Welsh lockdown



17,342 posts

281 months

Wednesday 14th October 2020
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Last chopper out of Cardiff


5,083 posts

224 months

Wednesday 14th October 2020
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anonymoususer said:
mac96 said:

I really cannot make my mind up whether this is evidence of a nasty racist undercurrent, or an entirely justified reaction, Either way, seems odd to be getting steamed up about visitors now- the summer season is definitely over.

Any thoughts?

The Welsh first minister is full of his own importance and thinks he is more relevant when he is.
The guy is a complete twaaat and it is all about him flexing his pecks more power to the moronic throbber etc

As this is a Welsh thread I feel it my public duty to print the all important welsh translation so that Mr Davies from the valley isn't outraged enough to complain to offcom

Mae prif weinidog Cymru yn llawn o'i bwysigrwydd ei hun ac yn meddwl ei fod yn fwy perthnasol pan mae.
Mae'r boi yn twaaat llwyr ac mae'r cyfan yn ymwneud ag ef yn ystwytho ei bigau mwy o rym i'r throbber moronig ac ati.
This.... ——-^

And this....


And when the Police Federation state its unenforceable, you really know Drakeford is all wind....


635 posts

50 months

Wednesday 14th October 2020
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Greenmantle said:
Sargeant Orange said:
"Build that wall", "Build that wall"
No need Drakeford already has the dyke.
Please don't tell me he's teamed up with Nichola Queen of the Scots, now that would be a sad day smile

Nos Da !


732 posts

140 months

Thursday 15th October 2020
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anonymoususer said:
As this is a Welsh thread I feel it my public duty to print the all important welsh translation so that Mr Davies from the valley isn't outraged enough to complain to offcom

Mae prif weinidog Cymru yn llawn o'i bwysigrwydd ei hun ac yn meddwl ei fod yn fwy perthnasol pan mae.
Mae'r boi yn twaaat llwyr ac mae'r cyfan yn ymwneud ag ef yn ystwytho ei bigau mwy o rym i'r throbber moronig ac ati.
He's a throbber, you 'tard - call the Ambiwlans! smile


138 posts

97 months

Thursday 15th October 2020
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I've lived in Wales for nearly 15 years and never been made to feel unwelcome, and until this year I have never considered moving away.

Chairman Drakeford is a vile individual who's absolutely obsessed with restricting people's movement and travel, and of course his five minutes of fame. A more incompetent and dishonest poundshop politician you would be hard-pressed to find.

I know it's not trendy to pose the notion that Covid might be being used to further other agendas, but supposing there's no conspiracy, the only reason I can think of for this level of idiocy in Wales, is because they know the NHS in Wales is in a terrible state. And if Covid took hold in any meaningful way, Welsh Labour's appalling running of the NHS in Wales would be laid bare for the world to see. Where I live, for example, the local hospital has been in special measures for five years. And it's still a rotten, failing dump.

We have a seven month old son who hasn't seen a doctor or health visitor since the day he left hospital after birth. My partner had a traumatic birth with him and had to stay in hospital, she hasn't been seen or contacted by anyone since to check she's OK. She's actually not OK, but luckily I have a private policy so we're currently going down that route.

Even before Covid, to get a GP appointment was virtually impossible. We had to give up on the NHS a few years ago and go private for everything healthcare related. We actually have to travel back into England for any kind of medical attention - whether it's a GP appointment, or a hospital visit.

On another note, yesterday I went to get a chippy at lunchtime, it was closed at 1pm and looks to have shutdown. I noticed the local pub looked rather closed on the way back from work, my partner said they posted on Facebook that they have had to close too.

I have various friends who work in the hospitality industry here - predominantly hotels and catering. To say they're teetering on the brink would be an understatement, if it wasn't for Covid they'd probably have had winding up orders already.

All these hospitality businesses couldn't really get going until mid-July. Then they had maybe 2.5 months of severely restricted trade with capacity limits and all the other Covid secure nonsense. Then 1st October rolls around and they're effectively shut down again by Drakeford. The Welsh government seems to think these businesses can sustain themselves for a 12 month period with 2.5 months of cash flow?

I saw guidance from the council yesterday about a new grant fund for businesses affected. But, the applications can't be filed for 21 days, then it takes another seven days for review and disbursement of funds. A lot of these businesses need cash last week. Not in another 28 days time. Each time the public sector throws a scrap to the no-good proles in the private sector, it shows them up as completely and utterly out of touch. I can only hope any job losses and pay cuts in the private sector are mirrored in the public sector here.

I'd really like Drakeford to pop up to North Wales and hold a union leader dockside-style press conference to explain to the angry working class folks in the hospitality sector and wider Welsh economy, why he thinks it's OK to torch their jobs and livelihoods in this way. Of course if he did that, I think he'd be set on by a pack of incensed hyena-like people who stand to lose everything.

What's even more mind-boggling is the fact Welsh independence is being talked about and trumpeted while Drakeford & co consign the economy that Wales does have to the gutter. I can only assume independence would look like a divorce where England pays ruinous maintenance for the Welsh to live out their fantasies for years to come.


3,630 posts

190 months

Thursday 15th October 2020
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Tony Starks said:
Evanivitch said:
Tony Starks said:
It's just the Welsh and their shoulder chip. For some reason they think they were treated worse than Aboriginal Peoples or Native Americans.
I mean it's not like the English tried to wipe out Welsh language and customs through legislation, rule the population through military might, or strip the land of mineral wealth...
As I'm not to up on this, when was this?
There is a very good book called 'How Green was my Valley'.

I grew up in England, but on the English / Welsh border. I went to secondary school in Wales. I had a graduate placement in a factory in one of the ex mining valley towns. My Dad suggested I read it, and I was glad I did.

A great community with some brilliant characters and I had a lot of fun and a few stories to tell. But the English really did screw them over and this has been handed down through the generations.

In all fairness, the wealthy (English) really screwed over the poor English for a millenia too. It might even still be going on!


5,083 posts

224 months

Thursday 15th October 2020
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foobies said:
I've lived in Wales for nearly 15 years and never been made to feel unwelcome, and until this year I have never considered moving away.

Chairman Drakeford is a vile individual who's absolutely obsessed with restricting people's movement and travel, and of course his five minutes of fame. A more incompetent and dishonest poundshop politician you would be hard-pressed to find.

I know it's not trendy to pose the notion that Covid might be being used to further other agendas, but supposing there's no conspiracy, the only reason I can think of for this level of idiocy in Wales, is because they know the NHS in Wales is in a terrible state. And if Covid took hold in any meaningful way, Welsh Labour's appalling running of the NHS in Wales would be laid bare for the world to see. Where I live, for example, the local hospital has been in special measures for five years. And it's still a rotten, failing dump.

We have a seven month old son who hasn't seen a doctor or health visitor since the day he left hospital after birth. My partner had a traumatic birth with him and had to stay in hospital, she hasn't been seen or contacted by anyone since to check she's OK. She's actually not OK, but luckily I have a private policy so we're currently going down that route.

Even before Covid, to get a GP appointment was virtually impossible. We had to give up on the NHS a few years ago and go private for everything healthcare related. We actually have to travel back into England for any kind of medical attention - whether it's a GP appointment, or a hospital visit.

On another note, yesterday I went to get a chippy at lunchtime, it was closed at 1pm and looks to have shutdown. I noticed the local pub looked rather closed on the way back from work, my partner said they posted on Facebook that they have had to close too.

I have various friends who work in the hospitality industry here - predominantly hotels and catering. To say they're teetering on the brink would be an understatement, if it wasn't for Covid they'd probably have had winding up orders already.

All these hospitality businesses couldn't really get going until mid-July. Then they had maybe 2.5 months of severely restricted trade with capacity limits and all the other Covid secure nonsense. Then 1st October rolls around and they're effectively shut down again by Drakeford. The Welsh government seems to think these businesses can sustain themselves for a 12 month period with 2.5 months of cash flow?

I saw guidance from the council yesterday about a new grant fund for businesses affected. But, the applications can't be filed for 21 days, then it takes another seven days for review and disbursement of funds. A lot of these businesses need cash last week. Not in another 28 days time. Each time the public sector throws a scrap to the no-good proles in the private sector, it shows them up as completely and utterly out of touch. I can only hope any job losses and pay cuts in the private sector are mirrored in the public sector here.

I'd really like Drakeford to pop up to North Wales and hold a union leader dockside-style press conference to explain to the angry working class folks in the hospitality sector and wider Welsh economy, why he thinks it's OK to torch their jobs and livelihoods in this way. Of course if he did that, I think he'd be set on by a pack of incensed hyena-like people who stand to lose everything.

What's even more mind-boggling is the fact Welsh independence is being talked about and trumpeted while Drakeford & co consign the economy that Wales does have to the gutter. I can only assume independence would look like a divorce where England pays ruinous maintenance for the Welsh to live out their fantasies for years to come.
You sound like you’re in Betsi Cadwaldr Health Authority too, like me.

I agree, it’s an absolute basket case.

I agree, Drakeford is using Covid for his own means, bearing in mind the Senedd elections next year. I’m hoping the public will see this incompetence and give the incumbent government a good hiding.

Where I am in Alyn & Deeside, the incumbent MP was close to losing his seat at the last election, so hopefully the groundswell of opinion continues and goes against Drakeford, we can live in Hope (and die in Caergwrle, as the saying goes!)


138 posts

97 months

Thursday 15th October 2020
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wobert said:
You sound like you’re in Betsi Cadwaldr Health Authority too, like me.

I agree, it’s an absolute basket case.

I agree, Drakeford is using Covid for his own means, bearing in mind the Senedd elections next year. I’m hoping the public will see this incompetence and give the incumbent government a good hiding.

Where I am in Alyn & Deeside, the incumbent MP was close to losing his seat at the last election, so hopefully the groundswell of opinion continues and goes against Drakeford, we can live in Hope (and die in Caergwrle, as the saying goes!)

Rank incompetence and mismanagement are the cause of Betsi's issues. It went into special measures when Drakeford was health minister, and not much has changed since.

I'm not sure if Drakeford will get mauled in the election because a lot of people around here are total Karens or public sector workers. From what I can gather, they are quite enjoying current events. But if enough people lose their jobs, which is looking very likely given the virtual shutdown and pending collapse of hospitality here (which is the main driver of the economy towards the Conwy area), maybe there'll be some kind of reckoning for him and Welsh Labour.

Either way, Drakeford and Welsh Labour's behaviour is nefarious in the extreme. The 'five mile rule' and now restriction of movement and travel - I cannot adequately articulate my absolute contempt for this idiot.

There'll be an explosion of mental health issues in Wales as a result of Drakeford's actions. But of course this bloke couldn't take responsbility for a fart. The fallout from his decisions will be everyone else's fault, like it always is. He cannot see any further than the end of his nose, and it's quite daming really that Wales should have such a short-sighted, wattle-faced simpleton in charge. If we get the politicians we deserve, Wales must have done something really really bad (apart from voting this clown and his party in). The lack of critical thinking is outrageous, and short-termism on display from this allegedly clever bloke, even more so.

It's utterly shameful how at a time when people and businesses are seriously struggling, he's spending more time trying to score cheap shots against 'THE ENGLISH!!!!!' and Boris, than he is actually looking at and understanding the devastation his policies are causing to entire communities here in Wales.

He has devolved powers. He could be leading the charge showing 'the English' how it's done. Instead, he's told Boris to hold his beer while he leaves a smouldering crater where the Welsh economy once stood.


61,767 posts

219 months

Thursday 15th October 2020
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foobies said:
Chairman Drakeford is a vile individual who's absolutely obsessed with restricting people's movement and travel, and of course his five minutes of fame. A more incompetent and dishonest poundshop politician you would be hard-pressed to find.
Wasn't it Drakeford who stopped the Newport bypass?

I tried to get my flu jab today. The govt have bought up all the vaccines and there's none available. Doctors will be told soon when they can order, pharmarcists have been told don't bother according to three I've been into who previously have offered the service.

BlackLabel said:
In case anyone is thinking of visiting the ‘far west of Wales’......
Mark Drakeford: “When they arrive in the far west of Wales, I'm afraid they will meet a local population that are fearful, that are anxious and are on the lookout for people who shouldn't be in those areas”.
I'm local-ish (work away part of the week) so haven't met this yet directly, but it's in the background and there's hints. Certainly was there throughout the summer holidays directed at the tourists. Partly due to work but also due to police blockades I spent 4 months living away this year.

Drakeford is suggesting stopping people travelling to Pembrokeshire

The ‘far west of Wales’ (Pembrokeshire) was rammed with visitors from all over the UK in August who overwhelmingly enjoyed their stays while respecting guidelines. No impact on community transmission of the virus. Drakeford is wrong to whip up anti visitor (English) sentiment. https://t.co/94tILXCdL8

— Stephen Crabb (@SCrabbPembs) October 14, 2020

Edited by Byker28i on Thursday 15th October 12:03


40,587 posts

285 months

Thursday 15th October 2020
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Byker28i said:
BlackLabel said:
In case anyone is thinking of visiting the ‘far west of Wales’......
Mark Drakeford: “When they arrive in the far west of Wales, I'm afraid they will meet a local population that are fearful, that are anxious and are on the lookout for people who shouldn't be in those areas”.
I'm local-ish (work away part of the week) so haven't met this yet directly, but it's in the background and there's hints. Certainly was there throughout the summer holidays directed at the tourists.
Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose, as they say in Fishguard.

An element has always been there, beneath the surface. As it probably is in many quieter, more remote and rural areas of the UK which are also popular with tourists and second home owners.


61,767 posts

219 months

Thursday 15th October 2020
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Digga said:
Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose, as they say in Fishguard.
Does anyone admit to living in Fishguard? There usually say Goodwick biggrin

3600 second homes in Pembrokeshire, but they make a good income from them, the council charge 150% rates
There's claims it's 6.1% of all housing

I was told by the council in June that they were swamped with trying to respond to householders being charged the extra but not being allowed to use them for 4 months...

Edited by Byker28i on Thursday 15th October 12:16


3,866 posts

109 months

Thursday 15th October 2020
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Greenmantle said:
No need Drakeford already has the dyke.
My window looks out over Offas dyke footpath and they don't appear to be guarding it yet smile


1,143 posts

81 months

Thursday 15th October 2020
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Without some sort of national ID card which must be updated, how can you possibly enforce this?

I'm an English guy living in Cardiff who travels into England anywhere between 5 and 20 times a week. Admittedly I do that in an artic so I'm unlikely to be stopped. But how far can the Police go to check I am living in Wales? Are they going to go to my house and check? Or just have to take my word for it.

Now I'm being slightly silly with the artic. They won't pull me over. But what about when I'm asked to go to the Bridgwater site in my car (mileage and time paid I might add)... How am I meant to prove that I'm actually travelling for work? What about when I'm asked to go to pick up a Unit in Bridgwater so another country in a car? Do the police have the time to pull over 100's of thousands fo cars a day and then investigate them?

Now if the person in the car/motorbike plays along then it might not be too bad. But what about when someone wants to be difficult. Say they have a genuine reason they can prove but just tell the police to sod off. Are they really going to be arresting people and then releasing them when the evidence is provided? Or are we going to live in some sort of police state where you legally have to account for yourself and it's a crime not to give that information when asked. I really hope not.


20,714 posts

124 months

Thursday 15th October 2020
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milkround said:
Now if the person in the car/motorbike plays along then it might not be too bad. But what about when someone wants to be difficult. Say they have a genuine reason they can prove but just tell the police to sod off. Are they really going to be arresting people and then releasing them when the evidence is provided? Or are we going to live in some sort of police state where you legally have to account for yourself and it's a crime not to give that information when asked. I really hope not.
Same rules apply as usual. Police can stop your vehicle at any time and require you to produce your driving documentation. That would include your driving licence. Failure to provide would allow them to arrest you until they can confirm your identity and that you are driving legally.

Your driving licence is legally required to state your primary address. This could also be used as evidence that you should it be there. They could also check your V5, but that's likely to be with the lease company in many instances.


5,083 posts

224 months

Thursday 15th October 2020
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Evanivitch said:
Same rules apply as usual. Police can stop your vehicle at any time and require you to produce your driving documentation. That would include your driving licence. Failure to provide would allow them to arrest you until they can confirm your identity and that you are driving legally.

Your driving licence is legally required to state your primary address. This could also be used as evidence that you should it be there. They could also check your V5, but that's likely to be with the lease company in many instances.
Your last point was my response to a FB post earlier.

My company car is registered in Yorkshire to Arval who are based god-knows where.

An ANPR check wouldn’t identify me as someone who is local, so a physical check would be required, now multiply that by the number who cross the border everyday and match with the police resources required.....as I said earlier, it’s unworkable


20,714 posts

124 months

Thursday 15th October 2020
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ash73 said:
You are not required to have any documentation with you when driving.
Agreed, but then you can be issued a producer, which could reach the same conclusion, in slow time... They could still turn you away if they have good reason to believe you're not local.


20,714 posts

124 months

Thursday 15th October 2020
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wobert said:
Your last point was my response to a FB post earlier.

My company car is registered in Yorkshire to Arval who are based god-knows where.

An ANPR check wouldn’t identify me as someone who is local, so a physical check would be required, now multiply that by the number who cross the border everyday and match with the police resources required.....as I said earlier, it’s unworkable
Yep, been loads.of Facebook posts about local shopping centres having ANPR and £1000 fines. All rubbish.


3,866 posts

109 months

Thursday 15th October 2020
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I travel over the border at least 5 times a week, This morning I walked across the border on the Montgomery canal, will they be setting up a border guard in case i dare to do it next week. What about all those welsh people who want to cross to England to visit their local town, will they have to isolate for 14 days, when they get home. its all getting a bit silly now. I can see myself facing a few road blocks in the near future


Original Poster:

3,929 posts

145 months

Thursday 15th October 2020
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foobies said:
wobert said:
You sound like you’re in Betsi Cadwaldr Health Authority too, like me.

I agree, it’s an absolute basket case.

I agree, Drakeford is using Covid for his own means, bearing in mind the Senedd elections next year. I’m hoping the public will see this incompetence and give the incumbent government a good hiding.

Where I am in Alyn & Deeside, the incumbent MP was close to losing his seat at the last election, so hopefully the groundswell of opinion continues and goes against Drakeford, we can live in Hope (and die in Caergwrle, as the saying goes!)

Rank incompetence and mismanagement are the cause of Betsi's issues. It went into special measures when Drakeford was health minister, and not much has changed since.

I'm not sure if Drakeford will get mauled in the election because a lot of people around here are total Karens or public sector workers. From what I can gather, they are quite enjoying current events. But if enough people lose their jobs, which is looking very likely given the virtual shutdown and pending collapse of hospitality here (which is the main driver of the economy towards the Conwy area), maybe there'll be some kind of reckoning for him and Welsh Labour.

Either way, Drakeford and Welsh Labour's behaviour is nefarious in the extreme. The 'five mile rule' and now restriction of movement and travel - I cannot adequately articulate my absolute contempt for this idiot.

There'll be an explosion of mental health issues in Wales as a result of Drakeford's actions. But of course this bloke couldn't take responsbility for a fart. The fallout from his decisions will be everyone else's fault, like it always is. He cannot see any further than the end of his nose, and it's quite daming really that Wales should have such a short-sighted, wattle-faced simpleton in charge. If we get the politicians we deserve, Wales must have done something really really bad (apart from voting this clown and his party in). The lack of critical thinking is outrageous, and short-termism on display from this allegedly clever bloke, even more so.

It's utterly shameful how at a time when people and businesses are seriously struggling, he's spending more time trying to score cheap shots against 'THE ENGLISH!!!!!' and Boris, than he is actually looking at and understanding the devastation his policies are causing to entire communities here in Wales.

He has devolved powers. He could be leading the charge showing 'the English' how it's done. Instead, he's told Boris to hold his beer while he leaves a smouldering crater where the Welsh economy once stood.
Of course the state of health provision in Wales will be another factor making it easier for politicians to frighten the locals about the largely imaginary risk of holiday visitors. Not to mention second home owners and caravaners who must be the lowest risk of all as they do not have to gather in groups in hotels etc


1,143 posts

81 months

Thursday 15th October 2020
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ash73 said:
What would be good reason in those circumstances? Refusing to identify yourself, or provide an address? I don't think you're legally required to do so, but I guess you then rapidly fail the attitude test. Obviously they can look the car up but many company cars etc will be registered all over the place.
Where are you going?
Where is that?
What do you do?
Can you prove that?
Where are from?
Well I was born in ireland. Grew up all over, and now live in cardiff.
Can you prove that?
No. My tenancy agreement is at home, but its on my driving licence.
How can we know you are going to work?
Sod knows. Follow me if you want, or lock me up. Ive had enough of this now and youve made me late for work.
Can we call your company?
You can but no one will be in the office for another 3 hours.

What are the police meant to do?