**** boiling Orange Order



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Saturday 2nd July 2011
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Currently sitting here on a very Sunny Saturday morning, start to hear a loud thumping, its gets louder and I can hear the drums and flutes of the good old Orange Order as they march down the road. Mass ranks of sectarian, knuckle dragging, fkwit scum with the combined IQ of an amoeba.

Grew up in a town filled with these Animals in Scotland. Every Sunday they all head off to the Orange Club, stand for the queen and worship King Billy and the flag of the Protestant Religion. One of the saddest things is that 90% of these fkwits have never seen the inside of a church in their sad, pathetic, low life existence, the only thing they actually believe in is hatred and their worship is reserved for Glasgow fking Rangers.

There should be some kind of law that sates if you are such a retarded, hate filled, scum sucking, low life parasite and actually join this brain dead organisation the initiation should take place a gas chamber in order to help with the cleansing of the gene pool.

And they have now passed, deep breath and back to normal life.


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Saturday 2nd July 2011
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Eric Mc said:
Are you worse for ALLOWING yourself to be riled?

I quite like the drums and pipes - and I'm from the "other" part of Ireland.
Suppose in a way, sad thing is a lot of my old friends actually bought into this crap. Some of them where intelligent guys as well. Seen to much of the hate filled side though to be able to listen to them and enjoy the drums. Would be a bit like going along to a Nazi convention and because you like the nice uniforms.

Then again, you have lived with far worse than I have seen and it seems to raising its puss filled ugly head again.


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Saturday 2nd July 2011
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Eric Mc said:
Why don't you surprise them by standing on the side of the road and applauding and cheering them.

a) they would be amazed

b) you would have the psychological upper hand

c) maybe it might actually improve relations
Can I just point out that I am not a catholic, no religious perversions at all in fact. Hole thing disgusts me, having seen people beaten to a pulp just because they do share the same religious view point rather taints your view.


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Saturday 2nd July 2011
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sportka1 said:
it seems that the media has done a right hachet job towards the orange order tbh, lets get the facts stright a bit
1- its not the orange order causeing all the trouble,its the street thugs maskerading under a loyalist banner to go out and see rioting as a 'fun thing to do off a nite'
2- the orange parades are legaly held marchs through what are prod areas for the most part, granted there are a few that go through what are MIXED areas,but those areas used to be prod areas before the catolics moved in and started to clear the areas for themselfs.
3-the so called protests for the catholics are generaly from brought in people from other areas that do not live even close to the areas(rent a mob basicly)
4- the orange order is a religion based order,a bit like the masions only with a few parades.
im not saying for 1 min that there is not a lot of thugs in the order,but with over 100.000 members you will always get your fair share of dheads.
now the main problem is that the orange order to a lot of prods are the last baston of prodestantism in the north, the last newlabour lot basicly sold prods down the river as a lot of working class prods see it,eg terrorists sitting in stormount,50/50 police recruitment (50% catholic/50% everyone else) even though n.ireland has a 55%+ majority of prods. we dont have a real democratic process of goverment over here and that together with the numbskulls who like to go out of a nite and cause the sort of trouble that gives this place a bad name is clouding the rest of the population on both sides that just want to get on with our lives.
n.ireland is a class place if truth be told,and the plonkers on both sides are more than happy to keep the old ways going. the likes of the UVF and the dissentists make a shed load of cash while there is trouble,they use it as a tool to keep 'their areas' under control and in fear.
just maybe people will acually look up about these things and not run their mouths saying downright lies and half truths about something they do not know anything about.
Ever thought of joining the rest of us in the 21st century. As for not understanding the Orange Order, I can assure you I do. As mentioned, I was brought up in a town that treated it like some kind of supreme church. The members of this organization, where to a man bigoted in the extreme, the hatred they pour on the catholic faith is without boundaries (not saying the other side is much better, it does not make it right though) and they celebrated every catholic death that came out of the troubles.

Saying this is a worthy and historical order and implying it deserves our respect is a nonsense, it promotes division based on religion and your post seems to imply that is the way you like it, to suggest political power should be divided up based on the prominence of catholic via protestant is quite frankly extremely worrying, politics is and should be non denominational in this country and the sooner Ireland gets to this basis (no time soon unfortunately) the better it will be as a nation.

The whole tone of your reply in fact (and the atrocious spelling) indicates that you are aligned with this organisation and support its views, your contempt for catholics comes across very clearly. How in this day and age you can hate a people for their religion is quite frankly beyond me. We pour scorn on the Muslim extremists and call for their eradication based on the extreme and hate filled views they put across, perhaps we should try and solve some of our closer to home views first.

King Billy died a 500 years ago, his greatest achievement was his stand against the french at the height of their power, he was though Dutch and we where in effect under Dutch rule. It worked a little better than the Stuarts rule though and led to a stable period. The Orange Order that hail him today though do so out of bigoted hatred that should have died a long long time ago.


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Monday 4th July 2011
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IforB said:
That's of course true. It's always a vocal minority who cause the vast majority of the problems, but this particular issue touches a lot more than just the odd individual. Just look at the atrocious nonsense that goes on during the SPL season for an example.

There is a deep seated problem here and one step towards solving it would be for these stupid marches to stop.

No-one else cares about them. It's just the Orange lodge and their families or people who use these events as excuses to air their horrible views who get involved. Most normal people avoid them like the plague and I for one am quite happy to say that I look down on anyone I meet who participates in them as I consider them to be contemptible. I might be called a snob, but in this case, I don't care one little bit.

This country should given no quarter to people who use religion or history as an excuse for hatred or intimidation. I don't care what religion you are, if you think it's acceptable to treat people differently because of their background without any real knowledge of the individual, then you can s*d right off.

Orange marches are intimidating things, even to a non-catholic like me. I've see a few of them by accident (not realising they were on and ended up getting blocked in and having to wait for them to pass before I could go on about my business) and the atmosphere and the people who go along to support them were really unpleasant.
Well said that man,.

A lot of history is worth celebrating, it tends though to be done in slightly less aggressive ways. The battle of Bannoch Burn, the Battle of Hasting, the battle of the Agincourt. A lot of these battles and the Kings reigns that they took place in where fought under a religious banner. The difference with all of them is that we see them as are they are, times in the past, historically interesting, we have though no interest what so ever in trying to resurrect a 500 year old war that really had fk all to do with religion and was in fact just a good excuse to gain a few more bits of territory and get one over on the French.

Any group that practices religious divide should have there activities curtailed, I also agree that the whole state funded Catholic School concept is a complete nonsense and again just enforces the divides. If the Orange Order want to continue meeting and develop a funny handshake let them to do so behind closed doors, marching down the street singing hate filled sectarian songs and trying to wind up the Catholics as much as they possibly can is just not on.

As has been said, this is the 21st Century, its time some small members of the community joined us in it. There is a lot wrong with English society but in any given pub not one person in it could give a toss if the guy he is standing next to is Catholic, Protestant, Muslim of Hindu. Unfortunately on the West Coast of Scotland and NI this is far from the case.


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Monday 4th July 2011
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sportka1 said:
lmao you have a very 1 sided view yourself there, get it out man say what you think and dont hold back.
now to your points,no im not from craigavon,but it was nice of you to pick the most unwelcome place to place me from though(im from groomsport)
i look like a cock? i beg to disagree a tad, there is a right to march,and there is a parade commision that makes the rules on were and if that march can take place , so yes they do have a right to march even if you or me like it or not(i agree with everyone having the same rights to march even if dont like it or not,eg the republician marchs to commemorate the hunger strikers for example)
do you honestly think that in any vote to 'hive off' this part of the uk to dublin would have got a majority saying ok? there is many catholics would always have voted to stay part of the uk as well you know,oh maybe you dont cause you seem to be seeing things from what i would call a highly stung repubican veiwpoint a touch, were everything would have been rosy if only there was this united ireland and all prods and all prod culture was wiped outta the picture. oh yes i see it now a total ireland utopia. the trouble really would have stopped in the north etc etc,pity it would have made dublin a war zone instead but never mind at least the so called occuping forces would be outta what you prob see as a part of eire.
now i you may not agree with what i have wrote but you know im right.

the orangemen have the right to march
there was never any hope the north being handed over to the south
and the orange order is not the big bad wolf at the door that you would love to paint it as.
If what you wrote actually made any sense at all (and thats just from a grammatical, spelling and punctuation perspective, would even help if you could manage the odd paragraph here and there) we might actually listen to you. As it stands though, your grip of written english would appear to mirror your intellect.


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Monday 4th July 2011
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sportka1 said:
why i thank you mr dave that is what i said in a more PH way and for my rambling post i am truly sorry, i must get myself to nite class's to improve ones grammer in ones typeing.
but its good to see that there are some still on ph that wrongly think that because someone maybe isnt upto the ph standard of typeing that they must be some sort of underling in the intelligence stakes.
fair play chim, but it must do your head in that someone you see as a non intelligent person can acually be right and the only comeback you have is to slate the grammer in his post smile
No, sorry, my head is not "done in". Have you actually read my replies and thoughts on the subject that is being debated. I very clearly state my case and at no point does it come anywhere near acceptance of your prevail. You continue to view the existence of the Orange Order as something fit for a modern society, it is not. Democracy can not be maintained if a voting system is based on Religious beliefs, this only leads to a church state. This problem is compounded when one religious order wishes to dispense with the other.

No matter how many charitable activities the Orange Order partake in (I believe Al-Quaida gain much support by helping the poorer communities) they are still a very bigoted organisation and the premise of this organization is wholly based on the protestant religion. This would be fine if they did not promote discourse against the Catholics (to say that they do not is a nonsense) and one of the primary tools for this discourse is the Marching. Without this "spark" each year the order would be just another little sectarian club that would receive very little focus in the wider community. As it is, the march serves as a catalyst for trouble, flames the press and garners the negative headlines. It is these headlines and this reputation that much of the membership are attracted to (eg, the knuckle draggers). They join for the discourse, as for saying that it takes the kids of the street and gives them a focus on music. Yip, the Hitler youth movement done this as well, great idea.

As to your education, unfortunately your short sited decision to make the quick buck will severely limit your ability to continue posting on PH. You will receive short shift on this site and spend most of your time staving off the Grammar police. Can I also just point out that in order to progress to Higher Education you are firstly expected to have achieved a suitable level of Secondary Education, namely, you should have a firm grasp of spelling, punctation and grammar. Therfore I imagine that you decision to enter gainful employment was as much based on your ability to actually enter higher education as it was, your desire not to.


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Monday 4th July 2011
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Countdown said:
You're not being serious, are you?

Slightly tongue in cheek smile he is going to get the piss ripped right out of him though.


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Tuesday 5th July 2011
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MM said:
so do the people of N. Ireland, a country you turned your back on and STFU, same goes for the rest of you lot.
Could you perhaps define this a little. The way I see it there are two ways of reading this.

1) "you lot" meaning anyone that is not of the same denominational leanings as you


2) "you lot" being all those that disagree with you and do not live in NI

If the first, then you are not worth the time it took to type this reply, if the second, to throw out such a comment is the last hiding place of the ignorant. Namely, when defeated in a verbal exchange (or written in this case) you revert to type and tell everyone to just "shut up, cause your all losers and no nothing about nothing...right"

Hoping there may be another meaning, I do doubt it though.


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Tuesday 5th July 2011
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MM said:
neither, I meant every one posting on this thread. I've seen threads like this time and time again, whether on this site or others and always they have turned into a slagging match, they are pointless and achieve nothing except stirring up anger.

To be honest you should have know better, yes you find what the orange order do offensive, but posting on a internet forum about this, knowing full well that people from both sides would read it, I can't but help think that you only did it to get a reaction from people like sportka1.

If you find then so offensive then complain to the parades commission, or an MP or MLA who you support, they are the only people that are going to make a difference.

All you have done here is stir things up.
Oh right...I get it now...its my fault....if we all stick our heads in the sand and don't mention it they will go away.

I will right to the BBC, ITV, Sky News and every other media organisation on the planet and insist that they immediately stop reporting on all forms of news (particularly editorials, lots of nasty stir up comment in them) other than stories involving kittens, everyone likes Kittens, unless of course the story involves the kitten getting hurt by someone as this will have the result of the aforementioned stirring up effect, so only stories of Kittens getting rescued from trees. Providing of course that the tree was not hurt in the rescue as this could of course stir up the greenies, who would in turn stir up the not so greenies..... Perhaps best just to stop reporting all together.

Dear Haymarket

Can you please with immediate effect shut down PH, the damn people in this news section keep commenting on the news and its stirring people up.



That work Ok for you.


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Tuesday 5th July 2011
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MM said:
Please stop trying to bend my point to fit your needs. I have no problem with the media reporting the stuff that happen is N. Ireland, that's their job. But you came onto a public forum and posted something that you knew some people would find very offensive, and to be fair you got a reaction.

To be honest if that is your game then play it, I for one am past caring. All I am merely pointing out is that you have a chance to make a difference in something that has offended you.

The orange order may be full of bigots, but you my friend are just as bad.
Oh right, I'm a bigot. I'm a bigot because I have a problem with a bunch of neanderthals walking down my street banging as hard as the can on a big drum with intermittent shouts of "fk the Pope" and other such lovely phrases emanating from their hangers on. I should in fact be out there celebrating their right to be complete fking morons.

Clearly my only reason for posting posting this was to start a riot on an internet forum, nothing at all to do with me being on PH on said saturday morning as they passed and commenting as my piss boiled at hearing them spouting out their hate filled message.

Nope, none of that. You are completely right, I am in fact a bigot.

There really is no hope for some people.


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Wednesday 13th July 2011
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daphantom said:
The orangemen kept to their side of the bargain by NOT playing instruments , just walking past silently. But, as usual the residents came a mile out of their area to be offended. They are now having their annual wreck their own area/fight the PSNI spree. I live 5 miles from Ardoyne and believe me no matter what is suggested , the local thugs will find something to "rebel" against. Hopefully the pictures on the national news say more than words to the watching mainland and even the decent people of the Republic of Ireland
What a pathetic load of dribble, crawl back under the nasty, hate filled little rock that you came from or as others have said. Grow up.