Neighbour wanting a front extension, not pleased.

Neighbour wanting a front extension, not pleased.


Fermit and Sexy Sarah

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13,131 posts

102 months

Thursday 16th May 2019
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FiF said:
alfie2244 said:
Equus said:
You're talking to a man who used to design major housing developments so that the social housing was clustered around the existing neighbours who had kicked up the biggest fuss at the public consultation events. biggrin

I'm still working on my letter of support... tongue out
Have we had any info on if the OP built that rear extension, or if the 7 houses have been built on the site of the former social club next door?

If Nether Langwith is Sherwood Forest, then Brimington is in the Peak District. FFS. Comedy gold.
I stated it was NEARER Sherwood Forest than Mansfield, as that is the nearest well known landmark to us. Well, Creswell Crags is nearer us, but not as widely known about. We can drive to SF in 5-10 minutes. Mansfield is 20-25, so yes, it is nearer.

The rear extension (planning approved, and all others on our terrace benefit from rear extensions) is currently under construction.

The planning on the site of the former social club has lapsed. They have stated that they will be re-applying for planning at some point for 10 terrace town houses.

Fermit and Sexy Sarah

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13,131 posts

102 months

Thursday 16th May 2019
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Equus said:
Pinkie15 said:
... Windsor's not that great a place
I sense that you've not spent much time in Mansfield?

Fermit and Sexy Sarah said:
....the jewel of Nottinghamshire.
Ironically Southwell is increasingly becoming populated by aholes, with pretensions of grandeur. I didn't coin the phrase, but it is (all accepted) probably the best area of Notts to live.

Fermit and Sexy Sarah

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13,131 posts

102 months

Thursday 16th May 2019
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dickymint said:
Equus said:
No no no totally out of character ! It simply has to be Victorian old boy

You two seem to know your way around butt-plug toys, I couldn't possibly comment.

Fermit and Sexy Sarah

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13,131 posts

102 months

Thursday 16th May 2019
quotequote all
Equus said:
Fermit and Sexy Sarah said:
I didn't coin the phrase, but it is (all accepted) probably the best area of Notts to live.
I wouldn't question your local knowledge, but let's take a look, then, at what - from your own examples - is apparently the very best that Nottinghamshire has to offer:

I mean, OK, it's not quite up there with the Brazilian Favelas, but if that's 'the jewel of Nottinghamshire'...
These are approaching as cheap as any houses in the town. A tiny flat above a shop will cost you over £100k. The second house is over £300k, for a two bed terrace in the Midlands for crying out loud!

Find another house nicer than this one in Nottinghamshire, at the other end of the scale.

Edited by Fermit and Sexy Sarah on Thursday 16th May 14:31

Fermit and Sexy Sarah

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13,131 posts

102 months

Thursday 16th May 2019
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FiF said:
You are nearer to Shirebrook than either Mansfield or hehe Sherwood Forest. Presumably you are referencing Budby forest rather than e.g. Clipstone. Budby forest is about 15 minutes away, Sherwood Forest say around Edwinstowe is a bit further away

Shirebrook that lovely place ex pit village now with massive Sports Direct warehouses and a Public Space Protection order. Still in the interest of balance Nether Langwith is a lot nicer than Shirebrook or Bolsover.

Still you'll just keep on digging, some of us know the area too well though.
Yes, this is true. Shirebrook is nearer, but how many will have heard of it?! I referenced SF, as it's far nearer to us than Mansfield. We don't live in Mansfield, which in light of the fact that you know the area, you will be able to vouch for.

And Edwinstowe is 15 minutes away. We bought a table for S's allotment off ebay from there yesterday, we were there within 15 minutes.

Edited by Fermit and Sexy Sarah on Thursday 16th May 14:38

Fermit and Sexy Sarah

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13,131 posts

102 months

Thursday 16th May 2019
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FiF said:
As I said Budby forest is 15 minutes away, Edwinstowe slightly more. Sherwood Forest is not 5 minutes unless you are referencing some obscure bit of woodland that in days of yore might have been connected to SF.

Sorry but blatant snobbery cuts no ice. I live on the edge of a SSSI and nature reserve with ancient woodland across the garden fence, and an equestrian centre but one field away. Still got a set of drug dealing travellers down the lane, and got to go out later to shift the fly tipped builders rubble in the other direction.

Edited, not sure what happened with quoting there, hopefully fixed now.

Edited by FiF on Thursday 16th May 14:44
I'm sure I stated 10-15 mins (which Edwinstowe is 15) to SF, and the only mention of it was that we are nearer there than Mansfield, which we are. All said, if I was being snobbish I'd have stated I'm from Southwell, which is true, but not up to date.

Fermit and Sexy Sarah

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13,131 posts

102 months

Thursday 16th May 2019
quotequote all
FiF said:
Fermit and Sexy Sarah said:
FiF said:
As I said Budby forest is 15 minutes away, Edwinstowe slightly more. Sherwood Forest is not 5 minutes unless you are referencing some obscure bit of woodland that in days of yore might have been connected to SF.

Sorry but blatant snobbery cuts no ice. I live on the edge of a SSSI and nature reserve with ancient woodland across the garden fence, and an equestrian centre but one field away. Still got a set of drug dealing travellers down the lane, and got to go out later to shift the fly tipped builders rubble in the other direction.

Edited, not sure what happened with quoting there, hopefully fixed now.

Edited by FiF on Thursday 16th May 14:44
I'm sure I stated 10-15 mins (which Edwinstowe is 15) to SF, and the only mention of it was that we are nearer there than Mansfield, which we are. All said, if I was being snobbish I'd have stated I'm from Southwell, which is true, but not up to date.
Going to leave this here and stop because it's just descending to pointless bickering now but you said "We can drive to SF in 5-10 minutes. "

Look up the page.
It did so pages ago. I may have, I was probably guestimating poorly.

Fermit and Sexy Sarah

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13,131 posts

102 months

Thursday 16th May 2019
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paulrockliffe said:
Equus said:
I'm still working on my letter of support... tongue out
I did almost comment with a link to this thread, more for the neighbour's benefit than the Councils though.
And that would achieve what exactly?

Fermit and Sexy Sarah

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13,131 posts

102 months

Thursday 16th May 2019
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Zoon said:
Fermit and Sexy Sarah said:
We're not in Mansfield, that's a good 6 miles away. We're nearer Sherwood Forest
You are nearer Mansfield, but only just, Sherwood Forest is at least 8 miles from Langwith. wink
Furry muff, it may be the case. Travel time wise it is easier, may be why it feels nearer. SF is an uninterrupted breeze down the A616, but getting in to Mansfield can often be a stop start crawl, taking twice as long.

I stand by the original point mind, we don't live in Mansfield, we live in a country village some way out of there.

Fermit and Sexy Sarah

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13,131 posts

102 months

Thursday 16th May 2019
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g3org3y said:
Having read Fermit's house restoration thread, it's clear he's put a lot of time, effort and money into things and evidently house proud.

There's no doubt the 'front porch' is inelegant, we can see that from the examples up the street. If I was Fermit, I would be annoyed as well. However, given the nature of the street, I would suggest that is (and perhaps one could argue always would have been) the risk of living in this area.

Fermit, I know you are keen on being mortgage free by 40, and hence your decision to be rather conservative with your choice of house. It was mentioned a number of pages back about considering moving, buying something bigger/more expensive but in doing so putting your mortgage free plans on hold. Is this still something you wouldn't consider?

If/when the porch is built, is this something that you feel will diminish your enjoyment of your house? Is it something that will grate on you every time you come home from a hard day at work?
Fair points, which I shall try to answer. I actually achieved mortgage free status at 36 years old, the year I met Sarah. Obligatory snap of my love|[/url] I'm now 41.

I bought my first house in Southwell young, at 20. Luckily for me the rising market saw the value of my house rise from £47k to £180k by my mid 30's. After my mortgage this left me with £100k of equity.

At the age of 32, in the depths of the economic crash my finances were going to st. As in 1 month away from being repossessed st. The banks, keen to lend me money for home improvements and hot-hatches when the sun was shining wanted to nab the brolly back when it started to rain. They near buried me in all truth.

Luckily I managed to complete my 'sell it' makeover (neutral all round, new kitchen fronts/tops, new carpets etc etc) just before the rug was pulled, and sold it to the first viewer.

At this point I decided to buy cheap, start my business, and treat myself to an ST3 with the change, obligatory car snap |[/url] I bought this place -

At this point I swore I'd never again be indebted to the banks.

I then met S, and she was from London. We became serious, and decided to buy together. London was out of our budget for what we required, so she decided to come up here. She too never wanted debt again, having been placed under financial pressure by someone elses actions (I wont divulge what)

The place we now own is the best match for the money we had to spend, sticking to mortgage free. Sure, it's not perfect, but it has its qualities - countryside outlook, big rooms, nice sized gardens, being just some of the bonuses.

This isn't our forever home, maybe a 10 year one. The extension/porch proposal, whilst upsetting is not a deal breaker. We will still love our home, its views and its garden (+ the 1/2 acre of allotment S has 100 metres away) just as much. Said porch can be screened and fenced off, and we can make our own access entrance.

Sure, when we drive up to the house we'll see it, and probably think 'nob', but there is also the angle that we can take satisfaction in the standard we have finished ours too. The fence in particular will serve to achieve a mental division between 'theirs' and 'ours'

All said, it's now in the hands of the planners, what will be will be. We're also slightly encouraged, following our visit to the planners this morning, that it is far from the clear cut done deal which he relayed to us.

Edited by Fermit and Sexy Sarah on Thursday 16th May 17:22

Edited by Fermit and Sexy Sarah on Thursday 16th May 20:05

Fermit and Sexy Sarah

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13,131 posts

102 months

Thursday 16th May 2019
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Daaaveee said:
Thanks for brightening up my afternoon guys, it gave me a good chuckle as I'm quite familiar with the areas being discussed too. Side note, I know quite a few people from Southwell and Mansfield, and I know which lot I prefer to be around, 'duck' wink there's a certain unpleasant pretentiousness that Southwell breeds!

I hope it doesn't get planning though as it does look tragic, all the best OP.
You are right Daaaveee, SW has become pretentious in recent years. Too many white Range Rover driving housewives, only having their status because they're sucking cock in exchange for German motors. You know when you've reached the boundaries of Southwell, no one gives way, or thanks you for letting them through. The Minister School is also a huge draw for the wealthy, being in the top 2% of Ofsted (or at least it was) Although even that is that is grandeur, my Mum was the chair of the board, and she describes it as a breeding ground for little thugs (it is, I went there and experienced such)

'Duck' took some getting used to too, especially for Sarah!

Edited by Fermit and Sexy Sarah on Thursday 16th May 17:26

Fermit and Sexy Sarah

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13,131 posts

102 months

Thursday 16th May 2019
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Rewe said:
Fermit and Sexy Sarah said:
Too many white Range Rover driving housewives, only having their status because they're sucking cock in exchange for German motors.
Sarah, now you sound quite bitter!

If I moved up your way though what would I get in exchange for my old push bike?? wink
Don't tell Sarah, but none of these Southwellian ladies know that I can't afford to buy them white Range Rovers eek

Fermit and Sexy Sarah

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13,131 posts

102 months

Thursday 16th May 2019
quotequote all
Rewe said:
Fermit and Sexy Sarah said:
Rewe said:
Fermit and Sexy Sarah said:
Too many white Range Rover driving housewives, only having their status because they're sucking cock in exchange for German motors.
Sarah, now you sound quite bitter!

If I moved up your way though what would I get in exchange for my old push bike?? wink
Don't tell Sarah, but none of these Southwellian ladies know that I can't afford to buy them white Range Rovers eek
You are getting gobbled under false pretenses???

Respect to Fermit, top bombing!!
Not really

I'm promising them Porsche 4x4's for Anal

Fermit and Sexy Sarah

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13,131 posts

102 months

Thursday 16th May 2019
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Equus said:
Well, looking on the bright side, when Sarah gets hold of this thread, next door's porch will be the least of his worries... his neighbour will be whichever hairy-arsed trucker is parked in the layby for the night, next to the Renault Kangoo Van he's living out the back of.

I don't doubt it'll be a very superior layby, though: much nicer than the ones you get in Mansfield.
The lay-bys in Mansfield all feature fly tipped mattresses, I'll be fine biggrin

Fermit and Sexy Sarah

Original Poster:

13,131 posts

102 months

Thursday 16th May 2019
quotequote all
Daaaveee said:
Thanks for brightening up my afternoon guys, it gave me a good chuckle as I'm quite familiar with the areas being discussed too. Side note, I know quite a few people from Southwell and Mansfield, and I know which lot I prefer to be around, 'duck' wink there's a certain unpleasant pretentiousness that Southwell breeds!

I hope it doesn't get planning though as it does look tragic, all the best OP.
On a side note Dave (I presume) do you care to name any Southwellians that you know? Having spent the first 36 years of my life there I know pretty much everyone in The Well.

Fermit and Sexy Sarah

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13,131 posts

102 months

Friday 17th May 2019
quotequote all
Shnozz said:
Is this for real?! My god. Take a few days off the internet.

Fermit and Sexy Sarah said:
Fair points, which I shall try to answer. I actually achieved mortgage free status at 36 years old, the year I met Sarah. Obligatory snap of my love|[/url] I'm now 41.

I bought my first house in Southwell young, at 20. Luckily for me the rising market saw the value of my house rise from £47k to £180k by my mid 30's. After my mortgage this left me with £100k of equity.

At the age of 32, in the depths of the economic crash my finances were going to st. As in 1 month away from being repossessed st. The banks, keen to lend me money for home improvements and hot-hatches when the sun was shining wanted to nab the brolly back when it started to rain. They near buried me in all truth.

Luckily I managed to complete my 'sell it' makeover (neutral all round, new kitchen fronts/tops, new carpets etc etc) just before the rug was pulled, and sold it to the first viewer.

At this point I decided to buy cheap, start my business, and treat myself to an ST3 with the change, obligatory car snap |[/url] I bought this place -

At this point I swore I'd never again be indebted to the banks.

I then met S, and she was from London. We became serious, and decided to buy together. London was out of our budget for what we required, so she decided to come up here. She too never wanted debt again, having been placed under financial pressure by someone elses actions (I wont divulge what)

The place we now own is the best match for the money we had to spend, sticking to mortgage free. Sure, it's not perfect, but it has its qualities - countryside outlook, big rooms, nice sized gardens, being just some of the bonuses.

This isn't our forever home, maybe a 10 year one. The extension/porch proposal, whilst upsetting is not a deal breaker. We will still love our home, its views and its garden (+ the 1/2 acre of allotment S has 100 metres away) just as much. Said porch can be screened and fenced off, and we can make our own access entrance.

Sure, when we drive up to the house we'll see it, and probably think 'nob', but there is also the angle that we can take satisfaction in the standard we have finished ours too. The fence in particular will serve to achieve a mental division between 'theirs' and 'ours'

All said, it's now in the hands of the planners, what will be will be. We're also slightly encouraged, following our visit to the planners this morning, that it is far from the clear cut done deal which he relayed to us.

Edited by Fermit and Sexy Sarah on Thursday 16th May 17:22

Edited by Fermit and Sexy Sarah on Thursday 16th May 20:05
Is what for real? I was asked a genuine question, why do we not take on a mortgage and move. It is not a question with a short answer, there is a back story.

The default position on Pistonheads is that if you DON'T answer a question, answer it vaguely or give the short version then you have a wave of posts saying 'so OP, are you going to answer the question?!'

You can't win.

Oh, and if the comment's in in relation to a pic of my wife, then this is ironic, after years of the cliche 'pics?'. I'm proud of her, and it was to show who I fell in love with. If it's about the car pic, then sillier still, being on a car forum!

I'm really struggling to see why I'm being berated here.

Edited by Fermit and Sexy Sarah on Friday 17th May 08:58

Fermit and Sexy Sarah

Original Poster:

13,131 posts

102 months

Friday 17th May 2019
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Herbs said:
wow, this thread, err.... "progressed" since I was last on here!

Don't even try and please everyone on here - it simply won't happen wink
Pistonheads is a bit like trying to arrange a meal for 30 people.

Fermit and Sexy Sarah

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13,131 posts

102 months

Friday 17th May 2019
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paulrockliffe said:
Fermit and Sexy Sarah said:
Luckily for me the rising market saw the value of my house rise from £47k to £180k by my mid 30's. After my mortgage this left me with £100k of equity.
If I bought a house for 47k and then 8 years later still had a mortgage of £80k on it, I wouldn't trust myself to take out another mortgage either!

This is the most interesting line in this very long thread, how on earth did you manage this?
Firstly I bought (by fluke) at the right time, 98 IIRC. Tony and chums had just come in, and interest rates began to plummet, sending house prices up. Southwell's desirability began to go through the roof, amongst other things (as previously mentioned) the local Comprehensive gained a new Head, and they became in the top 2% of Ofsted. This meant that everyone with the money wanted to move to the catchment area to get their darlings in the school, again, pushing prices up.

Finally the increased demand in the town saw many new houses built. The problem was that they were virtually all 4-5 bed detached, the last thing SW needed more of. Two bed houses in the town are now as rare as rocking horse poo. Unless you're happy with a flat then my old house is unbelievably probably the cheapest house in the town.

A lucky set of circumstances for me, all said.

Fermit and Sexy Sarah

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13,131 posts

102 months

Friday 17th May 2019
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PositronicRay said:
paulrockliffe said:
Fermit and Sexy Sarah said:
Luckily for me the rising market saw the value of my house rise from £47k to £180k by my mid 30's. After my mortgage this left me with £100k of equity.
If I bought a house for 47k and then 8 years later still had a mortgage of £80k on it, I wouldn't trust myself to take out another mortgage either!

This is the most interesting line in this very long thread, how on earth did you manage this?
At a wild guess, home improvements.
Only in as much as maintaining it to modern standards, and even then doing the minimum required (EG changing kitchen fronts, tops, bathroom tiles and fittings)

Fermit and Sexy Sarah

Original Poster:

13,131 posts

102 months

Friday 17th May 2019
quotequote all
paulrockliffe said:
Fermit and Sexy Sarah said:
paulrockliffe said:
Fermit and Sexy Sarah said:
Luckily for me the rising market saw the value of my house rise from £47k to £180k by my mid 30's. After my mortgage this left me with £100k of equity.
If I bought a house for 47k and then 8 years later still had a mortgage of £80k on it, I wouldn't trust myself to take out another mortgage either!

This is the most interesting line in this very long thread, how on earth did you manage this?
Firstly I bought (by fluke) at the right time, 98 IIRC. Tony and chums had just come in, and interest rates began to plummet, sending house prices up. Southwell's desirability began to go through the roof, amongst other things (as previously mentioned) the local Comprehensive gained a new Head, and they became in the top 2% of Ofsted. This meant that everyone with the money wanted to move to the catchment area to get their darlings in the school, again, pushing prices up.

Finally the increased demand in the town saw many new houses built. The problem was that they were virtually all 4-5 bed detached, the last thing SW needed more of. Two bed houses in the town are now as rare as rocking horse poo. Unless you're happy with a flat then my old house is unbelievably probably the cheapest house in the town.

A lucky set of circumstances for me, all said.
I don't think you understood my post, I know why house prices went up all over the place when we had a Labour Government to pay for.

I was hinting that perhaps your issue with borrowing is a bit misplaced given those numbers suggest you were spending the notional gain in house value like it as going out of fashion.
Ah sorry, I see what you mean now. The direct answer is a fair bit of debt consolidation, living beyond my means in my 20's. A car here on finance, a car there, and a few credit card consolidations. I'm the first to admit that I'm not great at managing finances (not great for the son of a Bank Manager!) another reason why I aimed for mortgage free.

Edited by Fermit and Sexy Sarah on Friday 17th May 10:19