Can we talk about Sweden for a bit?

Can we talk about Sweden for a bit?



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123 months

Saturday 8th October 2016
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jshell said:
Looket said:
jshell said:
Looket said:
I genuinely hope it kicks off big time.
Great. Let's feed the right wing extremists, that'll work. Won't it? You're not helping, you do know that? The over-reaction is what will cause even more trouble and instability...
Because pussy-footing around the subject is helping, is it? No.

There has to be confrontation and instability. And frankly, a lot of people have to go away one way or another - don't really care how at this point. The country has to burn before it can be rebuilt and whether or not that is helping is neither here nor there, it's simply what it is. The time for peaceful resolution is long gone.
You're either very young and impressionable, or just dumb as a box of frogs. The events of last century would caution against the ramblings that you're pouring forth.

Proper mental.
Mental, perhaps, but true.

Your bedwetting won't change a thing.

Oceanic said:
I would love to see some actual hard stats on the percentages of "new arrivals" who are convicted of crimes vs the percentages of native Swedes who conduct similar crimes. From what I can tell, most of the st that happens here is conducted by Swedish, but as soon as there is a whiff of a crime that involves sex the rumour mill kicks in and then people of non-swedish origin automatically get the blame whether they were or not anything to do with it!

We have had several instances of sexual / violent crimes being raised here by females for political or scaremongering purposes! All of this is designed to whip up the far right attitudes and play into the fears of people too retarded to educate themselves on the real world realities.

So your hope that it "kicks off big time" is not only a bit childish, but a bit misguided.
How funny, you accuse me of being 'too retarded' to educate myself on real world realities, yet you clearly haven't bothered to even look into reality yourself.

As you well know there are no such recent stats available. That wouldn't be terribly PC. Luckily we do have an old 2005 paper (investigating 1997-2001 figures) by BRÅ that concluded that immigrants are 410% more likely to rape or attempt rape than native Swedes.

Educate yourself here. Pay special attention to pages 63 and 67.

In BRÅ 1996:2 immigrants committed 38% of all rapes, children of immigrants 13% of all rapes, and illegals 10% of all rapes. Swedes committed 39% of all rapes. I'll let you do the math and work out the overrepresentation.

In 2008 Svenskarnas Parti investigated all rape cases in court. 60.6% of all convicted rapists were immigrants.

A nice overview available here.



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123 months

Wednesday 12th October 2016
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jshell said:
Finlandia said:
jshell said:
As I said, the issues are real. I live in Norway and see some of the issues starting up here around the asylum centres.

However, how do you want to deal with it? I'd suggest, and strongly, that to go 'off-piste' and head Far Right is an equally stoopid thing to do! This is what is happening around Europe right now and the last time we saw such massive political lurches, we ended up with WWII. Would that be worth it? Coz we'd all be fked!
The risk with not doing anything are that we will see a new Breivik trying to wipe out the current leaders as well as future ones.

One way to deal with it would be to enforce the laws that are already in place, we can't have criminals with AK47s and handgrenades running around towns, we can't have zones where emergency services can't enter without riot police escort, we can't have daily gang rapes, the ones doing these things need to be locked up or thrown out, as it is today, they are not.
All points I agree with. However, what thundernuts like Looket haven't pieced together yet is that they WANT Brievik-alikes to take action to deal with the situation, with no regard for the long term outcomes...

We need the proper response from the proper people. i.e. The Police - and yes, I know Scandy coppers are worse than useless, but vigilantes are or can definitely be worse.

It's a terrible situation and very, very concerning.
So, you acknowledge that there is a problem but because of your seeing Nazis behind every corner, you are totally and utterly unwilling to do anything about it and unable to face reality.

I think my comment stands - you are a bit of a bed wetter. People like you are precisely the reason why the right-wing extremists will eventually come into power. Well done.


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Sunday 4th December 2016
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Escapegoat said:
What does Sweden have in common with Mexico, Argentina and Peru?

Answer is in this: - and Swedes don't think the government is on the right track on the issue.

Erm... the respondents are quite clearly revisionistic, racist, Nazi loons with rose-tinted glasses. Swedish society has never been safer!


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Saturday 25th February 2017
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Oh dear, seems they're getting desperate. I like it!

I've maintained for a long time that the one way to instigate change in Sweden is to spread the word and let the world know about the sheer lunacy of it all. The very foundation of the 'humanitarian superpower' is its international reputation, and once you destroy that the entire bloody thing will collapse like a house of cards. Hence this thread, for example.

Long may it (not) continue.


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Monday 22nd January 2018
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Glad to see this thread still going strong. Well, actually I'm not glad at all but you see what I mean.

I do however note that the people who actually have a lot invested in Sweden tend to see the situation for what it is. I fondly remember Brabus telling me I was a bit of an alarmist before moving, but that didn't seem to last long. And on the other hand you have a handful of people that show up in each and every thread to peddle the same old narrative, having not an iota of experience or knowledge about the country beyond what they read in their approved news outlets.


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Saturday 8th September 2018
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Elections on Sunday!

Alternative for Sweden are on the cusp of getting into parliament, which would make for a huge political upset.

Will definitely be loading up on popcorn.


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Saturday 8th September 2018
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BrabusMog said:
Just left the missus' folks after a very brief visit prior to yet another few weeks away from home, and I got a good feel how a relatively small community is looking to vote (Göta in Lilla Edets Kommun).
I'm guessing mostly SD?

Finlandia said:
Latest yougov poll.

Will be interesting days ahead.
Notice the last bar; 'others'. Made up primarily of the Pirate Party, centre-right MED and 'ultra-right wing' Alternative for Sweden. The former two have negligible support, meaning AfS may be in with a shout. The threshold into parliament is 4%.

Speaking purely anecdotally, my entire family are giving them serious consideration. My father in particular, a life-long Moderate, has completely abandoned his former party in favour of either SD or AfS depending on whether the latter stand any chance of getting in. Blows my mind how someone like him - an educated, risk-averse, happy-go-lucky engineering type - can skip a step or two and go straight to Afs without the safety blanket of mainstream SD. I'd bet there are many, many people in similar circumstances out there who have had it up to their eyeballs with the established parties.

For those unaware, AfS as a first step want to reevaluate every citizenship and residence permit doled out since the year 2000, set up a ministry for 'remigration', leave the EU, and abolish foreign aid. I'd venture so far as to say that they are the most extreme right-wing party in Europe, if not the West - barring Nazis and other halfwits - and yet it's entirely predictably Swedish.

Even if they do not get into parliament, they will almost certainly garner enough votes to qualify for party support giving them a solid foundation for 2022, and until then plenty of time to make their mark on public discourse.

I remember vividly the floods of tears at the S and V election parties in 2006 when the Alliance won. That'll be nothing compared to this election.


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Sunday 9th September 2018
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loafer123 said:
jjlynn27 said:
Thanks for that, but is this working for people? I either get a blank page or everyone on 0%.
Not working for me.


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Monday 10th September 2018
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Well, I got that a bit wrong. Oof!

Not entirely sure why people would vote for more of the same, but then I don't really have a horse in the race anymore. At any rate it'll be interesting to see what happens next - judging not least by how every single party seemed to declare themselves victorious last night.

Grand coalition German stylee? Alliance coalition with the passive support of SD? Left coalition plus the Centre and Liberals? The nuclear S&M option with a couple smaller parties thrown in for good measure? Re-election?

Edited by Looket on Monday 10th September 12:05


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Tuesday 29th January 2019
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We finally have a government, and what an abomination it is. Socialdemocrats, Greens, Liberals and the Centre all in one great, big, unholy alliance. I would predict a slaughter in the next elections but given how badly I misjudged the last one perhaps I shouldn't.

Anyway, part of their deal is to introduce new legislation aimed at granting asylum seekers with 'especially extenuating circumstances' the right to stay on humanitarian grounds. This includes those with serious illnesses as well as environmental migrants.

Excellent news. There were around 25 million of the latter in the 90s and they are only projected to be about 150-200 million by 2050. It's very reassuring to know that the Humanitarian Superpower is alive and kicking still.


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Sunday 3rd March 2019
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I mean on the upside atleast it's a nice place to drive in.

Anywhere else I'm fairly law abiding behind the wheel, but Sweden really is a speeder's wet dream.


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123 months

Sunday 3rd March 2019
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REALIST123 said:
........until a Moose wanders out in front of you! eek
Behorned devil horses.

Tasty, though!

Finlandia said:
Have you seen the state of the roads? My totally ordinary Swedish built Volvo is in the workshop for all sorts of repairs due to potholes and otherwise failed roads.
And for this privilege I get to pay a stload of tax.
Admittedly I don't stray much from the motorways around Stockholm these days, but even so it's always an event to feel the car snake into a proper groove at high speed on the E4 or E18. Can't let such minor details stop you from living your best Ricky Bobby life though.


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Saturday 13th July 2019
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Just stumbled on this:

Couple thoughts spring to mind... firstly, it'd seem the virtue signalling was all for nought. Secondly, Baghdad Bob is alive!


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Wednesday 28th August 2019
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Halb said:
Wasn't this rise in crime an issue at the last Swedish GE?
Nonsense and scare mongering. All crime is down, except rape, arson, murder and suchlike that have risen exponentially.

Sweden is safer than ever.


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123 months

Tuesday 10th September 2019
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Randy Winkman said:
Since the last 3 posts have been by the same person, can someone remind me of the point of this thread?
I like to think of this thread as a compendium of insanity, the point of which is to highlight and erode the image of Sweden abroad ('Sverigebilden'). The simple truth is that under their cool, humble exterior Swedes are fecking arrogant and have an ungodly superiority complex.

Pretty sure I qualified that statement at some point in this thread, however for the sake of a quick re-cap: Sweden is the best country in the world, we do everything better than everyone else, we are a model nation, a humanitarian superpower!

Preserving the outward image of Sweden has become some kind of bizarre, Japan-esque exercise in saving face at all cost. It's my hope that humiliation on the world stage might inspire some change in my fellow countrymen, or at the very least force public discourse to inch toward sanity by reclaiming the narrative from the relativistic never-mind-all-good-nothing-to-see-here brain trust. To that end I don't think there's a lot posted in this thread that can't or hasn't already been substantiated.

That, and to act as a word of warning to anyone willing to listen. On both counts I think it's been a roaring success, and long may it continue.

Lastly I'd just like to confirm that multiculturalism is cancer.


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123 months

Thursday 21st November 2019
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I'm too lazy to look but I'm pretty sure I or someone else has mentioned the Orwellian nature of Swedish society. Just a quick follow-up prompted by this email I received today:

"Ratsit Plus - WHEN YOU WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING! 100% anonymous

We're now launching Ratsit Plus!

The service offers the opportunity to see the salaries of all Swedes directly on your screen. You'll also get notifications when people get an updated salary, move, get married, get a new car or have a birthday. It's an exciting service that's 100% anonymous, i.e. no can see who you're following or whose salary you're checking.

We hope you find this service interesting. Ratsit Plus will be continually expanded with more exciting and useful features. Both companies and individuals can use Ratsit Plus."