, most normal people recognise these types for what they are - sociopaths and deeply sad individuals, I might covet his houses, his pad in Monaco or his cars, of course I'd love to have them but the thought of doing the things this man has done to get them and the sheer chasm of any sort of humanity that lies within his soul turns me rigid with fear. Anyone could do what he did given the correct brain chemistry and moral disassociation, mental peculiarities are nothing to be jealous about. He's not an Alpha male, he's a horrible little sneaky, greedy Augustus Gloopy looking snitch.
Please enlighten me, give me a list


14,041 posts

163 months

Wednesday 19th October 2016
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13m said:
Adrian W said:
FredClogs said:
You only need to look at the man to know he's a piece of st, he looks like Peter Stringfellow fked a Hippo. That's all the evidence I need, string him up.
I love the intelligent thought out balanced view
Sadly FredClogs is about as intelligent as it gets with 99% of the UK population. "If he ain't on Strictly 'es a wrong un, bang 'im up".
Wrong, Ed Balls is on Strictly this year and I'd happily see him banged up for crimes against normality and Ann Widdecombe (she was on it a few years ago).

Phillip Green did go through a spate of periodic cameo appearances as Alan Sugar's partner in scum baggery on the BBCs flag ship circus of fktards "The Apprentice"

String them all up, high and slow, that's what I reckon.

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,047 posts

230 months

Wednesday 19th October 2016
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Eric Mc said:
No - it's about abuse of power and privilege and knowing the right people.

I can't for the life of me understand why the minnows and non-entities of PH feel so enthused to support those who more or less seem to be able to do what they like.

Maybe they feel enpowered by identifying with the rich and powerful.
Eric, your normally fairly sensible, do you have a list of what Green has actually done wrong


6,244 posts

232 months

Wednesday 19th October 2016
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sidicks said:
r11co said:
Sidicks will be along in a minute to patronise you about how you are wrong about that.
I'll be along to explain Eric's misunderstanding about what is after all my area of expertise.
Right on cue.

sidicks said:
Sorry you don't understand the difference, but decided to be confrontational for no apparent reason...
r11co said:
However, what it really amounts to is when you have more than you will ever need and you have left some crumbs on the table - leave them there for those who will benefit from them. Don't feel the need to scoop them up as well.
The issue with the pension scheme is the same with many schemes:......
And there you have it. Sidicks - I believe that you are highly intelligent and very knowledgable in your field, of that there is no doubt. However, I also believe that you are morally deficient in that your are blind to the very point that Digga made after mine. I will never convince you otherwise because you believe truly and deeply that you are correct because you can justify yourself from an economic point of view, but just remember that economics are merely a human fabrication designed to offer a certain type of order and are not absolute.

I've described you in the past as someone who exhibits sociopathic tendencies. Your utterly emotionless responses to many, many topics since have continued to re-affirm that assessment.

FWIW, a relative of mine is the manager of one of Top Shop's premium stores and even she has said (off the record) that Sir Phil could have acted differently to protect the reputation of the business. In her words 'sometimes there is more to protecting the bottom line than looking just at the bottom line'.

Edited by r11co on Wednesday 19th October 13:08


13,300 posts

160 months

Wednesday 19th October 2016
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Tryke3 said:
Cant believe people are defending Green hehe
In this country we dont hate success we hate crooks who get rid of 500m of debts by selling a company for £1 to anyone
What crime do you allege this 'crook' committed?


19,053 posts

207 months

Wednesday 19th October 2016
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Rovinghawk said:
Tryke3 said:
Cant believe people are defending Green hehe
In this country we dont hate success we hate crooks who get rid of 500m of debts by selling a company for £1 to anyone
What crime do you allege this 'crook' committed?
Crimes against public decency


25,218 posts

223 months

Wednesday 19th October 2016
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r11co said:
And there you have it. Sidicks - I believe that you are highly intelligent and very knowledgable in your field, of that there is no doubt.
Given that the OP was asking about the 'truth', a bit of knowledge would normally be an advantage...

r11co said:
However, I also believe that you are morally deficient in that your are blind to the very point that Digga made after mine.
You can believe what you want - I've purely commented on the known facts of the case, not decided to make any moral judgements one way or the other. That's what the OP was asking.

r11co said:
I will never convince you otherwise because you believe truly and deeply that you are correct because you can justify yourself from an economic point of view, but just remember that economics are merely a human fabrication designed to offer a certain type of order and are not absolute.
The OP asked for the truth. We were discussing the law and whether criminality had taken place. It's not my fault if you can't understand the difference.

r11co said:
I've described you in the past as someone who exhibits sociopathic tendencies.
As you have no qualifications in this area, I'd suggest your opinions, based on an Internet forum, are worthless (at best).

r11co said:
Your utterly emotionless responses to many, many topic since have continued to re-affirm that assessment.
Given that, with zero promoting whatsoever, your first post on this thread was not to address the topic but simply to make snide comments at me, then I think that suggest quite a lot about you are your mentality. I'm no expert though.
I suggest you either discuss the thread topic or ps off, rather than simply spoiling the thread with your ignorant, false, offensive and downright childish name calling.

Edited by sidicks on Wednesday 19th October 13:12


6,244 posts

232 months

Wednesday 19th October 2016
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sidicks said:
As you have no qualifications in this area, I'd suggest your opinions, based on an Internet forum, are worthless (at best).
As you have no knowledge of my qualifications, the above statement is worthless. Not like you sidicks, you are usually more precise.

Mind you, perhaps I was wrong - I seem to have provoked an emotional response from you (and an irrational one at that!)


Edited by r11co on Wednesday 19th October 13:15


13,300 posts

160 months

Wednesday 19th October 2016
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Crimes against public decency
OK- you got me fair & square on that one.

I meant crimes in the financial arena, though.


25,218 posts

223 months

Wednesday 19th October 2016
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r11co said:
As you have no knowledge of my qualifications, the above statement is worthless. Not like you sidicks, you are usually more precise.
Are you now claiming to be a mental health professional and capable of diagnosing personality disorders based on posts on an internet forum? Or is this yet another area where you are seemingly out of your depth?


13,300 posts

160 months

Wednesday 19th October 2016
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r11co said:
As you have no knowledge of my qualifications.....
May I ask your qualifications as the subject has been aired?

As for Sidicks' emotionless style, surely dry & factual responses are preferably to emotive but unfounded outpourings as from some other posters.


25,764 posts

245 months

Wednesday 19th October 2016
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Eric Mc said:
sidicks said:
So it's just jealousy and nothing to do with crinimnality on behalf of Green?

Not sure that should be the key focus!
No - it's about abuse of power and privilege and knowing the right people.

I can't for the life of me understand why the minnows and non-entities of PH feel so enthused to support those who more or less seem to be able to do what they like.

Maybe they feel enpowered by identifying with the rich and powerful.
Funny you should mention that, something that has crossed my mind from time to time. A discussion forum that turns into something resembling an inquisition every time a certain poster sticks his tuppence worth in.


25,218 posts

223 months

Wednesday 19th October 2016
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crankedup said:
Funny you should mention that, something that has crossed my mind from time to time. A discussion forum that turns into something resembling an inquisition every time a certain poster sticks his tuppence worth in.
Can I suggest that if you don't want to discuss the 'facts' of any case that the NP&E sub-forum is not the place for you?

Of course if you want to start a thread on Phillip Green's personality and public persona, then the Lounge would be the best place for that!

Edited by sidicks on Wednesday 19th October 13:25

Adrian W

Original Poster:

14,047 posts

230 months

Wednesday 19th October 2016
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sidicks said:
I've purely commented on the known facts of the case, not decided to make any moral judgements one way or the other. That's what the OP was asking.
Spot on, it's amazing that people cant do this, it seems that people either don't like him (obviously they don't know him) they don't like what he as done (even though it is completely legal) or they are just jealous of his wealth.

so as suspected it is just a lynch mob.


6,244 posts

232 months

Wednesday 19th October 2016
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Rovinghawk said:
May I ask your qualifications as the subject has been aired?
Two years' elective study in Psychology at the University of Strathclyde as part of a joint degree in Computing Science and Law, plus a post-graduate Diploma in Educational Psychology.

Good enough for you?


13,300 posts

160 months

Wednesday 19th October 2016
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r11co said:
Good enough for you?
I don't actually care all that much as I think it's a wishy-washy bks subject on a par with sociology.

I'm curious as to how you can do diagnosis via internet fora, though.

Edited by Rovinghawk on Wednesday 19th October 13:28