Our next King's Ladybird book about Climate Change.

Our next King's Ladybird book about Climate Change.



37,848 posts

258 months

Tuesday 12th March 2019
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RacerMike said:
...By agreeing with each other that the vast raft of scientific research that points to the global warming we see now is incorrect, and it is instead just 'natural variation' means that they can continue to bash BEVs as a rubbish idea thought up as a money making exercise by our reptilian overlords.....
FWIW I think for certain tasks EVs are great. If ones with decent ranges were more economically viable I'd buy one. If Renault didn't insist on leasing batteries I'd have bought a Twizy by now..so I'm not against them.

I don't think they will solve anything though. They just move the problem. That in itself may be beneficial in some ways, but materially so? I'm less convinced. The UK's energy strategy is hopelessly confused from what I can see.

I'm also pretty sure man has impact on his surroundings (we're part of the overall system if nothing else). Wasting any resource is silly no matter what one's views on "climate" are.

I do fear, however, that we think we know far more than we actually do on climate. I fear relative (in the "life of the planet" sense) knee jerk reactions will lead to waste in resources in other directions and could lead to unintended consequences. Our data sets don't go back far enough, accurately enough for me not to be skeptical (if not cynical)...too much of the data I've seen is "adjusted" in ways that I'm not sure make sense.

As with a number of other polarising topics of recent times, the debate boils down way too quickly to name calling rather than cast iron, unadulterated data. It often seems like the data is being made to fit the answer which is never good. Ridiculous notions like "carbon credits" and "the UK has a bigger role to play in reduction <than, say, China> because we invented industrialisation" (the latter from Caroline Lucas) don't help...

poo at Paul's

14,205 posts

177 months

Tuesday 12th March 2019
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RacerMike said:
. Not once do I walk through a major city and think 'I love how chokingly smelly it is here with all these cars around'. ..
That's because it just isn't, smelly I mean. Not in the UK or civilised bits of Europe. Cars have had cats for 20 odd years and DPFs for over 10.

As for electrifying all cars in the city, a, it wont happen as there is nowhere to charge them, hell there is no where to park them at the mo, and b, people will be getting run over left right and centre by them as they are too quiet and people in cities wandering about use both their eyes and ears to make sure they are not run over.

Huge problem for EV and their drivers, who don't seem to appreciate sometimes the stealth nature of them. At least everyone will hear the ambulances coming.


32,038 posts

180 months

Tuesday 12th March 2019
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RacerMike said:
. Not once do I walk through a major city and think 'I love how chokingly smelly it is here with all these cars around'. ..
Same with buses too.

You get some council decide theyre going to close off some town centre to cars because why would anyone want a car to drop into the shops to buy something.
Instead they allow the town centre to become a bus station and the bus company follows suit by selling off its bus station.
'I love how chokingly smelly it is here with all these buses around'
If theyre going to pedestrianise a town centre it should mean no buses too, and it should allow cars in if you need to pick something up


13,251 posts

125 months

Friday 2nd August 2019
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If these celebs care so much about climate change why not make their speeches via video link and leave their planes and yachts at home?

“Prince Harry gave a barefoot speech at a secretive Google Camp climate change conference in Italy according to reports, in front of an A-List crowd who flew in on 114 private jets.”


Jim the Sunderer

3,240 posts

184 months

Friday 2nd August 2019
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BlackLabel said:
If these celebs care so much about climate change why not make their speeches via video link and leave their planes and yachts at home?

“Prince Harry gave a barefoot speech at a secretive Google Camp climate change conference in Italy according to reports, in front of an A-List crowd who flew in on 114 private jets.”

Powerful hypocrites at it again.

Baby Shark doo doo doo doo

15,077 posts

171 months

Friday 2nd August 2019
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BlackLabel said:
If these celebs care so much about climate change why not make their speeches via video link and leave their planes and yachts at home?

“Prince Harry gave a barefoot speech at a secretive Google Camp climate change conference in Italy according to reports, in front of an A-List crowd who flew in on 114 private jets.”

Because it’s more of a networking meeting. They meet the people deciding what’s heavily penalised next, what will be receiving massive government grants etc and know how, who and what to invest in.

Fat Fairy

504 posts

188 months

Friday 2nd August 2019
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Jim the Sunderer said:
BlackLabel said:
If these celebs care so much about climate change why not make their speeches via video link and leave their planes and yachts at home?

“Prince Harry gave a barefoot speech at a secretive Google Camp climate change conference in Italy according to reports, in front of an A-List crowd who flew in on 114 private jets.”

Powerful hypocrites at it again.

Small beans compared to the 2010 'United Nations Climate Change Conference' in Cancun.

11000 'participants'.

Lets assume they all travelled 'cattle class'. That is 16 Boeing 747s at best! (660 passengers in high–density one-class configuration)

Assuming an average of 1 full fuel load of 238,600L, that bit of hob-nobbing to save the planet used 3.8 MILLION LITRES of fuel.

Each way.



13,251 posts

125 months

Saturday 3rd August 2019
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“Google has been criticised for putting on an extravagant gathering to discuss climate change and racking up an 800-tonne carbon footprint in the process.”



8,849 posts

214 months

Monday 5th August 2019
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RacerMike said:
Well...in the confirmation bias echo-chamber of PH, it's all very amusing that Prince Charles should write a book about Climate Change. For those able to think critically and not believe every conspiracy theory on the internet, it's nice to see someone in the public eye doing something to promote a greener future.

Along with Flat Earthers, people who deny climate change really puzzle me. A reduction in global CO2 emissions would only be a positive thing for everyone....even if climate change actually wasn't a thing. Not once do I walk through a major city and think 'I love how chokingly smelly it is here with all these cars around'. The fact is, if the majority of the road traffic, and power production was switched to EVs and renewable, life would generally be a lot nicer. Cities would be a bit quieter, a lot cleaner, and generally more pleasant.

Many on here seem to think that a reduction in CO2 means they won't be able to own a V8. The reality is that's rubbish. Classic ICE cars won't be banned (they will make up a tiny insignificant proportion of road traffic) and in our life time, it's unlikely that sports cars and supercars will all be BEVs. 911s will be, at the worst, PHEVs and your daily driver will probably be a 400hp BEV which will be better in every way than then equivalent petrol car you would have had. And we'll still have the royal family....
Is this meant ironically? What's wrong is that the whole thing is Orwellian Newspeak, we are all forced to say black is white. The Greenhouse Effect is what prevents us all freezing to death in space. CO2 is what plants live on.

This is mixed up with a whole lot of stuff that does matter and would benefit mankind. Control pollution. Eliminate waste, require refundable containers. Eliminate single use plastic containers, enforce transparency and integrity in food production, eliminate the use of dangerous pesticides, discourage the use of materials which give off VOC's, prevent the global destruction of rainforest and re-forest suitable parts of the world. Have electric taxis in town and pedestrianise historic town centres. Deal, if you can, with the many destructive practices all over the world which seriously damage the environment. Replace genuinely polluting vehicles like diesel trains, trucks, buses and cruise liners. All of which would be wonderful, not to say essential. What a difference to city centres that would make. All of these are real problems. There is so much crying out to be done but is swept under the carpet.

Politicians don't do any of that stuff, some of which is actually achievable. We get Climate Change Levies. Climate Change heroes like Prince Charles and others attend conferences in their private jets or helicopters. Politicians make extravagant undertakings and promises about what is going to happen in 15 or 20 or 50 years (based on which Scotland or the UK are 'leading the world'). Hot air. In that timescale none of them will be accountable even if they are still alive. Dramatic 'tipping points' are predicted on no rational basis at all.

The whole MMGW movement is a fashion like burning witches, and just as rational. People go along with it out of peer pressure. But it becomes a political tool to allow politicians to curb our freedom. Are you aware that the Government is planning to spend 11 trillion over the next 10 years 'combatting climate change'? That's a war economy. My worry is that we will have a real war, and all this cutting down on CO2 will vanish in a welter of smart missiles and depleted uranium shells. Kids in primary schools are subjected to continuous propaganda, the only result of which will be to raise a generation of environmental Nazis, again, totally irrational. We are expected to treat some Scandinavian pre-teen as if she knows the meaning of life. Children know everything! If that is so, what do we need Einstein for? If you want to understand Quantum Physics go along to your nearest kindergarten. Read the history of the Children's Crusade, if you want to know how that will end.

This is like going along with Hitler. You accept all of the small lies and the propaganda and one day you find yourself holding a rifle on the Eastern front, or in a Death Camp. If some of us don't stand up for reason, losing our ICE cars, which we absolutely will, will be the least of it. And if you speak out against this? If you point to the body of science which does not agree with the politicians? You are a Denier! Which is equated to a Holocaust Denier. Which is as good as dressing up in an SS uniform and strutting around giving Nazi salutes.

Does Climate Change scepticism puzzle you a little less now?

Edited by cardigankid on Monday 5th August 18:15