Make America Great Again



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Friday 24th March 2017
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Shakermaker said:
Indeed. Context is important with exactly what he said (which he said after the bombs in New York, but were just retweeted this with by DJT Jr out of said context...)

Living in a big city = increased risk from terrorism.

Which should lead us to:

Living in a big city = increased risk from terrorism = increased security, either overt or covert, as well as increased preparedness for the outcome of an attack. Such as making sure hospitals have the capacity, there is a designated structure of who does what in an event of a serious attack.

So in London, we saw the outcome of that happen after an attack. Lots of people rushed in who were able to help, and the emergency services did what they could.

In the USA, and I am not entirely familiar with where you live 5oh but I recognise that Alabama is not the same as the middle of LA or NYC etc. However, the choice that has been made by the USA authorities include giving their police officers firearms, and in many cases, allowing private citizens the ability to carry around their own personal firearms.
I'd also expect that in the larger towns and cities, there's a hierarchy of people who take charge in such situations, and at what stage the various forces (local PD, EMTs/Paramedics, state police, FBI, National Guard etc etc) but in NYC or LA, there are more likely to be specially trained officers and officials who can deal with the "terrorism" aspect of the threat/outcome of the event.

That, is what Sadiq Khan was referring to in his interview in May last year. I find it hard to disagree with what he has said, but it was quickly spun out of context by those who seek to discredit him.
Khan of Londistan's comments "part and parcel of living in a city" are nothing more than words of accepting defeat to extremism.

In that same article he offered no real solutions. Just the usual spiel, see something say something, solidarity etc, to which has the same results as Facebook filters and hashtags.

For a mayor to come out and say we need to accept this potential risk because we're a bigger target than say a small town is unacceptable and toxic leadership. It took him 5 hours to appear on camera?

While I understand what you are saying, I did not see that same message in The Independent article at all.

Khan associates himself with the globalists and the Clinton Cult. He refuses to let go of the collapsing European Union and opts for open borders, pissing on any resemblance of British sovereignty.

Eitherway I hope the fallen rest in peace and their families, words will not help, it's beyond words. I have lost 2 of my friends to Jihadists, it's something you will never recover from.

For those that helped, they should be honoured.

It was a cowardly, dispicable act, if investigations prove family members had prior knowledge of the attack, they should be stripped of citizenship and deported.


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Friday 24th March 2017
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tommunster10 said:
It may sound crazy to say this on PH but i want to live in a world where I see pictures of the Paramedics trying to save the life of the Terrorist. I only realised that when I thought about it for more than the first 30 secs of "why try to save him!!".
Point is the Paramedics job is to save a life...that is humanity right there! the good side...I want to live in that world with those people...and we do, though it doesn't always seem like it, live like that in the UK...
I am proud as a German to call England home.
If ever someone gathered up enough support to actually start wiping out Muslims and non whites, you'd not be left with'd be left with the kind of people that could do such a anyone.
As a German... I think you get my point..
You want to live in a world where you see pictures of paramedics try to save the lives of terrorists?

I want to live in a world where every blood thirsty terrorist is thirty mike miked to the face.


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Friday 24th March 2017
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Europa1 said:
Leaving aside the potential illegality of stripping a person of citizenship, where do you deport them to? "Excuse me, do you mind if we land a plane in your country and push these people out of the door then take off again?"
Easter Island.


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Friday 24th March 2017
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iphonedyou said:
You are, genuinely, intellectually sub-normal. You don't have the capability to understand, in order to engage in discussion.

And there you are, criticising us for being terrified - whilst pissing your pants in some mountain hut prepping for an Armageddon that'll never come.
Armageddon? When did I say Armageddon? I said global financial collapse.

I'm not worried about Armageddon, Killary lost the election she tried to rigg.


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Friday 24th March 2017
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tommunster10 said:
I'd imagine people in Iraq when a US drone kills their family don't recover from that either. Or when 5 US soldiers rape and kill a 14 year old girl, I doubt her family would of recovered from that, well the ones left that they didn't kill that is.
There have been a lot of despicable acts of terror and I don't like any of them. You seem to be selective though. Bit like the American bars that used to have IRA collection buckets, but then of course terrorism was only invented after 9/11.
I hope one day in your lifetime, you find closure on the repressed shame and guilt you bare, for whatever that may be.


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Friday 24th March 2017
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berlintaxi said:
You could quite easily point to a bakery that refused to make a cake for a gay couple as it offended their christian beliefs, extremists exists in all religions, what boils your piss religious extremists or just muslim extremists?

Edited by berlintaxi on Friday 24th March 14:36
And? It was their right as a private business to serve whoever they want for whatever reasons they choose. No the tolerant left didn't see it that way.

Soon after the lesbian couple gloated on social media what they had done, real tolerant, real liberal.

So Mrbrightsi, you can see right here in this thread why Europe is in the situation it is in now. Not because of Islamic terrorism, but much worse. It is within, when these are the views of people, apologists, "tolerants", leftists and politically correct cry babies.

Europe is crumbling from the within because it's core is weak. Have a strong foundation and you will not sweat the small stuff. The EU removed sovereign powers and decision making, then replaced it with impotent euro leftists.


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Friday 24th March 2017
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KrissKross said:
I have just returned from a 4 week tour of the USA, top to bottom for work in several major cities. What a fantastic place.

PH is tame compared to most of the views I came across, the primary (filtered) view is that religious integration and multiculturalism simply does not work. Read from that what you will.

Anyone care to name a place where it does work?
Interesting viewpoint. It's the one I see on a daily basis, the only one I see.

I am glad you found it fantastic.


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Friday 24th March 2017
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KrissKross said:


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Friday 24th March 2017
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pinchmeimdreamin said:
So you don't think multiculturalism works in the US ?
Some cultures have successfully integrated, while others have badly failed. The key issue being, assimilate to your newly adopted country and don't behave there like the place they originated from.


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Friday 24th March 2017
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KrissKross said:
I have just returned from a 4 week tour of the USA, top to bottom for work in several major cities. What a fantastic place.

PH is tame compared to most of the views I came across, the primary (filtered) view is that religious integration and multiculturalism simply does not work. Read from that what you will.

Anyone care to name a place where it does work?
You're a bad boy. You came on here, shared the majority view of Americans. It grates with the leftist view on here that subscribes to the liberal self hating ideology.

The internet unfortunately has given them a false sense of knowledge.

Prepare to join the troll list and be blocked from numerous topics.


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Friday 24th March 2017
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MrBrightSi said:
Drinking themselves to death most likely.
Yes there are lot that drink heavily and use peyote. The reservations are typically ghettos or casinos. There are a lot that did integrate well with the new natives though. All the ones I have worked with drink a ton.


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117 months

Friday 24th March 2017
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MrBrightSi said:
Drinking themselves to death most likely.
Yes there are lot that drink heavily and use peyote. The reservations are typically ghettos or casinos. There are a lot that did integrate well with the new natives though. All the ones I have worked with drink a ton.


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117 months

Friday 24th March 2017
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GroundEffect said:
Per your earlier statements....shouldn't the Europeans be the ones integrating to the Native Americans culture? Or does that not count because reasons?
Ask the British and the Spanish Colonialists.


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Friday 24th March 2017
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Countdown said:
:I'm not an immigrant. I'm a new native woohoo
What's the matter? The local council got you pushing too many pencils?


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Saturday 25th March 2017
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Sylviaforever, what most people haven't figured out, obamacare is not the healthcare system. It's an act. The healthcare providers make up the system. These healthcare providers have been going out of business since the inception of Obamacare. So while obamacare exists for now, it will not stop the providers from going out of business leaving people with no healthcare.

Everyday in various states, providers are shutting down, the funny part is(well it's not really funny when it's you) there will be no hospitals, doctors or nurses but you will have obamacare, in other words it is totally useless.

You can pay maybe $500 a month, and have a deductible of 2k a year, so your paying the first 2k and then obamacare kicks in. Or you can not have obamacare and be fined thousands for having his stty legacy.

Or just quit your job and stay unemployed and get free obamacare on the hardworking tax payers.

Obummer sneakily added a clause exempting politcians from his crappy act, so the bill would pass. Therefore I can always run for Congress to get out of it. But then again I don't smell of sulphur.


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Saturday 25th March 2017
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unrepentant said:
That's all true apart from all the words.

Anthem, one of the biggest insurers, made $368 million in Q4 2016, up from $180 million in 2015. CEO Joe Swedish urged Trump to take a "measured approach" to any changes to the ACA. The insurers are making billions.

Hospitals are paid by the insurance companies and even the "non profit" hospitals are making very tidy profits. Doctors in the US are paid very well indeed which is why qualified physicians from all over the world flock here to work.

The reality is that most of us get healthcare through our employers (who pay through the nose for it) and the medical sector in the US is booming, absorbing as it does 18% of GDP despite not offering universal healthcare (UK is 9%, socialist Sweden 12%, France 11%).
Let's agree to disagree.


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Saturday 25th March 2017
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Trexthedinosaur said:
5oh, I am interested in your thoughts on the failure of the Medi bill to pass?

Do you agree with Trump that it is the democrats who undermined the bill even though republicans hold a majority in both houses?

Which election promises has Trump not reneged on?

Now I am not doing this because I want to see Trump fail, the people voted for him and the US, as one nation, should come together but I can't help feel that he is completely out of his depth and if failing in a big way.

What can he do to restore the faith?

As a 'rural' US citizen, your thoughts? (My us colleagues are all from 'blue' areas ... )
No it is the fault of both parties. The Republicans are Democrats V2.0. I have always said that prior to the election. The Democrats and the Republicans are the same party with different mascots. It is the illusion of choice which is why there is never any real choice.

President Trump is a breath of fresh air. He should have ran for the libertarian party from day one. Again something I said prior to the election.

I have zero faith in politicians, the deep state and the globalists. I do not hold the mindset that government will fix the problems, they just make everything worse, hence why I am transitioning to a full time homestead. President Trump is one man, he always had the establishment against him. This is not a surprise.

As for arguing with Unrepentant, I am not doing again. My argument in failing health care providers are on mainstream Google and on mainstream websites that y'all are so tied to.

Either take the information or do not. I'll laugh when those on Obummer blame President Trump for there being no healthcare providers left, they are too dumb to understand Obummer care is not a hospital or a provider.

Many other campaign promises will not be forfilled, no fault to President Trump. Congress term limits is another one that will not get passed. It takes a special kind of person to be a politician, absense of integrity and honor are some of the traits required.


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Saturday 25th March 2017
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rscott said:
Yes, there can be conflicts between multicultural groups but there can also be conflicts between sub groups of a single culture. So blaming multiculturalism for all the world's ills is somewhat simplistic.

No one's defending those Afghanis, same as no one defends the priests who behaved in much the same way here.

Given the views of some on here that all Muslims have some responsibility for the London attack, then surely white people, especially ex army, have some responsibility for the NY attacker.
Yes because we here white terrorist attacks every week right and Islamic terrorist attacks happen once every few years.


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117 months

Saturday 25th March 2017
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Countdown said:
he multiple divorced, multiple bankrupt shyster who is currently sunning himself every weekened at his Mar A Lago resort and getting US taxpayers to pay the bill seems ideally qualified....
So being divorced more than once makes you a bad person but the ex pornstars and dominatrixes than run fake fact checking site Snopes does not indicate bad character.

I guess you had a change of thought then.


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117 months

Saturday 25th March 2017
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rscott said:
Are you trying to suggest non Muslims never attack LGBT people?

How many examples would you like?

1982 - The beating of Rick Hunter and John Hanson by Minneapolis police outside the Y'all Come Back Saloon on January 1, 1982. Hennepin County Hospital emergency room staff employees testified in court that the police called the two men "faggots" while the men were being treated for their injuries
May 15, 1988 - Tommy Lee Trimble and John Lloyd Griffin, two gay men, were harassed and later shot by Richard Lee Bednarski in Dallas, Texas. Bednarski was later convicted of the two murders but was sentenced to 30 years rather than life in prison. The judge who issued the sentence, Jack Hampton, said later that he did so because the victims were homosexuals who wouldn't have been killed if they "hadn't been cruising the streets" for men. Hampton's comments caused considerable controversy. He was later censured for his remarks and ultimately lost a bid for judicial re-election in 1992
May 16, 2007 – Sean William Kennedy, 20, was walking to his car from Brew's Bar in Greenville, SC when Stephen Andrew Moller, 18, got out of another car and approached Kennedy. Investigators said that Moller made a comment about Kennedy's sexual orientation, and threw a fatal punch because he didn't like the other man's sexual preference.
In 2016, for the first time the Justice Department used the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act to bring criminal charges against a person for selecting a victim because of their gender identity. In that case Joshua Brandon Vallum pled guilty] In that case Joshua Brandon Vallum pled guilty to murdering Mercedes Williamson in 2015 because she was transgender, in violation of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act.

Simple fact is there are good, bad, sick and evil people in every demographic you care to divide people into.
When you have to cite a case from 1982, it really shows your clutching at straws.