"I'm a gay man and mass Muslim immigration terrifies me"

"I'm a gay man and mass Muslim immigration terrifies me"



Original Poster:

657 posts

243 months

Monday 16th November 2015
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Trigger warning! Inconvenient facts ahead!

I thought some of our more enlightened contributors may find this article interesting. Others, of course, will denigrate the source, me (for posting it), and non-existent "racism" while carefully avoiding addressing any of the points made in the article (or even reading it). Yes, I can see the smug, "smart", empty one-line replies already. Not that they'll make any difference to reality, but who needs reality when you've got emotion instead? Feels before reals, eh?

As the "bigated zenophobic facist Islamophobic right-wing" article points out, those who most loudly claim to stand for the rights of gay people and women are also often the ones who most fiercely defend the amount of Muslim immigration that we currently have. This contradiction is so insane that I can't believe the people concerned don't see it. It is ridiculous. No, "not all Muslims" hate gay people and women, but enough do that the more Muslims we have here, the more aggressive misogyny and homophobia we get (and many other problems besides), especially when no serious efforts are made to integrate them thanks to (failed) policies of multiculturalism.

The only conclusion that makes sense to me is that these SJW types don't actually care about any of the groups they claim to care about. They just say they care about them in order to signal their virtue, but only as long as there isn't another group they can pretend to care about which is higher up the Loony Left's Totem Pole. Muslims, for some reason, are at the top of this pole, so gay rights and women's rights are wonderful things as long as one is criticising alleged Western "rape culture" and opposition to gay marriage, but suddenly stop mattering when Islam is being discussed. See, also, the complete silence that the Left displays in regard to the enslavement of black people which is still common in Arab countries.

These people are obsessed with showing how morally better they are than others because they are narcissists, and many of them are narcissists because they have been at school in the last 10-15 years and have thus been exposed to nonsense about "everyone being special". When they get out into the real world, and find that actually they're nothing exceptional, this is a horrible shock to them, and so they like to develop some meaningless, vacuous way in which they can still claim to be better than others (while not actually, you know, being any better than others, or having to do anything other than easy things like attacking people online). "I am PCer than thou" is, unsurprisingly, often the method that such people choose.

Until now, it has been tempting to just point and laugh at these idiots and their pathetic insecurity, but the joke is wearing thin when their policies directly result in little problems like, you know, 128 innocent people needlessly dying just across the channel. We all know that if Western countries had immigration policies like, say, Japan, then that simply wouldn't have happened, and 7/7 wouldn't have happened either, and Drummer Rigby would still be with us, and then there's Atocha and of course 9/11. I really have to wonder if SJWs have any shame or genuine compassion for their fellow human beings. How many more of these attacks will it take? Do they or their kids/grandkids really want to live under Sharia law? Because with Muslims outbreeding us by as much as they do, that will eventually happen if we continue down this path, and it will be done entirely democratically, without the need for any more terrorism (though I'm sure we'll get that anyway).

Time for SJWs to stop trying to score "SJ points" by lying about the true nature of Islam. Time for them to be proud of the civilisation we've built, to want to defend it from those who hate us, and to see nothing wrong with those things. Time for them to get their fking priorities right, because if they don't believe that the Islamists that they've so foolishly and self-righteously allied themselves with will turn on them the second that they're in charge, then they haven't been paying attention.

Yes, I'm bloody angry about these atrocities happening in the West when we could have prevented them. I'm bloody angry that even now, even now, the appeasement and the virtue-signalling continue unabated...what will it take for it to stop? I've got every right to be bloody angry about it all, and you should be too!