The problem with Islam.


Cheese Mechanic

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Thursday 19th February 2015
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Like many , I have a very dubious view of Islam basically seeing it as a catalyst for many of its practitioners to commit mass murder and generally to act in many ways downright backward, medieval even.

So, an evil cult , albeit followed by misguided millions is any easy view to have of Islam.

Anyhow, as to why lunatics like ISIL run around killing anybody and anyone for whatever reason they can justify to themselves is explained (in a way) to a very thought provoking article I'm linking to.

I picked it up initially here:

The full article being here:

Its very interesting, thought provoking even. Fact is though, what are Muslims going to do about it?

P/S Interesting stuff about Morsi, no wonder they Egyptians have banged him up.

Cheese Mechanic

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Thursday 19th February 2015
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longblackcoat said:
Poster puts up (yet another) anti-Muslim post, like we've never got enough of them on PH. Links to a Bretbart article.

Let's see, I wonder how this one will go?
Obviously you have not read the article. Do you find it easy to be a professional idiot?

Cheese Mechanic

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Thursday 19th February 2015
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longblackcoat said:
Comment wasn't aimed at you or the article, more at what will inevitably follow. This is PH, the source is Breitbart, and you mentioned Islam.
Definitely not read it. I found it refered to on Brietbart, the actual source, if you actually stopped being an idiot for a minute, is the Jordan Times. The author a Muslim Attorney.

Never mind. You are only as stupid as at least a couple of others who have also gobbed off without even looking.

Cheese Mechanic

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171 months

Friday 20th February 2015
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pops666tt said:
Cheese Mechanic said:
Obviously you have not read the article. Do you find it easy to be a professional idiot?
Not the sharpest tool in the box are you OP. Do you think your rant is going to mark an iota of difference? No. So go play in your cot.
Speaking of blunt tools, try looking in the mirror. On the other hand, try reading the article that the post links too, you may actually learn something interesting and may help you to be a little less stupider than you appear.

Cheese Mechanic

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171 months

Friday 20th February 2015
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Doctor Volt said:
The problem with Islam

That sure is one provocative heading for a topic

You have got to be a right fking asshole to post that

Now fk off, grow up and get a life
Another idiot , if you read the article linked to, you would find that the heading is taken from the article, not verbatim, but similar, and in the gist of it.

Here it is :

If you actually read it, you may educate yourself, and even, perhaps even, help you to get over dragging your knuckles along the floor.

Cheese Mechanic

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171 months

Friday 20th February 2015
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Out of interest, some may find this site thought provoking.

Some of the stories people relate on there are downright chilling. Some 15 years or so ago, I worked with a chap who renounced Islam and he told me of the threats he had had to endure. I thought he was laying it on a bit thick, but going by some of the experiences on the site, I'm inclined to think he was not.

What is even scarier is the following article I quote which I found on this (linked) site a couple of months back (It was on the home page)

"In 2005 the Muslim Council of Britain, a group founded by men who had campaigned to have Salman Rushdie persecuted for blasphemy, lobbied the government to introduce religious hate crime legislation.

There were suspicions that the real aim was to have a de facto blasphemy law protecting Islam implemented.

Suddenly though, there were concerns by Muslim activists that any legislation may affect the Quran and Hadith, because they contain passages that could be interpreted as promoting hatred against non Muslims, apostates and others.

Iqbal Sacranie, a man who said about Salman Rushdie that “Death, perhaps, is a bit too easy for him” led a delegation to the minister in charge of the bill, Paul Goggins.

The Muslim Weekly reported that there were concerns in the Muslim community "that dawah [proselytizing] and propagatory practices may be curtailed under the new legislation."

They then demanded that Islamic scripture should be exempt from the legislation they were lobbying for.

The Muslim Weekly reported that "The minister assured the Muslim community that there was nothing in the bill that would prevent scholars from delivering their sermons or from reciting from the Koran."

Iqbal Sacranie said afterwards that he was satisfied, and "Muslim scholars may proceed uninhibited in the performance of their duties."

Ultimately the draconian aspects of the law were defeated following a campaign by activists, artists, liberals and religious people aware of the dangers of the legislation.

What this story displays is the sheer arrogance of the Muslim Council of Britain and complete blinding lack of self awareness of Iqbal Sacranie and those he represented.

It is also darkly comical, as it highlights how Islamists demanding the right to evangelise their faith were almost hoist by their own petard.

It stands as an example of the sinister hypocrisy of religious people who seek special privileges for scripture that they seek to protect from scrutiny and discussion, and is a timely reminder of why free expression can ultimately end up being denied for those who seek to deny it for others. "

Here is Paul Goggins's wiki entry.

IUntill I read the above, I'd viewed the MCGB as a relatively benign out of touch organisation, not any more.

Cheese Mechanic

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171 months

Friday 20th February 2015
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pops666tt said:
Cheesy mechanic ^^^^
what is your agenda exactly?
what did you hope to achieve with this post apart from more islamophobic responses and religion bashing, as if we haven't had enough..
Nothing you have/will say is revolutionary or new..
go attend to your allotment..maybe time better spent
Thanks for more abuse. Fascinating to see that you demand people justify themselves to you. History is littered with such people, non of them pleasant. Nothing worse than being frightened of the truth, as you glaringly illustrate. What a sad article you are.

Cheese Mechanic

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Friday 20th February 2015
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blindswelledrat said:
I can't be arsed to properly join in another 'racists' versus 'apologists' thread as nobody seems to be able to have a normal discussion on this subject, but if anyone is interested it a brilliant article about the real current challenges of extremism the following is a wonderful article
Very interesting article. It appears to have a similar message to the article I linked to from the Jordan Times, albeit though, in far greater detail. Interesting stuff. Appreciated

Cheese Mechanic

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171 months

Sunday 22nd February 2015
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irocfan said:
interesting that RT has this as newsworthy yet out press doesn't... it's almost as if they WANTED to stir up trouble.
In the case of RT (I assume Russia Today?) you are, unfortunately , taking in what basically the Kremlin wants you too, and while all media is less than clean, RT is perhaps one of the much less than impartial out there.

They would deem this newsworthy as a gesture to their own muslim populations, plus of course, they (the Kremlin) are key allies of Assad, who ISIS wish to overthrow.

Reliable newsgathering can be complex, I use numerous sites, Reuters, Al Jazeera, and numerous others. France24 can be recomended to those unaware of it, has a lot of stuff Africa centred which is not often seen elsewhere.

Cheese Mechanic

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171 months

Sunday 22nd February 2015
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Countdown said:
I wasn't doubting the story in itself. Just an observation of RT's motives. RT could be interesting prior to Ukraine, (reading between the lines)but then it went barking. Unfortunately.

Cheese Mechanic

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171 months

Sunday 22nd February 2015
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TKF said:
Sadly that's all people like you do.
People like what exactly?

Cheese Mechanic

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Monday 23rd February 2015
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scherzkeks said:
This from a man linking to Breitbart articles. Comedy gold.
If you were not ignorant you would see that it was not a Breitbart article at all, but a mention/link on that site to an article in the Jordan Times, part of which was quoted. Which if you read it, may help curtail your ignorance.

Never mind, you carry on.

Cheese Mechanic

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171 months

Tuesday 24th February 2015
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jogon said:
No point mentioning history to the likes of JYB, they consider themselves to be somehow superior beings, so sure of their own moral and intellectual superiority over those around them that they have no need to learn the lessons of history or the qualities of the past which have been gradually built up over the last thousand years,

They refuse to look behind them at the trail of destruction left behind by his ilk in government instead continuing further in to the quagmire.

Islam is merely taking advantage of our current weak and progressive government we have been left with. Doomed is an understatement.
Sounds like a reasonable generic description of the average delusional lefty. Might be wrong, but sounds that way.

Cheese Mechanic

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Tuesday 24th February 2015
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TTwiggy said:
Yeah, because JAYB is SUCH a lefty! You lot are fking priceless.
What lot, precisely?

Cheese Mechanic

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171 months

Tuesday 24th February 2015
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TTwiggy said:
The 'lot' that sees socialist/common purpose conspiracies behind every hedge.
Do they? What hedge is that? Is it a coloquial euphemism for a beard? You know, like Karl marx? In fashion now you know, hipsters, apparently, are they a conspiracy?

Cheese Mechanic

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171 months

Tuesday 24th February 2015
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TTwiggy said:
You're hilarious. Really. You should probably be on the stage.
What stage is that , is it the one to yuma,do you have a ticket? Does that have a hedge?

Cheese Mechanic

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171 months

Tuesday 24th February 2015
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TTwiggy said:
Are you ok?
Perfectly, just wondering about these hedges you were on about. Go on, tell us, have you got one, do youlook after it? Keep it in good shape, come on, spill the beans.

Cheese Mechanic

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171 months

Wednesday 25th February 2015
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Posted these links on another thread. Concerns the percentage of Muslims in a society, and its effect upon it .

Frightening stuff, and rings big bells.

The actual data came from this book :

Spotted this as well. Sounds intrigueing. :

Cheese Mechanic

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171 months

Wednesday 25th February 2015
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p1stonhead said:
You think one book is sufficient to cite as the basis of such extreme views and numbers?
Presumably if the book is wrong, you know the facts that prove such?

Plus of course, whats said , rings big bells. Inconvenient to you is it?

Cheese Mechanic

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171 months

Wednesday 25th February 2015
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blindswelledrat said:
I could dismantle the stupidity bit by bit, but I cant be arsed because it would take too much time for the benefit of someonw who will completely ignore it because what I type doesn't fit into their hatred pigeonhole.
Of course you cannot be arsed, far easier to say something is inaccurate, just because you want it to be.

How about this then From the pen of Lefty Dan Hodges in todays DT

"Two weeks ago I took part in a debate on free speech, hosted by the Islamic Education and Research Academy. It was a good discussion, well attended, with an almost exclusively Muslim audience. Near the end, one audience member began to defend the killing of apostates. I challenged him, as did the other non-Muslim panelists. None of the Muslim panelists challenged him. No members of the audience challenged him. Instead, when he’d finished defending the murder of apostates, a significant section of the audience applauded him. "

Yep, murder being justified in a public meeting in the UK . Islam is not looked at with deep suspicion because people want to do that, they do it because of what it preaches and what its followers practise.Inconvenient eh?