Happy you voted Tory?

Poll: Happy you voted Tory?

Total Members Polled: 709

Yes : 68%
No: 7%
Didn't vote tory: 17%
Didn't vote: 7%
Regret not voting tory: 1%


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32,414 posts

206 months

Friday 28th January 2011
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So 6 months on and we are now getting a true picture of our new blue tie wearing leaders

So how do you feel about how you voted.

U turns are allowed


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206 months

Friday 28th January 2011
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Zaxxon said:
The other option being Labour???

I'd vote BNP before I voted Labour and I hate BNP.
I just love those that consider all the options before voting

If you voted tory just to remove labour then your an idiot


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206 months

Friday 28th January 2011
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singlecoil said:
Soovy said:
thinfourth2 said:
your an idiot
Last visit to the thread by the OP I expect.

Its the grammar police


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32,414 posts

206 months

Friday 28th January 2011
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Zaxxon said:
Alright then genius, how else would you have removed Labour???

Anything other than Tory or even possibly Lib Dems is a wasted vote.

Do you think that Labour should still be in power? Please say you do, then we can point and laugh.
So you voted Tory because you really really agree with their global warming and pro-euro stance?

No you voted for the simple reason they aren't labour.

I'm not labour either and i can't spell i also want to ban socks Would you vote for me?

If you vote for any party because they aren't labour you deserve a bunch of spineless feckers in power

If folk actually voted for the party they agree with the most then we might not be where we are now.


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206 months

Friday 28th January 2011
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The real Apache said:
Tallbut Buxomly said:
I have been thinking about this a lot today and have come to the conclusion david is pro euro superstate and working towards that goal.
I thought this was a given?

Euro superstate here we come.

Then we can vote for who ever we want and it will make even less difference


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206 months

Friday 28th January 2011
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groan said:

The problem is, enlightened MRL voters don't want to win, they want to lose, and vote MRL who are certain to lose in order to prevent ensure the country being governed by a crock of flippin' loonies!


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206 months

Sunday 30th January 2011
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DickSkruttock said:
Just watched Ed Balls(up) on Marr this morning. The clown is in total denial about the state of the country that him, Brown and Miliband left it in. Summed up by that cretin who left the note in the Treasury - No money left.

Let's hope we never see them in power again.
4 years time and they will be in power

It should be them in power just now.


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206 months

Monday 31st January 2011
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doogz said:
thinfourth2 said:
4 years time and they will be in power

It should be them in power just now.
What do you think they would be doing if they were still in power? Do you think they would have made any changes, or would we, as a country, still be struggling along, getting further and further into the st?

I'm interested as to why you think this.
A few more years of labour in power and we would be truely donald ducked

Then we might realise as a country that socialism doesn't work

As it stands the blue ties will make some cuts and get everything to a state of it not being completely st, lose an election and the red ties will start spending again

Repeat until boring


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32,414 posts

206 months

Monday 31st January 2011
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doogz said:
So your solution would be to leave Labour in power to completely fk the country right up, then what?
Hopefully we do an eygpt

Push the reset button


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206 months

Monday 31st January 2011
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doogz said:
Do you really think that's a better option than actively trying to fix the problem before it's too late? You want what's happening in Egypt?
You tell me what the problem is.

To me the problem is our leaders haven't a clue what we want. We have a system that does not reward great leaders, it rewards great politicians.

Look at Blair you might not like the man but fk he was utterly brilliant and doing what he wanted to do which was to make himself richer and more powerful.


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206 months

Monday 31st January 2011
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doogz said:
What we want is irrelevant at the moment. It's what we need that is important. And i see the Tory making cuts that Labour were too chickenst to make. i don't agree with all of them, but i appreciate the cuts have to be made somewhere. I think Labour, pretending there isn't a problem, and ignoring it, was not the way to fix it.

I just don't see how anyone can think letting it spiral out of control, instead of addressing the issues now, is a good idea.

Your opinion though, and you're entitled to it. I'm just glad you're not in control, and your solution isn't the one that's playing out just now.
If i was incharge I'd be making more radical cuts then the tories would.

Limiting child benefit to the first 2 births would be one step.

Allowing kids to leave school at 14 if they move in an apprenticeship

3 strikes and your out for petty offenders

death sentances for the grammer police

leaglise the nasty things like drugs etc to bring them under control

and many other things that would make me unelectable

When we get leaders who don't chase the daily wail then we might get somewhere


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32,414 posts

206 months

Monday 31st January 2011
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Zod said:
Mon Ami Mate said:
thinfourth2 said:
death sentances for the grammer police
The spelling police will still get him.
Those fkers get my woodchipper treatment

Feet first


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206 months

Monday 31st January 2011
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TVR Moneypit said:
Interesting to note that if most UKIP voters has voted Conservative, then we wouldn't have the current coalition. Personally I think it 'may' have been better if Labour had somehow clung to power at the last GE. Messy, unpleasent, sadistic yes, but maybe better in the long run for the country, (or am I thinking too highly of vast swathes of the population?).
The UKIP vote lost not one single seat for any major party despite getting 5%? of the vote.


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206 months

Monday 31st January 2011
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Gaz. said:
thinfourth2 said:
The UKIP vote lost not one single seat for any major party despite getting 5%? of the vote.
Try 19 seats:

Seats won by Lib Dems where UKIP vote was bigger than the gap to the Tories

Somerton & Frome
Dorset & Poole North
St Austell & Newquay

Seats won by Labour where UKIP vote was bigger than the gap to the Tories

Southampton Itchen
Finchley & Golders Green
Derby North
Derbyshire North East
Great Grimsby
Morley & Outwood
Walsall North
Walsall East
Newcastle under Lyme
Wirral South
Bolton West
Middlesborough South & Cleveland East
Plymouth Moor View
So who is at fault

The UKIP voters for not being sheep and voting for the "correct" party


Cameron is at fault for being a euro loving ineffective middle of the road lefty


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206 months

Wednesday 2nd February 2011
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sjn2004 said:
I'm not a leftie, infact I'm insulted by the accusation!(LOL) The scenario I described above has already happened in some sections of the NHS.
Anyone who shows even the slightest doubt about the blue ties is called a commie bd on here.


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206 months

Wednesday 2nd February 2011
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Bing o said:
thinfourth2 said:
Anyone who shows even the slightest doubt about the blue ties is called a commie bd on here.
Oi, Stalin, button it!
See what I mean.

I think camerons a wimp because we aren't feeding chavs in woodchippers and i'm stalin


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206 months

Thursday 3rd February 2011
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Zod said:
The inside reports show that Brown was a sociopath; the thrown mobiles, the pens stabbed into the back of the seats of the Jaguars, the barging past staff, the shouting, swearing and then, finally, and most obviously, the Gillian Duffy incident.

His continued absurd belief that he led the world to salvation in 2008 is the extra evidence not needed for the diagnosis.
Which brings me back to ask.

If the system isn't broken how did he get to be PM?


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32,414 posts

206 months

Thursday 3rd February 2011
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Zod said:
thinfourth2 said:
Which brings me back to ask.

If the system isn't broken how did he get to be PM?
The Labour Party's system for electing a leader is most definitely broken.
And nothing to do with that a party can swap PM when ever they want with us having zero say in it.

Nothing to do with an electral system which favours back stabbing self interested tts over good leaders.

its labours fault


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206 months

Friday 4th February 2011
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eharding said:
UKIP would have to raise its game by several orders of magnitude in order to get a sniff at any form of power.

Today, UKIP is seen as the refuge of swivel-eyed loonies and a hobby for failed conservatives peers.

I suspect that the sort of makeover required to make UKIP a serious player would result in most of the existing UKIP leadership and activists being locked in a dark room wearing straitjackets and scrawling 'Kill Cameron' on the walls with toe-held crayons, whilst some rather more organised folk got on with the job of making them electable.
Would you prefer a two party system?

Where we can choose a bunch of middle of the road idiots who are desperate not to upset anyone or a bunch of middle of the road idiots who are desperate not to upset anyone


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206 months

Friday 4th February 2011
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ewenm said:
Which is different to our current system how?
I'll get back to you on that one