boris the hero!



Original Poster:

1,994 posts

186 months

Tuesday 3rd November 2009
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dammit she was a climate change hippy should have left her!


2,893 posts

179 months

Tuesday 3rd November 2009
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Interesting that Cameron wants to hug Hoodies but Boris is happy to kick the st out of them. Top man in my book.


1,601 posts

234 months

Tuesday 3rd November 2009
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Hats off to Boris.

He's a legend !!


Original Poster:

1,994 posts

186 months

Tuesday 3rd November 2009
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so wish someone video'd him chasing them with an iron bar - guess that'll be a story for have i got news for you!


268 posts

193 months

Tuesday 3rd November 2009
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I can just imagine him and his ungainly run waving his fist shouting "oiks" .. Classic.. So very very British. BoJo is just a legend and should be allowed to be part of the opening ceremony with another Wiff Waff style speech..


35,829 posts

273 months

Tuesday 3rd November 2009
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Boris for PM.


31,605 posts

235 months

Tuesday 3rd November 2009
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Excellent stuff! Top bloke.


13,812 posts

193 months

Tuesday 3rd November 2009
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Awesome. What a gentleman.


7,507 posts

221 months

Tuesday 3rd November 2009
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"But Ms Armstrong added: "If you find yourself down a dark alleyway and in trouble I think Boris would be of more use than Ken." "

Oh how I chuckled, I do hope Ken is reading that....


4,833 posts

196 months

Tuesday 3rd November 2009
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"He stopped and chased the girls down the street,"

Would have been more impressive if it was a bunch of Blokes he'd chased off.

But still, what a legend. And to be fair, some of the girl yobs around today could pack a far more deadly punch than some of the stickmen that pass for males these days smile


Original Poster:

1,994 posts

186 months

Tuesday 3rd November 2009
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maybe the climate bird should have taken a car home would have been safer...


18,650 posts

211 months

Tuesday 3rd November 2009
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did he nail her?


5,535 posts

192 months

Tuesday 3rd November 2009
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Go Boris! Why that man isn't PM I'll never know. Talks so much common sense, and turns out to be a hero.


10,842 posts

229 months

Wednesday 4th November 2009
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Soovy said:

Boris for EU President.


5,546 posts

208 months

Wednesday 4th November 2009
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The image of him shaking his fist in the air and yelling, calling them 'oiks' ... brilliant biggrin


42,735 posts

237 months

Wednesday 4th November 2009
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Mayor by day

Superhero by night


4,319 posts

267 months

Wednesday 4th November 2009
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I've said it before and I'll say it again. Boris Johnson is a god smile

What we need is that man running the country, not Winky McBrrooon

Get Karter

1,938 posts

203 months

Wednesday 4th November 2009
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I can't find this story on the BBC site.

When did it take place?


8,662 posts

225 months

Wednesday 4th November 2009
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Franny Armstrong, producer of the 'The Age of Stupid': 'To maximise our chances of preventing runaway climate change, we must quickly and massively cut global emissions'.

Frigging climate change hippy. I think she would have felt more threatened by a bar of soap than an iron bar.

Lord Pikey

3,257 posts

217 months

Thursday 5th November 2009
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an amusing skewed account from

lefthandpalm said:
Brutal Thug Boris Johnson Harrasses Teenage Girls
Boris Johnson, tsar of London, has once again demonstrated his total unfittness for office by attacking a group of young women with an iron bar

That the victims of this vicious assault were female only adds to the air of disgusting menace, that hangs about the Stalin of the Thames, like a cloud of flies around the corpse of a dog on a hot day.

Apparently, Johnson spotted some young girls while out cycling - looking for trouble might be more accurate - and promptly set about them, raining insults on them when he discovered that his disgustingly flabby, lard encased frame was too swollen from guzzling the baubles of office to mount an effective pursuit.

What is more depressing of this modern day fable of oligarchical oppression is that the victims of this attack were merely trying to better themselves- aspiring to the possession of the sort of things that Johnson is so bloated with privilege that he would not even notice.

It is regrettable that the girls in question lacked genuine class consciousness and were motivated only by crude, materialistic concerns - setting themselves up as Little Johnsons, in effect, using threats and violence of their own against another. But given that the other was already far more privileged and wealthy than these girls could ever aspire to be, their crime must be veiewed in the light of the far greater crime of modern industrial capitalism.

Johnson demonstrated that the only real law is that might is right - a powerfully built man threatening a group of girls with an iron bar is, in minature, a perfect emblem of the social and sexual exploitation of the proletariat by the forces of capital and their political allies.

The Tsar's office was not willing to comment on this latest act of aggressive thuggery by the the despotic Johnson. This is not surprising. They must be working overtime to find some way to show this vicious, cowardly assault in a positive light.
Edited by Lord Pikey on Thursday 5th November 15:56